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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Lark Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Part-time college student/part-time secretary/part-time werewolf Catchphrase: *** Theme: Bad Moon on the Rise Alternate Identity: Lark Williams (Secret) Birthplace: Emerald City Residence: ECU Dorms, Emerald City Base of Operations: Blackstaff Investigations Occupation: College Student, Business Major Affiliations: Blackstaff Family: Mother and Father Description: Age: 25 (DoB: September 17th, 1998) Apparent Age: mid 20s Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 10” / 7’ 3” Weight: 138lb / 242lb Eyes: Hazel Hair: Dirty-Blonde / Light Brown Description: Lark looks average enough in her size and build, but take a closer look as you can notice the defined muscles under the softness of college life. She shares a lot of her looks with her mother including her dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. As a werewolf, Lark is capable of assuming a giant sized wolf or the stereotypical hybrid form. Her fur is a light brown but her inhuman eyes keep their hazel coloring . Razor sharp claws and fangs complete the look. History: While in her freshman year as Business major at Emerald City University, Lark was attacked by a werewolf one night. She was the only survivor of the group she had been with. Weeks in the hospital and questions from police and media left her feeling scared and tired, but it wasn’t until the next full moon approached and the nightmares began that she truly felt the terror. She had transformed into a savage beast like the one that had attacked her for two nights straight before stumbling across Blackstaff’s office. He had already been investigating the attacks that were occurring every full moon, when Lark explained she had survived the previous attack he quickly agreed to help her. Using her connection to her attacker the two tracked down the werewolf responsible for the ‘Full Moon Murders’ as the media had dubbed them. With the werewolf responsible for turning her dead, Lark’s nightmares stopped. But in truth she was still deeply afraid of her condition. Blackstaff attempted to remove the curse, but was unable to. Instead he promised to help her control the transformations and the easy now inside her clawing to escape. So, she began working at his office as his secretary/office assistant. Though she has recently pressed Blackstaff to be more involved with cases. Personality & Motivation: Lark is cheerful and upbeat. She had planned on a simple life running a business of her own. And while her condition complicates things, she still wants to make something of herself. Courageous and strong willed, she has practiced with her werewolf nature to better control it. She isn’t afraid to put herself in danger to help someone else, though she still sometimes overestimates her abilities. Power Descriptions: Lark is a werewolf, complete with all its weaknesses. Silver and wolf’s bane being two biggest. Her curse is magical in nature. Complications: Silver Bullet: The touch of silver can burn causing her to be weary of it. Herbalism: Wolf’s bane can cause a range of reactions depending on how it is handled or processed. Mark of the beast: Other creatures can sometimes sense when a predator is near. This can cause complications ranging from unintentional intimidation to unwanted irrational fear of her depending on the creature and situation. Call of the Wild: Strong magical or mental forces could cause her to change uncontrolled, perhaps even enraging her and driving her to attack indiscriminately. ABILITIES 6+ 4 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 30PP Strength: 16/30 (+3/+10) [Wolf: 36 carry cap, Hybrid: 41 carry cap & 31 sustain activity] Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4) Constitution: 14/24 (+2/+7) [Wolf & Hybrid: 27 (+8)] Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Imp Init) Attack: +10 melee (+4 Base, +6 Attack Focus [melee]) Defense: +10 (+4 Base, + 6 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +7/+9 (+4 Melee Attack, +8 Strength, /+2 Super-Str) Knockback Resistance: -1/-3 SAVING THROWS 2 + 5 + 5 = 12PP Toughness: +2/+9/+10(+2/+7/+8 Con, +2 Protection, Impervious 6) Fortitude: +4/+9/+10 (+2/+7/+8 Con, +2PP) Reflex: +7/+9 (+2/+4 Dex, +5PP) Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5PP) SKILLS 72R = 18PP Acrobatics 6 (+8/+10) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 3 (+6) Drive 2 (+4/+6) Investigate 7 (+10) Knowledge, Arcane Lore 2 (+5) Knowledge, Economics 7 (+10) Knowledge, Pop-culture 2 (+5) Knowledge, Technology 2 (+5) Medicine 2 (+5) Notice 7 (+10) Search 7 (+10) Knowledge, Small Business 7 Knowledge, Pop +3 Stealth 6 FEATS 17PP Attack Focus [melee] 6 Blind-Fight Dodge Focus 6 Evasion 1 Fearless Fearsome Presence Improved Initiative Powers: (18 + 11 + 35) [64PP] Combat Array 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [18PP] BP: Damage 10 (Extra: Penetrating 6) [16/16PP] AP: Enhanced Strength 14 (Feats: Bracing, Groundstrike) [16/16PP] AP: Emotion control 10 (Frightful Roar; Extra: Area [General, Burst: 50’ radius] Flaws: Limited [Fear], Sense-dependant [Hearing]; Drawback: Noticeable) [9/16PP] Morph Array 5.5 (10PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1) [11PP] BP: Hybrid Form (Container 7, Disability: can’t speak [common, moderate, -3PP], Feat: Innate) [10/10PP] Morph 1 (Single Form: Wolf-Human Hybrid; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action]; Feat: Linked [Growth] ) [1PP] Growth 3 (+6 Str [carry cap], +3 Con; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action], Full Power; Feat: Linked [Morph]) [7PP] Speed 1 (25 MPH total) [1PP] Super Sense 1 (Hearing: Extended) [1PP] Super-Strength 1 (+5 Str for carry capacity and +1 Str for sustained activity) [2PP] AP: Wolf Form (Container 8, Drawback: Disability: no hands [common, moderate, -3PP], Disability: can’t speak [common, moderate, -3PP], Feat: Innate) [8/10PP] Morph 1 (Single Form: Dire Wolf; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action]; Feat: Linked [Growth]) [1PP] Growth 3 (+6 Str [carry cap], +3 Con; Drawback: Action 2 [Standard action], Full Power; Feat: Linked [Morph]) [7PP] Speed 2 (50 MPH total) [2PP] Super-Sense 3 (Hearing: Extended, Scent: Extended, Tracking: Scent) [3PP] Physical Container [35PP] Comprehend 2 (Animals, Speak to & Understand; Flaw: Limited [Canines only]) [2PP] Enhanced Constitution 7 [7PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Protection 2 (Impervious 6) [8PP] Regeneration 9 (Bruised 2 [standard action], Injured 2 [5 minutes], Ability 1 [5 hours], Disabled 1 [5 hours], Feats: Diehard, Persistent, Regrowth) [11PP] Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1PP] Super-senses 4 (Scent, Ultra-Hearing, Danger Sense 2: Hearing, Scent) [4PP] Drawbacks -7PP Vulnerable: Silver (Uncommon, Major [x2 damage]) [-3PP] Weakness: Contact with Silver (Major, -1 drain all ability scores every round) [-4PP] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Damage Touch DC25 Toughness Damage (Physical) TOTALS Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (18) + Feats (17) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (7) = 150/150 Power Points
  2. Blackstaff Blackstaff regarded the station wagon, but the hull of a man before him seemed like a more pressing matter. Even with the two powerhouses on his side, he didn’t see this being an easy fight. The wizard chanted softly under his breath, pointing his staff first at Anarchillies, then towards the sky. Clouds began to gather and churn. A rumble echoed briefly as the taste of static filled the air around the villain and heroes. “Fulmino galventas!” Hairs rose on end as a single lightning bolt connected earth and clouds for the briefest of instances.
  3. Crap, sorry for the delay. Blackstaff staff is gonna go for an Electric based ranged attack: 20 that probably misses
  4. Paper Leon chuckled at Neko. “Food sounds like an awesome idea.” He agreed. He rolled his head to glance towards Vik and Muirne. “Army is funny, but really she should see Evil Dead 2 first. It kinda sets everything up, and it more or less hit most of the beats of number 1. Not to say 1 isn’t really good on its own.” He admitted with a hand raised defensively. He looked at Charlie and cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t be a party pooper, man. It’s not that bad. We don’t get into super fights everyday.” He snickered. He grinned at Bernadette. “Pizza sounds like a winner, especially if it’s meaty. Which reminds me…” He glances over at Luke. “Found this little family owned pizza joint, they have some of the best pizza I’ve had. I need to take Neko there, you two should check it out sometime.” He waggled a finger at Muirne and his roommate. “I’d share it will Charlie, but he’d probably saw he’s already heard about it and took Berni there for lunch last week.” He gave Charlie a teasing smirk.
  5. Predator It had taken an effort to initiate contact with the various agencies with the equipment on hand. Nearly all of them had passed her from one office to another. It was a hassle, and yet another reason she preferred being an independent entity. Even now she waited to be connected to someone with the League. Predator turned her attention from the monitors as Dr North came awake. On the screen behind her, the hero identified at Terrifica appeared on the monitor. She glanced at the screen, the back at the doctor. “Excellent timing doctor, I would take it easy considering what you’ve been through. I will explain what I can to you and the League at the same time.” Predator turned to the screen and nodded to Terrifica. She recognized the woman from various reports. “Terrifica, it’s an honor to speak with you. I’m sure you know who I am, but for Dr. North’s sake,” She turns back to the Doctor. “You may call me Predator.” She looks back at the screen and gestures to the doctor. “And for your convenience, this is Dr. North of the agency known as WEST.” Predator crosses her arms. “I’m afraid this is a complicated situation, but I will do my best to stick to the important points. An, as yet, unidentified scientist has created clones of a volatile nature as bio-weapons. From what I have been able to determine so far, they have been genetically based off a subject I am unfamiliar with. I’m uploading an image of them now.” Predator pulled a cable from her gauntlet and connected to the computer. An image of the pale woman lying in the ice appeared on the screen. “What files I’ve had time to skim through on the computers here have identified the woman only as Synth. I’m afraid I don’t have any other information about them on hand.” She began to tap away on the keys. “I can send you all the data on site.” As she does, she continues. “The scientist stated their intent was of monetary pursuit. Unfortunately, in order to secure the facility and hostages I allowed them to escape. I have provided what I could to AEGIS to assist in their capture.” She admitted. “When Dr. North had had time to recover, I will inquire with him as well.”
  6. Predator Predator examined the slow pulsing blue veins of alien material. She wished she had the time to take samples, but she was there for another purpose. If anything was left once this was over she could get a sample later. Turning her full attention to the cave she pushed deeper with Echohead beside, if not slightly behind, her. In time, they reached a chasm and the alien cube resting within. The object spoke and her first instinct was to verify if the sound had been picked up by her external mic, or if it had been projected directly to her. “Did you get that?” She asked those watching remotely. Beside her Echo began to reply, affirming it wasn’t only her that had heard the voice. “Yes.” She confirmed. “At the moment, we represent the local populace and governing body. We seek to understand what happened, and how we can resolve any potential misunderstandings.”
  7. Seraphim Was nervous to say the least. She rubbed sweaty palms on the legs of her school issued uniform. She had never actually had her own costume, aside from doing her best to cover her face whenever she had tried to practice on her own. She glanced around at the others gathered for evaluation. They were quite the varied bunch and she had to admit curiosity had her wondering about them. A taller, slender brunette wearing shades warned them about close contact and Sarah gave an appreciative smile. “Thanks for the warning.” She shook her head. “The schedule just listed ‘Student Assessment’.” Sarah gave a small shrug. “Ah…, thanks, but I think I’m okay.” Sarah tried her best not to look horrified as she failed to nonchalantly step away. She realized what she was doing and stopped herself. “Sorry, I’m still getting used to strange things. I mean, I’m not saying you are strange, just that… I mean, that…” Sarah’s hands waved around unhelpfully as she stammered for a moment before seeming to give up. Her shoulders slumping in defeat. “One of these days I’ll manage to stop stuffing both feet in my mouth.”
  8. One initiative roll: 25 Damn, got lucky.
  9. GM Detective Pascal shook his head. “All my years on the force and I still can’t ever be sure what I’m gonna walk into when I walk onto a scene.” He nodded at the unconscious Wildchild at Nightscale’s feet. “I don’t know, or care, what she is. But I know she’s going away for a long time if I can help it” “Take it easy, Joel.” Detective Ramsey patted the older detective. “I’ll be okay, Ellie.” He reassured her. “I should get you to that ambulance.” She offered. “Just as soon as they cuff that one and drag her off.” He replied defiantly.
  10. Seraphim Sarah completely missed Mizuki’s indication of her to Annie. It wasn’t until the little blue alien looked at her and addressed her directly that Sarah realized she had been staring. The teen gave a small ‘eep’ of embarrassment as her cheeks darkened. “I-I am so sorry.” She managed to stammer as she looked away quickly. She tried to focus on the other girls, her attention falling on Kadene. Sarah puffed out her cheeks as she gave the girl a frown. “I said I was sorry. I’ve never seen a, well, anyone blue, or alien before.” She said defensively. “Maybe its more normal where you come from. But its a first for me.” Sarah hesitantly looked back at Vueriz again. “I apologize for staring. That was very rude of me.” She straightened herself, all 5’ 4” at least, and gave a friendly smile. “My name is Sarah, Sarah Thatcher. It is nice to meet you.” Her mother insisted that a proper introduction was always needed when encountering a new group of potential classmates.
  11. Predator She was a hero of her word. Though, the armored hero watched the scientist carefully as she left. Once the elevator doors closed and she was ‘alone’, Predator moved to check first Dr North and then the mysterious woman. After verifying both were stable she looked around for communications equipment to contact WEST and AEGIS. She could let WEST know Dr North was safe. AEGIS could start looking for the rogue scientist. They would have to figure out what to do with the clones between them. Something about the mystery woman though had her decide to contact the League. Perhaps someone there knew who she was.
  12. Predator Predator stepped out of the truck and regarded the cave entrance. She supposed the glow from within could be considered ’eerie’ by some. “A bear? Perhaps. Witches? Doubtful. The likelihood of discovering the last one again seems highly unlikely.” She comments off-handedly without further context. Predator glanced at Echohead as his pistol began to glow and gave a small nod. “Cynthia, contact Agent Shrine. Initiate a live stream as well as a recording.” “Yes, ma’am.” The suit’s a.i. replied in its smooth artificial female tone, audible over the speakers. She didn't think she should mention out loud that this was a precaution should they suffer a fate similar to Mr Deacon's and A.E.G.I.S needed further data to combat whatever was inside. “Now then, let us see about putting an end to this.” Predator began to approach the cave, ready to react.
  13. Seraphim Outside Sarah Francine Thatcher hefted the suitcase her mother had insisted on helping her pack. It wasn’t bulging, but Sarah was certain there was little else she could have squeezed into it. She was the first of her siblings to attend a ‘private school’ and her parents had shown a mix of pride and distress over it, though they tried not to show it. It had been a monumental effort to convince them she didn’t need one, let alone both of them, to escort her to her new dorm room. Sarah paused outside the Kord Dormitory, looking up at the impressive building. Other girls passed her, moving into their own rooms. A little ways off, she could see a stream of boys mimicking their own ant-like procession in and out of their dorm. A well dressed woman in a pantsuit passed her with a young girl in a hoodie in tow. She saw more than a few students slipping in and out of windows on the upper floors and was even more relieved her parents weren’t here right now. She steeled her nerves and stepped forward to her new and exciting, and not at all terrifying, future as a trained metahuman. ***** Upstairs The elevator to the fourth floor chimed once more as a young dirty blonde of average build stepped out into the common area. It was as hectic as she suspected it would be and she did her best to maneuver her suitcase around without running into someone. She was passing a small group of girls talking. One wore some kind of sailor-girl themed outfit while another was decked out like a pirate. It was the juxtaposition of the two that drew a second glance. Sarah spotted the hoodie girl from outside and another girl floating over a nearby cooler, but it was the little blue creature that captured her attention. She had never seen anything like it, except maybe that one kids movie from when she was younger she considered. She hadn’t even noticed she had stopped walking as she stood staring impolitely.
  14. Paper Leon made a face that gave an impression that he thought he could handle the training if he actually wanted to. But he gave an exaggerated little shudder and gagging motion at the mention of him having to wear Charlie’s old costume. “Don’t give him any ideas.” He teased Vik and Charlie as she asked about training. He chuckled and settled in for the movie, his right hand stroking Neko’s hair. The movie had that wonderful slow build and he was enjoying it. Soon though, Neko slipped from his lap and moved closer to the big screen. Leon smiled softly as he watched her. A brief glimpse behind the mask he wore nearly constantly.
  15. Predator Predator regarded the scientist for a moment, silent and unmoving. She considered the data before her. The lab equipment would be invaluable evidence. The things within the tubes, if released, could deal untold damage to all of it, as well as them. If she could reduce the possibility of harm to herself, the scientist or the unconscious victim in the ice she should. She had image and vocal recordings of the guilty party, combined with any physical evidence left behind would prove useful and could lead official law enforcement to her later. She weight this against the possible harm this woman could cause later before her eventual capture. As well was the harm she had already caused… The armored figure finally nodded, but raised a mechanical finger. “On one further condition. Tell me what happened to Dr North and anyone else that was here with him.”
  16. GM Wildchild gasps under the weight of Nightscale’s pressure before she goes limp and unconscious under the dragon. Freeing him up to turn his attention to the rest of the clearing. The young hero was in time to see the armored deep one thrust the tips of her trident into the belly of the monster. The smell of the ancient ocean filled the air of the tiny clearing as viens bulged across the creature’s skin. Slowly at first, the creature twitched as it seemed to curl up on itself. A moment later it convulsed as bits of it fell off in increasing chunks. A gargled cry of rage burbled from its throat as it choked on its own necrosis. Ancient magic rippled through the thing as more and more of it collapsed and dissolved. Soon the heroes stood looking at mounds of half-wet dust and ichor. Detective Ramsey was helping support Detective Pascal as they too watched the scene unfold. Pascal’s arm still hung oddly at his side. He glanced over at the prone figure of Wildchild lying at Nightscale’s feet. “At least one can go back to a cell.” Ramsey nodded and pulled a radio from her belt. “This is Detective Ramsey. I need an ambulance at the park entrance. An armored transport for a meta to lock-up. And call AGEIS for a biohazard cleanup crew.” #zzt-Roger that-zzt# A voice responded. Detective Paschal looked a little pale but was obviously holding himself together on sheer stubbornness. He gives the heroes a nod. “Thanks for the help. Pretty sure we’d both be dead if we ran into these two alone.” *** Small, strange eyes still watched the gathering from a silent distance. Tiny needle teeth in a knowing smirk.
  17. Well if she’s gonna drive this time I suppose it’s only fair she rolls. Jack of all Trades - Survival check: 18 Not too bad on a basically a Wis roll.
  18. Predator Predator hadn’t been to the Lighthouse before. She had heard of it and read reports. Even looked over a few basic maps of its layout, just nothing deemed sensitive or classified. Only a strong will and a sense of common courtesy kept her from wandering off to ‘look around’. Perhaps later she could get someone to give her a tour. She had removed her helmet as she stood with the others, Star Kahn and Paradigm giving their thanks to the assembled heroes. She gave the duo a nod in return and smiled. “More peaceful and pleasant circumstances are always preferred.” She agreed.
  19. Predator Predator studied Echohead for a moment then nodded. “Very well. Let’s finish the mission.” She gave him a smile and the visor slid closed. The armored figure surveyed the area. She spotted something nearby. An old pick-up truck, its frame only slightly raised for bigger tires. Old mud caked its lower half. It had obviously seen use off paved roads. “There.” She pointed. “That seems like a likely candidate.” She glanced back at Echohead. “I can drive this time.” She offered. “If you can navigate.”
  20. Predator Predator watched the woman from behind her helmet. The woman may hesitate, but Jean was sure she would press it if desperate. She eyed the tanks, getting the impression from her that they may not quite be ready. But their stability was too much of a variable to dismiss. The woman, though, had already caused too much damage and suffering. She couldn’t be allowed to escape. “You are clearly of some intelligence. But you have to realize the odds are not as in your favor as you may like. You may have the advantage in numbers, but I have the advantage in speed and power.” Fingers slid back into gauntlets. “There can be no compromise, only an end to the harm you’ve caused. And while I may not be able to stop you from pushing that button, I can assure you I can stop you from fleeing. My armor will grant me a measure of protection, but you on the other hand…” She trailed off. Within the helmet, tactical information began to dot Jean’s screens. The ear-like units on the sides on the helmet shifted, looking like they wiggled some before tilting back. “So, perhaps you should recalculate your data and assess whether you believe you can survive your own creations.” Predator’s tone was even as she mentally tried to account for possible actions. If she surrendered, it would be simple. But if she tried to release their creations and run, Jean would try to subdue her first, get her somewhere safe and secure. She may be acting cold and indifferent, but she had made promises to try to protect, and she couldn’t let those people she promised down… even if she may never see them again. “You can surrender now and stand judgement for what you have done, or do you wish to become a tragic tale of caution for other would-be rogue scientists. We both know with what you’ve done here, some organization or another will swoop in with offers to help sweep this under the rug in exchange for the knowledge of your work.”
  21. Just realized I forgot to include the power check. Snare: 13 HP to reroll: 24
  22. Paper Paper stood looking back at the ninja. The would be attacker watching him cautiously. The boy tilted his head to one sid slightly and Paper smirked behind his mask. “Too slow.” He said in English as behind the other man, paper gathered menacingly. From its rustling mass a large paper white serpent rose. Its mouth opened in a silent hiss. Then, it struck like a monstrous constrictor. Attempting to wrap around the man and bind him.
  23. Attempting to Snare the last ninja on the stage. Ranged attack: 28 And that’s a crit, so Ref save DC 25
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