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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Fixed Flat-fotted. Fixed Grapple (completely forgot it) and checking the math shouldn't it be +7/+14? Fixed Math (forgot to edit it after the last changes in powers I made). That's fine for the Regen. I look at it as a stepping stone towards her evolution. ?
  2. Chimera Power Level: 10 (152/159PP) Unspent Power Points: 7pp Trade-Offs: None In Brief: College student with techno-organic symbiote Catchphrase: *** Theme: *** Alternate Identity: Jennifer Gale (Secret) Birthplace: Organics: Augusta, Georgia / Cybernetics: unknown alien origin Residence: FCU Dorms, North End, Freedom City Base of Operations: *** Occupation: College Student, Forensic Sciences Affiliations: none Family: Mother and Father Description: Age: 25 (DoB: April 1, 1998) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 115lb Eyes: Black Hair: Black Description: Lean and athletic, Jennifer enjoys running and does so almost daily. A little on the short side, she has a runner’s build of lean muscle. She wears her hair kept short and hardly bothers with make-up, beyond lip gloss and occasionally nail polish if pushed to go out with friends. Being a college student, her wardrobe usually consists of thrift store shirts and jeans, but she has a favored coat she received from her mother as a birthday gift. She wears glasses of thin metal frames, but the lens are only for show. History: Jennifer comes from a completely mundane family. As far as she knows, no one in her family has done anything noteworthy. Until starting college she still lived with her parents; her mother Susan Gale, is an accountant for a small firm, and her father, is a construction foreman for a small, local company. Jennifer was a prominent member of her high school track and field team, earning a handful of trophies and awards. The year prior to the last Terminus Invasion, Jennifer had just graduated from high school and was enjoying the brief freedom before starting college. She had driven up to High Point State Park for a weekend alone. In the early morning she was enjoying a jog along one of its many trails, oblivious to the two falling stars streaking above that changed courses sharply. By the time she heard the sounds of the incoming alien fighters over her earbuds it was too late. The force of first impact knocked her from her feet and a fraction of a second later the second impact flung her into a tree. The pain was almost unbearable as she tried to drag herself up using the tree as support. Something on one of the ships exploded and showered her with shrapnel, leaving dozens of cuts and a ringing in her ears. Jennifer collapsed to her knees and her vision swam. As her hearing began to clear, she heard shouting and sounds of struggle. Feeling around she was thankful she found her glasses, though one of the lenses was missing. What she saw was two creatures of inhuman nature locked in physical combat. One of the creatures spotted her and shoved the other aside to rush towards her. It yelled something Jennifer couldn’t understand and the second took the opportunity to fire some kind of weapon at the first. The shot tore through the rushing alien, splattering Jennifer in a silvery-gray ooze. Wounded, alien fell before reaching her and the shooter closed on it, pointing the weapon at the fallen combatant. The alien on the ground rolled on to its back, seemed to snarl something at the shooter. The shooter replied shortly before noticing the wounded alien was touched something on its arm. The second alien turned away quickly, as if to run, when the explosion erupted. The wave of force and heat drove Jennifer off her feet and tumbling again. When she finally regained consciousness on the forest floor, she was in dazed and in pain. Pulling herself to her feet she leaned against a tree and looked out over the crater left behind by the explosion. Small bit of metal caught the light here and there, but all Jennifer wanted was to get away from the site. Somehow, she managed to stagger her way back to her car. She couldn’t imagine how she actually made her way back to the hotel she was staying at, but when she finally woke up enough to take in her surroundings, she was in the small hotel bed. Her clothes were torn and bloodied as she stripped them off and entered the shower. Washing off the dried blood and dirt she was shocked not to find and marks on her skin. With only the remnants of her clothes Jennifer began to think she had simply tripped and hit her head while running. That the entire ordeal had simply been a delusion brought on by head trauma and counted herself lucky she seemed to be okay now. It wasn’t until she had returned home, and her mother had asked where her glasses were that Jennifer realized she hadn’t needed them since the hotel room. She made an excuse and went to her room to wonder what had happen. In the following year Jennifer started college classes and nothing else out of the ordinary happened…, until the Termius arrived. The heroes of the city defeated invaders, and all seemed well…, until… Something during the Terminus Invasion triggered the dormant techno-organic organism sleeping inside, and it awakened. In the time since then Jennifer has discovered the symbiote and learned the she could control it. Sure, it scared the ever-loving hell out of her, but after an acceptable amount of freaking out she finally came to terms with it and accepted that this was the new status quo. What Jennifer didn’t realize, was that when she was first infected with the active organism, she was seriously injured and the symbiote healed her. The symbiote was small then though, and it took all of its energy to heal her causing it to go dormant until reawakened. And to this day, Jennifer doesn’t know who the aliens where or what they were doing. Was the one that rushed her trying to harm her? Or was it trying to protect her from the other alien? She’ll never know. After finally coming to terms with her new dual life as a college student and hero. Jennifer has had several opportunities to work alongside a few established heroes, and a few other beginners. She tries to learn with every encounter, but she understands she still has a lot to learn. Personality & Motivation: Jennifer is a smart, energetic college student and she loves being active. She has s friendly and outgoing personality and can usually make friends easy enough. She attends Freedom City University to study Forensic Pathology, with the desire to join the city’s police department. Jennifer wants to help people and has decided that maybe she can use her newfound abilities to do that, like that heroes that protected her and the other citizens not just during the invasion, but every day. Power Descriptions: The techno-organic symbiote has a silvery-gray metallic appearance and seems to grow out of Jennifer’s flesh, returning when not needed. When active, it can react with incredible speed, growing protective tendrils around her and increasing her physical abilities to inhuman levels. (Not unlike unlike the Witchblade) Complications: Remove foil before microwaving: (Power Loss) Strong electromagnetic fields can interfere with the symbiote, and in turn cause Jennifer to be unable to use it until she can escape the effect. Keep a leash on it: The symbiote is a semi-sentient organism, it has been known to act on its own survival instincts. The GM can award a Hero Point if these involuntary actions causes a severe breach of etiquette or otherwise makes others uncomfortable, which could result in a penalty to (or automatically failing) certain interaction skill checks. Have you seen my phone?: The symbiote’s instincts for survival can extend to feeling the need to fortify itself. This can result in it ‘eating’ electronics and metals it comes in contact with for extended times to add to its material resources. Acting on its instincts it makes no differentiation as to the source of these materials: friend, foe, or other. The GM can award a Hero Point if this results in a severe complication for Jennifer or a companion due to missing items of importance or mechanical failure. Unknown Quantity: Chimera absorbed a large quantity of ‘cursed gold’. While the long term implications are yet unknown, this has given her the occasional sensitivity so powerful emotional outburst and magic. Power Level: 8 Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 120/120 Unspent Power Points: 0 ABILITIES 2 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 24PP Strength: 12/26 (+1/+8) Dexterity: 14/18 (+2/+4) Constitution: 14/16 (+3) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 12 +12 = 24PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +10 melee (+6 Base, +4 Attack Focus [melee]) Defense: +10 (+6 Base, Dodge Focus 4), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +9/+20 (+10 Melee Attack, +8 Strength, +2 Super-Strength) Knockback Resistance: -1/-3 SAVING THROWS 7 + 6 + 7 = 20PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude: +10 (+3 Con, +5PP) Reflex: +10 (+4 Dex, +6PP) Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +7PP) SKILLS 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 6 (+10) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 3 (+5) Drive 1 (+5) Investigate 7 (+10) Knowledge, Life Sciences 9 (+12) Knowledge, Physical Sciences 9 (+12) Knowledge, Pop-culture 2 (+5) Knowledge, Technology 7 (+10) Medicine 10 (+12) Notice 8 (+10) Search 7 (+10) FEATS 15PP Attack Focus [melee] 4 Dodge Focus 4 Evasion 1 Improved Grapple Luck 3 Quick Change Weapon Bind POWERS 24 + 5 + 21 = 50PP Combat Array 11 (22PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 2) [24PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) BP: Damage 10 [22PP] (Range: 5 10-ft increments, 50’’ max; Feats: Accurate 3; Extras: Range; Drawback: Reduced Range 1 AP: [14+5=19/22PP] Enhanced Strength 14 [14PP] Super-Strength 2 (+10 Str for carry capacity and +2 Str for sustained activity; Feat: Bracing) [5PP] AP: Stun 10 [20/22PP] (Electricity) Movement Array 2 (4PP Array; Feat: Alternate Power 1) [5PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) BP: [3+1=4/4PP] Speed 3 (500 ft/rd, 50mph ground speed) [3PP] Quickness 1 (x2, Extra: Linked [to Speed]) [1PP] AP: Flight 2 (250 ft/rd, 25mph flight speed, Drawback: Power Loss 1 [Wings]) [3PP] Physical Container 4.2 [21PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Enhanced Constitution 2 [2PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Protection 7 [7PP] Regeneration 8 (Recovery Bonus +2, Bruised 2 [standard action], Injured 2 [5 minutes], Ability 1 [5 hours], Disabled 1 [5 hours]) [8PP] ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Damage Touch DC25 Tou (staged) Damage (Physical) Stun Touch DC25 Fort (staged) Stun (Electrical) TOTALS Abilities (24) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (19) + Feats (15) + Powers (50) - Drawbacks (0) = 152/159 Power Points
  3. “Ah, hi?” Leon said, looking down at the preschooler now invading his personal space. Leon blinked and looked around to make sure no one was watching. Grabbing a couple of napkins, he shaped them into a paper bowl and scooped up some of the popcorn into it. With a quick glance around he handed the now popcorn laden bow to the child in hopes it would leave him alone. “Here.” Grabbing a cup of Kool-aid he made a second napkin bowl of popcorn for himself. As he moved away from the snack table, he noticed another student had entered. He wasn’t sure what it was about the kid that seemed off, maybe it was the bowtie. Who wore a bowtie nowadays?
  4. Several days prior: He had been seeing the posters since he arrived. The student body was talking about it in huddles in the hall. Prom. It was just supposed to be a little bit of fun, no real harm was being done. Too bad the teacher that caught him changing the posters didn’t think it was funny. He had been made to change them all back and then told he had to attend some after class get together. For character building. Prom night: Leon slipped quietly from his room, he could hear other students in their rooms and down the halls. He gave a snort and shoved his hands into his pockets. Slipping down the hall he stepped out into the courtyard. He could see a few students already heading across the yard, the Doom Room their destination. Leon though was heading instead towards the classrooms. Finding the designated room was easy enough and he stood in front of it for a minute before sighing and grabbing the door handle. “Wow, this guy is way too happy.” Leon thought as he gave Professor al-Salaf a short wave in greeting. “Hi.” Without saying anything else yet he walked over to table of snacks and helped himself to some of the popcorn as an excuse to not say anything else.
  5. Blackstaff Investigations is up and running for business, and so by extension is Blackstaff himself.
  6. Leon isn't one to turn down free food. He just knows to watch out for the hook. ?
  7. Christopher swore through gritted teeth, it was going to be a pain to fix that wall. Not to mention repairing the wards. "Just who exactly did you piss off?" He growled at Vang even as he was already moving on reflex, calling up his will to activate his shield bracelet. Not usually something he needed in his office, talking to clients; the blasting rod was tucked into the inner pocket of his jacket hanging by the door. Christopher was just glad Lark was at classes this afternoon, because this was not looking like it was going to be a normal missing persons case.
  8. Cool. AA said they would start a thread later today. I can't wait.
  9. Paper: 5 Fledgeling in the Fold 3 Just Like Fire 2 Blackstaff: 1 Blackstaff Justice 1 Added Blackstaff Investigations to the Guidebook
  10. Blackstaff Investigations Blackstaff Investigations is the Emerald City business office/home of private investigator Christopher Daye. The narrow, three-story building is an office on the ground floor, living space on the second, and the top floor holds a library/workshop. Location and Appearance The office front looks much like any other along the business crowded street in the south side of Emerald City’s Bridgepoint neighborhood, nestled between an old drycleaner’s shop and a recently opened vap-shop. A sign, hand painted on the inside the windowed front reading Blackstaff Investigations , stands out against the drawn black-out drapes used to keep out curious stares. The multiple locks on the door serve as a mundane deterrent, while unseen runes along the frames of the door and windows alike provide a more substantial protection against unwanted intrusions of various types. Inside the office, the first thing one sees is a worn wooden desk with an old computer monitor, business phone and chair, which depending on the time and day, a young college girl with an open book and pad sitting behind it. Looking around, the office it a lot cleaner than one would think with a few newspaper clippings and photos dot the walls alongside a mandatory fire escape plan. A few chairs sit around the front with a coat rack and coffee machine nearby, a coffee table with a short stack of old magazines sits in the middle of them. Behind the front desk are several filing cabinets, and a small sink and fridge can be seen across from a door with a frosted glass window. Next to the door, a small hall leads to a set of wooden stairs lead up to the next floor and a securely locked back door. Inside this door is a smaller inner office with its own worn wooden desk and chair, almost mirroring the desk out front. Another filing cabinet sits in the corner and coat rack sit on opposite corners. Several more photos and a few certificates hang on three of the walls, while a large corkboard cover the last. Significance This building multitasks as Christopher’s office, home, and magical workspace. Clients, or those seeking help can stop in when the office is open, calling ahead if needed. Personal acquaintances can call on Christopher here after-hours as well. People Cleaning is done by small fey creatures (usually brownies and fairies), but only while no one is around due to the stipulations of their contract. In return these creatures are allowed to reside within the building premises, they are also provided milk and honey which the enjoy as a treat. In the library on the third floor, a phantom takes pride in maintaining the order of the shelves. In the middle of the shelves sits a real skull, covered in small intricately carved runes and glyphs. This skull is the resting place of Morrowind, the spirit of the skull’s original ‘owner’. Christopher recovered her from a necromancer’s lab before it was destroyed. Sometimes the front desk is manned by part-time college student, part-time secretary, part-time werewolf, Lark Williams. Lark is a student at ECU, studying for a business major. Christopher helped her after becoming a werewolf, though unable to completely undo the curse he was able to help her bring it under some control. On nights when she wouldn’t be able to control herself, Christopher has a containment circle set up in his workshop. History Christopher took over ownership of the building only a few years ago, just after leaving his employment with his previous investigation firm.
  11. Fixed the points for Super-Sense. Used points to add to skills. Decided to leave the Indirect on Move Object for now. I can change it later if it doesn’t seem helpful.
  12. Is that right for the Knockback now? I noted the Impervious. The math for total PP should be right now, unless the following means I need to adjust it again. I must have misread the Super-Sense bit. I read it as 3PP per rank for Very Common times 3 ranks for the total of 9PP. Edit: Rocketlord cleared that up for me. I’ll have to fix that when I get home. And I don't remember who suggested the Indirect, but if you don't think I need it, I can remove it and use the point elsewhere.
  13. "Show off?" Leon askes as Lulu hands him a visitor sticker with his name on it. He eyes it and the corner of his mouth quirks with a funny idea. "Is this where you tell us if we're gonna be heroes or sidekicks?" He adds with a smirk, not bothering to peel the back of the sticker off before he presses it to his shirt. When he takes his hand away it doesn't fall off, and a careful observer might notice that the 'VISITOR' somehow now says 'INMATE'. He readied to follow the older girl as the small group seemed about to start the tour of the school.
  14. Blackstaff Power Level: 10 (192/203PP) Unspent Power Points: 11pp Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Private/Paranatural Investigator Catchphrase: *** Theme: People are Strange - cover by Echo and the Bunnymen (originally by The Doors) Alternate Identity: Christopher Daye (Public); Christopher Blake Verus Daye (Secret) Birthplace: Just outside Richmond, Virginia Residence: Emerald City, Renovated townhouse/office Base of Operations: Blackstaff Investigation Occupation: P.I. Affiliations: none Family: Father (missing), Mother, 2 Sisters Description: Age: 36 (DoB: May 30, 1984) Apparent Age: 26 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 178 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown Description: A night owl, more by necessity then nature, Christopher isn’t nearly as pale as one would expect. Preferring darker than neutral colors he’s usually dressed in slacks and button up shirt; and usually looking like he may have just rolled out of bed in them, he often completes his attire with a trench coat. His hair is cut short causing it to stand up a little spiky. Christopher can be found sporting a trimmed mustache and goatee that never quite connects. But long hours on the job can leave him with stubble and needing a shave and trim. History: Born 2 weeks early, to James and Agatha Daye in their home during a total solar eclipse his parents believe he was born under a sign. His mother was a sorceress and knew right away Christopher possessed magic potential. His father, a scholar of arcane lore but no wizard himself, at first wanted her to wait to teach him but eventually conceded to his wife’s wishes. Christopher showed great promise and his mother was proud. Then, one winter’s morning when he was 13, he had to be pulled from his burning bedroom by his father. Once his mother had magically suppressed what her realized to be hell flames, she discovered half charged runes that she hadn’t taught her son chalked onto his bedroom floor. When confronted young Christopher told his parents a shadowy figure was teaching them to him in his dreams. Fearing the implications his parents quickly set about to flee their current home and hide. During the rush to escape James Daye disappeared. Now panicked even more, Agatha Daye gathered Christopher and his two younger sisters (Bethany and Cassandra) and took them to Freedom in an attempt to hide them. As he continued to grow, his mother became more serious about her teachings and drilled him in the importance of the Light over the Shadow and not to listen to the shadowy figure that came to him in his dreams. Through practice and discipline the figure showed itself less and less. After high school he moved to Emerald City with a friend decided to go for his private investigator license. After a few years apprenticing with an established investigator he left on good terms to open his own office. Now, many years later, Christopher Blake Verus Daye operates under the business name of Blackstaff Investigations. He doesn’t advertise, but somehow people who need him find his card or number, or sometimes even find their way into his office. Often with problems that normal avenues can’t handle. Personality & Motivation: Though he may seem rough and snarky when you first meet him, Christopher is very kind and loyal. But if you make him mad he isn’t one to be underestimated. And one of the easiest ways to get on his bad side, is to blatantly break the rules of magic he tries to live by. He relies on his quick wit and magic to get himself out of the trouble his sharp tongue and protective nature can get him in to. There’s been a time or two he’s fallen for a sob story and cursed himself for it. Behind the face of Blackstaff Investigations, Christopher strives to bring light to the darkness that he sees is covering the city. Even if it’s only one case at a time. Power Descriptions: Christopher’s mother taught him a form of ever evolving hermetic magic that she learned and added to from her own parents. He learned how to channel elemental forces, and how to use magic to affect the world around him, locate lost thing, and even call on other worldly beings. He was taught to use words to shape the desired effects, and to protect his mind from the raw forces he channeled. Creating a personalized language so as to keep the dangerous forces from burning through him and causing harm. He learned how to use hand motions to further focus his power. His mother taught him how to create rituals to perform a wider repertoire of spells and how to create personal foci to aid him in streamlining his magic use. Knowing he still has more to learn, Christopher relies on several foci he made himself to create some specific effects. Hopefully, with time and practice he’ll learn to create the same effects without the needed aids. Complications: Cat’s Eye View: During a missing child case Backstaff lost his left eye to a Cait Sidhe (cat-sith), faerie cat. He successfully returned the child and as ‘reward’ a swamp hag replaced his lost eye with that of the Cait Sidhe that took his original one. While the full repercussions of this have yet to be seen, it has granted him access to the ‘Olde Roads’ to travel on. It also means he does now carry the scent of the fae or can be identified as ‘fae-touched’. Hot and Cold Water: Blackstaff has a curse he has been unable to remove from himself, and a recent magical accident seems to have reactivated it. As of now, a powerful magical surge has a chance to change Blackstaff’s physical form, turning him into a younger female form. This form can easily be mistaken for a younger sister to his original physical form. Changing back on his own requires a long ritual. The Rules of Magic: Drilled into his head from the very start by his mother, Christopher follows 7 rules of magic. Unfortunately, he has found himself unable to avoid breaking them himself. These times often leave his confidence shaken and on severe occasions have led to him unable to call on his magic for a time. (Yes, it is possible to trick him into thinking he has broken one of the rules) 1 – Thou Shalt Not Kill (This forbids the killing of non-primal planar, sentient beings with magic) 2 – Thou Shalt Not Transform Others (This forbids the shapeshifting of unwilling non-primal planar, sentient beings with magic) 3 – Thou Shalt Not Invade the Mind of Another (This forbids the metal invasion of unwilling non-primal planar, sentient beings with magic) 4 – Thou Shalt Not Enthrall Another (This forbids the binding or domination of non-primal planar, sentient beings with magic) 5 – Thou Shalt Not Reach Beyond the Borders of Life (This forbids the summoning, binding, and exploitation of the unwilling dead) 6 – Thou Shalt Not Swim Against the Currents of Time (This forbids the use of time travel to alter the timeline) 7 – Thou Shalt Not Open the Outer Gates (This forbids the summoning or contacting of creatures or entities from beyond the Cosmic Coil) Shadowed Soul: A yet unidentified shadowy person or entity has taken an interest in Christopher since he was a child and on occasion has attempted to ‘nudge’ him into actions. Because of its early interest in him, this entity already has some influence it is able to call upon. Sometimes, when it could be detrimental or prove to be a long-term problem for Christopher, the entity can mentally influence his senses. Its plans are unknown to Christopher, but he doesn’t believe it’s trying to kill him. But he does believe it is trying to turn him towards a path of darkness. (This usually manifests as mental illusions that only Christopher is subject to.) Sweating Magic: Magic is raw, untamed power that more and more intricate technology just can’t stand up to. Sometimes, under stressful conditions Christopher radiates enough magic to disrupt or out right shut down nearby technology. ABILITIES [0 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 30PP] Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 18 (+4) COMBAT [8 + 8 = 16PP] Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Attack: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Device) Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4 (+4 Melee Attack, +0 Strength) Knockback Resistance: 0/-7 SAVING THROWS [7 + 6 + 6 = 19PP] Toughness: +10 (+1 Con, +9 Force Field [5 Impervious]) Fortitude: +8 (+1 Con, +7PP) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6PP) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6PP) SKILLS [104R = 26PP] Bluff 6 (+10) Concentration 6 (+10) Craft, Artistic 6 (+10) Disable Device 6 (+10) Gather Information 8 (+12) Investigate 8 (+12) Knowledge (arcane lore) 8 (+12) Knowledge (streetwise) 6 (+10) Knowledge (theology and philosophy) 6 (+10) Language 8 (English [native], Latin, Spanish, Sumerian, Mandarin, Hebrew, Atlantean, Enochain, Infernal) Notice 10 (+14) Search 8 (+12) Sense Motive 10 (+14) Stealth 8 (+10) FEATS [46PP] Artificer Connected Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 2 (Apartment/Office 10EP) Improved Initiative Luck 3 Ritualist Sidekick 30 (Lark 150PP) Well Informed Equipment 2 (10EP) Blackstaff Investigations (Headquarters) [10EP] Size: Small [0EP] Toughness: +10 [1EP] Features: [9EP] Fire Prevention System Laboratory Library Living Space Personnel (fey cleaning, phantom librarian, part-time werewolf secretary) Security System 3 (DC 30) Workshop POWERS [12 + 37 + 6 = 55PP] Device 3 (Shield Bracelet; Hard to Lose) [12PP] (Descriptors: Jewelry, Foci, Magic) Force Field 9 (Feat: Subtle; Extra: Impervious 5) [15DP] Magic 10 (33PP Magic Array; Feats: Alternate Power 6; Drawback: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]) [37PP] (Descriptors: Magic) BP: Blast 10 (Extra: Penetrating 5; Feats: Accurate 3, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 1, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any "Magic" descriptor]) [33/33PP] AP: Create Object 10 (Extra: Duration 1 [Continuous], Impervious 7; Flaw: Action [Full-round]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Precise, Selective, Stationary, Subtle) [33/33PP] AP: Move Object 12 (Feats: Accurate 3, Improved Critical 1, Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle) [33/33PP] AP: Nullify Magic 10 (“Dispel Magic”; Nullify [All Magic Effects]; Extra: Area [General Burst], Duration 1 [Concentration], Selective; Flaws: Flaw: Action [Full-round]; Range [Touch]) [40/33PP] AP: Nullify Technology 10 (“Jinx Technology”; Nullify [All Technology Effects]; Extra: Area [General Burst], Duration 1 [Concentration], Selective; Flaws: Flaw: Action [Full-round]; Range [Touch]) [40/33PP] AP: Snare 10 (Extras: Area [General Burst]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [Full effect], Reversible) [33/33PP] AP: Teleport 10 (“Shadow Roads”; Extras: Accurate, Affect Others; Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy, Dimensional; Flaw: Medium [Shadows]) [34/33PP] Super-Sense 3 (Magic Awareness [All Magic Effects]; Mental, Acute, Radius, Ranged) [6PP] (Descriptors: Mental, Sense Dependent, Magic) DC BLOCK Name Range Save Effect Attack bonus Unarmed Touch DC15 Tou (staged) Damage +4 Blast 100 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Penetrating 5, Affects Insubstantial 2, Crit 19-20, Variable Descriptor 2 Dispel Magic 50 ft. radius area DC20 Ref Halve Nullify rank for power check if passed Opposed power check Powers nullified Jinx Technology 50 ft. radius area DC20 Ref Halve Nullify rank for power check if passed Opposed power check Powers nullified Move Object - Thrown Objects 100 ft. DC25 Tou (staged) Damage +10, Crit 19-20, Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle Snare 100 ft. 50 ft. radius area DC20 Ref Halve Snare effect DC if passed Affects Insubstantial 2, Reversible DC20 Ref (staged) Fail: Entangled >5: Bound and Helpless TOTALS Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (26) + Feats (46) + Powers (55) - Drawbacks (0) = 192/203 Power Points
  15. Just seeing if anyone would be interested in something running parallel to Hero Prom. Nothing planned, just something for anyone not going to the party. Personally Leon would be heading to the Library to hide.
  16. Banked Leon / Paper https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12818-paper-pl10-built-as-8-spacefurry/ Christopher / Blackstaff https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12885-blackstaff-pl10-spacefurry/ Jean / Predator https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/13499-predator-pl1012-spacefurry/
  17. Concepts Kinetic Controller/Speedster Telepathic Illusionist Werewolfish 'Hulk' - Density/Physical/Alternate Form Alien - Energy Controller/Alternate Form Elvish 'Blink' - Flight/Teleport
  18. Links https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12858-blackstaff-wip-spacefurry/ https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12857-chimera-wip-spacefurry/ https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12853-joshua-prowell-shelved-indefinitely-spacefurry/ https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12792-dreamcatcher-wip-shelved-indefinitely/
  19. Blackstaff Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Private/Paranatural Investigator Catchphrase: *** Theme: People are Strange - cover by Echo and the Bunnymen (originally by The Doors) Alternate Identity: Christopher Daye (Public); Christopher Blake Verus Daye (Secret) Birthplace: Just outside Richmond, Virginia Residence: Emerald City, Renovated townhouse/office Base of Operations: Blackstaff Investigation Occupation: P.I. Affiliations: none Family: Father (missing), Mother, 2 Sisters Description: Age: 36 (DoB: May 30, 1984) Apparent Age: 26 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 11” Weight: 178 Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown Description: A night owl, more by necessity then nature, Christopher isn’t nearly as pale as one would expect. Preferring darker than neutral colors he’s usually dressed in slacks and button up shirt; and usually looking like he may have just rolled out of bed in them, he often completes his attire with a trench coat. His hair is cut short causing it to stand up a little spiky. Christopher can be found sporting a trimmed mustache and goatee that never quite connects. But long hours on the job can leave him with stubble and needing a shave and trim. History: Born 2 weeks early, to James and Agatha Daye in their home during a total solar eclipse his parents believe he was born under a sign. His mother was a sorceress and knew right away Christopher possessed magic potential. His father, a scholar of arcane lore but no wizard himself, at first wanted her to wait to teach him but eventually conceded to his wife’s wishes. Christopher showed great promise and his mother was proud. Then, one winter’s morning when he was 13, he had to be pulled from his burning bedroom by his father. Once his mother had magically suppressed what her realized to be hell flames, she discovered half charged runes that she hadn’t taught her son chalked onto his bedroom floor. When confronted young Christopher told his parents a shadowy figure was teaching them to him in his dreams. Fearing the implications his parents quickly set about to flee their current home and hide. During the rush to escape James Daye disappeared. Now panicked even more, Agatha Daye gathered Christopher and his two younger sisters (Bethany and Cassandra) and took them to Freedom in an attempt to hide them. As he continued to grow, his mother became more serious about her teachings and drilled him in the importance of the Light over the Shadow and not to listen to the shadowy figure that came to him in his dreams. Through practice and discipline the figure showed itself less and less. After high school he moved to Emerald City with a friend decided to go for his private investigator license. After a few years apprenticing with an established investigator he left on good terms to open his own office. Now, many years later, Christopher Blake Verus Daye operates under the business name of Blackstaff Investigations. He doesn’t advertise, but somehow people who need him find his card or number, or sometimes even find their way into his office. Often with problems that normal avenues can’t handle. Personality & Motivation: Though he may seem rough and snarky when you first meet him, Christopher is very kind and loyal. But if you make him mad he isn’t one to be underestimated. He relies on his quick wit and magic to get himself out of the trouble his sharp tongue and protective nature can get him in to. There’s been a time or two he’s fallen for a sob story and cursed himself for it. Behind the face of Blackstaff Investigations, Christopher strives to bring light to the darkness that he sees is covering the city. Even if it’s only one case at a time. Power Descriptions: Christopher is able to call upon the primal forces of the universe. To mold the chaos into order. The magic reflects the elements used to shape the spell. Complications: Shadowed soul: A yet unidentified shadowy person or entity has taken an interest in Christopher since he was a child and on occasion has attempted to ‘nudge’ him into actions. Power Level: 10 Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 150/150 Unspent Power Points: 0 ABILITIES 0 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 30PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 18 (+4) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 18 (+4) COMBAT 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Attack: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Device) Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Grapple: +4 (+4 Melee Attack, +0 Strength) Knockback Resistance: 0/-2 SAVING THROWS 7 + 6 + 6 = 19PP Toughness: +10 (+1 Con, +9 Force Field) Fortitude: +8 (+1 Con, +7PP) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6PP) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6PP) SKILLS 74R = 19PP Bluff 6 (+10) Concentration 6 (+10) Craft, Artistic 6 (+10) Disable Device 6 (+10) Gather Information 6 (+10) Investigate 6 (+10) Knowledge (arcane lore) 6 (+10) Knowledge (streetwise) 6 (+10) Language 2 (English [native], Latin, Spanish) Notice 6 (+10) Search 6 (+10) Sense Motive 6 (+10) Stealth 8 (+10) FEATS 21PP Artificer Connected Dodge Focus 6 Equipment 8 (Apartment/Office) (Toughness 10; Size: Tiny [Townhouse]; Features: Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Security System [DC 30], Workshop, Sealed) Luck 3 Ritualist Well Informed POWERS 3 +12 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 21 = 45PP Super-Sense 1 (Magic Awareness [All Magic Effects]; Visual) [3PP] (Descriptors: Magical) Device 3 (Shield Bracelet; Hard to Lose) [12PP] (Descriptors: Magical) Force Field 9 (Feat: Subtle; Extra: Impervious 5) [15DP] Device 1 (Skeleton Key; Easy to Lose) [3PP] (Descriptors: Magical) Transform 1 (Locked locks into unlocked locks; Extras: Duration [Continuous, Lasting]; Flaws: Range [Touch]; Feats: Subtle) [5DP] Device 1 (Blasting Rod; Easy to Lose) [3PP] (Descriptors: Magical) Enhanced Feats 5 [Attack Specialization (blast) 3, Improved Critical (Blast), Precise Shot]) [5DP] Device 1 (Heirloom Silver Pentacle; Easy to Lose) [3PP] (Descriptor: Magical) Environmental Control 5 ([Light 2]; Range: Touch, 100’ radius) [5DP] Magic 10 (20PP Magic Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3; Drawback: Power Loss 2 [When unable to speak and gesture; Frequency: Common]) [21PP] (Descriptors: Magical) Base Power: [20PP] Blast 8 (Range: 60ft Increments, 600ft Max; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [Full effect], Variable Descriptor 2 [Any "Magic" descriptor]) [20PP] Alternate Power: [19PP] Jinx Technology 9 (Nullify [All Technology Effects]; Range: Touch; Area: Burst [50’]; Feat: Selective) [19PP] Alternate Power: [19PP] Dispel Magic 9 (Nullify [All Magic Effects]; Range: Touch; Area: Burst [50’]; Feat: Selective) [19PP] Alternate Power: [19PP] Move Object 8 (Range: 60ft Increments, 600ft Max; Feat: Indirect, Subtle) [19PP] Drawback *** ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC0 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged. DC23 Toughness. Damage (Physical) Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (19) + Feats (21) + Powers (45) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  20. Leon eyed Lulu as she leaned in to talk to the bird, when she turned her attention back to himself and Callie he tried to look casual. His eyes flickered to the clipboard, wondering what else was written on it. He looked back up at her as he tried to better gauge her. "I guess that makes some sense of what the guy in the wheelchair was being cryptic about when had came to talk to me in the hospi-" Leon cuts himself off. Mentally berating himself for his loose tongue. He still didn't know how much they knew, and you don't give anyone more information then they already have. Leon wasn't sure how the metal girl, Tabitha was what Lulu had called her, had meant the comments, but he felt the need to reply. "Please, it'll take more then a few party tricks any stage magician could pull off to get under my skin." "I guess this place is just like any other school, wave enough money around and anyone can get in." He started to chuckle but... The chuckled died in his throat as he watched Davyd transform. He was use to seeing powers at work, but even he had to admit that was impressive. Not that he was going to admit it out loud. "Well a deal's, a deal. And since they got me on the hook..." Leon said, adjusting his posture to a more relaxed and confident one. "Sounds like that little paper of yours already had my name. So I might as well start playing the good little student and introduce myself. The name's Leon Moore. And ya, I have a power."
  21. Chimera Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: College student with techno-organic symbiote Catchphrase: *** Theme: *** Alternate Identity: Jennifer Gale (Secret) Birthplace: Organics: Augusta, Georgia / Cybernetics: unknown alien origin Residence: FCU Dorms, North End, Freedom City Base of Operations: *** Occupation: College Student, Forensic Sciences Affiliations: none Family: Mother and Father Description: Age: 22 (DoB: April 1, 1998) Apparent Age: 22 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 115lb Eyes: Black Hair: Black Description: Lean and athletic, Jennifer enjoys running and does so almost daily. A little on the short side, she has a runner’s build of lean muscle. She wears her hair kept short and hardly bothers with make-up, beyond lip gloss and occasionally nail polish if pushed to go out with friends. Being a college student, her wardrobe usually consists of thrift store shirts and jeans, but she has a favored coat she received from her mother as a birthday gift. She wears glasses of thin metal frames, but the lens are only for show. History: Jennifer comes from a completely mundane family. As far as she knows, no one in her family has done anything noteworthy. Until starting college she still lived with her parents; her mother Susan Gale, is an accountant for a small firm, and her father, is a construction foreman for a small, local company. Jennifer was a prominent member of her high school track and field team, earning a handful of trophies and awards. The year prior to the last Terminus Invasion, Jennifer had just graduated from high school and was enjoying the brief freedom before starting college. She had driven up to High Point State Park for a weekend alone. In the early morning she was enjoying a jog along one of its many trails, oblivious to the two falling stars streaking above that changed courses sharply. By the time she heard the sounds of the incoming alien fighters over her earbuds it was too late. The force of first impact knocked her from her feet and a fraction of a second later the second impact flung her into a tree. The pain was almost unbearable as she tried to drag herself up using the tree as support. Something on one of the ships exploded and showered her with shrapnel, leaving dozens of cuts and a ringing in her ears. Jennifer collapsed to her knees and her vision swam. As her hearing began to clear, she heard shouting and sounds of struggle. Feeling around she was thankful she found her glasses, though one of the lenses was missing. What she saw was two creatures of inhuman nature locked in physical combat. One of the creatures spotted her and shoved the other aside to rush towards her. It yelled something Jennifer couldn’t understand and the second took the opportunity to fire some kind of weapon at the first. The shot tore through the rushing alien, splattering Jennifer in a silvery-gray ooze. Wounded, alien fell before reaching her and the shooter closed on it, pointing the weapon at the fallen combatant. The alien on the ground rolled on to its back, seemed to snarl something at the shooter. The shooter replied shortly before noticing the wounded alien was touched something on its arm. The second alien turned away quickly, as if to run, when the explosion erupted. The wave of force and heat drove Jennifer off her feet and tumbling again. When she finally regained consciousness on the forest floor, she was in dazed and in pain. Pulling herself to her feet she leaned against a tree and looked out over the crater left behind by the explosion. Small bit of metal caught the light here and there, but all Jennifer wanted was to get away from the site. Somehow, she managed to stagger her way back to her car. She couldn’t imagine how she actually made her way back to the hotel she was staying at, but when she finally woke up enough to take in her surroundings, she was in the small hotel bed. Her clothes were torn and bloodied as she stripped them off and entered the shower. Washing off the dried blood and dirt she was shocked not to find and marks on her skin. With only the remnants of her clothes Jennifer began to think she had simply tripped and hit her head while running. That the entire ordeal had simply been a delusion brought on by head trauma and counted herself lucky she seemed to be okay now. It wasn’t until she had returned home, and her mother had asked where her glasses were that Jennifer realized she hadn’t needed them since the hotel room. She made an excuse and went to her room to wonder what had happen. In the following year Jennifer started college classes and nothing else out of the ordinary happened…, until the Termius arrived. The heroes of the city defeated invaders, and all seemed well…, until… Something during the Terminus Invasion triggered the dormant techno-organic organism sleeping inside, and it awakened. In the time since then Jennifer has discovered the symbiote and learned the she could control it. Sure, it scared the ever-loving hell out of her, but after an acceptable amount of freaking out she finally came to terms with it and accepted that this was the new status quo. What Jennifer didn’t realize, was that when she was first infected with the active organism, she was seriously injured and the symbiote healed her. The symbiote was small then though, and it took all of its energy to heal her causing it to go dormant until reawakened. And to this day, Jennifer doesn’t know who the aliens where or what they were doing. Was the one that rushed her trying to harm her? Or was it trying to protect her from the other alien? She’ll never know. Personality & Motivation: Jennifer is a smart, energetic college student and she loves being active. She has s friendly and outgoing personality and can usually make friends easy enough. She attends Freedom City University to study Forensic Pathology, with the desire to join the city’s police department. Jennifer wants to help people and has decided that maybe she can use her newfound abilities to do that, like that heroes that protected her and the other citizens not just during the invasion, but every day. Power Descriptions: The techno-organic symbiote has a silvery-gray metallic appearance and seems to grow out of Jennifer’s flesh, returning when not needed. When active, it can react with incredible speed, growing protective tendrils around her and increasing her physical abilities to inhuman levels. (Not unlike unlike the Witchblade) Complications: Remove foil before microwaving: (Power Loss) Strong electromagnetic fields can interfere with the symbiote, and in turn cause Jennifer to be unable to use it until she can escape the effect. Keep a leash on it: The symbiote is a semi-sentient organism, it has been known to act on its own survival instincts. The GM can award a Hero Point if these involuntary actions causes a severe breach of etiquette or otherwise makes others uncomfortable, which could result in a penalty to (or automatically failing) certain interaction skill checks. Have you seen my phone?: The symbiote’s instincts for survival can extend to feeling the need to fortify itself. This can result in it ‘eating’ electronics and metals it comes in contact with for extended times to add to its material resources. Acting on its instincts it makes no differentiation as to the source of these materials: friend, foe, or other. The GM can award a Hero Point if this results in a severe complication for Jennifer or a companion due to missing items of importance or mechanical failure. Power Level: 7 Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 105/105 Unspent Power Points: 0 ABILITIES 0 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 20PP Strength: 10/24 (+7) Dexterity: 12/16 (+3) Constitution: 14/16 (+3) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 14 (+2) COMBAT 6 + 6 = 12PP Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) Attack: +7 melee (+3 Base, +4 Combat Focus [melee]) Defense: +7 (+3 Base, Dodge Focus 4), +1 Flat-Footed Grapple: +10 (+0 Melee Attack, +6 Strength) Knockback Resistance: 0/-3 SAVING THROWS 4 + 4 + 5 = 13PP Toughness: +7 (+3 Con, +4 Protection) Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +4PP) Reflex: +7 (+3 Dex, +4PP) Will: +7 (+2 Wis, +5PP) SKILLS 60R = 15PP Acrobatics 7 (+10) Computers 7 (+10) Investigate 7 (+10) Knowledge, Life Sciences 7 (+10) Knowledge, Technology 7 (+10) Medicine 8 (+10) Notice 8 (+10) Profession, Forensic Pathology 2 (+4) Search 7 (+10) FEATS 13PP Attack Focus [melee] 4 Dodge Focus 4 Improved Grapple Luck 2 Stunning Attack Takedown Attack POWERS 2 + 4 + 14 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 32PP Enhanced Constitution 2 [2PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Enhanced Strength 14 [14PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Protection 4 [4PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Regeneration 3 (Recovery Bonus +1, Bruised 1 [1 round], Injured 1 [20 minutes]) [3PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Super-Strength 1 (+5 Str for carry capacity and +1 Str for sustained activity) [2PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Speed 2 (25mph ground speed) [2PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) Quickness 1 (x2) [2PP] (Nanobots, Symbiote, Techno-Organic) ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Abilities (20) + Combat (12) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (15) + Feats (13) + Powers (32) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points
  22. Joshua Prowell Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Interdimensional being working for a higher entity. Catchphrase: *** Theme: *** Alternate Identity: Joshua Prowell (Public) Birthplace: Space-between worlds Residence: *** Base of Operations: *** Occupation: *** Affiliations: *** Family: *** Description: Age: 200+ (DoB: claims Oct 16th local calender0 Apparent Age: Late-20s Gender: Male Ethnicity: Non-human Height: 6’2” Weight: *** Eyes: Apple Green Hair: Black Description: *** History: *** Personality & Motivation: *** Power Descriptions: *** Complications: *** Power Level: 10 (Built as PL8) Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 150/150 Unspent Power Points: 0 ABILITIES 6 + 10 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 8 = 40PP Strength: 16 (+4) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) COMBAT 7 + 7 = 28PP Initiative: +0 (+5 Dex) Attack: +7 Defense: +0 (+7 Base), +0 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 (+7 Melee Attack, +4 Strength) Knockback Resistance: 0/-2 SAVING THROWS 6 + 5 + 7 = 18PP Toughness: +7 (+4 Con, Dodge Focus 3) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6PP) Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5PP) Will: +10 (+3 Wis, +7PP) SKILLS 42R = 10.5PP Acrobatics 5 (+10)*** Concentration 7 (+10)*** Gather Information 6 (+10)*** Investigate 8 (+10)*** Notice 6 (+10)*** Search 8 (+10)*** Sense Motive 6 (+10)*** Survival 6 (+10)*** FEATS 15PP Attack Focus [Melee] 3 Attack Focus [Range] 3 Dodge Focus 3 Enviromental Adaptation Jack of all Trades Luck 4 POWERS 6 + 8 + 37 + 2 + 12 + 2 + 0 + 6 + 10 + 2 + 2 = 87PP Racial Features (Container [Humanoid Cat]; Feat: Innate) [6PP] (Descriptors: Biological) Super Senses 4 (Acute, olfactory 1; Extended, audio 1; Low-light Vision; Ultra-Hearing) [4PP] (Descriptors: Biological) Feature 1 (Insulating Fur) [1PP] (Descriptors: Biological) Super Senses 8 (Awareness: Cosmic [Common]; Awareness: Dimensional [Uncommon]; Awareness: Electromagnetic/Radiation [Very Common]; Awareness: Teleport [Uncommon]; Trace Teleport) [8PP] (Descriptors: ***) Cosmic Energy Control 17 (34PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 3) [37PP] (Descriptors: ***) Base Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: ***) Blast 10 (Damage 0; Feat: Effects Insubstantial, Precise, Variable Descriptor: Electromagnetic/Radiation [Very Common]; Extra: Range, Penetrating [10]) [34PP] (Descriptors: ***) Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: ***) Teleport 16 (Range: Nearby Star Systems; Feat: Progression 2 [25’x25’]; Extra: Accurate, Portal; Flaw: Action 3 [Full round action to open/close]) [34PP] (Descriptors: ***) Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: ***) Teleport 11 (Range: 1100’ or 2mil miles as full round action; Feat: Easy; Extra: Accurate) [34PP] (Descriptors: ***) Alternate Power: [31PP] (Additional Descriptors: ***) Drain 6 (Drain 4 [All effect: Eletromagnetic/Radiation], Feat: Affects Insubstantial; Extra: Area [General Burst]) [31PP] (Descriptors: ***) Environmental Control 2 (Light [2]: green in color, 10’ radius; Flaw: Reduced Range: Touch) [2PP] (Descriptors: ***) Flight 6 (*** 0; ***: ***) [12PP] (Descriptors: ***) Space Travel 1 (Interstellar) [2PP] (Descriptors: ***) Force Field 0 (*** 0; ***: ***) [0PP] (Descriptors: ***) Regeneration 6 (Rate: Injured/Staggered [2], Rate: Disabled [1], Rate: Ability [1], Rate: Resurrection [2]; Extra: True Resurrection) [6PP] (Descriptors: ***) Immunity 10 (Aging [1], Environmental Conditions: all [5], Starvation & Thirst [1], Sleep [1], Suffocation [2]) [10PP] (Descriptors: ***) Comprehend 1 (Languages: Understand all and Speak one at a time) [2PP] (Descriptors: ***) Super Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement) [2PP] (Descriptors: ***) ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC0 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Weapons Touch DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage Abilities (40) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (11) + Feats (15) + Powers (87) - Drawbacks (0) = ???/150 Power Points
  23. Leon’s eyes lingered on the floating bike before he looked at Lulu. He glances at Tabitha as a large red bird landed on her, then took a moment to look at Callie before turning his attention back to Lulu again. He shouldered his pack and shifted the note book to his left hand. Raising his empty right hand in a ‘wait’ gesture. “Wo.. wait a minute. ‘Like Hogwarts’? Like a superhero Hogwarts?” The young man said with something between surprise and disbelief. It quickly passed and he settled on snark, it was his default when caught off guard. “Considering how well that placed was run, can I opt to go back to juvie?”
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