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Everything posted by Removed.

  1. http://orokos.com/roll/555432 11 on reflex to half http://orokos.com/roll/555433 15 I am frozen again D:
  2. Going to release the grapple and have it Shock Punch. http://orokos.com/roll/555235 29 and its a dc 25 Toughness and a dc 20 Fortitude. http://orokos.com/roll/555238 30 for the echo http://orokos.com/roll/555242 9 for the 50/50 on landing the hit while blind.
  3. As the roof can crashing down on Mannequin he tried to jump out of the way but there was simply too much to avoid and a few moments later he was buried under a mound of rubble too thick to see from. "Are you out of your mind! You could of brought this whole building down on us!" Not wanting to move just yet to avoid a sudden cave in and be crushed by the rubble upon him he used his still free arm grappling the girl and let it shock her.
  4. Dropping the whole roof on me huh? http://orokos.com/roll/555233 16 on reflex http://orokos.com/roll/555234 33 So I passed the toughness but now I am under rubble
  5. Grapple check! http://orokos.com/roll/555218 34 which is too high to beat. (Corrections it's a +14 not 16 so the result is only 32)
  6. Man she must have the willpower of gods to not black out from the voltage! Maybe if I wou- And there is another blast...Oh great she has super spreed now because of course she does. Need to limit her mobility... Maybe a good grab would do. Sending the detached arm after her at max speed like a heat seeking missile Mannequin couldn't help but be glad that he went with the more speedy version than his more bulk form.
  7. All good, work happens. Also 220ft you say? Well it just so happens that having Flight 2 lets you move...220ft per round! First though the checks against your attack. http://orokos.com/roll/555206 29 including the 2 wounds (Passed) http://orokos.com/roll/555207 28 including the 2 wounds (Passed) Mannequin is going to have his arm chase after her like a heat seeking missile and this time its going to be an unarmed attack into a Improved Grab if it lands. http://orokos.com/roll/555208 20 to hit
  8. Jumping out of the way of the forklift turned explosive Mannequin wondered the structural integrity of the building only to be cut short by another blast from Aeontron. It didn't have any lasting impression but it could have and for that he scolded himself for getting side tracked. However it seems that she too got sidetracked and forgot all about the fist that was still near her.
  9. Here is the Reflex to half http://orokos.com/roll/554832 14 (Failed) Here is the DC 25 Toughness http://orokos.com/roll/554833 31 (Passed, Forgot to put in the 2 wounds) Here is the DC 30 Toughness http://orokos.com/roll/554856 18 (Failed and going to Hero Point to Reroll) http://orokos.com/roll/554840 34 (Passed) Alright so I have 1 HP left and will try my Shockpunch again. http://orokos.com/roll/554858 21 which I believe hits so again a DC 25 Toughness and a DC 20 Fortitude. Are you going to make a post IC about using the forklift and pushing yourself or do you want me to just post there?
  10. With irritation Mannequin wondered to himself if his opponent could now teleport instantly or if he had somehow been put into stasis.If she could now teleport at will then things are going to be much more annoying. Regardless this was something he would have to figure out later. She may think she can hide but Mannequin planned to deal with pesky things such as cover with his built in radar and his extreme reach that his magnetic control gave his limbs. If he had a mouth he'd be smirking as he launched his still detached arm right over the cover and straight towards Aeontron.
  11. Hrmm, well Mannequin has Flight 2 meaning he can move 220ft so he can easily clear the distance. He is going to use the arm still detached and send it towards her trying to use Shock Punch. http://orokos.com/roll/554749 25 which I think is a hit. Gonna need a DC 25 Toughness and a DC 20 Fort (Failure is stunned). Oh it also counts as a melee attack so I dont think you get any advantage from cover but I may be wrong.
  12. Are you sure she would have concealment from Mannequin? He does see via radar after all. Here is the reflex +1 http://orokos.com/roll/554748 22 I am free! Do I take my turn normally now?
  13. Mannequin (4 Posts) Room of Danger (4)
  14. Bring it! http://orokos.com/roll/554347 9 which doesnt pass http://orokos.com/roll/554348 13 I am stopped!
  15. Feeling the weird pressure upon him Mannequin shook himself from it and decided to see if he could bound her in his Adhesive Goo, if so then this will make the fight much easier.
  16. The Haze goes down by 1 power rank due to Independent, new radius is 100ft. Going to Switch my array to my Adhesive Goo and shoot ya with it. Its an area attack so the DC is 19
  17. Sweet not stunned, here is the roll for the 2nd degree. http://orokos.com/roll/554336 27 (Actually forgot to apply the 2 wounds so its a 25 not a 27, still enough to pass.) Passed that. Here is the Reflex to half effect http://orokos.com/roll/554339 9 Didnt pass so here is the save against stop http://orokos.com/roll/554343 20 Passed
  18. Oh my bad on misunderstanding well take the first roll for the dc 30 and here is the dc 25 roll Dice Roller Roller Vorik Character Mannequin Campaign Danger Zone Description Tough Results 1d20+16: 22 [1d20=6 Thats another wound and I think I was stunned from the 1st?
  19. Gonna mix things up by switching to my Prevention Haze in hopes of blinding and deafening you. It has a radius of 250ft. Lets see how you deal with that.
  20. Mannequin was caught off guard for but a moment upon seeing another copy of his foe but a moment was all it took for a slip up. Unable to react fast enough Mannequin was hit directly leaving a small crack. He was not happy to find out that the enemy not only had time powers but also a mean streak, not a good combination in the least. Mannequin would feel a lot more comfort in knowing whether or not knocking her out would accidentally cause some sort of time paradox at best or a black hole at worst. Decided to not dwell on this outcome Mannequin needed to stop her before something bad happened and with that Mannequin started pumping out his Prevention Haze.
  21. Dice Roller Roller Vorik Character Mannequin Campaign Danger Zone Description Tough Results 1d20+16: 23 [1d20=7] Just missed it. 1 wound
  22. Going to use my Armory Array and use my Shock Punch in combination with my anatomic separation to punch you from a distance. Dice Roller Roller Vorik Character Mannequin Campaign Danger Zone Description Shock Fist Results 1d20+10: 16 [1d20=6] Pretty sure thats a miss.
  23. Mannequin rolled with the beam as it struct him turning it from a direct hit to a mere glancing blow leaving nothing but a small stain on his white plating. "Well Aeontron, I too appear to now be in a bad mood thanks to you." With that Mannequin fired off his right arm like a rocket right towards Aeontron.
  24. Coming out of the gate strong huh? Dice Roller Roller Vorik Character Mannequin Campaign Danger Zone Description Toughness Results 1d20+16: 31 [1d20=15] I may not be quick to dodge but I am made of tougher stuff!
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