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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. When Barry spoke Christopher raised his eyebrows but managed not gape or say anything rude. When the the miffed 'butler' turned and re-entered the interior he glanced one last time at Oz then followed after the penguin. "Well, tonight is just going to be full of surprises, isn't it." He chuckled lightly. Inside, he glanced around the large room and took a second to appreciate the colorful majesty of the numerous feathered inhabitants. Finally letting his gaze settle on the gentleman that Christopher could only assume was Charlemange. His choice of style and attire could almost have been comical, if the man didn't seem just so comfortable in it. Christopher returned the smile, but motioned to Oz to be the first to greet his friend.
  2. Leon/Paper: 6 Fledgelings in the Fold 1 Just Like Fire 5 Christopher/Blackstaff: 11 Blackstaff Justice 0 Missing Pets 6 Plea of the Serpent 5 Jennifer/Chimera: 0
  3. Blackstaff cursed mentally. Of course he had to run into the guard that actually did its job. He slowly reaches into his coat and pulls out a card. "Sorry, wallet's a little hard to get to while hanging off a ladder." The card reads: Blackstaff Investigations - Christopher Daye, P.I. with a phone number and address printed under that. "As for rest, I'm not at liberty to reveal my client's identity or details of their case. Professional courtesy and all that." He gave the rock cop..., rop?... Christopher suppressed a chuckle and managed a friendly smile. "I'm sure someone in your position can understand. The people paying don't like being talked about."
  4. Christopher looked over at Oz then back at the penguin, waiting to see how the creature responded. He had learned to take things in stride and not to judge by first impressions. "So, I take it this is normal for Mister Charlemangne?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and a friendly smile. "Can't say I've seen many avian doormen. It's an honor Mr. Barry" He gives the penguin a polite nod.
  5. Blackstaff pauses in his decent when the rumbling starts. At the gravelly warning he sighed inwardly, but kept a neutral expression outwardly. He decided a half truth was the best approach. "I'm here on business. I've been hired to find a missing individual. I don't plan on being down here any longer then I need to be." He glances down the ladder trying to judge just how much further down to the floor.
  6. Leon was on the verge of a Cheshire cat grin as he followed the professor. "I was right, this does sound like it's gonna be fun, more fun then listening to some has-been. Definitely gonna need more paper." He remembered from the printout map of the school grounds he received in his new student packet that the Doom Room was under the Admin building. Should be plenty of paper he can call on there. Meanwhile, as they crossed the school grounds Leon continued to resist the urge to run ahead.
  7. "Or something." Leon smirked and looked back at Callie and Davyd. "That would also come in hand for having an alibi." He was about to say something else when the Head Mistress rejoined the group. He tried to hear what the older woman whispered to Lulu but couldn't make it out. "Well, we were just starting really. She said something about checking out the gym first." He shrugged as if unconcerned.
  8. It had been a couple nights already and the deadline was almost up. A few simple mistakes had nearly messed up the bracelet he was working on before he even got started, but he caught them with Morrowind’s help, the phantom librarian’s attention to details proving as useful as always. She had helped earlier when Christopher was trying to determine what to feed the mythical Egyptian bird, Ba as he was calling it now, currently nesting in the corner of his living space. Putting together the temporary charm was going easier than he had hoped. Luckily, he had everything he needed on hand. The hardest thing was finding someone who could get a possibly non-humanoid out of town and all the way across the country. With multiple clans looking for the ‘researcher’ it didn’t leave many avenues open to him. But a days of back alley meetings had gotten him a name and number. Someone who knows someone. Christopher now sat at the bench in his workshop. The phone on speaker laying beside several clear quartz beads, the Lemurian key and a small focus as his fingers carefully twisted fibers and metal treads together. “Are you sure about this guy?” He asked the voice on the other end. “Your man can get my client out of the city and all the way to Jersey? No questions asked?” “Of course, of course. As long as the payment is right, he’s your wheelman.” The voice replied with all the charisma of a used car dealer. The was the sound of another phone in the background and the voice paused before continuing. “Ah, look, I got another call. I’ll send a runner with the contact info tomorrow.” The call ended and Christopher gave the phone a thoughtful look. With a few final twists he added the final bead, closed the spell-work and set the bracelet work aside and went downstairs to grab a beer. The trinket was finished but Christopher still had another meeting in the morning. A meeting with someone he hoped could answer a question or two. Someone from below claiming to know something about the death of one Yatin Basu. ++++++ The next morning, Blackstaff was dressed for business as he entered a darkly lit mom and pop dining house near the riverfront. At the back table, under a blacked bulb sat a clearly uncomfortable looking man. Even with the glamor he seemed ‘off’, it must not have cost him much. Walking up to the table Blackstaff pulled the chair across from the informant out and sat down with out a word. The man shifted nervously and glanced around as he liked his lips. “You weren’t followed were ya?” the man asked hastily. “No.” Blackstaff replied calmly. “And you came alone, of course.” “Of course.” The man said with a snort. “I’d be in enough trouble if anyone I knew saw me talking to ya. I ain’t ‘bout to cause that trouble for meself, is I?" “You told my secretary you had information.” “Ya, and word out was you was willin’ ta pay for that information.” The man squinted at Blackstaff. “Cause I ain’t sayin’ nuffin till I’m sure you can back that up.” It was a fair point as the buyer. Blackstaff slowly reached into his long coat and withdrew a small wooden box. Setting it on the table he pushes it forward. The man reached out and opened the wooden lid. Inside, a delicate looking white cloth laid folded. Licking his lips, the man carefully lifted the corner. A sudden, bright shard of light escapes the folded cloth, bathing the darkened table in its warmth. The man quickly covered it up and closed the box. “It’s the real deal.” “Of course. The first rays of dawn, captured on the spring equinox. Not easy to get, but worth it.” The man nodded and waved over a sever to order drinks. “Well then, let me tell you…” What followed was series of tales and theories, some secondhand stories and hearsay. Blackstaff dismissed most of it even as it spilled out between drinks. But a few kernels of insight presented themselves. The lack of a body and the missing work strongly pointed to a bigger picture and possible shadowy dealings. It lent credence to Advay’s concerns that they were after his work. But more importantly to Blackstaff, it made him call into question the ‘murder’ itself. Sometime and several twenties later he exited the dining house, leaving the man with his box of sunlight and a few more drinks prepaid for. Heading back to his office he turned over the information in his mind as he drove. Tomorrow he would venture into Sub-Terra himself to finally meet his client, and perhaps a few more questions would give him a clearer picture. Though ultimately his primary objective was to see Advay out of the city and to safety, then maybe, he could do a little more digging. ++++++ It could have been day or night, but underground it didn’t matter. Blackstaff stood at one of the many entrances to the Undercity, and deeper beyond, the depths of the Sub-Terra. In one hand he held the focus delivered with the letter, which with a small effort of will brought it to life to show him the way. His other hand was tucked into his coat pocket with a flashlight if he needed it. With a determined stride the wizard strode forward towards his meeting and the mysteries surrounding it.
  9. "That depends." Christopher gave a wry smile. "If you need someone to follow your spouse because you think they're cheating on you. No. But, if you can't find your favorite pet and your kid tells you it's because something in his closet snatched it up. Then, yes, I practice the craft." He chuckled for a moment before noticing the door start to flicker. "Guess we shou-" But he cut off as the door opened on its own. Of all the things he expected to see, a penguin had not even been on the list. "Hmm." Christopher glance at Oz, then back at the penguin. "Ah, we're here to see Mister Charlemagne." He addressed the flightless bird.
  10. Okay. Bracelet is for the client since they’re the one being looked for. For smuggling and safe house, Streetwise 18 Not quite, that’ll cost me later. ? And what the heck, I’ll burn a HP for the murder leads. Sound good to you?
  11. Son-of-a... I just realized I don't have Diplomacy. I know I had picked it originally because I took Connected, but somewhere in the process of tweaks and corrections it removed it without thinking about. ? Well, I know where my first 2 points are going. Least I can still make the bracelet. Arcane Lore 16 Craft 23 I had almost asked to take 10 on both, but decided to try my luck. Would Knowledge, Streetwise and/or Gather Info give me a chance to know who I can go to if I wanted to get someone out of the city? Or maybe a friend of a friend of a friend kind of lead?
  12. Sorry for the delay. You probably saw me in the Discord trying to get help with this. ? Dok suggested the crunch and it seemed the best for what I was trying for. His thought is that the best way to help get the 'researcher' out of harm's way is to hide him and slip him out of the city. That said, first he'll try to make a temporary magical item using Artificer. It won't make him invisible, but should hopefully keep magical folks from magically finding him. A simple looking bracelet, it seems to be made of various threads (including hemp, cotton, hair, and several metallic threads) woven together, 10 semi-clear quartz beads are spaced evenly through the weaving. Extra threading on the ends are used to tie it closed and activate the effect. Concealment 10 (all senses; Flaws: Limited [only vs magical ESP effects], Passive) [5PP] Design check = Knowledge (Arcane Lore) vs DC 15 5 hours design time. Construction check = Craft (Artistic) vs DC 15 20 hours construction time. The second thing I was thinking about was a Connected check, to try to secured passage for Advay out of the city. He'll also try to find a safe house for him in Freedom City, being the other side of the country Blackstaff would suggest it. That should be a Diplomacy check, right? With you setting the DC. Finally, he'll try to make another Connected check, to attempt to find out more information about the apparent death of the naga, Yatin, and Advay, himself. If you want to nix anything, or have any questions, just let me know. I can make the rolls once you're ready.
  13. Christopher stood before the door intruding on the barn wall. With him stood an older man he didn’t know. Glancing away from the door, he looked the gentleman over and gave him a nod in greeting. “A friend of Mister Charlemagne’s?” Christopher asks as he extends a hand and introduces himself, palming a business card into the gentleman's hand as he does so. “Christopher Daye.” The card reads: Blackstaff Investigations - Christopher Daye, P.I. A phone number and address are printed under that. He glances back at the door. “I take it you received an invitation as well.”
  14. Jennifer Gale / Chimera To Do List... HellQ 20Q Origin
  15. Leon Moore / Paper To Do List... HellQ 20Q Origin
  16. Christopher Daye / Blackstaff Blackstaff Investigations To Do List... HellQ 20Q Origin
  17. Being new to the forum, it can be a bit difficult finding somewhere to join in. So I’m just gonna put my neck out there and say, if anyone is looking for some extra bodies I would be happy to join in. I have Leon/Paper (PL8/10), a new Claremont student. Jennifer/Chimera (PL7), a college student who has yet to make her first appearance. And Christopher/Blackstaff (PL10), paranatural/private investigator operating out of Emerald City.
  18. Leon grinned back and chuckled. Shaking his head as she went on again about turning over a new leaf and all that. Leon was about b.s. on Benny's claim when Danica spoke up. "Slow powers? That's a thing?" He thought with some disbelief, but after a moment shrugged to himself. "Why not." This caught his attention and Leon sat up straighter. "Now this sounds like it could be fun." An even wider grin on his face as he nearly hopped out of his chair, popcorn discarded. Making a beeline towards the classroom door he wished he had more paper with him. In the hall with this arms crossed, Leon tried to reign in his grin. He tried to look serious, but unconcerned as he waited for Prof. al-Salaf to tell them what was happening. A tapping heel though, might give away his excitement.
  19. Fixed the typo. Added Stunning Attack to the block. And really I just had 2 skill points extra and thought the profession fit with her college focus.
  20. Leon sat back and watched as a few more students wondered in, including a girl on a Segway. When Danica took the front of the classroom and started to address the gathering Leon paused, a handful of popcorn halfway to his mouth. At the mention of ethics, and ‘abusing’ powers he rolled his eyes and continued to eat. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the technical difficulties the teacher seemed to be having. When a black, no green… really dark green, haired boy entered Leon chuckled again at his outfit. With the video chat working finally, Leon couldn’t help but think this might be an entertaining night after all given the banter. He was polite and kept quite as Ms. Cline spoke. Leon couldn't resist and raised a hand. “Ya, I have one. Why’d you give up? Why’d you let them cow-tail you? Sounds like you were making bank.”
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