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Ya I guess so. There are a few things that I'm losing that I kinda wanted but I'll deal.
So i think i understand most of the changes but there are some i don't understand. Uncanny Dodge (olfactory) <- is it based on smell? and does it apply to dodge or flat-footed? Drawback: (-3 pp) Vulnerable (alteration effects) (Uncommon, Major [%200]) (-3 pp) <- What is, How do? I've never heard of a Duration Default before. is it a house rule? I had her Growth before at a 15 so it was just flavor that she was at the upper end of the range 32-64ft. I did the device the way i did so that it would require less changes to her numbers between forms. While the power itself may be a little wordy its in-game effect i thought would be quick and easy. Then if it was lost it could feed into complications. Also Idk if you looked yet but i put up a second stat block at the bottom as my initial idea of fixes but my guess is they wont fly after seeing your solutions which is fine, still would like to know what you think of it. Is this updated sheet essentially my only option to get this character functional? To me it feels more complicated but that's just my opinion Thanks for being patient with my dumpster fire of a sheet.
Added a New Stat Block at the bottom to try and fix issues. I left the one up top unchanged because AA said they wanted to tinker with it.
Sure why not. Idk what I messed up but I suppose I'll see after your done. I know that I don't have any bonus to reflex or defence but I felt it fit the theme better if I took those points and fed them into things like impervious and recovery, Re-enforcing the idea of brute Force and little finesse. I also know that the way it is current set up while shrunk I have too big of a to hit bonus but I figure that while small those extra points don't matter and it's still a +5 to hit in both forms. I didn't think about it when I reposted the sheet but I'm planning to put in a combat stat block for both large and small.
Edited Character sheet. Updates are highlighted.
Because I will have to juggle points anyway are there any other problems I should know about?
Ok. At the moment I think I'm probably going to go with the Device. I'll update the sheet later today when I get home.
Oniena (Super-Soldier 09A) Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -5 Attack /+5 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Oniena was a genetically engineered super-soldier created over a thousand years ago on another planet to fight in a long forgotten war. During the final battle she was knocked unconscious and awoke on a strange alien world (Earth). Alternate Identity: None Birthplace: Beta Aquilae, 4th Planet - Ovlim Residence: None Currently Base of Operations: None Currently Occupation: None Currently Affiliations: None Currently Family: No Family Description: Age: 1042 Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Red skinned Alien Humanoid Height: 64ft. Weight: 130 Tons Eyes: Yellow Hair: Black Tall with an athletic frame she tends to be considered quite attractive by human standards. Her skin is a noticeable red with yellow eyes, black hair, and her ears are pointed(similar in description to a half-elves of Vulcans). The only clothes she currently has are the simple leather battle outfit and Reduction Device (Shrinks her to 7ft. 6in.) given to her by the military. History: Super-Soldier 09A or Oniena was born on the planet Olvim during the late stages of her peoples fight to stave off extinction. The Olvimie had been under attack, for many decades at this point, by a giant centipede like race known to them only as the Hive. The Hive only used a single tactic and that was to swarm opponents with overwhelming numbers of giant centipedes a full 30ft. in length and appeared to not care about the costs. The super-soldier program was one of the last ditch attempts by her people to try and just hold back the unrelenting waves of nightmare fuel. With dwindling resources it was decided that it was better to create soldiers that could take multiple of the Pedes with no equipment and outfit them later. Under the constant pressure, resource scarcity, and uncertainty if the program would work, it was decided to first create 10 batches of soldiers using a variety of chemicals and methods. Oniena was part of 9th batch of soldiers, these were genetically created from scratch and grown to adulthood while being trained to fight the Hive. The program was considered a success with most soldiers standing between 30 to 50 feet tall and the power to fight off the Pedes in unarmed combat but even within their ranks Oniena stood out, being 64 feet tall and displaying several traits that enhanced her survivability over the other soldiers. Once Oniena entered full scale combat against the Hive she rose in the ranks quickly both do to skill and to combat losses. This along with the fact that she and her brethren were able to stop the advance of the Hive made Oniena a bit of a hero and paved the way for the creation of more super-soldiers. The delicate balance was kept of 14 years before it all came to an end. No one was ever sure what caused the all out attack by every Pede on the planet, maybe they had just been biding their time all along till they amasses an army large enough to wipe out the survivors, in the end it didn't matter. The defensive lines were overwhelmed and the last clear memory Oniena has is that of trying to rally a last stand to try and buy time for something but she can't remember what. Her next memories are fuzzy and filled with the sensation of falling until she awoke in a crater on an unknown alien world. This was very similar to the stories told about what her home used to be like before the Hive arrived, even the dominant species of this world greatly resembled her own people. It took her some time around the understandably skittish natives to pick up their language and state of affairs on this world. But once she did and with no other means to make herself useful Oniena decided to continue her fight against those looking to oppress people weaker than themselves. Personality & Motivation: Created as a soldier during a war of extinction for her people Oniena fought valiantly till the end. Now on this new alien world with nothing to her name but her skills, she has decided to continue her fight against evil in order to protect the average citizens of this world. No longer being within a regimented military structure she is also taking this chance to try and become her own person not just a weapon. Powers & Tactics: Gifted with a larger and stronger body designed to fight the giant monster centipedes that ravaged her homeworld she was trained by the army with one primary tactic, overwhelming force. With the enemy having few weaknesses and usually deployed in massive hoards no other tactics were very viable. This tactic is what she will attempt to fall back to when all else fails but after arriving on earth she has learned that sometimes a situation requires a more delicate touch. She does what she can to limit the collateral damage her fights usually cause. Power Descriptions: All of her “powers” are just her natural abilities. One noticeable descriptor though is that when her darkvision is active her eyes begin to glow. Complications: Device: Her ability to control her size can be taken away from her - if her enemies can reach the crystal Size: Being so large compared to the inhabitants of Earth it can be hard for her to get into certain areas. Force: While unintentional she tends to attack with to much gusto for her current environment. This can lead to some excessive property damage. Abilities: 6 + 0 + 18 + 0 + 0 +0 = 24 pp STR: 40 [16] (+15/+3) DEX: 10 (+0) CON: 40 [28] (+15/+9) INT: 10 (+0) WIS: 10 (+0) CHA: 10 (+0) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32 pp Init: +0 ATK: +8 (+5 w/size) (+4 ranged) DEF: +8 (+5 w/size, +1 Dodge Focus, +2 Flat-Footed) Knockback: -6/-24 Grapple: +13/+34 Saves: 0 + 5 + 10 = 15 pp TOU: +15/+9 [10 Imp] (+15 Con/+9 w/out Growth) FORT: +15/+9 (+15 Con/+9 w/out Growth) REF: +5 (+0 Dex, +5) WILL: +10 (+0 Wis, +10) Feats: 9 pp Attack Focus: Melee Attractive Dodge Focus Interpose Move-By Action Power Attack Startle Takedown Attack Uncanny Dodge (olfactory) Skills: 36R=9PP Bluff 0 (0/+4) Concentration 8 (+8) Diplomacy 0 (0/+4) Intimidate 8 (+8/+14 w/size) Notice 8 (+8) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Survival 4 (+4) Powers: 37 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 64 pp Note: All powers carry Mutation (Genetic Engineering) Descriptor, unless noted otherwise Growth 12 (Extra: Duration [Default] (+0), PF: Innate) [37 pp] Gargantuan (–4 ATK/DEF, +24 Str, +12 Con, +12 Grapple, -12 Stealth, +6 Intimidate, 32 ft high, 32K –250K lbs, 20 ft space, 15 ft reach,.+15 Str for carrying) Immunity 10 (aging, life support) [10PP] Impervious Toughness 10 [10PP] Speed 1 (10MPH/115 ft per move) [1PP] Super-Senses 2 (Darkvision) [2PP] Super-Strength 2 (Effective STR 65, Heavy Load 96 tons) [4PP] Drawback: (-3 pp) Vulnerable (alteration effects) (Uncommon, Major [%200]) (-3 pp) Abilities (24) + Combat (32) + Saves (15) + Feats (9) + Skills (9) + Powers (64) - Drawback (3) = 150/150PP