Here is a possible template for a Guidebook page about a specific location in the Multiverse, which is to say any place located outside the universe designated as Earth Prime, where Freedom City: Play by Post is based.. This is merely a suggestion, not a rule. You can use any part of it, all of it, or add your own ideas to it. To use it in its entirety, merely copy and paste it to an editor window in the appropriate Guidebook chapter.
(Place Name)
(Give a brief summary of the place here, including its Freedom League Standard Notation designation if it is an alternate universe, a short description of what it is like and how it is different from Earth Prime or its closest Earth Prime counterpart, and why it is significant in the Freedom City: Play by Post universe. If the place is of special significance to one or more PCs, note that here.)
Location and Appearance
(Give a more detailed description of your place. If it is an alternate universe, describe its differences from Earth Prime, points of earliest timeline divergence if applicable, and any fixed ways of accessing the universe, portals, etc. If it is a place on an alternate universe, describe the universe it is located in, then describe the location, inside and out.)
(Explain why this place is an important place in Freedom City: Play by Post, in an IC manner. What are its connections to Earth Prime, and how do people travel between there and here? Does a PC hail from here, or did some major event happen here? Is something happening in this universe that should be addressed by the heroes of Earth Prime? Give information that tells why a character would go to this place, or why a thread might be set there.)
(Many locations have PCs or NPCs associated with them who might be encountered on a visit to this place. Make an unordered list to tell about the people whom one might encounter at this place. If your place is an alternate universe, describe the population and their general attitudes and ideas that might be different from Earth Prime)
(Describe important events that have happened in this place. This can be just a paragraph for some locations, in other locations a timeline might be appropriate (see the Character Page template for information on making timelines)
Edited by Electra