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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Leon gave Luke a gentle shove and smirked as they approached the two older students. "Didn't you realize? We've been ungraded from delinquents to sidekicks." He chuckled.
  2. The Ryde driver gave the pair a skeptical look as they responded to the app’s notification, but seemed the relax a bit when Leon told them they were heading to Ocean Heights. A pair of kids from a private school heading to the amusement park on the weekend seemed normal enough. Leon made small talk as he and Luke rode. The subject of what kind of prank to play on Sebastian coming up at least once, with Leon suggesting things like replacing all of his clothes with thrift store hand-me-downs to moving his bed into the courtyard with him still in it. Though he’d admit he didn’t know how they’d pull off the latter. The car pulled up to the park’s entrance somewhere around 10ish. Luke could see Leon pull a couple single dollar bills and a twenty from his pocket. He looked at them for a moment then counted out the singles, putting the twenty back in his pocket. He handed the bills to the driver who smiled and thanked them as Leon got out of the car. If he looks, Luke could see the driver holding twenties instead of singles, happily stuffing some rich kids money into this pocket. Wearing jeans and a Rage against the Machine tee Leon stuffed his hands into the pockets of the realistic looking zipped jacket that spotted a strange little patch. Almost like the Deathly Hollows but not quite. “Ah, smell that? Smells like freedom and chili dogs.” He mused with a grin as he inhaled the breeze coming off the water. He looks back at Luke. “Ready for some fun?” He asks before turning to look around for their ‘chaperones’.
  3. "The amusement park?" Leon repeats thoughtfully, then smiles mischievously. "Ya, that sounds fun." He nods. "Afraid of it?" Leon chuckles and grins. "It's what I live for." "For now tho, I think I'm gonna take a shower before I hit up dinner." He smirks at Eira as he thumbs back at the dorms. "Some of us actually work up a sweat in the gym." Leon turns to head back to the dorms to take a shower before heading to the cafeteria.
  4. Leon grinned. "I'm sure we can think of something." Then smirked at Pan's mock indignation, but was surprised when to two disappeared. He looked around quickly then back at the space they had occupied a moment ago. He started to wonder if they had teleported or just turned invisible. His eyes narrowed, but before he test any theory the two of them reappeared. Leon did his best not to show his surprise. He smirked at Pan. "Well now, isn't that cheating." He teased. "Some of us work had to be sneaky."
  5. "Any limitation?" Leon asked. The young man stood, hands in the pocket of a blue pull-over hoodie with white stripes running down the sleeves. Under it he wore a white sleeveless shirt and blue sweatpants. Black sneakers completed the outfit as he stood with the rest of violet squad. "I mean, are we talking 'no-holds-barred'?"
  6. Leon met Charlie's eyes until he too was distracted by Pol's display. "Now that would be hilarious." He chuckled. Leon eyed Charlie, this was someone he was going to have to keep an eye on. "I'm still down for a game."
  7. Leon had to chuckle at Pan's claims, but he didn't think he should out right dismiss them. "Don't get my hopes up to high." He smirked. "Though it would be nice to have something to brag to my brother and sister about. Especially after missing out on the book that put me here." Leon sighed a little at the thought, but quickly changed the subject. "So, you two ever sneak of campus?" He asks, a little too innocently.
  8. *facepalm* Forgot to roll. ? 12 Missed it anyway.
  9. Okay, I had already started one and was just waiting to see if I needed add anything.
  10. "Looks like it could be." Blackstaff acknowledged and agreed. "That's understandable." It had been a long walk and the professor had at least been someone he could talk with on an academic level. It made the trip a little more bearable. They had been luck and avoided any major encounters, no one had recognized Advay or thought twice of their activities. For all appearances, it was simply two men engaged in conversation as the moved some boxes. As they approached, Blackstaff clicked his flashlight off and greeted the woman that approached them. "That would be us." Blackstaff nods. "Thank you, but no." He says, politely declining the cigarette. His eyes sweep over the gargoyles as they move gold bars into the ship's cabin. They were either magical constructs, he guessed, or under an enchantment judging by the runes on their foreheads. His gaze shifted to the man in the Hawaiian shirt and focuses his mental muscles, all the magic of the area coming into mental focus. He lets his gaze linger on Mr. Hawaiian for a moment and then over to the armored woman on the clockwork horse. "I fully agree, we don't want to be down here any longer than necessary." He says looking back at the captain and giving a friendly smile. "So, what can we call you?" He asks as he motions for her to lead the way.
  11. Leon rolled his eyes ever so briefly at the display. He wasn't sure he'd be able to stomach it if they got any more lovey-dovey. "Redemption is for suckers, books, and video games. And I can't remember any of them ending well. After all, no good deed goes unpunished." He says as he angles towards the dorms. "Now, adventure, that's sounds a little more fun. If you need a note faked, beer bought, or something someone else has... 'found', just gimme a call."
  12. Leon attempted to pull the ravenrang from the wall unnoticed, but it seemed to be stuck firm. "Hmm, must have hit a stud." He was careful of its sharp edges as he tried again. Leon glanced back at Charlie and gave him a friendly smile. "Just trying to be safe. Not too safe leaving sharp things sticking outta the wall." He switches hands, reaching up with his left hand. He wraps his hand around the weapon and gives a quick tug, pulling the ravenrang out easily this time. He glances at the retreating Sebastien and Eddie as he crosses the common room. He opens his hand to Charlie, the ravenrang lying in his unharmed palm. He looks over at Felix, a little surprised to hear that level off hostility. "If he's that bad, how has someone not gone Few Good Men on him?" He asks.
  13. Leon stopped walking at the new voice. "Huh?" He looks up, watching Pan float down to join them. Eira was obviously excited to see him. "Pan? Forever boy?" He tilts his head, taking in his outfit, and smirks. "Whatever you say Peter. I never wanted to be a role model." He watches as Eira drapes herself over him and she introduces him, he gives a short nod. "Why I'm here? That's a different story." Leon unconsciously flexes his left hand. His tone changes, loosing its humor for a moment. "You could say it nearly cost me an arm and a leg." Leon starts walking again, after a few moments of silence from him he sighs. "I was at a museum after hours. There was a book I wanted to... take a closer look at." He smirked. "I was careless and took too long. The cops showed up and I was about to make escape when the museum shook. The floor collapsed, I fell and hit my head. It hurt like hell, but I was able to get up, that's when I noticed one of the cops fell with me. I heard something above us cracking and looked up to see a huge chunk of... something, coulda been the ceiling or an upper floor, I don't know. But when it fell, I just... reacted." Leon shrugged. "I protected the cop, but I was... injuried, seriously. I was held in the hospital until Mr. Marquez came by to give me the third degree. He left and a couple days later I'm getting a choice, off to a more secure cell or play nice and go to school. Learn to be a responsible member of society." Leon air quotes the last couple words with his free hand.
  14. "How?" Leon grinned mischievously. "By being quick and careful, and watching each others backs. It helps to have people you can trust and depend on." He sighed a little and wiped his face with the towel. "The one time I did wind up in juvie, they didn't realize I was 'special' and my brother and sister were able to break me out. They weren't prepared for us, after all breaking in to places is kinda our thing." He grinned again. Leon left out his meeting a fellow student in there back in the day. It wasn't his place to spread that particular tale.
  15. Leon frowned a little when Eddie intercepted Felix's punch. He was surprised by Charlie's display glancing between the boy and the weapon in the wall. As the others chastised Sebastien he rolled his eyes and began to move around the outside edge of the gathering. Didn't they know that it was pointless to talk to people like him. They had a power that, as they saw it, could get them whatever they wanted and get them out of any trouble they found themselves in. Those types never changed their ways, they just got better at hiding it or wound up in the ground after trying to push the wrong person around. As he moved around the room he passed in front of the 'raven-rang' he paused to act like he was continuing to watch the exchanges. With his body turned slightly away, he tried to pluck the weapon from the wall and pocket it while the others were distracted.
  16. Leon had to chuckle at Eira's affirmation, but stifled it and nodded along as she continued. He grabbed the towel he had brought and shouldered his gym bag. "That depends." He smirks, then chuckles. "Are you wearing a wire?" He raises an eyebrow at Eira as they walk. "If you're really curious though, mostly B&E and theft. We would target up-scale shops and homes, or sometimes other criminals that liked to flash their cash... or were assholes." He shrugged. It wasn't information that would be hard to find out so he didn't mind talking about it. As long as she didn't try to weasel details out of him "Basically, anyone that could afford to take the hit. Rober-... Satchel was good at picking our marks." Leon mentally facepalmed at the slip-up with his brother's name, but he tried not to let it show on his face.
  17. Blackstaff tried his best to move through the crowd of children and parents at Oz's guidance. When they finally reached the little stone mouse he crouched near it. He followed the statue's gaze to see where it was looking when it was petrified. "It was looking that way when it made eye contact." Behind the googles his eyes scanned around, trying to gauge where their query was at the time and where it could have moved on to.
  18. Leon felt something slide over his thoughts. It tried, but failed, to settle over them though and Leon looked over at Sebastien. I seemed everyone else had resisted the effect also, well except the one named Zach. The others were already reacting unhappily with Felix even throwing a punch. Leon though didn't move or yell. First, he couldn't begrudge the boy using his power. He would though, just need to have a word with Sebastien later about using them on him in particular. Second, he was gonna enjoy watching little jerk get his butt whipped by one of these big guys. He just wished he had something to snack on while watching.
  19. Leon tried to gauge Eira, but it was hard to 'read' a machine. He nodded slowly. "I know what mean. Though judging from a few other kids I've seen around campus, there are a few less then 'heroic' types in the student body." He tilted his head as he considered her invitation to hang out. It could be a trap he considered. Some kind of 'hazing' bit on the new kid, but he was confident he could slip out of any trouble that came his way. "Sure." He says after a moment, then smirks himself. "Just hope that pretty boy you hang out with doesn't mind you hangin' out with an ex-con."
  20. Wow, secondling, you’re rolling like I usually do at my irl games. ?
  21. Brute Power Level: 10 (150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: -5 Attack / +5 Damage, -5 Defense / +5 Toughness In Brief: Advanced construct / flesh golem Catchphrase: Theme: Alternate Identity: varies (currently: Matthew Thate) (Secret) Birthplace: varies (currently: Freedom City, NJ) Residence: na Base of Operations: na Occupation: na Affiliations: Creepshow Family: na Description: Age: varies (currently: 35, DoB: 1995) Apparent Age: varies (currently: distorted 30s) Gender: varies (currently: male) Ethnicity: varies (currently: Caucasian) Height: varies (currently: 6.5 feet-ish) Weight: varies (currently: 350-ish) Eyes: varies (currently: brown) Hair: varies (currently: brown) History: Brute is a golem of flesh created by the flesh manipulating figure referring to himself as Creepshow. The current Brute was crafted from a man named Matthew Thate. Matthew was an auto mechanic who was hospitalize after automotive accident. He was pronounced dead after 4 hours of surgery, by the surgeon Dr Ethan Saddler. Later that night his body vanished from the hospital and records were changed to show the corpse had been properly processed. In reality, the body had been taken by Creepshow to be used as part of one of the villain’s experiments. Matthew was used as the base for what would become Creepshow’s muscle/bodyguard only referred to as ‘Brute’. Personality & Motivation: Whatever is left of Matthew’s personality and memories, if any, are suppressed by Creepshow’s tinkering. Brute’s only purpose now is merely to serve his master/creator. To which, he uses the considerable strength and power bestowed to him by his master/creator to carry out any orders given. Powers & Tactics: A living tank of a being, Brute lives up to its name. Brute utilizes the full extent of its strength to power through obstacles in its way. With little regard for tactics, it relies heavily on its abilities to take damage and shrug off blows until it can crush its opponent with its attacks. Although, its master/creator is able to access its senses and communicate over distance with it, directing it if seen fit. And if necessary, Creepshow can seize control of Brute and control it himself not unlike a puppet. Power Descriptions: Brute is a flesh golem, a ‘Frankenstien’ed bio-weapon, crafted to be strong and durable. Its body is distorted with occasional mismatched pieces. Its muscles are oversized and are obviously unsettling to look at. It's chest and arms are larger and longer than any human's should be. As such it always possesses inhuman strength and toughness, with a reach that some tend to misjudge. It can at times, at the need of its master/creator, be augmented with additional abilities. Theses abilities can sometimes cause the body to look even stranger and can sometimes come at the cost of reduced strength as an unfortunate side effect. Complications: Name: Description Abilities: 30 + 0 + 30 – 4 – 4 + 0 = 52PP Strength: 40 (+15) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 40 (+15) Intelligence: 6 (-2) Wisdom: 6 (-2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 5 (2PP / Base Attack) + 5 (2PP / Base Defense) = 20PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +5 Melee, +5 Ranged (+5 Base) Defense: +5 (+5 Base), +3 Flat-Footed Grapple: +25 Knockback: -18 Saving Throws: 0 (1PP / Fortitude) + 5 (1PP / Reflex) + 7 (1PP / Will) = 12PP Toughness: +15 (+15 Con [10 Impervious]) Fortitude: +15 (+15 Con) Reflex: +5 (+0 Dex, +5) Will: +5 (-2 Wis, +7) Skills: 48R = 12PP (1PP = 4 Skill ranks) Intimidate 15 (+15) Notice 12 (+10) Search 12 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+7) Feats: 7PP All-out Attack Chokehold Improved Grapple Improved Pin Power Attack Stunning Attack Takedown attack Powers: 6 + 12 + 10 + 11 = 39PP (Descriptors: all biological) Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Area [Olfactory Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range 2 [Touch]; Feats: Subtle) [6PP] (Chemical, Scent, Fear, Mental) Immovable 6 (Extra muscles; Extra: Unstoppable) [12PP] Impervious Toughness (Thick skinned; Extra: Impervious 10) [10PP] Super-Strength 5 (Extra Muscles; Feat: Groundstrike) [11PP] Drawbacks: -0 = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 38 Toughness Damage Groundstrike Touch DC 18 Reflex Damage Totals: Abilities (52) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (12) + Feats (7) + Powers (39) - Drawbacks (0) = Power Points 142
  22. Leon stiffened as the holographic ball passed harmlessly through his head with surprising speed. After a moment he relaxed and tried to look unfazed. "Ya, of course." He said looking at the glowing circle in her palm. Feeling a slight twinge at the sight of it, he thought of his sister. Realizing Eira was leaning in close Leon tensed a little, ready to react when she asked about him being arrested. Her tone though wasn't accusing or disdainful, causing him to give her a curious look as he tried to gauge her. Leon inclines his head a little in acknowledgement and lowers his voice similiarly. "I was, a few times actually." He watched her for a reaction. "Even landed in juvie once."
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