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Kaede Kimura

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About Kaede Kimura

  • Birthday 10/05/2000

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  1. The Dreamer The Dreamer had taken Devon up on a few rounds of chess although she was also hardly an expert, made worse by occasionally being distracted shooing dreams away from the board. A tiny dream unicorn persistently trying to get the attention of one of her knights had led to the game taking a hiatus. She was trying to stop a dreamed labrador from digging in the corner of the plane when Devon asked about digging. "I could probably dream of a digging machine. Or perhaps of a tunnel, although I have never tried to change large masses before." Levity's comment about pulverizing the rock drew a thoughtful hum. When Levity mentioned the weather getting choppy she paused a moment to consider the movement of the plane. "I have not noticed any issues. You are a commendable pilot, Levity." She however stayed quiet as the Dream of the Raven discussed ways the signal could be passing through the rock, being far beyond her area of understanding. She was quite surprised at the persistence of the Dream. Had she somehow made a new permanent Dream, like the Carnifex? If so it was a relief that this one was more heroic.
  2. Harlequin Alden's eyes widened briefly as arms larger than his legs closed around his much shorter self, easily pulling him into the air. Had it been a trap? Had he figured out what, who Alden really was. A strangled noise emanated from him as he considered dropping his glamour to escape. Thankfully the much larger teen released him, exclaiming how happy he was to see he was safe. He tried to keep his gasping dignified as he patted Jack's arm at his apology. "<It is not an issue. I just did not expect your... enthusiasm.>" He had a good enough sense of people to see Lynn's discomfort at her costume, and tried to subtly offer her his leather jerkin without saying anything. At her comment about how they should leave before the police arrived he nodded with a small smile. "<Perhaps we could get some food as a celebration of our victory?>" Jack's deflation at the damage they had done surprised the prince. It was hardly the big man's fault, and given his status as a werebear he had expected him to be more... receptive to such damages. At every turn it seemed these people surprised him. He patted Jack on the shoulder. "<Come friend, it is the Avant Guard that are at fault for this. Had we not been here the art would have been stolen and sold to churlish fools with no appreciation for art.>" Despite his reassurances he paced over to the table with the appetizers and left a stack of gold coins and a note saying they were for the repairs, before returning to his new friends' sides.
  3. Shadowborne (At entrance with Young Guardians and Miracle Girl, moving to Zhenshchina-voin and Arctus near catering tables) Muirne had stayed quiet as they talked with Velocity, dipping a small curtsy at her greeting. She had been distracted, seeing the tall figure of Klara over the crowd. Did that mean the other members of Vanguard were here? She had exchanged messages with them, but not gotten the chance to actually visit England in the past year. She quietly yearned to go speak with her, but didn't want to simply abandon her team mid-conversation. So she had stood at the edge of the discussion, until Charlie said they should let her go. She was about to escape when the stranger appeared, introducing herself as Miracle Girl. She smiled and waved, "I'm Shadowborne, nice to meet you." She greeted, before taking a small step back. "I'll be back guys, just saw someone I know and want to go say hi." With that said she quickly turned and made her way through the door, slipping her way through the crowd towards the towering Zhenshchina-voin. "Síþwíf¹ K- Zhenshchina-voin! It's been a while!" Muirne called as she slid out from the crowd near Klara and a large boy(?) she looked up at him interestedly. "Oh hello, I am Shadowborne. It is nice to meet you..." She trailed off for him to fill in the silence where his name would be. ¹ A noblewoman or Lady
  4. Blue Bolt (With Torpedo Lass II, Timeout, Spaceman and Gamma Buzz) Vueriz' head had been in a swivel as more and more heroes entered the hall, so she had missed most of the conversation to this point. Parker bending down to talk to her drew her attention from the Praetorians. Her ears twitch at the boy's sudden proximity. "I- I'm sure my latest gadgets will be cool enough to get their attention! Just gotta finish em, y'know. Been busy." She looked away from the (much) taller boy, her tail twitching slightly. In truth she somewhat doubted her modified Meson Driver would have impressed that much. It had melted after only one shot. Her hands throbbed at the memory. "Besides, you guys did all the heavy lifting, wrestling Paradigm, pinning his barrier and stuff. I just shot a gun. I wasn't even the one who powered it." She shrugged, trying to think of a different subject than their brief kidnapping. It didn't feel like the right mood. But what could she talk about instead? "I like your suit by the way. It uh, looks nice." The alien tried not to wince. That was so uncool of her.
  5. Yeah, thinking I'll stunt it. The array slot they're in is actually way under budget so I can make it Ranged with no costs to rank. Would have enough spare to even add a cheeky Feat. Power check 1d20+7 = 19
  6. Muirne's +12 to Concentration checks comes in clutch. Could she use Alternate Power: [7 + 7 = 14PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Cold) Obscure 7 (Schattenwelt Imposition; Visual Senses [250ft. Radius]; Extras: Linked [Environmental Control (+0)]; Flaws: Range 1 [Touch]) [7PP] Environmental Control 7 (Schattenwelt Imposition; Intense Cold; Extras: Linked [Obscure (+0)]; Flaws: Range 1 [Touch]) [7PP] To try snuff the flames? Also the rules say nothing about only affecting part of the area, except for using Selective attack to not hit allies. Can you choose to only effect half of the radius?
  7. Anarchilles The big man on the ground followed the conversation between the heroes silently, seeming to be mulling something over. At Blackstaff's comment about him doing no good good hiding his team from them he seemed to snap back to reality. "You're kidding right? You think I'm gonna tell a group of heroes where my friends are? I'm not stupid, you guys will arrest them. 'Oh, it's for your own good, the Goblins will hunt you down otherwise, now off to Blackstone you go!'" He puts on a mocking (and surprisingly accurate) impersonation of Blackstaff as he says the last part. He turns to face Bloody Mess as he talks, although his expression is impossible to gauge through his helmet. He is silent for several long seconds, trying to work out if he's being messed with. Eventually he turns back to Blackstaff. "The little green monsters said that their prince was coming. That seems to discredit your third option. I think they're trying to establish a foothold in the city. That seems a bit more important than a couple thieves, yeah?"
  8. Shadowborne Muirne had been halfway through a sip of wine when the explosion happened, the pressure wave and her own jolt causing the glass to shatter in her face. She called her shadows forth into a partial transformation even as she spat out glass and wiped wine from her eyes. She quickly checked and was relieved that she could sense her friends and their hosts with her life-sight even as she was finally getting the stinging liquid clear of her face. She was relieved to see that they were alright. She licked blood from a cut on her lip as Bernie took charge. "I'm on it!" She replied, already trying to work out how she could get them out of the plane if it went down. She couldn't fit all of them in the pocket she had formed in her connection to the Schattenwelt, and all her other options featured dragging her friends and two civilians to the Schattenwelt. Still, it beat all dying in a plane crash. So decided, she pulled her shadows away from her body to gather them in her hands, an iris of shadow forming, ready to spring forth into a portal at her command.
  9. Shadowborne Muirne watched the melee continue to evolve with narrowed eyes. She couldn't tell where Vik was in the fog, a fact that irked her when it came to knowing how to keep people safe. Then the fog receded as Luke laid Purple Haze low with a mighty strike. She sighed in relief as she saw her friends were safe, but focused again quickly. The biker guys were going to be able to fight better now that they could see. That she could do something about. She jumped from the roof, catching onto a light post with an extended arm to swing between two of them, and then cast a tendril of cursed shadow to lash at the pair. It caught one full in the face, while the other nearly dodged. Still however the otherworldly darkness snatched the light from their eyes. She skidded to a stop between the blinded men, shield and spear ready.
  10. Could she get Cueball and Angel? DC20 Reflex followed by DC20/15 Fortitude or be blinded
  11. Just for bookkeeping sake, Muirne's Schattenwelt Drawing array is set to Base Power: [10 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 6 = 29PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Partial Transformation) Elongation 5 (100ft. Extension; Extras: Projection) [10PP] Super-senses 8 (Life Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default: None; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Ranged; Feats: Uncanny Dodge [Life Awareness]) [8PP] Super-movement 1 (Swinging; Extras: Linked [Speed (+0)]) [2PP] Speed 3 (Extras: Linked [Super-movement (+0)]) [3PP] Super-movement 3 (Permeate, Wall-Crawling, Trackless) [6PP]
  12. Shadowborne Muirne was ashen pale as she picked her path through the corrupted woods, the shadows that covered her thrumming in time with her heart. She had to enter the castle and purify the Prince. She looked down at the black key. How could she do this? Was there a source to the corruption that she could destroy? If the darkness is similar to our own, perhaps we can absorb it. It might be dangerous... but it might work. She picked her way past pustules and pools, on occasion phasing through roots and the like to avoid stepping in them. She had to get to the castle. We are being stalked. I see them. Do you think we should sneak by them? We are in their forest. I do not know if we can. Muirne hummed thoughtfully. She did not want a fight, but Aoife had a point. She could probably give them the slip for some time, but it would slow her down and they would probably catch up. Besides, she needed to get to the castle quickly which she couldn't do while sneaking. We could transform. The Shadowbeasts are swift. I would prefer that be a last resort. Then I suppose we simply walk. Muirne nodded, continuing her march deeper into the forest. Her corona of shadows from her partial transformation ached as she continued, tracking the twisted Fae around her.
  13. If Muirne swings down into the combat, how many of the bad guys can she get switching her array to Alternate Power: [21 = 21PP] Additional Descriptor(s): (Blindness, Curse) Dazzle 10 (Devouring Light; Visual Dazzle; Extras: Area [Shapeable]; Feats: Reversible; Flaws: Range [Touch]) [21PP]
  14. Blue Bolt Vueriz nodded along with Mizuki's instructions, worried as she spoke in her slow, almost slurred cadence. Mizuki had clearly also been through the wringer, and she didn't know enough to guess if this was serious or just somethingto sleep off. That concern wasn't going to stop her from following Mizuki's instructions. One of the advantages of being a super genius was that she could both worry and catch what is being said. Step one, cut power to the engines, not not the battery. Step two, radio the Coast Guard (That was Mizuki's job, but still good to remember.) Step three, fix steering. She could do that, well, except the middle one, but what were friends for? Once again she scampered under the desk to mess with wires. Quickly she zeroed out the input wires so that he ship would stop moving. She found the emergency stop, but wasn't sure if it would deactivate the batteries, so decided to leave it. Finally she pulled free the steering, attaching a small piece of metal in place of the shattered steering wheel. This she handed to Mizuki. "Pretty sure I'll have to go to the engine to fully turn it off, but it's not pushing us anywhere for now."
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