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Rex Atom

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DC10: Rex Atom is the newest member of the Atom Family. There is some tension, as not everyone outside the family believes that he is a legitimate member of the family. The Atom Family itself has welcomed him with open arms.

DC15: Rex runs his own specialized Atom Academy team, which seems to consist of an eclectic group of individuals. He posses size shifting abilities, able to grow and shrink at will.

DC20: Rex's Atom Academy team specialize in uncovering lost history and journeys into the unknown. While they rarely act in the capacity of regular super heroes, they seem to be focused on saving lives.

DC25: The exotic energies that course through Rex's body are volatile. He must wear a special suit to keep his powers under control.


Knowledge: Current Events

DC10: Rex's inclusion in the Atom Academy caused quite a stir at first, and there are still some Atom Family fans that refuse to acknowledge him, despite his acceptance in the family.


Knowledge: History

DC25: Rex is the illegitimate great-grandson of Dr. Alexander Atom, whose grandfather was conceived with his lover Marie Vaulaire during the second world war. 


Knowledge: Physical Sciences

DC15: Rex's ability to alter the size of himself and others should be possible under any physical laws that the general population knows.


Knowledge: Technology

DC15: Rex's own abilities seem to be enhanced by his usage of a multitude of technology created by the Atom Academy.

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