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"Rage, rage against the dying of the light..."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 50 pp

STR: 30 (+10)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 30 (+10)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +23

Saves: 6 pp

TOU +10 (+10 Con)

FORT +10 (+10 Con)

REF +5 (+3 Ref, +2)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 76 r=19 pp

Craft: Mechanical 10 (+10)

Intimidate 10 (+10)

Knowledge: Tactics 10 (+10)

Knowledge: Technology 10 (+10)

Notice 8 (+10)

Search 5 (+5)

Sense Motive 3 (+5)

Feats: 22 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee (4)

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus (4)

Fast Overrun

Improved Initiative

Improved Overrun


Master Plan (2)

Move-By Action

Power Attack


Takedown Attack

Ultimate Save (Toughness)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 29 pp

Device 2 (Flight Harness) (hard to lose) [8 pp]

-Flight 5 (250 MPH)

Immunity 10 (aging, life support) [10 pp]

Impervious TOU 5 [5 pp]

Super-Strength 3 [6 pp]


abilities 50 + combat 24 + saves 6 + skills 19/76 + feats 22 + powers 29 = 150 pts

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 25 Toughness (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

The Furions are the last children of the noble Alphians, bold, brave heroes of great power, living in a shining, silver planet. And every day, they go out and they fight the worst monsters in the universe. The Furions are the only people in the Terminus still resisting the forces of Omega on a regular basis, and it's a bloody, difficult battle. Here's an attempt at a PL 10 version of one, with the caveat that he's actually one of the weaker Furions! (The baseline Furion is actually PL 12)

One possibility is that this is a baby Furion: maybe his parents have sent him to Earth to be educated about something other than the Terminus and the endless war with Omega, giving the possibility of a life beyond the struggle against the forces of Omega. Still, even a teen Furion is a wrecking machine by any rational standards, easily capable of ripping through a squad of goons and sending legions more fleeing in terror from his sheer presence. He's been trained since birth to rip it up, and he's pretty good at it. Make him more personable by shuffling points.

Put him on a student team with my freed Omegadrone build for particularly exciting friction! He's probably maintaining a secret ID if he's living full-time on Earth, the last thing he needs is for his people's war with Omega to boil over to this dimension. Or maybe not; maybe he's out and proud, ready to stand with his noble allies in the greatest war that ever was and ever will be. He is no puling son of some weak, backwater world; he is a soldier of the Throne, training every day for when he returns to fight the forces of destruction and entropy personified!

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"We all understand that eyes are the most vulnerable of our sensory organs, the most vulnerable of our facial accessories, and they are (ick!) soft."-Stephen King

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 18 pp

STR: 10 (+0)

DEX: 14 (+2)

CON: 24 (+7)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 10 (+0)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+9 Ranged, +15 Blaster Pistol)

DEF: 10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +6

Saves: 11 pp

TOU +10 (+7 Con, +3 Costume)

FORT +7 (+7 Con)

REF +7 (+2 Dex, +5)

WILL +6 (+0 Wis, +6)

Skills: 12 pp=48 r

Climb 8 (+8)

Knowledge: Streetwise 8 (+8)

Notice 8 (+8)

Search 8 (+8)

Sense Motive 8 (+8)

Feats: 18 pp

Accurate Attack,

Attack Focus: Ranged (3)

Attack Specialization: Blaster (3)


Dodge Focus (4)

Equipment (2)

Improved Initiative,

Precise Shot,

Power Attack,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 68 pp

Device 2 (Costume) [8 pp]

-Immunity 1 (own powers) {1 pp}

-Protection 3 {3 pp}

-Super-Movement 3 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall Crawling) {6}

Petrification 10 (Extra: Reaction Gaze [+3]) [60 pp]

Equipment: 10 ep

Blaster Pistol (Blast 5) [10 ep]

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 15 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Blaster Pistol DC 20 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Petrification DC 20 Fortitude (transformed)


Design Notes:

This guy's a familiar archetype. He can't ever look at his hot redhead girlfriend with his own eyes, barring a bizarre plot device, and must always walk around with the knowledge of the terrible power he's packing inside both eyeballs. He's a convenient source of angst, a troubled-but-cute guy who the ladies usually think is pretty hot. But you know, just blasting things is nice and all, but why not kick it up a notch? So this guy has Petrification (flesh to stone Transform) from Ultimate Power, bought all the way up to Reaction and with the Sense-Dependent flaw. Anyone who meets his eyes has to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or risk being turned to stone!

His power is Sustained in Duration for cost-saving reasons, and for preventing him from zapping anyone permanently with it. That's not very heroic! He'd be really powerful if he had a Continuous Perception Range Transform! His Fort save is high because he may well have zapped himself a few times early in his career, and without his costume (which I figure is a leather bodysuit with some helpful stuff included), he's no more immune to his own powers (maybe in a mirror?) than anyone else would be.

Feel free to change his powers up if you want: there's nothing to say that he HAS to be a latter-day distaff Medusa. I just think it's a cool power! If it's a cheaper Transform or Blast (even a Petrification that requires a standard action), you can buy him plenty more skills and feats: characters like this often find themselves in leadership roles. If you run into constructs or creatures immune to Fort saves, or people smart enough not to look at you, pull out your blaster pistol and shoot them! It's good to have a fallback position, especially if it's one where you're zapping folks who think they're smart.



“There are lone figures armed only with ideas, sometimes with just one idea, who blast away whole epochs in which we are enwrapped like mummies."-Henry Miller

Abilities: 16 pp

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON n/a

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+12 melee)

DEF: +12 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +23

Saves: 7 pp

TOU +8 (+8 Protection)

FORT n/a

REF +6 (+3 Dex, +3)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 15 pp=60 r

Bluff 4 (+4)

Climb 2 (+10)

Intimidate 10 (+10)

Investigate 8 (+8)

Knowledge: Arcane Lore 8 (+8)

Knowledge: History 4 (+4)

Languages 2 (Arabic, English) (Base: Ancient Egyptian)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Survival 4 (+6)

Swim 2 (+10)

Feats: 22 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 6

Dodge Focus 6


Improved Initiative


Move-By Action



Takedown Attack

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 66 pp

Elongation 2 (10 ft) [2 pp]

Enhanced Feats 2 (Improved Trip, Incurable on Unarmed) [2 pp]

Immunity 32 (Critical Hits, Fortitude Saves) [32 pp]

Protection 8 (Extra: Impervious) [16 pp]

Regeneration 6 (+0 Recovery Bonus, Resurrection 1/week) (PFs: Persistent, Regrowth) [8 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Darkvision, Tracking [visual]) [3 pp]

Super-Strength 1 (Heavy Load: ~800 lbs) [2+1=3 pp]

AP: Leaping 1 (x2) and Speed 1 (10 MPH)


abilities 16 + combat 24 + saves 7 + skills 15/60 + feats 22 + powers 66 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Mummies are often the antagonist in stories these days, particularly in superhero or mystical stories, but why not make one a hero? This guy is a champion of justice, a mystic in his own day who has returned after 4000 years to walk the Earth and battle for truth and justice. Is he a tomb guardian, animated so that he can track down artifacts that rightfully belonged to him (or to the gods)? A prince whose love for his now-long-reincarnated lover drove him from the tomb to find her out there in the Earth? A latent mutant whose regenerative powers were finally activated 40 centuries after his death? Or did he die unhappy, wanting more from his life, only to rise in a time and a place where he could be more than the man he'd been?

I figure his Elongation represent extending mystic wrappings and using them to trip foes; save up more points if you want to give him some kind of Snare effect. (Or just Swinging or Slow Fall: funny images, those!) The Incurable is the Mummy's curse, natch! He's technically dead, but in other ways never can truly die: even if you burn him to ash, his power, or is it his curse, will return him to 'life.' He can see in the dark and track those who've stolen from his tomb, as well as jump high, run fast, and lift much more weight than his frame would suggest. After all, he has the strength of Set himself.

I've gone with the idea that he looks human, but you can monsterify him up as much as seems prudent. I went with the idea of a recent awakening, but there's no reason you can't assume he rose first decades ago and has been active, or maybe slumbered some, ever since. Why play a mummy? A cool connection to history, particularly a distant kind of history that's iconic and easy to research, and a cool connection to the setting's history in general like the Scarab and Pharos. And think of how memorable your debut will be when you sit up in the museum's MRI machine and the panicky scientists call in the superheroes!


Your Congressman

“Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.”-Oscar Wilde

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 32 pp

STR: 36/16 (+13/+3)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 16 (+3)

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 16 (+3)

Combat: 30 pp

ATK: +7 (+10 Ranged)

DEF: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +11

Grapple: +10/+21

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +8 (+3 Con, +5 Protection)

FORT +6 (+3 Con, +3)

REF +6 (+3 Dex, +3)

WILL +6 (+2, +3)

Skills: 18 pp=72 r

Bluff 8 (+11)

Craft: Mechanical 7 (+10)

Diplomacy 8 (+11)

Gather Information 8 (+11)

Intimidate 8 (+11)

Knowledge: Business 8 (+10)

Knowledge: Civics 8 (+10)

Languages 1 (Spanish)

Notice 8 (+11)

Sense Motive 8 (+11)

Feats: 28 pp

All-Out Attack,


Attack Focus: Ranged 3,

Benefit 4 (Security Clearance, Status, Wealth 2)



Dodge Focus 4,


Improved Initiative 2,

Improved Pin,

Luck 3,

Move-By Action,

Power Attack,

Takedown Attack,

Ultimate Check (Strength Checks)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory),


Powers: 32 pp

Device 8 (Armor) (Hard to Lose) [32 pp]

-Enhanced STR 20 and Super-Strength 1 [22+1=23 pp]

-AP: Blast 10 (PFs: Improved Crit, Precise)

-Flight 1 (10 MPH) [2 pp]

-Immunity 4 (disease, poison, suffocation) [4 pp]

-Protection 5 (Extra: Impervious) [10 pp]

-Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1 pp]


abilities 32 + combat 30 + saves 10 + skills 18/72 + feats 28 + powers 32 = 150 pts

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 18 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Unarmed (in suit) DC 28 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Blast DC 25 Toughness (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

(The picture is of my great-great uncle Ray Willis, Senator from Indiana 1941-1947!)

So listen up. It's not easy being a politician in a city overrun by superheroes and supervillains. Some psychopath is always seizing City Hall or capturing politicians, decapitating tax-hikers or just beating up on figures of authority. Sure, superheroes usually come in to rescue you in the end, but it's embarrassing! Not to mention stressful, obnoxious, and downright aggravating. And what happens if the bad guys target your family? Every time you're about to pass a bill to finally get that new overpass built, the Green Man shows up to cry about the crummy park you had to knock down. Every time you're about to get that new hospital built, the Mob comes in to shake you down.

It's enough to drive a man to drink. Or even better, to get yourself a custom battlesuit whipped together by some friends of yours and go out and crack some heads on your own. It's not as nice a suit as the ones those super-eggheads build for themselves, but you can still crack some heads open. It might be worth keeping a secret ID just to keep people from hassling you at work, but on the other hand a politician-turned-superhero is going to be in a really good position! You're equally dangerous out of the suit, at least in the social arena, with connections everywhere and the power to get things done.

Shuffle descriptors and backstory as necessary. This version of the build is not an inept fighter outside of the suit, especially if he's got a gun or body armor, but maybe you want one that's a total pushover without his battlesuit. (I wouldn't do that) Maybe what you're doing isn't the most ethical, but it's a lot more satisfying than sitting at your desk all day! And maybe, when you get right down to it, punching Society's problems in the face is just more satisfying than trying to work your way around them inside the political system. But is being a superhero really where you can do the most good for your people? It's a tough decision to make, and if nothing else, you're good at making tough decisions.




Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night..."-The Wolfman

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 52 pp

STR: 26 (+8)

DEX: 24 (+7)

CON: 26 (+8)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 14 (+2)

CHA: 12 (+1)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+12 Unarmed)

DEF: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +15

Grapple: +14

Saves: 6 pp

TOU +8 (+8 Con)

FORT +8 (+8 Con)

REF +7 (+7 Ref)

WILL +7 (+1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 11 pp=44 r

Concentration 4 (+5)

Intimidate 9 (+10)

Languages 2 (English, Russian) (Base: Romanian)

Notice 8 (+10)

Search 4 (+4)

Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Stealth 3 (+10)

Survival 8 (+10)

Feats: 19 pp

All-out Attack,

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 3,

Dodge Focus 4,

Evasion 2,

Improved Initiative 2,


Move-By Action,

Power Attack,


Takedown Attack 2,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 34 pp

Alternate Form 6 (Werewolf) (PF: Triggered (Full Moon) ) [31 pp]

Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawback: Not vs. Silver) [7 pp]

Leaping 2 (x5) [2 pp]

Regeneration 10 (Bruised/no action [3], Injured/no action [6], Resurrection 1/week [1]) (PFs: Persistent, Regrowth) (Drawback: Not vs. Silver) [11 pp]

Speed 3 (50 MPH) [3 pp]

Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) [4 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Acute Scent, Low-Light Vision, Ultrahearing) [3 pp]

Immunity 1 (aging) [1 pp]

Super-Senses 2 (Tracking [olfactory] 2 [half-speed]) [2 pp]


abilities 52 + combat 28 + saves 6 + skills 11/44 + feats 19 + powers 34 = 150 pts

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 23 Toughness (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

A werewolf! No one wants to see your gender-flipped furry picture of Rudy Guiliani as a werecat from deviantart, or whatever it is they get up to over there. This is a classic werewolf, somewhat modified for use as a superheroic character. She doesn't have a Strike because it's not very heroic to disembowel muggers with your mighty jaws, nor is it terribly fun to constantly be fighting several PLs below your actual PL. She doesn't have an infectious bite, nor is she part of some creepy werewolf society, because again, that's not terribly heroic as such.

She doesn't have a Normal ID, nor is she bound to the full moon: it's more fun to always have your powers handy, and really hinky to have a once-a-month drawback in a setting like this. If she HAS to transform under the full moon, that's definitely a Complication. I debated the Silver Vulnerability: as it is she's not actually VULNERABLE to Silver, it just cuts through her Impervious and she can't heal it with his Regeneration. If you want to make her more of a silver pushover, add a major vulnerability to it.

Shuffle animal forms and powers as necessary: though clearly you're a terrible person if you want to play a catgirl. (Seriously. Yeah, we all like Tigra...) You'll have to do some more work if you want to be anything but a mammal, though. Did she inherit her powers; was she infected by a bite? It's up to you either way. Animal personality traits are a good complication. Just don't find yourself peeing in the corner to mark your territory. Or clawing the furniture! Via the magic of comic book, taking the lupine form is enough to cover up her secret ID. I borrowed the immunity to aging from folklore. I gave her a command of a couple of Eastern European languages to reflect visits to the East, but maybe it's that she's actually native to Eastern Europe.


Sceptre Man

"Never give up on your dreams."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 44 pp

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 16 (+3)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Blast/+12 Unarmed)

DEF: +10 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +10/+16

Saves: 11 pp

TOU +10 (+4 Con, +6 Force Field)

FORT +7 (+4 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+3 Dex, +4)

WILL +7 (+3 Wis, +4)

Skills: 21 pp=84 r

Acrobatics 5 (+8)

Bluff 9 (+12)

Concentration 5 (+8)

Craft: Mechanical 5 (+10)

Disable Device 5 (+10)

Drive 5 (+8)

Escape Artist 5 (+8)

Gather Info 5 (+8)

Investigate 5 (+8)

Knowledge: Current Events 5 (+10)

Knowledge: Streetwise 5 (+10)

Knowledge: Technology 5 (+10)

Notice 5 (+8)

Search 5 (+8)

Sense Motive 5 (+8)

Stealth 5 (+8)

Feats: 25 pp

All-Out Attack,

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 3


Defensive Attack,

Dodge Focus 2,

Elusive Target,

Equipment 4,

Fascinate: Bluff,

Improved Initiative,



Move-By Action,

Power Attack,



Takedown Attack,



Powers: 21 pp

Device 7 (Sceptre) (easy to lose) [21 pp]

-Blast 10 (PFs: Accurate 2) [22+1=23 pp]

-AP: Telekinesis 10 (12 tons) (PFs: Accurate 2)

-Flight 3 (50 MPH) [6 pp]

-Force Field 6 [6 pp]

Equipment: 20 ep

Sceptre Cave - Size: Huge; Toughness: 10; Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Defense System, Dock, Garage, Gym, Hanger, Infirmary, Isolated, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Workshop. [20ep]

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 19 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Blast DC 25 Toughness (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

A familiar archetype! Is he his wastrel son in the leather jacket, or a vigorous Golden Age figure in brightly-colored pajamas? I went with the Nazi-smasher in the union suit, naturally, because I think those are usually cooler characters. His sceptre gives him speed and a lot of options in combat between flying around and blasting people, or just grabbing the with TK. He's got good hand-to-hand options, because Golden Age characters are good at punching Nazis and gangsters right in the kisser! (And sometimes kicking the in the butt!)

He gets his powers from the sceptre he carries that calls on the energy of the stars themselves. He's a good mechanic and tinkerer, enough that he could well have built the thing himself. If you'd rather have him just a rich playboy (also a very Golden Age archetype), shuffle his skills and feats around to give him Wealth. I gave him a generic Sceptre Cave, because all these guys were basically Batman ripoffs in the day. He's got the points to be a good driver, but I just couldn't see giving a sweet ride to a guy who can fly! His roadster is just fluff, given our wealth rules.

For that wastrel son of his, add a leather jacket and flash goggles and give him lots of pop culture and other knowledges a hip young hero of the 1990s SHOULD have. If you're playing an actual centenarian Golden Age hero, give him Immunity aging, or explain where he's been for so long! He's not actually bulletproof, though he is plenty tough: enough that he can take some big hits. He's not PL 10 offensively with his fists or in melee, but that gives him a good reason to use the staff. You might want to give him a Strike on the staff if you want him using it to fight in melee a lot. If so, Takedown Attack is a must! Don't be afraid to improvise! This is a pretty flexible archetype: it's his skills and feats that really matter.



"In the confusion of a smoke bomb..."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 32 pp

STR: 18 (+4)

DEX: 20 (+5)

CON: 18 (+4)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+13 melee, +14 Boomerangs)

DEF: +13 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +13

Grapple: +18

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +7 (+4 Con, +3 Armor)

FORT +8 (+4 Con, +4)

REF +8 (+5 Ref, +3)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 30 pp=120 r

Acrobatics 15 (+20)*

Bluff 12 (+13)

Climb 6 (+10)*

Diplomacy 1 (+2)

Disable Device 8 (+8)

Gather Info 4 (+5)

Intimidate 12 (+13)

Languages 2 (Chinese, English) (Base: Japanese)

Notice 12 (+14)

Ride 1 (+5)

Sense Motive 14 (+16)*

Sleight of Hand 12 (+17)

Stealth 15 (+20)*

Survival 1 (+3)

Swim 1 (+5)

Feats: 27 pp

Acrobatic Bluff,

Attack Focus: Melee 5,

Attack Specialization: Boomerangs 3

Dodge Focus 5,

Equipment 4,

Hide in Plain Sight,

Improved Initiative 2,


Move-By Action,

Power Attack,

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Sense Motive, Stealth)


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 17 pp

Ki Array [6+2=8 pp]

Concealment 10 (all senses) (Flaws: Passive, Phantasm) (PF: Close Range)

AP: Strike 3 (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Mighty)

AP: Teleport 5 (500 ft) (Extra: Accurate, Flaws: Medium [shadows], Short-Range Only, PF: Turnabout)

Leaping 2 (x5) [2 pp]

Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1 pp]

Super-Movement 3 (Slow Fall, Wall-Crawling, Water Run) [6 pp]

Equipment: 20 ep

Ninja Arsenal [9+2=11 ep]

Boomerangs: Blast 2 (PFs: Improved Ranged Disarm, Mighty 4) [9ep]

AP: Katana: Strike 3 (PFs: Improved Crit, Mighty)

AP: Smoke Bombs: Obscure 2 (10 feet)

Concealed Ninja Armor: Protection 3 (PF: Subtle) [4 ep]

Grapple Line: Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) [2 ep]

Whip: (Strike 0 (PFs: Extended Reach (5 feet), Improved Trip) [2 ep]


abilities 32 + combat 32 + saves 12 + skills 30/120 + feats 27 + powers 17 = 150 pts

DC Block 
Unarmed DC 19 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Boomerangs DC 21 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Ki Strike DC 22 Toughness (bruised/injured)
Katana DC 22 Toughness (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

OK, the first thing you have to know is that you need to stay as far away from your fellow ninjas as possible. It's sad, of course, but despite hundreds of years of ninja-clan traditions, solo ninjas are the only ones that rock. That said, you don't _have_ to be the stereotypical rogue ninja on the run from an evil clan who you betrayed. (No doubt you the convenient white guy being pursued by legions of disposable Asians in black) In fact, break from tradition! Play an _Asian_ ninja with a perfectly nice relationship with your clan: maybe you're in America hunting for a stolen artifact, or maybe you just left seeking adventure. There's a world out there far beyond your dojo.

It's easy to get cliched about ninjas, so make sure you have a background in mind. This guy's skills could actually pass for a time-lost ninja, or just someone educated in the traditional way. Shuffle skills around to make him more modern. He doesn't have Sneak Attack. He _can_ hold his own in a regular fight, but why do that when sneaking around is so much more fun? Depending on how much of a Combat Pragmatist he is, he may have some morality/cultural clashes with more Lawful Good-style superheroes on his team.

I did some variant stuff with this build. He's got a nice meaty ninja array, letting him pull off the various wuxia ninja tricks and 'shadow-stepping' up to 500 feet as a move action. He's got a strike that does slightly more damage than his sword, but he can use the sword while maintaining other parts of his array, thus giving him a reason to use weapons in combat. He's good with ranged combat and melee too, and has OK exotic saves. I went with costumed adventurer-esque boomerangs rather than your classic ninja stars. Maybe you're not as good in hand to hand as that so-and-so Martial Artist, but you can sneak up on him and give him the proverbial backstab before he knows what hits him. What's not to like?

Possible Character Names

Snakeshadow, Stormblade, Nightstrike



”The ghosts you chase, you never catch.” -John Malkovich

Abilities: 18 pp

STR: 10 (+0)

DEX: 16 (+3)

CON: 16 (+3)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 16 (+3)

CHA: 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Grapple: +6

Init: +3

Saves: 12 pp

TOU: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection)

FORT: +7 (+3 Con, +4)

REF: +7 (+3 Ref, +4)

WILL: +7 (+3 Wis, +4)

Feats: 12 pp

Attack Focus: Melee (4)

Dodge Focus (4)


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Skills: 14 pp=56 r

Concentration 8 (+11)

Diplomacy 4 (+4)

Intimidate 8 (+8)

Languages 2 (German, Russian) (Base: English)

Notice 12 (+15)

Sense Motive 10 (+12)

Stealth 12 (+15)

Powers: 70 pp

Ghost Array 20+1=21 pp

Concealment 10 (all senses)

AP: Strike 10 (Extra: Affects Corporeal)

Flight 1 (10 MPH) [2 pp]

Immunity 12 (aging, life support, sleep, starvation and thirst) [12 pp]

Insubstantial 4 (incorporeal) [20 pp]

Protection 7 [7 pp]

Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2 pp]

Telekinesis 1 (Extras: Affects Corporeal, Perception Range) (Heavy Load: 50 lbs) (PFs: Precise, Subtle) [6 pp]

DC Block 
Unarmed Toughness DC 15 (bruised/injured)
Strike Toughness DC 25 (bruised/injured)


Design Notes:

A ghost! Boo! This character flies right through solid objects, turns herself invisible, and hurts people on the other side with an eerie, ghostly touch. She’s got a weak Telekinesis she can use to pick up small objects or open doors for her corporeal teammates. With Precise, she can do anything she could normally do with two hands. Stunt something off the big array if you want her to flip cars over or be a really super-strong cinematic ghost: with effective STR 5, her TK is definitely not for combat! I figure the Strike represents a freezing cold, or maybe a cleaving of this world from the next. 'She can see in the dark, because ghosts should.

Note that for cost-saving purposes, this is not a ‘dead’ ghost. She is technically alive, she’s just immune to most of the concerns of a corporeal body. She also has the option of becoming solid again: if you want to change either of those things, shuffle points accordingly. Maybe drop the STR entirely and use it to buy Innate on her various ghostly powers, or somehow dig up the 18 points that’ll let you buy a full Fort immunity. She's got generic skills: tighten them up if you want her to have some specific background beyond just "ethereal dead girl." You can power-stunt Possession for her, but that's one power of frankly dubious morality, unless it's to get Whoopi Goldberg to make out with Demi Moore.

Is she dead, or just a mutant with powers that run along the theme? Or maybe the victim of a phasing technology accident that pushed her out of our space-time continuum. It’s up to you! Remember to pick whatever she’s vulnerable to while Insubstantial. Given the very large number of people with Affects Insubstantial, I broke with the book archetypes and made her quite tough even if you do damage her. Consider buying Resurrection if she is a supernatural ghost, and don't be afraid to power-stunt things off her TK or even better, off that big ghostly array of hers.

Possible Character Names

Spectre, Phantom, Geist


Stretchy Guy

“Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.”-Jeremy Bentham

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 30 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 24 (+7)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Melee)

DEF: +10 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +37 w/Elongation

Saves: 8 pp

TOU +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection)

FORT +5 (+3 Con, +2)

REF +9 (+7 Ref, +2)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 9 pp=36 r

Acrobatics 13 (+20)

Bluff 8 (+9)

Concentration 4 (+6)

Notice 5 (+7)

Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Feats: 16 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee (4)

Dodge Focus (2)


Improved Grab


Grappling Finesse

Move-By Action

Power Attack


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 59 pp

Stretchy Array [21 pp+2 pp+2+2 pp=27 pp]

Elongation 20 [Dynamic]

DAP: Morph 6 [any form] (PFs: Covers Scent, Precise)

DAP: Leaping 20 (x2.5 million)

DAP: Strike 10 (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Penetrating 5, Subtle, Takedown Attack 2)

Immunity 9 (life support) [9 pp]

Insubstantial 1 (fluid) [5 pp]

Protection 7 (Extra: Impervious) [14 pp]

Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Wall-Crawling) [4 pp]


abilities 30 + combat 28 + saves 8 + skills 9/36 + feats 16 + powers 59 = 150 pts


Here’s a stretchy guy for your super-team, suitable for reaching, growing, and otherwise elongating. He’s a powerful character, with a strong emphasis on his massive elongation abilities. If I’ve done the math right, Elongation 20 means he can stretch to a ridiculous 10 million feet: that’s over 1893 miles! He can turn himself into any shape you can imagine with a +30 bonus on a disguise check, and sharpen his hands into almost impossibly thin, deadly blades that can cut through just about anything. He can’t fly, but he can survive any fall as long as he’s conscious to form a parachute shape, wriggle his way up walls, and bounce tremendous distances, all by contorting his body in the right dimensions.

He’s got some of the powers that a stretchy guy should ‘logically’ have; he’s immune to anything short of a heavy machine gun, weaker blows simply bouncing off his rubbery skin. He’s also got life support to represent how his anatomy functions even when bizarrely distorted; I took a page from Warren Ellis for that one. His body is technically a fluid, so no bonds or walls can hold him: even without his Insubstantial, he rolls +27 on all Escape Artist checks thanks to that Elongation.

His +37 Grapple bonus is insane for a PL 10 character: don’t be afraid to spam grapples at every opportunity, especially with lots of All-Out Attacking to kick up your grapple check. His skills and feats are pretty generic, don’t be afraid to tweak them as necessary. A detective PC will have some Investigate; an ex-con may have some Disable Device. One way to get more points is to add vulnerabilities; maybe a weakness to heat and cold to represent an unvulcanized body?


Invisible Lady

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”-Jonathan Swift

Abilities: 56 pp

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 16 (+3)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+9 melee, +15 unarmed)

DEF: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +9

Grapple: +14

Saves: 7 pp

TOU +8 (+5 Con, +3 Costume)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +7 (+5 Dex, +2)

WILL +6 (+3 Wis, +3)

Skills: 22 pp=88 r

Acrobatics 8 (+13)

Bluff 7 (+10)

Concentration 7 (+10)

Craft: Chemical 4 (+9)

Drive 4 (+9)

Escape Artist 4 (+9)

Investigate 8 (+13)

Knowledge: Physical Sciences 8 (+13)

Notice 7 (+10)

Sense Motive 7 (+10)

Stealth 8 (+13)

Feats: 24 pp

Acrobatic Bluff,

All-Out Attack,

Attack Focus: Melee,

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 3,

Equipment 3,

Defensive Attack,

Dodge Focus 4,

Elusive Target,


Improved Crit (Unarmed),

Improved Initiative,


Master Plan,

Move-By Action,

Power Attack,

Takedown Attack,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory),

Powers: 9 pp

Concealment 4 (all visual) (PF: Close Range) [9 pp]

Equipment: 15 pp

Armored Costume (Protection 3) [3 pp]

Grapple Gun (Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) and Speed 1 [10 MPH]) [3 pp]

Motorcycle [9 pp]


So your only superpower is that you’re invisible. Maybe you got that way because you drank a serum you made, maybe your idiot boyfriend decided to blast you and the rest of his friends with cosmic rays. (This version of the character could be either). Maybe you can turn it off, maybe you can’t. Being invisible to visual senses is a darn useful power, but there are a lot of ways around it in a superhuman setting. And everybody and his brother has Uncanny Dodge vs. auditory! So you got the short end of the stick.

Sometimes writers compensate for that by giving you cool powers: this is the other side of the coin. What happens when you’re stuck with just one little power? You learn how to kick _ass_. This character is a Badass Abnormal, an incredibly good sneak and detective who just happens to be a scientific genius. With her high Acrobatics, high Bluff, high Stealth, and Concealment she has a dozen different ways to catch foes flat-footed and lay them out with a solid hit.

Switch things up a little bit by adjusting her skills, making her a different kind of Badass. Or maybe she’s concealed against _all_ senses; take away some points from her skills and feats to afford Concealment 10. (This build will need to lose 11 pp from elsewhere to be able to afford that.) Complications include Accident if she has trouble with her costume vanishing on her, or maybe Rivalry with that idiot ex-boyfriend, who left her to raise his mutant babies while he runs around wrestling with his armored megalomaniac best bud.


Alien Infiltrator

“Illegal aliens have always been a problem in America. Ask any Indian.”-Robert Orben

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 20 pp

STR 30 [16] (+10/+3)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +21

Saves: 15 pp

TOU +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection)

FORT +7 (+3 Con, +4)

REF +5 (+2 Dex, +3)

WILL +10 (+2 Wis, +8)

Skills: 11 pp=44 r

Bluff 15 (+15)

Concentration 8 (+10)

Notice 10 (+12)

Languages 2 (English, Galstandard) (Base: Native)

Sense Motive 9 (+11)

Feats: 16 pp

All-Out Attack,

Attack Focus: Melee 4,

Dodge Focus 4,

Improved Initiative,


Move-By Action,

Power attack,


Ultimate Save: Will,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory),

Powers: 69 pp

Alien Array [20+2=22 pp]

Morph 6 (humanoids) (Extra: Continuous) (PFs: Covers Scent, Precise)

AP: Insubstantial 4

AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extra: Action [standard/Move])

Enhanced STR 14 [14 pp]

Flight 3 (50 MPH) [6 pp]

Immunity 9 (Life Support)

Morph 2 (humanoids) [4 pp]

Protection 7 [7 pp]

Super-Strength 1 (1.5 tons) [2 pp]


abilities 20 + combat 24 + saves 15 + skills 11/44 + feats 16 + powers 64 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

What could be more trustworthy than a likable, charming flying brick? Not much in a superhero setting, which is what makes this guy such a perfect agent of Those Aliens. You know the ones I mean, the bad guys from the evil empire who’ve tried to take over so many times. It’s their blood in his veins, their training in his mind, and it was for their purposes that he came to Earth: to subvert and plot, to overthrow the freedom of humanity and hand it over to his alien masters. The Empire won’t wait for us to make up our minds forever: they’re willing to do whatever it takes to destroy the freedoms of humanity.

But this guy’s different. Maybe his mental brainwashing in his birth chambers didn’t take, or maybe telepathic contact with human minds showed him what real freedom and justice was all about. Or maybe he was raised on Earth by alien parents, maybe even ones masquerading as superheroes, but they did too good a job teaching him about the values of humanity before they tried to convince him that it was all a lie. Or maybe he met a girl he liked, as happens so often, and decided to change sides for love. Stunt off his big array if you want to give him more power. Note that he does have some Morph outside his array, so he can stay shape-shifted while reading minds and turning incorporeal, it'll just be a little easier to catch him.

He flies, he punches things, lifts heavy objects, he can travel in space...he can also read minds, make himself look like anybody, and fly through walls. A standard archetype, tweaked a bit in backstory. You don’t have to have him be from an ‘evil’ empire at all: maybe he was found and raised by a friendly couple in Kansas. But it’s fun to make him a defector, especially when you do the math. If their foot-soldiers and agents are PL 10, what’s the Empire’s big gun like?


Blind Acrobat

“There is a triple sight in blindness keen”-John Keats

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 52 pp

STR 18 (+4)

DEX 26 (+8)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 26 (+8)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+14 melee)

DEF: +14 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +12

Grapple: +22

Saves: 6 pp

TOU +6 (+4 Con, +2 Costume)

FORT +6 (+4 Con, +2)

REF +10 (+8 Dex, +2)

WILL +10 (+8 Wis, +2)

Skills: 18 pp=72 r

Acrobatics 12 (+20)*

Climb 1 (+5)

Gather Info 4 (+5)

Intimidate 9 (+10)

Investigate 4 (+5)

Languages 2 (Japanese, Spanish) (Base: English)

Medicine 2 (+10)

Notice 12 (+20)*

Sense Motive 12 (+20)*

Survival 2 (+10)

Stealth 12 (+20)*

Feats: 28 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Melee (6)


Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff)

Defensive Attack

Dodge Focus (6)


Evasion (2)

Grappling Finesse

Improved Initiative


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth)

Takedown Attack (2)

Uncanny Dodge (tactile)

Powers: 17 pp

Device 2 (Easy to Lose) (Swingclub) [6 pp]

Strike 2 (PFs: Extended Reach, Mighty) [4] and Super-Movement 3 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling) [6]

Super-Senses 11 (Hearing [Extended 2 (x100 range increment)], Sonar [Accurate Ultrasonic Hearing], Scent [Acute, Analytical, Tracking], Touch [Analytical], Tremorsense) [11 pp]

Drawbacks: -3 pp

Disability [blind] (uncommon, minor) (-1 pp)

Vulnerable (Sonic Damage) (uncommon, moderate) (-2 pp)

Equipment: 5 ep

Cell Phone [1 ep]

PDA [1 ep]

Undercover Shirt (Protection 2) (PF: Subtle) [3 ep]


abilities 52 + combat 32 + saves 6 + skills 18/72 + feats 28 + powers 17 -drawbacks 3 = 150 pts


He’s one of the world’s greatest acrobats, equipped with incredible dexterity and superhuman senses, along with the impressive combat training to match. He’s almost impossible to Bluff in combat or be snuck up on, easily capable of taking out an entire gang simply by clever use of Stealth and Takedown Attack. He can hear things 100 times better than a regular human being, guide himself by sonar, track a man down like a bloodhound, read by touch, and feel the vibrations caused by opponents in the air well enough to fight even with earmuffs on. Even when all his senses are negated, he's one of the deadliest men on the planet.

He’s also blind as a bat, and intensely vulnerable to attacks aimed at his superhuman senses. D’oh! It’s your call if he was an Olympian whose accidental brain injury gave new abilities while taking away old ones, or a mutant who taught himself (or got help from a kindly old stick-wielding mentor) to be better than the rest. Remember stunts: if you want him to have a Super-Sense he doesn't have, power-stunt it! One possibility is Detect Weakness or Penetrates Concealment. He’d be an OK lawyer, but maybe not first chair: put him at second-chair to ‘watch’ the jury, pair him off with a good faceman, and he’d be a monster in the courtroom!

His walking stick deserves some explanation. I figure he’s got a piton on one end and a length of climbing line inside it: that’s how he fires off a length to swing from building to building, pull himself out of a fall, or climb up the side of a building by means of a grapple gun. (Technically you need all that to do what Batman typically does with a grapple gun!) The Strike represents hitting people with the sharp end, or firing off the climbing line directly into somebody’s face like Rorschach grapple gun in Watchmen. He’s fragile for his PL, and might do better as part of a team.


Crimson Hornet

“When I hear a man preach, I like to see him act as if he were fighting bees.”

-Abraham Lincoln

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 34 pp

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+9 melee, +15 Unarmed)

DEF: +14 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +13

Grapple: +14

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +6 (+5 Con, +1 Jacket)

FORT +8 (+5 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+5 Dex, +2)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 19 pp=76 r

Acrobatics 12 (+17)

Concentration 4 (+6)

Handle Animal 12 (+12)

Knowledge: Civics 12 (+12)

Knowledge: Life Sciences 12 (+12)

Notice 12 (+14)

Sense Motive 12 (+14)

Feats: 29 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Animal Empathy

Attack Focus: Melee

Attack Specialization: Unarmed (3)

Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff)

Dodge Focus (6)

Equipment (3)

Evasion (2)

Improved Initiative (2)

Luck (2)

Move-By Action

Power Attack


Teamwork (3)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 26 pp

Bee Swarm Array [20+1=21 pp]

Drain Dex 10 (Extra: Area [burst])

AP: Obscure 5 (all senses) (100 foot radius)

Comprehend 2 (speak to and understand animals) (Flaw: Bees Only) [2 pp]

Flight 1 (10 MPH) (Drawback: Restrainable [uncommon, minor]) [1 pp]

Immunity 2 (bees) [2 pp]

Equipment: 15 pp

Heavy Pistol (Blast 4) (PFs: Masterwork, Subtle)[10 ep]

Leather Jacket (Protection 1) [1 ep]

Swing-Line (Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging) [4 ep]


abilities 34 + combat 32 + saves 10 + skills 19/76 + feats 29 + powers 26 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

A familiar archetype, based on a classic Golden Age character! The Crimson Hornet can fly like a bee (perhaps he’s a mutant, perhaps a clever gadgeteer), summon swarms of bees to do his bidding, blind people and give them such a stinging, and bust a cap in people with his BB Gun! I’ve tried to combine the skills of the various incarnations of this character, season to taste as necessary. Shuffle points around to give him a single skilled bee minion, if that’s really your thing. (I always liked Quality Comics characters, and you don't get much more quality than this one!)

Note that I’ve deliberately _not_ given him Summon, an annoying power to deal with. Instead he can send in a swarm of bees so thick it blocks all senses (even mentalists just hear bee thoughts!), and a Dex Drain to represent bee venom making you so swollen you can’t move. If you prefer more toxic bees (or weirder: hallucinogenic, confusing bees?) change things up as suits your whims. In Freedom City, his natural rival will of course be the wicked, wicked Bee-Keeper and his betrayal of everything bee! He's immune to his own bee swarm, so a smart fighter will drop a swarm of bees on his immediate area and go to town with the punching on his blinded opponents.

Legacy characters can be fun to play, especially if that legacy is somehow dishonorable or not entirely popular in the modern era. So great-grandpa was goofy and with weird powers, what of it? You’re the Apiary Adventurer, capable of fantastic feats of derring-do, full of stories to tell YOUR kids! So put on that ridiculous costume and get ready to kick some butt! If you can, get on a team led by the patriotic embodiment of America. He's a good spokesman for your people, is all I'm saying.


Wheelchair Mentalist

“Well, I'm using a cane, so what? So what if they shot me sitting in a wheelchair? That's life!” -Dick Clark

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 20 pp

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 20/10 (+5/+0)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 20/14 (+5/+2)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 20 pp

ATK: +4

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +9

Grapple: +4

Saves: 8 pp

TOU +10 (+5 Con, +5 Protection)

FORT +8 (+5 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+5 Dex, +2)

WILL +10/+6 (+3 Wis, +3 (+4 Enhanced Will))

Skills: 20 pp=80 r

Computers 8 (+13)

Concentration 8 (+11)

Craft: Electronic 8 (+13)

Knowledge: Behavioral Sciences 8 (+13)

Knowledge: Technology 8 (+13)

Medicine 8 (+11)

Notice 12 (+15)

Search 8 (+13)

Sense Motive 12 (+15)

Feats: 15 pp

Benefit (Status)

Dodge Focus (4)

Equipment (4)

Improved Initiative



Master Plan

Ultimate Save (Will)

Uncanny Dodge (mental)

Powers: 69 pp

Device 3 (hover chair) (hard to lose) [12 pp]

-Enhanced Dexterity 10 (10 pp)

-Feature 1 (Onboard Computer) (1 pp)

-Flight 2 (25 MPH) (4 pp)

Enhanced INT 6 [6 pp]

Enhanced Will Save 4 [4 pp]

Mental Array [40+2=42 pp]

Mental Blast 10

AP: ESP 9 (anywhere on Earth) (all senses) (PFs: Rapid 3 (1000), Subtle)

AP: Telepathy 10 (Earth to Moon) (Extra: Action [standard/Move]) (PFs: Rapid 3 (1000), Subtle)

Protection 5 [5 pp]

Drawbacks: 2 pp

Disabled (paraplegic without hover chair) [-2 pp]

Equipment: 20 ep

Cell Phone [1 ep]

GPS [1 ep]

Mansion: (as Stately Manor) [18 ep]


Design Notes:

Another familiar archetype: where do I come up with this stuff? This is my attempt to make a PC out of one of the most famous comic book characters who is usually NOT a good choice for a PC. I think I managed to capture a great many of the character’s traditional bells and whistles. He flies around in his hoverchair, lives in a really nice house with space for a school inside of it, his mind giving him the power to reach anywhere on the planet, and smacks people around with the sheer power of his brain.

There are other characters who do his schtick better, but only hyper-focused specialists. I figure he got the high Con from all the weightlifting he’s done to push his chair around (before he got the sweet hi-tech ride), and the Protection can be explained if he’s some sort of mutant! All the extra space; i.e, high PP powers, gives you plenty of room to power-stunt some mean extras or APs for his various powers. Shuffle around to taste, naturally. I find that Enhanced Will is a better purchase than Mind Shield. It costs the same, fluffs the same, and you can use it to resist social skills too.

For other takes on this character, give him Inspire. This is a version that’s not a particularly good leader, and more of a solo operator. Save those PP to buy off the paraplegic drawback all you want, but the GM will get you back in them sooner than you can say “My spine!” Work on your Patrick Stewart impression to play the guy. If his girlfriend is head of some alien empire, give him Connected and more social skills. He's not great with people right now, but his high Sense Motive makes him difficult to fool: his mental abilities make it downright impossible if he's suitably careful with them.



“God may be in the details, but the goddess is in the questions. Once we begin to ask them, there's no turning back.” -Gloria Steinem

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 42 pp

STR 34 [20] (+12/+5)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +8 (+12 Heavenfire)

DEF: +8 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +13/+21

Saves: 6 pp

TOU +12 (+5 Con, +7)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +5 (+3 Ref, +2)

WILL +7 (+5 Wis, +2)

Skills: 15 pp=60 r

Bluff 8 (+10)

Diplomacy 8 (+10)

Gather Info 8 (+10)

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Knowledge: Current Events 9 (+10)

Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy 9 (+10)

Notice 7 (+12)

Sense Motive 7 (+12)

Feats: 21 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Specialization: Heavenfire (2)

Beginner’s Luck,

Benefit: Status

Dodge Focus (2)

Eidetic Memory

Equipment (3)

Improved Initiative


Luck (3)

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Takedown Attack (2)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 38 pp

Divine Array [16+1=17 pp]

Heavenfire Control 8

AP: Enhanced STR 14 and Super-Strength 1 (PFs: Groundstrike, Shockwave)

Immunity 10 (aging, life support) [10 pp]

Flight 4 (100 MPH) (Flaw: Platform) [4 pp]

Protection 7 [7 pp]

Equipment: 15 pp

Holy Site: As Sea Base [15 ep]


abilities 42 + combat 28 + saves 7 + skills 15/60 + feats 22 + powers 37 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

A goddess of no particular religion. She flies around on a cloud, throwing heavenly bolts at interlopers, and occasionally descends into hand-to-hand combat for a straight-up brawl. If you've got to have a religion, that's how you've got to do it! Flavor her headquarters to taste: does she live on a mountain in Greece, in a golden city in Egypt, what? Mingle skills around for her portfolio, naturally: I went with a generic sort of deity who’s dangerous in social interactions as much as she is in punching you in the face as hard as she can.

Think about this character’s background, especially given the way Freedom City works. Was she raised on Earth by mortals, or has she come on a special mission that meets the criteria set aside by the Pact for the Divine to walk on the Earth? Does she have a good divine reputation, or a bad one? One possible Freedom City legacy is Horus: get a nice big mallet if that’s your game. Another is Set, assuming you’re willing to write in a dark backstory. Think about how she reacts to other divine characters, and how they react to her. Give her a native language if she grew up in Heliopolis or Asgard, or summat.

She’s got a lot of HP; feel free to power-stunt whatever tricks seem prudent given her big ol’ array. Shift the powers around entirely if you like; make her more than just a blaster-turned-grappler. She’s a flexible character, and can be arranged to do many things. Is her nature widely believed by the community, or is she dismissed as a super with a particularly pertinent theme? Or maybe she’s just a craaazy mutant...


Armored Ruler

"Before all else, be armed"-Niccolo Machiavelli

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 28 pp

STR 30/14 (+10/+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Unarmed/+12 Blast)

DEF: +10 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +6

Grapple: +8/+16

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +10 (+3 Con, +7 Armor)

FORT +6 (+3 Con, +3)

REF +5 (+2 Dex, +3)

WILL +13/+6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 21 pp=84 r

Bluff 8 (+10)

Craft: Mechanical 8 (+11)

Craft: Electronic 8 (+11)

Diplomacy 8 (+10)

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Knowledge: Arcane Lore 8 (+11)

Knowledge: Civics 8 (+11)

Knowledge: Technology 8 (+11)

Languages 4 (English, German, Romany, Russian)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Feats: 20 pp

Attack Specialization: Unarmed (2)

Beginner’s Luck

Benefit (4) (Diplomatic Immunity, Status, Wealth 2)

Dodge Focus (2)

Eidetic Memory

Improved Initiative




Move-By Action

Power Attack

Skill Mastery (Craft: Electronic, Knowledge: Arcane Lore, Knowledge: Civics, Knowledge: Technology)


Ultimate Save (Will)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 48 pp

Device 12 (Armor) (hard to lose) [48 pp]

Enhanced STR 16 and Super-Strength 2 {18+1=19 pp}

AP: Blast 8 (PFs: Accurate 3)

Enhanced Will Save 7 [7 pp]

Flight 3 (50 MPH) [6 pp]

Immunity 9 (life support) {9 pp}

Protection 7 {7 pp}

Drawbacks: [5 pp]

Normal Identity (free action) (-3)

Vulnerable (magnetics) (uncommon, moderate) (-2)


abilities 28 + combat 28 + saves 10 + skills 21/84 + feats 20 + powers 52 - drawback 5 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

A familiar archetype, though usually a villainous one. This fine fellow is an Eastern European head of state turned superhero, wearing a powerful battlesuit of his own design. Most of his Wealth is tied up in the motherland, as is his cool castle headquarters. Save up the PP to buy those when you take a trip home, or jigger the points around to get them now. He's as good with his magic as he is his science, though he keeps the former in reserve for people who think he's abandoned his nation's old ways for pure science. (Spoiler: he has not!) He's a dangerous opponent, whether on the field or off it, and a man likely to hold a grudge if sufficiently crossed. (Maybe with that stretchy guy I have a little upthread?)

He suffers a bit from being a generalist, but ideally this sort of character will stick to beating up less powerful foes as long as he can, then head into battle against the real bad guys with some powerful allies at his side. He can pull off spur-of-the-moment Rituals and Inventions, or longer ones if your GM actually gives you the time to do it. He's a likely candidate to buy off that Normal ID drawback if you decide he spends all his time in that armor: maybe he's got scars he's covering up, or maybe he's just hella shy, daww!

He makes a good secondary gadgeteer or face-guy if you need them; maybe he's not outstanding in any one area, but his ability to juggle many hats makes him very useful. And hey, it's fun when you get to go home to your native country and everyone likes you there! Look at the cheering crowds! Play a Fish Out of Water plot if you want, having your usually slightly befuddled character knock the socks off his American allies when they find themselves back in Blavatskyia, or whatever corner of the Balkans you hail from.



"Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?" -Bonnie Tyler

Abilities: [38 pp]

STR: 18 (+4)

DEX: 18 (+4)

CON: 18 (+4)

INT: 10 (+0)

WIS: 18 (+4)

CHA: 16 (+3)

Combat: [24 pp]

ATK: +6 (+10 Electrical Control/Melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +8

Grapple: +10

Saves: [9 pp]

TOU: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Protection)

FORT: +7 (+4 Con, +3)

REF: +7 (+4 Ref, +3)

WILL: +7 (4 Will, +3)

Skills: [20 pp]

Acrobatics 8 (+12)

Bluff 7 (+10)

Diplomacy 7 (+10)

Intimidate 7 (+10)

Knowledge: History 5 (+5)

Knowledge: Physical Sciences 5 (+5)

Knowledge: Streetwise 5 (+5)

Knowledge: Tactics 10 (+10)

Languages 2 (Spanish, Vietnamese) (Base: English)

Notice 4 (+8)

Sense Motive 6 (+10)

Feats: [19 pp]

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Melee 4

Dodge Focus 4


Fast Overrun

Improved Overrun

Improved Initiative

Master Plan 2

Move-By Action



Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: [40 pp]

Black Power Array [24+2=26 pp]

Electrical Control 10 (PFs: Accurate 2)

AP: Strike 6 (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Incurable, Knocback 4, Mighty, Penetrating 6)

AP: Stun 10 (PFs:Extended Reach 2, Improved Crit 2)

Flight 3 (50 MPH) (Flaw: Platform) [3 pp]

Immunity 5 (electrical damage) [5 pp]

Protection 6 [6 pp]


Here's a generic African-American superhero with electrical powers; a common character archetype. The assumption here is that he's a former pro-athlete turned ghetto schoolteacher, ready to defend his home neighborhood from the dealers, bangers, and hoodlums who are making it an unsafe place for kids to grow up. And at some point along the way, he acquired electrical powers to get the job done! I figure he's probably their football and/or track coach, which is why he's got the particular combat skills and feats he has.

He's got a decent-sized array, perfect for power-stunting, and is immune to all damage from electricity. I figure his Protection is some sort of crazy "electro-skin" underneath his regular skin that makes him super-tough even when he's not paying attention. Note that he's not immune to electrical _effects_, so he can still be blinded/drained/stunned, or whatever. He can punch for damage, or hit someone with a stunning jolt of his own.

This archetype is something of a cliche given that it was such a Bronze Age staple, but it survives today because there still are inner-city schools that need teachers, African-American superheroes need more exposure, and because electrical powers look really cool visually, and fit in decently well with a street-level hero like this guy. (He's supposed to fight mostly thugs and skells, so no Power Attack on him. That comes later, when the Mob starts hiring supervillains to bring him down...)


Martial Artist


I hate violence, yes I do. It's kind of a dilemma, huh?"-Jackie Chan

Abilities: 52 pp

STR 26 (+8)

DEX 24 (+7)

CON 26 (+8)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+12 Unarmed)

DEF: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +7

Grapple: +14

Saves: 6 pp

TOU +8 (+8 Con)

FORT +8 (+8 Con)

REF +8 (+7 Ref, +1)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 11 pp=44 r

Acrobatics 8 (+15)

Bluff 9 (+10)

Diplomacy 9 (+10)

Languages 1 (English) (Base: Chinese)

Notice 6 (+8)

Search 5 (+5)

Sense Motive 6 (+8)

Feats: 16 pp

Acrobatic Bluff,

All-Out Attack,

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 3,

Benefit (Fame),

Dodge Focus 4,



Move-By Action,

Power Attack,

Takedown Attack,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 37 pp

Immunity 1 (aging) [1 pp]

Regeneration 34 (Recovery Bonus +1 [+9 total], Bruised [3] (no action), Injured [6] [no action], Staggered [6] [no action], Disabled [8] [no action], Resurrection [10] [no action]) (PFs: Persistent, Regrowth) [36 pp]


Design Notes:

OK, this guy's powers got reworked, so let me explain: this is a very 'cinematic' take on the Martial Artist archetype, a nigh-invincible action hero who shrugs off any damage he takes (save ability drains) with no action. Kill him, and he's up and again the next round! Note that he's _not_ immune to being unconscious, though, so the way you lay him out is give him a savage beating till he's knocked out, then you tie him up or something. He's not the world's greatest martial artist, but with his ability to take ridiculous punishment, lay his opponents out flat-footed, and then punch them really, really hard, who cares? Put him up against my Ninja build to drive said Ninja insaaane! (As mentioned, though, he has no real defense against Drains beyond an OK Fort save, and his exotic saves are a bit low (though not as low as some of my builds!) in general. He's tough, but a smart fighter can lay him out.)

The default assumption here is that this IS a certain Hong Kong action star-turned-superhero, using the abilities that made him such a talented showman to fight crime. Maybe he decided he wanted to be a hero for real after pretending to be one most of his life, or maybe what was supposed to be a publicity stunt for his latest movie got out of hand in the most delightful way. Another idea is that maybe something darker happened: maybe as he got older his body started giving out on him, and he turned to drugs and secret treatments to be able to do all his old stunts. Riven by guilt, he decided to make up for one mistake by doing more good deeds! You can make his high ability scores Enhanced if you want: I went with the assumption that he really is incredibly strong, fast, and tough.

Tweak him however you want to give the concept a little more bite. Maybe he's an aging American action star like Bruce Willis, maybe he specializes in something other than unarmed combat. You could make a tweak on the Living Weapon archetype by totally dropping the Hollywood angle, but I rather like making this sort of character a spinoff of the Martial Artist type. And hey, who doesn't like this guy? He's got a lot of Regen, don't forget his Regeneration only works one condition at a time. He might be moving again one action after being dead, but it's a couple of rounds before he'll be back to his usual self.



“Wit is a treacherous dart. It is perhaps the only weapon with which it is possible to stab oneself in one's own back.”-Geoffrey Bocca

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 30 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Ranged)

DEF: +14 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +9

Grapple: +8

Saves: 9 pp

TOU +6 (+4 Con, +2 Armor)

FORT +6 (+4 Con, +2)

REF +8 (+5 Dex, +3)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 16 pp=64 r

Acrobatics 10 (+15)

Bluff 8 (+10)

Knowledge: Pop Culture 8 (+8)

Knowledge: Streetwise 8 (+8)

Medicine 4 (+4)

Languages 2 (English, Russian) (Base: German)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Stealth 8 (+13)

Feats: 24 pp

Accurate Attack

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Ranged (4)

Challenge (Fast Acrobatic Bluff)

Dodge Focus (6)

Equipment (3)


Improved Initiative


Move-By Action

Precise Shot

Power Attack

Quick Draw [Draw]

Ranged Pin

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 41 pp

Archery Array [37+1=39 pp]

Damage 10 (Extras: Autofire, Ranged) (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle)

AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Selective, Targeted Area [Cone]) (PFs:Indirect 3, Precise, Progression 2 on Area, Subtle)

Super-Senses 2 (Extended Vision (2) [x100] ) [2 pp]

Equipment: 15 ep

Bow (Blast 4) (PF: Improved Crit) [9 pp]

Concealed Body Armor (Protection 2) (PF: Subtle) [3 ep]

Grapple Gun (Speed 1 10 MPH and Super-Movement 1 (Swinging) )[3 ep]


abilities 30 + combat 28 + saves 10 + skills 16/64 + feats 24 + powers 41 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

She's one of the world's greatest archers, capable of nigh-impossible shots that strike with fantastic force. Her custom bow and years of strong training make her one of the world' most formidable marksmen: she can put an arrow through a tank's engine and kill it dead, make a long pull and bring down an airplane, and shoot her way through a steel door, then fire multiple shots that clear a room in seconds, or just string a rapid volley that strikes with impossible force. She can pin a man to the wall from a hundred yards away, fire impossibly curving shots that ricochet off walls before they hit targets she couldn't even see, and is generally regarded as one of the best there is.

It's not true. Well, don't get me wrong: she's a good archer, and a formidable PL 7 with bow in hand. But her _real_ power is to kinetically charge weapons, turning her conventional arrows into unconventionally spectacular weapons. She could use anything as cover for her special talents, but superheroes doing crazy things with bows is a genre staple: what's so weird about doing it with superpowers instead of with budget and training? Why keep her abilities secret? Well, maybe she's not aware of them either, they are Subtle. Or maybe she used to think she was just a Badass Normal, and is too embarassed to tell people the truth, or maybe it's for self-defense: people who think she's helpless when she's caught without her weapons are in for one hell of a surprise.

I tried to make her archery as cool and awesome as possible, but you can probably dig up more feats or more APs if you want to: she's certainly got plenty of space for it if you tweak her the right way. You could free up points by giving her a sword and making her a melee specialist, or by somewhat cutting down on the crazy things she can do with weapons. You could also make her a gunbunny martial artist with two pistols akimbo, doing impossible things with bullets because she actually isn't using bullets at all.


Energy Controller

"It ain't like football. You can't make up no trick plays."-Yogi Berra

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 34 pp

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+12 Bat/Ranged)

DEF: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +9

Grapple: +13

Saves: 7 pp

TOU +8 (+5 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +7 (+5 Dex, +2)

WILL +5 (+2 Wis, +3)

Skills: 15 pp=60 r

Acrobatics 10 (+15)

Bluff 10 (+10)

Knowledge: Tactics 10 (+10)

Languages 2 (Japanese, Spanish) (Base: English)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 10 (+12)

Stealth 10 (+15)

Feats: 19 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Specialization: Magic Bat 2

Attack Focus: Ranged 4

Dodge Focus 4


Improved Initiative

Master Plan 2

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Takedown Attack

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 37 pp

Blast 8 [16 pp] ‘magic baseballs’

Device 4 (easy to lose) ‘magic bat’ [12 pp]

-Stun 8 (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Precise) {19+1=20}

AP: Strike 3 (PFs: Knockback 8, Mighty) (Extra: Autofire)

Flight 3 (50 MPH) [6 pp]

Protection 3 [3 pp]


abilities 34 + combat 32 + saves 7 + skills 15/60 + feats 19 + powers 37 = 150 pts

Design Notes:

This is a baseball controller, a character mystically imbued with the power of baseball itself. She flies, hurls mystic baseballs with the energy of a machine gun, and swings a magic baseball bat that cuts like a sword. She’s a very good coach, but maybe needs a good team captain out on the field to give the inspiring pep talks: she’s more about locker room plans and playbooks than on the field leadership. I gave her Japanese and Spanish because baseball is very big in Japan and Latin America, and thus it has a good claim to being their ‘national pasttime’ too. (Yes, even the soccer countries)

This character could also work as an apple-pie American patriotic hero, given our national emotional connections to the game of baseball: steroid dealers and such are obviously her natural enemy! It’s up to you whether or not she’s a mystic spirit that embodies the fair play and basic decency at the core of the game of baseball, or whether or not she’s an aspiring player gifted with a magic bat (perhaps by a past champion of the game?) to fight for justice and integrity.

Natural rivals include NFL Superpro (or his equivalent in your game), and that so-and-so Pele! Serious comic book fans don’t like to admit that things like merchandising characters and tie-ins exist, or that writers might tell stories so they can get comped free tickets to their favorite sporting event by writing free giveaway comics for stadiums. But they do exist, and if you’re going to look for a character inspired by comics, why not go for it?



"Never try and catch two frogs with one hand."-Chinese Proverb

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 10 pp

STR 24 [10] (+7/+0)

DEX 24 [10] (+7/+0)

CON 24 [10] (+7/+0)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+13 Melee)

DEF: +13 (+4 flatfooted)

Init: +15

Grapple: +20/+23

Saves: 9 pp

TOU +7 (+7 Con)

FORT +8 (+7 Con, +1)

REF +10 (+7 Dex, +3)

WILL +8 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 10 pp=40 r

Acrobatics 3 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Climb 3 (+10)

Craft (Chemical) 3 (+5)

Craft (Cooking) 8 (+10)

Language 1 (French; Base: English)

Notice 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 3 (+5)

Survival 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Swim 3 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 19 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Melee 5

Dodge Focus 5

Improved Initiative 2


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Takedown Attack

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Survival, Swim)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 70 pp

Additional Limb 1 (tongue) [1 pp]

Confuse 7 (Extra: Poison, Flaw: Touch Range) [7 pp]

Elongation 2 (10 feet) (Flaw: Limited [Tongue]) [1 pp]

Enhanced CON 14 [14 pp]

Enhanced DEX 14 [14 pp]

Enhanced STR 14 [14 pp]

Immunity 2 (Own Powers, Suffocation [Drowning]) [2 pp]

Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling 2) [8+1 pp=9 pp]

AP: Leaping 8 (x2500)

Super-Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Tremorsense) [3 pp]

Swimming 5 (50 MPH) [5 pp]


abilities 10 + combat 32 + saves 9 + skills 10/40 + feats 19 + powers 70 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

What can I say, I always was a Toad fan! This lady has the powers of several different kinds of frogs and toads, all souped-up together into one incredibly powerful totem character. She can jump ridiculously far, cling to walls and wriggle her way up them, and she's a really good hand-to-hand fighter with a great grip! (It helps that she's coated in that sticky slime, naturally; you can use that as an explanation for any successful grapples she makes!) Her Confuse bears some description: I figure it's a toxin her body makes naturally that sticks to her skin, so she can use it in hand-to-hand or even by whacking people with her giant tongue.

Confuse is best used as a way of distracting goons: one possibility is to jump into the middle of a crowd with Leaping, Confuse a couple of baddies, and then leap out again with Move-By Action. Then while they're busy fighting each other, sweep in and hit the rest, or just move on if you're trying to get past them. What exactly happens to them because they're tripping out on your toxic secretions is up to you; the consequences will probably vary depending on what era game you're in. Punching people in the face works really well too. Don't forget to use your tongue in grapples, the better to grapple them with, my dear!

Magic? Mutant? Some combination of both? Totem-style characters have all kinds of backstories and origins. Bitten by a radioactive frog? Well, maybe that one's a _little_ less likely. She looks like she'd be fun to play; she's really fast, really agile, and has some decent skills to go with her superpowers. She can handle herself in the swamp or the urban jungle, no prob! Go with a costume that matches the animal theme, so maybe a cute frog outfit, or just go nuts and wear whatever looks pretty! Add a drawback requiring immersion (you are an amphibian and do need water!) for more points.

  • 3 weeks later...


“Cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay.” -Percy Shelley

Abilities: 20 pp

STR 12 (+1)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8 (+10 Corrosion/Healing)

DEF: +10 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +8

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection)

FORT +6 (+3 Con, +3)

REF +6 (+3 Ref, +3)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 14 pp=56 r

Computers 8 (+9)

Disable Device 8 (+9)

Knowledge [Pop Culture] 8 (+9)

Knowledge [streetwise] 8 (+9)

Knowledge [Technology] 8 (+9)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Feats: 9 pp

All-Out Attack,

Attack Specialization: Corrosion,

Dodge Focus 2,


Improved Initiative,

Power Attack,

Takedown Attack,

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 64 pp

Nanite Array [31+2=33 pp]

Corrosion 10 (PF: Reversible) {31}

AP: Healing 10 (Extra: Total) (PF: Accurate) {31}

AP: Strike 10 (Extras: Area [shapeable], Selective) (PF: Reversible) {31}

Flight 1 (10 MPH) [2 pp]

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9 pp]

Insubstantial 2 (nanite swarm) [10 pp]

Protection 7 [7 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Microscopic Vision 2 [cell-sized], Radius Sight) [3 pp]


abilities 20 + combat 32 + saves 10 + skills 14/56 + feats 9 + powers 64 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

This is my take on a nanite-controlling (or controlled?) character. Note that characters with Insubstantial 2 do not need Affects Corporeal on their powers (despite one typo in UP to the contrary), especially when they're not Strength-based. His body is made up of uncountable trillions of tiny robots, thus giving him an array of remarkable abilities. He can send out his little robots to take apart solid objects singly, or spit out huge swarms to chew through whole areas. Luckily, he can also put them back together! With his Insubstantial 2, he's very dangerous versus even vaguely mundane opponents. I gave him some of the other abilities a nanite swarm should have: i.e.; with Radius Sight he can see in 360 degrees, since the robots are looking everywhere, and down to cell-sized because that's how big they are!

The assumption here is that he's still basically human at the core of everything. Adjust immunities (immunity to crits? Fort?) to taste, though you may have to buy some of those things with earned PP. Maybe as his transformation progresses, if you want something good to fluff it with. He's got a big array and a broad descriptor, you can easily power-stunt things like Anatomic Separation or ESP to represent sending robots in as spies, or outright Datalink/Mind Control with a Fort save if he's sending them inside people to do terrible things. Damage with a Fort save would also be pretty nasty. An obvious thing to buy would be Regeneration if the robots can repair him without the necessity of conscious effort on his part.

Adjust skills as necessary: my default assumption is that he doesn't get out much and spends a lot of time on computer. A poorly socialized kid raised with powers he doesn't understand? He could be a scientist, though not a great one: adjust his INT as necessary if you want to make him a brainiac with a computer for a brain. He could also be a total stranger to science who was a victim of a terrible accident, or the victim of a mad scientist's evil scheme! Either way, he's a powerful character, and a natural for Complications about losing touch with his humanity. Look at you, hacker! Who are you to lay hands on a perfect machine? Etc.



“The doll is in your eyes and in your arms and in your head and you are crazy!” -Jonathan Coulton

Abilities: 32 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 16 (+3)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 30 pp

ATK: +7 (+13 Melee) (+15 Sword)

DEF: +13 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +8

Grapple: +15

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +7 (+4 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT +7 (+4 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+4 Con, +3)

WILL +7 (+3 Wis, +4)

Skills: 18 pp=72 r

Climb 8 (+10)

Concentration 7 (+10)

Craft: Artistic 7 (+10)

Craft: Mechanical 5 (+8)

Craft: Structural 5 (+8)

Knowledge: History 7 (+10)

Knowledge: Streetwise 7 (+10)

Languages 4 (Czech, German, Hebrew, Russian) (Base: English)

Notice 7 (+10)

Sense Motive 7 (+10)

Stealth 8 (+12)

Feats: 24 pp

Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee 6

Attack Specialization: Sword

Defensive Attack

Dodge Focus 5

Improved Initiative

Luck 2

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Quick Draw [Draw]

Takedown Attack 2

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 36 pp

Device 1 (Sword of Prague) (easy to lose) [3 pp]

-Strike 3 (PFs: Improved Crit, Mighty) {5}

Protection 3 [3 pp]

Dollmaker Array [29+1=30 pp]

Summon Minion 6 (Extras: Fanatical (+1), Horde (+1) ) (PFs: Mental Link, Progression 3 (10 minions), Sacrifice)

AP: Summon Minion 6 (Extras: Broad Type (+2) [Toys]) (PFs: Mental Link, Progression 3 (10 minions), Sacrifice)


abilities 32 + combat 30 + saves 10 + skills 18/72 + feats 24 + powers 36 = 150 pts

PL: 6 (90)

[u]Abilities[/u]: -16 pp
STR 26 (+8)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON n/a
INT n/a
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA n/a

[u]Combat[/u]: 20 pp
ATK: +5 (+4 w/size)
DEF: +5 (+4 w/size)
Init: +6

[u]Saves[/u]: 6 pp
TOU +8 (+0 Con, +8 Protection)
FORT n/a
REF +4 (+2 Ref, +2)
WILL +5 (+1 Wis, +4)

[u]Skills[/u]: 2 pp=8 r
Notice 8 (+10)

[u]Feats[/u]: 7 pp
All-Out Attack,
Improved Initiative,
Power Attack,
Teamwork 2

[u]Powers[/u]: 71 pp
Flight 2 (25 MPH) [4 pp]
Growth 4 (Extra: Duration [Permanent] (+0) ) (PF: Innate) [13 pp]
Immunity 40 (Fortitude saves, Mental effects) [40 pp]
Protection 8 (Extra: Impervious 6) [14 pp]

abilities -16 + combat 20 + saves 6 + skills 2/8 + feats 7 + powers 71 = 90 pts


Design Notes:

OK, here’s my attempt at building a character with Summon. I’ve made a few assumptions that are worth explaining here in the build. This character comes from a line of Eastern bloc supersoldiers, perhaps the son or grandson of a Warsaw Pact hero from Czechoslovakia. (And thus, perhaps a descendant of Rabbi Loew of Prague). He can either make 10 huge toy soldiers (or whatever descriptor you want to give his ‘main line’, summoning all of them as a free action, or else just animate up to 10 toys of any particular description and variety. Note that his Minions aren’t Heroic (because that makes combat insaaane!) and they’re not PL 10, either: at PL 6 they’re really powerful, but he’s the important part of the show. He’s a very good swordsman without his toys, probably as the result of his family’s strong martial tradition. Adjust as necessary for your purposes: I would say a Summon-themed character should be able to hold their own without their toys (at least defensively), and their minions should be lower-PL than they.

Adjust the character’s stats as necessary, as well as the stats of his ‘golems’ and his other toys. I’ve deliberately left the AP of his Summon as broad as possible so you can put together whatever seems appropriate. This character could be a sculptor, or a painter, or anything else inclined to make immobile objects that spring to life to do his bidding! Add an action drawback if you want him to actually take the time to create things, or even a medium flaw if he _has_ to work from completed works of whatever medium is his specialty. You can adjust his skills too; I went with someone who could pass as an OK toymaker, but you may want someone more in touch with his ‘arcane’ or ‘theological’ heritage, whatever that heritage might happen to be. (Why build him this way? Because the Soviet bloc probably didn’t include research into the arcane in the education of their supers! You only need one generation for that knowledge to fade away...)

I gave him the sword and made him a melee specialist to meet caps, but of course you can adjust that as necessary. One possible way to build characters like this while saving points is to deliberately undercap them offensively or defensively, and make them dependent on Aid actions to hit caps. I didn’t do that here, but if you want points handy, it’s not a bad idea! His default minions are deliberately designed to be very good at aid actions, but still be decently formidable on their own. Remember that they are subject to the minion rules, though, so one decent hit means they’ll go down. That’s OK, though: they’ll be back! I cribbed the minions from Kreuzritter's Veda build, but feel free to adjust your own as necessary! Remember, that's what the game's all about! One thing to remember: the _stats_ of minions stay the same without the Type extra, but their descriptors (what they look like, how they act) may change from summoning to summoning. Today Captain Thunder, tomorrow an origami crane? Why not?!



"If it’s the Psychic Friends Network, why do they need a phone number?” Robin Williams

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 32 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 18 (+4)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Ranged/+11 Pistol)

DEF: +12 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +8

Grapple: +8/+20

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +8 (+5 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +8 (+4 Ref, +4)

WILL +10 (+4 Wis, +6)

Skills: 19 pp=76 r

Acrobatics 1 (+5)

Bluff 10 (+10)*

Concentration 1 (+5)

Drive 1 (+5)

Intimidate 10 (+10)*

Investigate 9 (+10)

Languages 4 (Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian) (Base: Belorussian)

Medicine 1 (+5)

Notice 11 (+15)*

Pilot 1 (+5)

Search 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 11 (+15)*

Stealth 11 (+15)

Survival 1 (+5)

Feats: 23 pp

Attack Focus: Ranged (4)

Benefit (Security Clearance)

Dodge Focus (6)

Equipment (2)


Improved Initiative


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Quick Draw [Draw]

Second Chance (Concentration checks)

Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive)

Ultimate Save (Will)

Uncanny Dodge (Mental)

Powers: 40 pp

Psi-Array [32+4=36 pp]

Telekinesis 10 (Extra: Damaging) [Heavy Load: 12 tons] (PFs: Precise, Subtle)

AP: Drain Wisdom 10 (Extra: Range 2 [Perception]) (PFs: Slow Fade 1 [1 minute], Subtle)

AP: ESP 4 (1 mile) (all senses) (Extras: No Conduit, Simultaneous) (PFs: Rapid 7 (10 million), Subtle)

AP: Mind Control 10 (Extra: Conscious) (PFs: Mental Link, Subtle)

AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Action [Move/Standard], Area [burst]) (PFs: Selective, Subtle)

Protection 3 [3 pp]

Super-Senses 1 (Direction Sense) [1 pp]

Equipment: 10 ep

Heavy Pistol (Blast 4) (PFs: Masterwork (+1 to hit), Subtle [silencer]) [10 ep]


abilities 32 + combat 24 + saves 12 + skills 19/76 + feats 23 + powers 40 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here’s a slightly tweaked take on the usual Psychic archetype. He’s not a wheelchair-bound supergenius, he’s not a flying goddess with a visored husband. There are plenty of psychics out there more powerful than he is, but none with the friends he does. This is a psychic agent of the government (whichever government you prefer), a trained combatant and agent whose mind is his most potent weapon. He's Nick Scryer, not Jean Grey. It’s up to you whether or not he was an agent whose powers manifested on the job, or whether he’s a psychic who was trained and recruited by the government for his powers. He’s probably one of the more powerful assets his agency or government possesses, given the average PL of agent games, and thus has good reason to stay undercover. He’s got great reason to have a Secret ID complication, particularly if his work as a superhero isn’t something he’s supposed to be doing!

His Telekinesis is Damaging, so he can grapple and damage with it, or throw telekinetic punches, as well as the classic grabbing people and slamming them into solid objects: it’s also Precise, so he can type with it and pick locks. I’d be inclined to say that his Subtle means it’s only obvious to people with the ability to detect psychic powers. I figure his Drain Wisdom represents a direct telekinetic attack on the brain, inducing small, temporary strokes by cutting off blood flow to vital areas. It’s a scary power, and a fun surprise for enemy psychics who’ve scrimped on their Fort save. “No matter how powerful your mind is, your brain works like anyone else’s!” Make it a Will save if you want to make it a direct psychic attack, of course. Note that his Mind Reading’s Area extra only applies to surface thoughts: you can’t use Mind Probe on multiple simultaneous targets by UP. If your GM doesn’t let Selective apply to whose thoughts you read, swap it out for Rapid so you can read minds all the faster. Mind Control lets bad guys shoot each other, or confess on the witness stand. His ESP is deliberately low-rank to keep him from game-breaking, but if he concentrates he can make himself very sensitive to what's going on within a square mile of himself.

As suggested above, this is potentially a dark character, with Unfortunate Implications out the wazoo. You can play it that way, but you can also play him as a perfectly respectable, if overworked government agent, using his powers to probe the minds of the worst supercriminals. Maybe being a superhero is an escape hatch for him, or maybe he’s been sent in to investigate the community of supers in the area. Have him go off the reservation and be a rogue ex-agent, or be the agent of an enemy power (defector or otherwise) for a real twist. Does he pose as an agent with no powers, a psychic with no agency training, or something else entirely? He might not like those psychic capes much, with their unregulated power over the community’s very soul, but it’s hard not to feel a little envy as he watches them fly overhead.


Costumed Detective

“I am vengeance! I am the night!”-Kevin Conroy

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 36 pp

STR 30/20 (+10/+5)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 30/20 (+10/+5)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Unarmed)

DEF: +7 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +6

Saves: 7 pp

TOU +13 (+10 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT +10 (+10 Con)

REF +6 (+3 Ref, +3)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 14 pp=56 r

Bluff 8 (+10)

Intimidate 8 (+10)*

Investigate 8 (+9)*

Knowledge: Streetwise 8 (+9)

Notice 8 (+10)*

Sense Motive 8 (+10)*

Stealth 8 (+10)

Feats: 16 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Specialization: Unarmed (2)

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus

Improved Initiative



Move-By Action

Power Attack


Takedown Attack (2)

Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Investigate, Notice, Sense Motive)

Ultimate Save (Toughness)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 56 pp

Enhanced CON 10 [10 pp]

Enhanced STR 10 [10 pp]

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9 pp]

Impervious Toughness 10 [10 pp]

Protection 3 [3 pp]

Super-Strength 5 [Dynamic] [Heavy Load: 24 tons] [14 pp]

DAP: Flight 5 (250 MPH)

Drawback: [3 pp]

Vulnerable (vs. magical damage) (uncommon, major) [-3 pp]


abilities 36 + combat 24 + saves 7 + skills 14/56 + feats 16 + powers 56 - drawback 3 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Anyone else a fan of Superman: Speeding Bullets? No? Well it wasn't a great comic book by any means, but the conceit of the flying brick costumed adventurer was one I liked. So here it is, a grim and gritty avenger of evil, wearing a dark costume with a somber attitude, who just happens to be able to fly supersonically, survive a tank shell to the chest and shrug off bullets, and generally ignore the sorts of problems that used to bedevil Batman on a regular basis. He's quite a surprise for people expecting a Squishy Wizard-type Costumed Adventurer, as well as people expecting a friendly, cheerful Flying Brick. (He might work as an Iron Age variant on Superman or what have you, but here I assume he's acting as a straight Batman-type)

Why impersonate a masked detective? I can think of a couple of reasons: maybe he doesn't want the attention that a Flying Brick would get, particularly if he's in a corrupt city (or part of the city) where the media might find out all sorts of dangerous information about him. People expecting a guy they can just shoot won't go looking for his secret ID: with that magical vulnerability, he takes magical hits as if they were double in power: a rank 10 Magic blast does +20 Damage to him! Good thing he's got that Ultimate Toughness if he does run into a wizard who he can't intimidate into stepping aside. Or maybe he just likes the dark costume and the rooftop vigilante lifestyle, as well as the LOOK criminals get when they shoot him in the chest and nothing happens!

Does he have a Cave, a car, a teen sidekick? You can give him all those things and more if you want, not to mention variants on the usual paragon powers: it's just a matter of shuffling his points around. He should probably have a nice mansion, at least, or some other way to showcase his wealth. (Which I'd say he has, even if it's not useful enough to be a benefit to him) As it is he's a decent blend of both worlds. You could easily shave things here and there to make him particularly good at one or the other; maybe he's just a mean paragon, or maybe just a costumed detective with a high TOU who can fly. I suggest a background where his adoptive parents were murdered before his eyes by criminals, or maybe one where his whole planet was shot by an Earthly thug before he himself was blasted into space. Either way, fun times!

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