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Everything posted by Spacefurry

  1. Paper Fledgelings in the Fold https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/12831-fledgelings-in-the-fold-open/
  2. Leon’s attention had been on the mound of mud when he’d caught movement out of the corner of his eyes. Another girl, almost as pretty as the other one, literally flew in and landed near them. Shortly behind her a third girl, with skin like metal stepped in to sight. His eyes widened a moment, then narrowed as he stepped away from both of them and the mud-thing. “What the hell is going on here?” Leon didn’t have a chance to ask anything else before a scarecrow of a man rolled up with some kind of flamethrower to scare off the mud-things. The elementals he called them. Leon’s hand pulled a spiral bound notebook from his pack. He glanced around at the caretaker and the girls. The one on the bike looked normal enough and hadn’t done anything yet, but Leon was on edge now and wasn’t going to let guard down. Almost as suddenly as he arrived the caretaker, Fawks called himself, strolled out of was off and out of sight. “What is with this place?”
  3. Leon started and stepped away from the humanoid mud-thing as he turned back to find it closer to him, his hand reaching for a thigh pouch that wasn’t there. He cursed to himself under his breath and narrowed his eyes at it. He glanced over at the ‘rich girl’, Callie she said her name was, and noticed a second ‘mud-man-thing’. He turned his attention back to the one near him for a moment to see if it had moved again. With a nervous glance around again he looked for any more of the things, then looked back at it. “How should I know?” He said shortly as unshouldered his backpack to hold it by one strap in his left hand. Watching the mud-thing he moved to unzip it. “But if this was all a scam just to spring a trap, they’re in for a surprise.”
  4. Leon's smirk vanished as he eyed the girl on the motorcycle and judged her to be about his own age. Between the bike and her too pretty to be real looks, he instinctively put her in the 'rich girl' box for further stereotyping later. He looked back at Detective Renchy again and gave a subdued nod as she bid him farewell. He watched the car pull off, the logo catching the sun and gave a short sigh of acceptance. Glancing around again, it seemed to be just him and the rich girl at first. Something nearby under one of the archways gave him pause, but he couldn’t be sure what he was looking at. He resisted the urge to take a closer look and went back to scanning the courtyard. He thought he remembered someone mentioning an escort around the school.
  5. Leon had remained quiet as the man from social services had spoken to the Claremont staff. He Hadn’t been listening as he looked around, noting various things and sizing up everyone he saw. Everyone except the detective that accompanied him and the social worker. When the social worker had finished and headed back out to his car, Leon watched with disinterest. Det. Renchy was talking to him and Leon finally looked up at her. He gave her a shrug and tried to look like he didn’t care. “I guess so.” After hesitating a moment, he took the offered hand and shook it. She had visited him in the hospital multiple times, almost every day it seemed sometimes. And afterwards, she had stood up and vouched for his actions in front of the judge when the offer of attendance at Claremont had come up at the hearing. It’s not like he was actually starting to like an adult or anything, but she was less bothersome then most. Sticking his hands in his pockets and gave the detective a mischievous smirk. “I’m not worried about owing anything, I can steal the money to pay for it later.”
  6. Name: Leon Moore Codename: Paper Year: Sophomore Pronouns: he, him, his Prospective Roommate: - Goal: If he makes it to the end of classes, who knows, maybe he’ll stick to the straight and narrow. No role models. Favorite YA Fiction Novel: Favorite…?
  7. I'm sorry, I didn't know it would be an issue. I'll fix it.
  8. Ack. >< My arch nemesis... math strikes again. Thanks for pointing those out. Completely missed fixing the paper weapons. I'll fix those tomorrow when I have the time.
  9. Just noticed the ‘change log post’ bit. March 26 - changed age from 17 to 16 (meant to do that before posting, but it slipped by me) March 27 - fixed skills for proper total bonuses, adjusted PP for Paper Weapons; removed Contacts from Feats; added Extra: Area to Force Field March 28 - Removed Area and Selective from Force Field and added Impervious
  10. Paper Power Level: 14, but built as 12 (219/221PP) Unspent Power Points: 2PP Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Reformed juvenile criminal with the power to control and shape paper, still has a slight authority problem Catchphrase: None Theme: ‘The Anthem’ by Good Charlotte Alternate Identity: Leon Moore (Secret) Birthplace: Seattle, WA Residence: Downtown Freedom City and Young Guardians Manor Base of Operations: Downtown Freedom City and Young Guardians Manor Occupation: Actor Affiliations: Young Guardians, Claremont Academy Alumni Family: Foster brother and sister Description: Age: 20 (DoB: March 19, 2004) Apparent Age: 20 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 10" Weight: 180 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Description: Black hair, cut short and brushed back except for a few bangs that won't cooperate. Leon keeps himself in shape, and trains to keep his agility. He likes to dress casually in his free time, anime/cartoon or band themed t-shirts and jeans usually. After graduating Leon has been trying several changes to his costume. Most notably he now creates a plain white mask of paper to cover his nose and mouth. He usually also creates a hooded jacket, black with red trim, reminiscent of the shirt he wore as a student during missions. His shirt is usually white with reinforced white paper for protection. His pants vary, but are also reinforced by paper. He still carries a couple pouches of paper on his thighs, as well as pockets of paper concealed on himself. He has also learned to better hide paper amongst his clothing and within his paper arm. History: Born in Seattle to a teen mother, she moved to Freedom City when he was still young with her then boyfriend. When Leon began to show signs of not being ‘normal’ the man abandoned them. His mother felt she could not take care of a ‘special’ child and surrendered him to the foster system without telling them of his ‘nature’. Shortly there after she returned to family in Seattle. Leon has not had any contact with her since. In the system since age 8, Leon was moved from home to home several times, unable to settle, acting up, and trying to run away. At first, he blamed his powers for his mother abandoning him. When he was 11 he landed in the same foster house as two other children hiding their powers. With their help he accepted his powers and embraced them. The three agreed that they could only rely on each other and swore to always be there for the each other. Believing the system was a failure and that no one else could or would see them as more then either a burden or a paycheck, the three ran away together and turned to small crimes to do what they thought they needed to survive. At the age of 16, Leon wanted to prove to his brother and sister that he could work solo; he broke into the Freedom City Museum to attempt to steal something. Before he could secure his prize an explosion rocked the building. In the resulting confusion a FCPD detective that was in the building entered the showroom Leon was in. A second, smaller explosion struck and part of the building collapsed inward. Without thinking, he moved to protect the detective with a shield of paper over them both, but he wasn’t fast enough and Leon was knocked out. After the events at the museum Leon was hospitalized. He woke days later to find he had lost his left arm mid-bicep, but thanks to his quick reaction the detective had escaped with only minor injuries. During the hearing that followed, the court gave special considerations for his selfless actions and young age, while he would not turn evidence against his siblings, a deal was reached. A representative from Claremont Academy had petitioned on his behalf and Leon agreed to attend the private school under probation. If, and when, Leon successfully graduates from Claremont he would be given a clean slate with the courts and his juvenile records will be sealed. At first he was rebellious and troublesome, but teachers quickly saw the seeds for a good kid buried under the anger of a rough life. In the time he has attended Claremont, Leon has grown in both power and sense of responsibility, although he would never admit to the latter himself. He hasn’t disclosed it to anyone yet, but relations with his brother and sister have become strained and he can’t understand why. While still attending Claremont, he and fellow student Neko Musume began dating and continues to. With the sudden return of the now named Stormcrow, coupled with being estranged from his found family, Leon is resentful toward the hero. But despite that, he has remained as a member of The Young Guardians and loyal to his teammates. During a trip to Japan with his girlfriend, Neko, and two teammates, Charlie and Bernadette, Leon came into contact with a book containing an entity. Unknown to Leon, the entity slipped into the paper he uses to escape the captivity of the book. While hiding in his paper, the entity has formed a bond with Leon and is able to strengthen Leon’s powers. As yet, the entity seems to be biding its time and has not revealed any motives or plans, other than not being returned to its old prison. Personality & Motivation: Leon has always been a bit of a show off. He was also the most ‘energetic’ of his trio of foster siblings. Not bad kids by nature, they simply felt let down and abandon by an over taxed system. Although feeling they had to do what they had to, to survive, none of them ever wanted to hurt anyone. Leon would never give up his siblings, and would never turn his back on them. He isn’t likely to trust anyone quickly, and even if he does, he would just be waiting for the other shoe to drop. While he doesn’t usually trust anyone quickly, usually suspicious of the motives of others, he has formed a strong bond with Luke Landers. His roommate throughout his time at Claremont. He considers Luke his best friend. He is also fiercely loyal to his girlfriend Neko. If asked why he saved the officer he just shrugs and dismisses it as an act of stupidity on his part, admitting he couldn’t stand to see someone get hurt. This is the excuse he gives whenever asks when he continues to act as a hero. Power Descriptions: Leon can control and manipulate paper, altering its shape and strength at his will. He can make paper stronger than metal and sharper than any normal blade. He can make it solid enough to resist liquids and gas. He can even have it resist heat and fire to a point. It can easily protect from an explosion with little harm to the paper, but repeated or continued exposure could eat away at the paper eventually. Shaping it, he can create nearly anything from simple weapons and gear to clothing and simple golems. Many pieces of smaller papers can be melded into a single, seamless construction and when done with them the constructs fall apart into their original pieces, or what’s left of them. Aside from his power over paper, or perhaps more because of it, Leon has taught himself how to use simple weapons. These would cover most blades, clubs/maces, spears/staves, bows and arrows, and throwing objects. All things he can easily create with paper. Skill wise, Leon is quick and agile from practicing often. He is not overly strong, equal to anyone his size that works out every so often. He has also developed a firm sense of balance. Leon has gained greater control over his power, including creating modes of transportation. Recently, due to the acquisition of an ancient tome he has found his power increased and has even learned to shape paper even more realistically. This can allow him to potentially disguise himself, and possibly others. This also adds a Mystical element to his powers. Complications: Claustrophobic: a result of the trauma after his accident, it hadn’t come up until sometime later. Leon has panic attacks when forced into small spaces. Book Knowledge: the boost to his power is because of the spirit of the book he absorbed. As such, should he be separated from its power or have its powers nullified, he would lose its benefits. This would reduce the level of all powers in his Paper Control array by 2 and reduce his Protection by 2. Growing Fame: Leon has a growing role on a locally filmed daytime drama. Work/life/hero balance may cause problems. Possible issues could range from having to duck out of filming to fight, the chance of someone recognizing him in is civilian identity (for good or bad), paparazzi, maybe even the chance of a stalker someday, etc. ABILITIES 4 + 10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 8 = 40PP Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 18 (+8) COMBAT 12 + 14 = 28PP Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +6, +12 w/ Paper Control Defense: +12 (+7 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Uncanny Dodge Grapple: +8 (+6 Melee Attack, +2 Strength), +24 w/ Paper Control, +26 vs Paper Knockback Resistance: -9, -2 without "Paper Shield" SAVING THROWS 6 + 7 + 8 = 21PP Toughness: +12 (+4 Con, +8 Protection; Impervious 6) Fortitude: +10 (+4 Con, +6PP) Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7PP) Evasion 2 Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8PP) SKILLS 168R = 42PP Acrobatics 5 (+10) Skill Mastery Bluff 16 (+20) Taunt Climb 8 (+10) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 8 (+10) Disable Device 7 (+10) Disguise 1 (+5) Escape Artist 5 (+10) Gather Information 6 (+10) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 7 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Language (Japanese (English native)) Notice 17 (+19) Skill Mastery Perform (Acting) 11 (+16) Pilot 5 (+10) Search 12 (+15) Sense Motive 13 (+15) Sleight of Hand 14 (+19) Skill Mastery Stealth 15 (+20) Skill Mastery FEATS 19PP Benefit (Fame: TV Star) Distract Dodge Focus 5 Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Luck 4 Quick Change Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Uncanny Dodge 2 (Sense Types: Auditory, Visual) POWERS 71PP (2+2+45+14+8=71) Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [Read/Write Any]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 [Speak To; Understand]; Flaws: Limited [Books, Paper, Paper-like objects]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Paper Control 20.5 (41PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 4) [45PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Base Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Lift Paper) Move Object 18 (Lifting Strength: 90, Heavy Load: 3.2k tons; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Paper]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) [40/41PP] Alternate Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Projectiles) Blast 12 (Range: 12 100-ft Increments, 1200ft Max; Extras: Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 18]; Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [paper]) [40/41] Alternate Power: [40PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Paper) Create Object 12 (Range: 1200ft; Max Volume: 12 5-ft. cubes; 120 ft. Max.Toughness: 12; Lifting Strength: 60,Heavy Load: 50 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Precise, Progression 2 [25-ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle; Drawback: Medium [paper])) [41/41] Alternate Power: [34PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Barrage) Damage 12 (Extras: Area [General, Cone] 120' long, Penetrating [6 ranks, Effective Damage 18], Selective; Flaw: Action (Full Round); Feats: Indirect 3, Selective, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]; Drawback: Medium [Paper]) [36/41] Alternate Power: [32PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Cocoon) Snare 12 (Range: 12 100-ft Increments, 1200ft Max; Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Obscures Senses 2 [Sense Types: Auditory, Visual], Reversible, Subtle, Tether; Drawback: Medium [paper]) [36/41] Protection 6 (Paper Shield 6; Extras: Impervious 6) [12PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control, Paper Shields) Super-Senses 8 (Paper Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Extended, Radius, Ranged) [8PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC17 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Paper* Perception Grapple vs +27 Pinned/Bound Thrown Paper Throwing DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Stuff With Paper Ranged Grapple vs +24 Pinned/Bound Thrown Object Throwing DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Cocoon Ranged DC22 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Paper Projectiles Ranged DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)** Shape Paper Dropped Paper Ranged DC22 Reflex Avoided DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Trap Ranged DC22 Reflex Trapped * Limited to Paper. ** Variable Descriptor: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage. TOTALS Abilities (40) + Combat (26) + Saving Throws (21) + Skills (42) + Feats (19) + Powers (71) - Drawbacks (0) = 219/221 Power Points
  11. Paper Power Level: 10 built as 8 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 Trade-Offs: None In Brief: Ex-juvie, out on conditional parole for ‘good behavior’, that can control paper and shape it to his will. Catchphrase: None Theme: ‘Good Left Undone’ by Rise Against, ‘Youth of a Nation’ by P.O.D. Alternate Identity: Leon Moore (Secret) Birthplace: Seattle, WA Residence: Claremont Academy Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Foster brother and sister Description: Age: 17 (DoB: March 19, 2003) Apparent Age: 17 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5' 10" Weight: 175 lbs. Eyes: Grey Hair: Black Description: Black hair, cut short and brushed back except for a few bangs that won't cooperate. Leon keeps himself in shape, and trains to keep his agility. He likes to dress casually in his free time, anime/cartoon themed t-shirts and jeans usually. His ‘costume’ use to typically consists of a black short sleeved shirt with red trim, blue jeans and sneakers. He has though agreed to a change of colors to reflect the school’s colors. This is easy for him since his ‘costume’ is usually made of paper made to look and act like regular clothing. This is accompanied by a slim, black backpack with a few various books in it at any time, along with some personal items. Several small black pockets on straps around arms (1 on each), thighs (2 on each) and 2 each hip of his belt. Each pocket is large enough to hold a deck of index cards. Hanging on back of the belt is a case that holds 2 large rolls of paper about the width of receipt tape and hundreds of yards long. History: Born in Seattle to a teen mother, she moved to Freedom City when he was still young with her then boyfriend. When Leon began to show signs of not being ‘normal’ the man abandoned them. His mother felt she could not take care of a ‘special’ child and surrendered him to the foster system without telling them of his ‘nature’. Shortly there after she returned to family in Seattle. Leon has not had any contact with her since. In the system since age 8, Leon was moved from home to home several times, unable to settle, acting up, and trying to run away. At first, he blamed his powers for his mother abandoning him. When he was 11 he landed in the same foster house as two other children hiding their powers. With their help he accepted his powers and embraced them. The three agreed that they could only rely on each other and swore to always be there for the each other. Believing the system was a failure and that no one else could or would see them as more then either a burden or a paycheck, the three ran away together and turned to small crimes to do what they thought they needed to survive. Personality & Motivation: Leon has always been a bit of a show off. He was also the most ‘energetic’ of his trio of foster siblings. Not bad kids by nature, they simply felt let down and abandon by an over taxed system. Although feeling they had to do what they had to, to survive, none of them ever wanted to hurt anyone. Leon would never give up his siblings, and would never turn his back on them. He isn’t likely to trust anyone quickly, and even if he does, he would just be waiting for the other shoe to drop. If asked why he saved the officer he just shrugs and dismisses it as an act of stupidity on his part, not willing to admit he couldn’t stand to see someone get hurt. Power Descriptions: Leon can control and manipulate paper, altering its shape and strength at his will. He can make paper stronger than metal and sharper than any normal blade. He can make it solid enough to resist liquids and gas. He can even have it resist heat and fire to a point. It can easily protect from an explosion with little harm to the paper, but repeated or continued exposure could eat away at the paper eventually. Shaping it, he can create nearly anything from simple weapons and gear to clothing and simple golems. Many pieces of smaller papers can be melded into a single, seamless construction and when done with them the constructs fall apart into their original pieces, or what’s left of them. Aside from his power over paper, or perhaps more because of it, Leon has taught himself how to use simple weapons. These would cover most blades, clubs/maces, spears/staves, bows and arrows, and throwing objects. All things he can easily create with paper. Skill wise, Leon is quick and agile from practicing often. He is not overly strong, equal to anyone his size that works out every so often. He has also developed a firm sense of balance. Complications: And I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation: Reputation: Leon and his foster siblings have records with the juvenile courts, and he doesn’t care if others know. Being predisposed to thinking that, in the end, everyone is looking out for themselves. It’s just a flesh wound: Disability: Leon lost his left arm not long ago during a robbery attempt. During the robbery Leon and a rookie officer were caught in a building collapse, he protected the officer, but his arm was crushed mid bicep. Leon uses his powers to create and maintain a paper arm that looks real enough. Power Level: 10 (Built as PL8) Tradeoffs: None Power Points: 147/150 Unspent Power Points: 3 ABILITIES 0 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 32PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 18 (+4) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 16 (+3) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 16 (+3) COMBAT 8 + 10 = 18PP Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) Attack: +4, +8 Paper Control Defense: +8 (+5 Base, +3 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-FootedUncanny Dodge Grapple: +4 (+4 Melee Attack, +0 Strength), +20 Paper Control, +26 vs Paper Knockback Resistance: 4/2 SAVING THROWS 4 + 4 + 6 = 14PP Toughness: +8 (+4 Con, +4 Force Field) Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4PP) Reflex: +8 (+4 Dex, +4PP)Evasion 2 Will: +8 (+2 Wis, +6PP) SKILLS 84R = 21PP Acrobatics 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Bluff 7 (+10)Taunt Climb 5 (+5) Computers 7 (+10) Concentration 6 (+8) Disable Device 7 (+10) Escape Artist 6 (+10)Ultimate Skill Knowledge (Technology) 7 (+10) Notice 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Search 7 (+10) Sleight of Hand 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Stealth 8 (+10)Skill Mastery FEATS 14PP Contacts Dodge Focus 3 Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Luck 2 Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Taunt Ultimate Skill (Escape Artist) Uncanny Dodge 2 (Sense Types: Auditory, Visual) POWERS 49PP Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [Read/Write Any]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Comprehend 2 (Objects 2 [Speak To; Understand]; Flaws: Limited [Books, Paper, Paper-like objects]) [2PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Force Field 4 (Feats: Selective) [5PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control, Paper Shields) Paper Control 15 (30PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [35PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) Base Power: [30PP] (Additional Descriptors: Lift Paper) Move Object 13 (Lifting Strength: 65, Heavy Load: 100 tons; Extras: Range [Perception]; Flaws: Limited [Paper]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Precise, Subtle) [30PP] Alternate Power: [30PP] (Additional Descriptors: Lift Stuff With Paper) Move Object 12 (Lifting Strength: 60, Heavy Load: 50 tons; Range: 10 80ft Increments, 800ft Max; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Pin, Indirect, Precise, Subtle) [30PP] Alternate Power: [30PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Projectiles) Blast 8 (Range: 10 80ft Increments, 800ft Max; Extras: Penetrating [4 ranks, Effective Damage 12]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]) [30PP] Alternate Power: [15PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Weapons) Damage 8 (Extras: Penetrating [2 ranks, Effective Damage 10]; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage]) [15PP] Alternate Power: [30PP] (Additional Descriptors: Shape Paper) Create Object 8 (Range: 800ft; Max Volume: 8 cubes; Toughness: 8; Lifting Strength: 40, Heavy Load: 3 tons; Extras: Duration [Continuous]; Feats: Precise, Progression 2 [25ft cubes], Selective, Stationary, Subtle) [30PP] Alternate Power: [28PP] (Additional Descriptors: Paper Cocoon) Snare 8 (Range: 10 80ft Increments, 800ft Max; Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Indirect 3, Obscures Senses 2 [Sense Types: Auditory, Visual], Reversible, Subtle, Tether) [28PP] Super-Senses 5 (Paper Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Common; Sense Type: Mental, Default Extras: None; Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged) [5PP] (Descriptors: Mutation, Paper Control) ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Paper* Perception Grapple vs +26 Pinned/Bound Thrown Paper Throwing DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Lift Stuff With Paper Ranged Grapple vs +20 Pinned/Bound Thrown Object Throwing DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Cocoon Ranged DC18 Reflex (Staged) Entangled/Bound Paper Projectiles Ranged DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)** Shape Paper Dropped Paper Ranged DC18 Reflex Avoided DC23 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Paper Trap Ranged DC18 Reflex Trapped *Limited to Paper. **Variable Descriptor: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and/or Slashing Damage. Abilities (32) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (14) + Skills (21) + Feats (14) + Powers (49) - Drawbacks (0) = 148/150 Power Points
  12. The skinsuit is just to provide limited protection outside of the armor. I suppose I could trim the sensor suite and immunities to start. They’re two of the biggest point hogs right now. I really like the ‘Over-clock’ bit, I could trim it down to start. Her blasters are her primary attack so I didn’t want to trim it too much. Would 8 ranks be good to start?
  13. I just don’t think it’s going to work points wise. I haven’t pinned down the array, and I I’m not sure how to work up the A.I. Looks like I’ll have to trim attributes and skills to have points for the armor. Might have to drop the inner skinsuit completely.
  14. I’m really starting to think she not gonna work. :sad:
  15. Dreamcatcher Power Level: 10 (150/150PP) Unspent Power Points: 0 All PP Trade-Offs: ±X Attack / ±X Damage, ±X Defense / ±X Toughness (or "None") In Brief: Non-human dimensional refugee. Ironman with a splash of Batman, only broke. Catchphrase: (Optional) Example: "Oh for the Cat’s sake.” “Why does everyone assume I can fly?” Theme: ‘Hurt’ by NIN/Johnny Cash, ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ by Daft Punk, ‘This is War’ by 30 Seconds to Mars Alternate Identity: Jean Downer (Secret) Birthplace: Nexus City (alternate reality Earth) Residence: Homeless Base of Operations: Abandoned warehouse Occupation: NA at this time Affiliations: NA at this time Family: Parents deceased, no siblings Description: Anthro-fox Age: 27 (DoB: 13/08/1993) Apparent Age: Mid-late teens due to height and build Gender: Female Ethnicity: Anthropomorphic fox Height: 1.67m (5’6”) Weight: 50kg (110lb) Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Shoulder length dirty blonde Fur: Typical red fox coloring pattern Jean is a humanoid fox from another dimension, standing up straight at about 5 and a half feet (not counting ears). Not having a source of income to start, her attire consists of her operator suit. A snug fitting body suit with various connection nodes across it. Dreamcatcher’s shape/design is that of a basic generic feminine anthropomorphic feline/canine nature, complete with a generic tail. Coloration is polished grey/silver with some black detailing and a yellow lens in the helmet camera. History: On her Earth, Jean was born in a city that had become a focal point of interdimensional and interstellar events. Her world had been populated by humanoid animals instead of regular humans, but over the years the population of the city nearly doubled with other races from the influx of arrivals, including humans from alternate Earths. During this time a growing number of these individuals arrived with strange abilities and incredible powers. Most where peaceful, but not all of them, and many fights erupted in the city and its surrounding areas. During one of these fights the research facility Jean’s parents worked at was destroyed and they died as a result. This drove her to become obsessed with finding a way to combat the hostile ‘outsiders’, as she referred to them. She designed the Dreamcatcher armor and built it in secret. She funded the project by syphoning money from an unscrupulous businessman (very Lex Luther, but not as ‘hands on’ with his dirty dealings. i.e. – not suiting up in his own armor to go one on one with good guys.). She worked for him as a researcher in one of his labs and gathered a group of like-minded individuals to help with her secret project. After several years the suit and her research grew and evolved, until a massive dimensional anomaly hit her home world. After it passed Jean found herself in a new world, with no idea how to get back. Personality & Motivation: A natural intellectual prodigy from a young age, Jean’s personal lose was her initial, nearly obsessive, driving force. In the beginning, she was strict and harsh to those she saw as possible threats (almost Casey Jones/ gritty Batman). But in time, with the help from supportive friends, she began to let go of her obsession. She learned to temper her anger, opening her eyes and sometimes even her heart to those that found their way to her world. She began to dedicate herself to protecting those who could not protect themselves whether they were ‘native’ or ‘outsider’. Powers & Tactics: Jean had primarily worked alone, trying to keep a low profile, but would willingly join forces to help with larger threats. Jean is the type to take a moment to look for the best approach to a problem and search for a weak point to exploit, then strike quickly and precisely. Power Descriptions: The Dreamcatcher armor was designed by Jean using technological advances derived from reverse engineering devices and artifacts from many different ‘outsiders’ to her world over the years. Complications: Destitute [-1pp] Due to the sudden nature of the dimensional shift, Jean arrived in Freedom City with only her armor and skinsuit. This forces her to scavenge for supplies and parts. Stranger in a not-so-strange land The Earth Jean came from had enough similarities for her to make sense of things, but enough differences to make many social interactions potentially awkward. From minor differences like the names of companies and products might be different. To moderate differences like the race/species of a person being different then she knew back home. To major differences like the details of historical events being different. Dressed for work The skinsuit, while not required to operate the armor, does provide more accurate and detailed control. Abilities: 2 + 6 + 2 + 20 + 8 + 4 = 42PP Strength: 12/18/24 (+1/+4/+7) Dexterity: 16/20/26 (+3/+5/+8) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 30 (+10) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: +4 (2PP / Base Attack) +4 (2PP / Base Defense) = 16PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Grapple: +0 Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: Toughness: +0 (+1 Con, +0) Fortitude: +0 (+1Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+3/+5/+8 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+4 Wis, +0) Skills: 152R = 38PP Acrobatics 4 Computers 12 Concentration 6 Craft, electrical 12 Craft, mechanical 12 Craft, chemical 6 Disable Device 8 Drive 2 Gather Information 4 Investigate 6 Knowledge, behavioral sciences 6 Knowledge, life sciences 6 Knowledge, physical sciences 14 Knowledge, tactics 6 Knowledge, technology 14 Language 6 *German, Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, Latin, (alien language from her home world I do not have a name for yet) Medicine 4 Notice 6 Pilot 2 Search 6 Sense Motive 4 Stealth 6 Feats: 10pp Assessment Benefit (Xenotech) (skilled at learning and using advanced/alien tech) Defensive Roll Eidetic Memory Improved Aim Improvised Tools Inventor Master Plan Precise Shot Skill Mastery (Computers; Concentration; Craft, Elec; Craft, Mech) Powers: 9 + 13 + xx + xx = 0PP Container (Anthro-fox traits; Feat: Innate) [biological] [9PP] *Super Senses 5 (extended (hearing); extended (smell); Low-Light Vision; Scent; Ultra-hearing) {5 pp} *Strike 1 (claws; Feat: mighty) {2 PP} *Strike 1 (bite) {1 PP} Device 12 (Skinsuit; Hard to lose; Feat: Subtle) [15dp] [12+1=13pp] (technological) Immunity 6(cold, heat, electric, radiation, gases, chemical; Limited) [3pb] Protection 4 (Impervious 4) [8dp] Communication 3 (Feat: Subtle) [4dp] Device xx (Dreamcatcher armor; Hard to lose; Extras: Restricted) [xx+12+30+32DP=??PP] (technological) Powered Array (Extras: None; Flaws: none; Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power*?, Precise; Drawbacks: none) [??pp] *Damage 10: Palm Blasters (Energy blasts; Extras: Penetrating; Flaws: none; Feats: none; Drawbacks: none) [2/rank+1/rank=30dp] (blast, energy, ranged) * Stun 10: Stunner Plates (Contact stunner; Extras: none; Flaws: none; Feats: none; Drawbacks: none) [2/rank=20dp] (blunt, energy, stun) * Boost: Over-clocked (Boost [Powered Frame]; Container; Extras: Total Fade; Flaws: Personal, Tiring, Unreliable (charges); Feats: Slow Fade; Drawbacks: none) [??dp] (descriptors) ** Boost Strength 6 (Extras: Linked; Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=6dp] (descriptors) ** Boost Dexterity 6 (Extras: Linked; Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=6dp] (descriptors) ** Boost Speed 2 (up to 100mph base; Extras: Linked; Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=2dp] (descriptors) **Boost Leaping 2 (up to 10x jumping; Extras: Linked, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=2dp] (descriptors) Powered Frame [12dp] * Enhanced Strength 6 (Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=6pp] (descriptors) * Enhanced Dexterity 4 (Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=4pp] (descriptors) * Speed 2 (20mph base; Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=2pp] (descriptors) * Leaping 2 (3x jumping; Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: none, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank=2pp] (descriptors) Comms/Sensor Suite [30dp] *Comprehend - Languages 1 (Translator, understand only; Extras: none, Flaws: none; Feats: none, Drawbacks: Not all languages are the same across alternate worlds, new languages may need to be ‘learned’ ) [2/rank=2dp] () *Communication 7 (Radio; Extras: none, Flaws: none, Feats: Subtle, Drawbacks: none) [1/rank+1=8dp] () *Super-senses (Extended: audio (1); Extended 2: vision (2); Blindsight: radar (4); Danger Sense: radar(1); Darkvision (2); Direction (1); Distance (1); Infravision (1); Lowlight (1); Microscopic (1); Radio (1); Time (1); Tracking (1); Ultra-hearing (1); Ultra-vision (1)) [20dp] Environmental Seals/Armor Plating [32dp] *Immunity (life support) [9dp] *Sensory Shield 3 (all senses) [6dp] *Protection 10 (Impervious 7) [17dp] Cynthia (A.I.) *Minion??? Note: If all Powers have the same Descriptor (all genetic, all technological, etc.), you can just write that directly under the Powers header. Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP Drawback (Description; Frequency: [Uncommon, Common, or Very Common]; Intensity: [Minor, Moderate, or Major])[-XPP] Note: You can only have a number of Drawbacks equal to your PL, not including Power Drawbacks. Also, Power Drawbacks, such as Full Power or Power Loss, should be listed on the Power, not here. DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness Damage Chain Lightning Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Autofire) Damage Taser Blast Ranged DC 16 Fortitude Stun Totals: Abilities (42) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (38) + Feats (10) + Powers (0) - Complications (-1) = 150/150 (or 105/105)
  16. I can't get Discord to add the chat. Any tips? Edit: I click on Add Server, but it keeps asking me for an invite link. Edit 2: Ha! I was able to send myself an invite. ?
  17. I see want you did there. That’s a good idea. I’ll have to work on the idea some more when I get home. I’ll probably come up with more questions. ? Thanks again...(I’m saying that a lot, aren’t I.)
  18. Yes, that helps, thanks again. One last question... (for now. :p) If I take multiple senses (i.e. - low-light vision, ultra-hearing,...etc) would I have to pay for Innate for each one or just for Senses as a whole? In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m considering a non-human w/ a battlesuit.
  19. Okay, I think that makes sense. I’m sure I’ll think of more questions. Thanks, you’ve been very helpful.
  20. Wow, that was fast. thanks you for the quick reply. I was looking at the house rules threads and I didn’t see anything about blast or strike, did you guys roll them together under damage like in 3e? I saw Move Object listed, does that replace Telekinesis? If so, would the nat claws would be something like: Damage 1 (Mighty, Innate) 3pp 1/rank +2 for feats Can a power have 0 ranks and just add feats? edit: Reading the Mighty description again, it reads like you would have to increase the base cost of raising your Strength. Like adding the Innate to the claws above would make raising the cost to 2pp for 1 point of Strength?
  21. Hello everyone, or rather everyone who checks this. ? First timer here. Stumbled on it while looking for a pbp forum for M&M. I’m also on the Paizo forums. I joined a M&M 3e game there for the first time and took a liking to the system. I know this is a 2e forum but I thought I’d take a chance. That said, I have a few ideas but I know I’m gonna have a few questions too. The first one I have is if I wanted retractable blades on a battlesuit would that have to be a separate power? I’m not looking for it to add to the attack or damage bonus necessarily, just to change the melee attack from a punch to a slash as needed. Maybe have it apply Penetration when the blades are used? Second question, what would natural claws count as? Like say an alien race that have claws on there finger tips naturally, but not super strength or anything? I’m sorry if this these are noob questions, like I said, only my second time with the system, first time with 2e.
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