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Everything posted by Nerdzul

  1. 21 at search if needed to track the source of the scent. Meanwhile Is there a chance that Luke has noticed Lulu in the crowd?
  2. Ok great, there were spots in his neighborhood where those kind of conversations meant troubles, but this time it seemed mostly innocent. ‘Perhaps I’m just being paranoid…’ Besides, he could not exactly make out the words, but they were talking about the freedom league getting involved like it was a positive thing (although they considered it ineffective) so yeah, they were probably harmless. Sad, of course, but still nothing that required him to keep tailing them. ‘Maybe I can like… offer to help…’ He was sort of a superhero after all, not exactly an investigator though. He tried to follow them, but something caught his attention. A scent of… something. He couldn’t exactly say what. Weird. Still it stood out among the myriad of different ones that inundated his nostrils in the crowded mall. It came, from above or maybe? Well, now, he he probably had better things to do, but then again, it wouldn’t cost him much time to just check its source and anyway and it had managed to pique his curiosity.
  3. Nerdzul

    Midnight Tour

    Luke frowned, this was weird wasn’t it, what the hell was going on. “Uh… yeah sure.” “What? Are you two twins or something?” Yeah very likely wasn’t it? He turned to face his new friend, but she was gone, messed up, if you asked him. Oh well, was he thinking about having grown accustomed to a new normal just a few moments before wasn’t him? “That was weird.” He shrugged. “It’s not exactly polite getting into someone’s head, I’d call it more of a third date thing, you know?” He teased again as he stepped closer to her side of the car, so that their gazes could meet. “Name is Luke… Nice to meet you Lulu.” He smiled as he offered to shake hands. “And I’m all for a ride, but I mean, before I get in your car perhaps you can tell me what is going on?” She must have been from the school. Yeah it made sense, roughly his same age, superpowers. And she was hot, but that didn’t have anything to do with the situation at hand didn’t it?
  4. Nerdzul

    Midnight Tour

    "Or maybe I just have guts” He smirked confidently. “Besides, yeah I had heard those, more reasons to take a peek.” He leaned closer and whispered back, if he had any objection to her proximity he certainly didn’t show it. “Whoohooo scary… I can make tricks too you know? Can tie a cherry stem in my mouth in less than twenty.” He teased, grinning playfully. Truth was, just a year or so ago, talking so casually about mind reading or shooting laser from the eyes would have weirded him out, but then again, it was great how much your life could change. “To anyone their talents. Oh and I can also breathe fire, but I mean... which one 'd be more useful at a party?” He made it sound like he was joking though, just in case, she certainly looked like a fun type, but that didn’t mean that he had to show all of his cards that soon. “My bet, though, you do have some aces up your sleeves too.” “Really?” Could as well be, awesome… Yep he really was a master infiltrator right? “Hey…” He sighed as the newcomer headed toward the car, his eyes following her slender figure before the young man finally decided to chase after her. “For someone dressed as a ninja I’d have expected a bit more… well, discretion, you know?” He teased again. Whatever time to confront whoever was in that car it seemed.
  5. Heya And happy to be here and start with this new adventure hehe. Just in case it's needed I rolled stealth for Luke to blend with the crowd (28 Yey) and Luke has Skill Mastery on both Notice and Sense Motive if needed to keep track of the people that are talking with both at +10.
  6. Bayview Mall… A great place to find some easy marks, people that were almost eager to be liberated from the content of their pockets. In fact, Luke had already spotted a few as his eyes navigated the legion of distracted shoppers, teenagers and families that crowded the mall. That was another chapter of his life though, that day he wasn’t there to score some ill gotten gains (and if things went his way, that wasn’t gonna happen ever again). Actually he had a very important 'mission': find for himself something nice to wear on his first day at the new school, investing the money that his parents had saved from that exact purpose. Now the truth was, the young man wasn’t planning to actually buy anything here, the overpriced designer crap that he could see behind the windows of Bayview posh shops wasn’t exactly his style (and besides he could find the same stuff off-brand or counterfeited for much cheaper in his neighborhood anyway), but whatever right? Taking a look would certainly not hurt and he had an afternoon to kill. Still a leopard cannot change his spots and Luke could do nothing, but instinctively keep his attention on the crowd, besides, why not? Being aware of his surroundings had saved his life in the past and was and an useful habit to have in his new career of choice anyway. Not that there was much that caught his interest though, at first. ‘Wait what?’ Now it wasn't his business and yet… The short exchange he had just listened to had a somewhat shady vibe didn’t it? 'Yeah right...' Sure he could just keep walking, but then again, if he was gonna be a superhero he had to learn to care right? And besides, if it was nothing, it would only take a few minutes to check the situation and then he could go back to his 'mission' with his conscience at ease. It didn't take much, for the young man to blend with the crowd, pretending to stroll around idly minding his own business, while keeping his ears and eyes well open. Hopefully it would be enough to buy him time to figure out what was actually going on.
  7. Nerdzul

    Midnight Tour

    “Woah…” that was… well unexpected, startling maybe, now he was not easy to scare, but he would have to admit that his heart had skipped a beat or two. She was like, well she had appeared out of thin air. Fooling even his monster senses. Awesome in a way, a bit worrying perhaps, especially for his plan to get into the school unseen… Yeah fat chances he would be able to do that now, he had been spotted even before setting his feet past the walls. ‘Well done Luke… Congrats…’ Assuming that she was from the school though. He turned suddenly to face her, his eyes sinking in the dark pool of her own. She was well, she had good looks didn't she? Even clad in that Ninja attire. It was foolish to focus on that given the situation, but well, then again dragon or not, he was a sixteen years old boy. “Maybe.” He smirked playfully, once he had regained enough of his composure. “Are you? I mean, you look like you’re dressed for some mischief, you know?” Perhaps she could actually help him out? “Trying to figure out a way in myself.” He admitted, sure he could lie about it, but then again, if she could sneak on him so easily she had probably had enough time to figure out what he was doing on her own.
  8. Nerdzul

    Midnight Tour

    ‘God this place looks way creepier after dark.’ Sure Luke could actually see clearly, even with no lights, perks of being a mythological monster in disguise, yet while perhaps it was just his imagination, the young man could not shake the feeling that Claremont did feel a bit like a haunted castle if you looked at the place in the right way. He had been circling the Academy for a while, trying to find a way in, but turns out that a school for heroes valued its privacy and his confidence in being able to get past its walls unnoticed was getting lower with every passing minute. 'This is pointless.' And risky, what if they caught him? That would be an interesting way to start the school year, especially as a scholarship student. And yet, there he was. ‘Maybe I should just get to bed…’ No way though. He wanted to see Claremont on his own terms and it was gonna happen tonight. Sure, the tour a few days before had been very convincing (kinda awesome if you asked him), but that was the whole point right? Show off the place at its best, with all its glitters, glamours and magics. That was not enough for the teenage boy though, he wanted to see past the paint job, check if there was rust underneath. Trust was good, he knew that, in fact kinda of a necessity in his future line of work, but he was still putting his life in the hands of these people and truth was, he didn't know anything about them, or the Academy. It was only fair... Besides it was not like he was there to commit a crime (well technically), just taking a peak. 'Whatever.' So there he was, black sweatpants and sneakers, hands struck in the pocket of his hoodie, darting from one shadow to the next. ‘If anyone sees me they must think I must be the most foolish burglar in the world.’ The thought made him chuckle. Yeah trying to get into an academy for superheroes. ‘Come on! It’s a school, not freaking Fort Knox, there should be a way…’ @Heritage
  9. “That’s why we are here, right?” Luke smiled enthusiastically. “It’s less associated with and more being one.” Yep, that was definitely something you can discuss as a matter of fact right? “I have, like, just found out though.” Which probably wasn’t that bad, after all if he had grown up knowing, much likely he would not even feel human by now, Matt always told that he turned into an arrogant prick whenever he changed, so yeah, it was better that way probably. “How did you? I mean, how did you end up here yourself man?” He tossed. Yeah, it would be nice hearing it from someone who has actually already been a student for a while. “You have one of us? Like another dragon.” The young man’s eyes widened. “For real? I knew I couldn’t be the only one around. Awesome, you definitely have to introduce us.” He chuckled at Kendra’s enthusiasm. “Hey hey…” He ruffled the hair on the back of his neck and smiled at her, his posture relaxing, after all maybe she wasn’t exactly snubbing him and he had just missed some cue. “Let’s see…. Yes… Yes, but I hide them well, you see… Yep definitely…” “Not on the first date. And only if I have to.” He smirked playfully. “Woah, as I said, ambitious. And how are you gonna do it? I mean, you can actually travel in time with your glowy swirly magic stuff?” That did sound impossible, that said, yeah flying, breathing fire… Nothing sounded impossible anymore. “That’s cool, you’re gonna have to show me one day, you know? I mean, I’m not gonna trade home for the middle ages or anything, but you know, just like a visit.” “Besides, I wanna see how I measure up against a T-rex or something.” He chuckled again. That would be awesome. “That would be like… being in the cover of a freaking metal album.” Yeah.
  10. Nightscale 23 Posts = 3 PP (with new player boost I think) + 2 HellQ +1 Reputation Threads: Three Hour Tour 6 posts Purchase and Price 3 posts Midnight Tour 9 posts Who's On First ? 5 posts Extra: HellQ Reputation
  11. “Yeah it’s definitely our responsibility.” Lucke chuckled at Felix’s words. “People should know that they are safe when we are around right?” Plus recognition always left him with a pleasant feeling, a bit selfish perhaps, but whatever, he never told he was a saint. “I know the feeling… got a younger bro myself…” He grinned again. “Less fun? I bet, it’s still school ain’t it?” Another chuckle escaped his lips. He frowned a little when he realized that yeah, Kendra hasn’t been listening to a word he had said, nor actually registered his presence until now… ‘Come on…’ Then again, she seemed a bit, well off… Enthusiastic at least and that was a plus. “Nice to meet you too.” He remarked. He had to contain a ‘whoa’ when she so casually showed some of her magic (he was not gonna give someone who had just ignored him the satisfaction), but he would have to admit that it was impressive. ‘Winning over all time…’ Was it even feasible? “Ambitious aren’t we?” Whatever, weird was going to be his new normal. Besides, it was not like his own life was less outlandish. “Myself, I love stories.” He smiled playfully. “As for me, well I woke up one day and found out I’m a - ” ‘Language Luke’ “Well Dragon… Which is crazy, if you ask me. I mean my life has been normal until that.” Perhaps not exactly, given the kind of troubles he had gotten himself into, but still… well those were ordinary problems. “I can show you, but we are gonna need some space.” He smirked as he stretched his arms behind his head. “And I don’t want to be some kind of monster or whatever, especially if I can use well this... to, you know… help people out. And in my place a lot of people need my help ok?” He ruffled the hair on the back of his neck. ‘I definitely need to work on my sales pitch…’ He mentally chuckled. “Hey whatsup man?” He turned to welcome Benny, waving back at him. This new guy seemed more like one of his people at least. Although he probably was some kind of alien in disguise, who knew right?
  12. “Woah…” Luke smiled as his eyes followed the newcomer flying around like he was freaking Centurion. That was gonna be his new normal right? Awesome. Of course he had seen people fly already, they were pretty much in the superheroes capital of America after all, but one thing was just seeing one up above in the sky, another was actually having the guy land in front of you, introduce himself and say he was goona give him a tour of the school. ‘Come on Luke quit with the fanboying…’ Maybe it was too late already, but he didn’t want to give too much of a wide eyed fish out of water vibe, not too much at least. He ruffled the hair on the back of his neck, before doing his best to recover his composure. “You are a show-off, you know?” He teased, grinning enthusiastically. “Good.” He smirked as he saluted Felix with a firm mix between a high-five and a handshake. “Luke.” “And must be the guy that they have sent to babysit us? Cool…” He chuckled. “Drew the shortest straw or something?” He teased again. “Come on I’m bullshitting you… I mean, being welcomed by an actual superhero, that’s awesome.”
  13. “Hey I didn’t know I had to dress in spandex around here to be noticed.” Luke chuckled as he waved at the strange, but definitely hot, blonde with the massive scythe (if she were a boy he would have definitely thought that she was compensating for something), the one whose glance had passed straight through him like he wasn’t there. ‘I must not look like much to you am I right?’ He thought, just a kid from Southside. To be completely honest though, he did feel a bit out of place. Luke Landers at a school that looks like a freaking castle. The kind of place where the staff would be throwing worried glances at him and then count if the silverware was all there when he was gone. Then again, whatever. He was not gonna let himself be intimidated by a freaking school. "You are not from Freedom City aren't you?" Although with superheroes one could never be sure. "I know... I know... I'm very perceptive." He chuckled again. “Name is Luke .” He smirked playfully as he introduced himself. “God this place has a ‘You are a wizard Harry’ kind of vibe don’t you think?”
  14. Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence. “Friendly Neighborhood Dragon.” Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? “I’m trying to go with Nightscale as a superhero name, but I mean haven’t caught yet so…” “My little ‘bro call me Lulu like a few times… and unfortunately some of my friends have picked that up too… Now I can’t eat them, they are my friends, but I’ll gladly do that to you… so… yeah consider that carefully.” What is your full birth name? “Luke Landers. I might have a dragon name too, but I don’t know how those things works.” Where do you live? “We got a trailer in Southside, it’s small, but it’s quite cozy plus it’s home. Might have to spend more time in Claremont next year though.” How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)? “I’m sixteen, gonna be 17 in a few months. In 2003” “Yeah I’m still a sophomore… I know… They held back while I was… well occupied. As$0#*§s” Physical Traits What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain. “Definitely male.” How would you describe your heritage? “I… well… Some people say I look Germanic. From some northern country anyway. Pale eyes, blond hair. To be honest, I have no idea where exactly I came from.” How tall are you? “16 feet tall.” Chuckles. “Well, most days it’s 6’1’’ though.” Grins. “Ok… ok. 5’11’ alright.’” What is your body type? “Badass…. I mean athletic, lean. I do work out you know?” Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities? “Nah not really. I might be allergic to cats though, or maybe I just I can’t stand them.” How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence? “Of course I go around confidently; you have to show people that you own the place.” Grins. “But you’d be surprised on how I can easily sneak up on you.” Describe your skin, eye, and hair color. “Naturally pale, but tanned, have I mentioned that I work out? Well I do that outdoors. I’m green eyed, but I have noticed some yellow reflexes in the mirror recently, weird. Black, I mean, naturally I’m blond, but I think that black works much better on me.” “When I change? Under my scales? I dunno… Those are polished black though. Solid gold. Got some around my crests and those are gold.” I have no idea if I actually can change how I look… My tats don’t show up when I change so I guess not… How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair? “Messy.” Chuckles. “Shorter on the sides. My mom used to cut them (thanks god she doesn’t anymore), now I have a friend help me out keeping them short.” “Yep… started to shave a while ago, but it still sucks.” Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others? “Yep. And Obviously.” Smirks. Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks? “Got a few tattoos yeah, me and my friends, we all have a tiger head on a shoulder (should have gone for a dragon… oh well), got a black band on my right arm, because it looks cool. Ah and you won’t see it when I’m clothed, but I have a tribal one that goes up from my leg goes up to my… lower back.” Grins. “My ex’s dad had a tattoo sh- I mean parlor… I’m not sure I’m welcome there anymore, so I guess I’d have to find another place if I want more ink. Thanks God he didn’t allow me to get her name somewhere…” Scratches the hair on the back of his neck. Do you resemble anyone famous? “You mean, I'm not the one being famous here?” Gives a cocky grin. “No, not that I know about.” “There are some illustrations of Saint George and the dragon that I might look like… But I’m much bigger and I don’t have such a derpy face… I mean have you seen them? Come on I know that they had to make the saints look good, but…” Do you have a dominant hand? “I’m a south paw.” Smirks. What kind of clothing do you wear? “Normal clothes I guess?” Shrugs. “I mean sleeveless shirts, sweatpants, hoodies (I got an awesome AC-DC ones, plus some Blind Guardians), sneakers…” “Look, yeah I get it’s, it’s not exactly designer stuff and… yeah don’t want to waste mom and dad’s money so I wear my stuff a lot ok…” “At least I’m luckier than my little bro… he gets to wear my old stuff.” Grins. “One day he also tried to steal my favorite hoodie… Didn’t end well.” (Come on he is my little ‘bro, I just tickled him to no end… You try doing the same, though? I’m not gonna go so easy, ok? Good.) Do you wear makeup? “No way man.” What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way? “Voice is very deep.” Chuckles. “Well I’m working on it.” “When I change… well… Benedict Camber- or whatever he is named has nothing on me.” Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people? “Nop.” *Scratches the hair on the back of his neck, while shifting his balance between his feet.* “Don’t have any of those.” Looks around nervously. History Where do you come from? “My bet is… from another world or something. Or perhaps another time. I’m not exactly sure, mom and dad says that their ‘master’. (this guy must come from another age too by the way), Stole me from somewhere, but he had to use magic to do it.” “Spent most of my life in the US. So yeah, I feel like I’m American.” Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown? “We did move around a lot when I was very little, I barely remember. We settled in Southside and grew up there.” Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country? “I… well…. I will when they start to do something for me and for my people, not just the rich a**holes. But I guess… They aren’t doing a great job, but someone has to do it.” How do you feel about the place you come from? “Dunno, don’t care. This is my home now, so I wouldn’t get back there and the guy that got me into this world is an evil a**hole, so…* Where is your home town? What was/is it like? “My real home town? Dunno if I have one. But I feel like… Well… This is my home town.” “It’s a mess, it’s dirty, and there is freaking injustice everywhere. (Plus like alien invasions every odd week) But, it’s my town, so yeah I love the place, gonna make it better. I promise.” Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you? “Well, yeah most people are like me, I mean, people. Our neighbors, they came from all walks of life you know, well after life crapped on them. So the place is pretty diverse I’d say. Everyone is doing its best to get by.” “There was a guy at school called me white trash once… I made him eat actual trash, it was fun.” Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life? “Well, I suck at schoolwork… Probably would have been held back even if I didn’t get locked up. And I… Well mom says that I don’t think things through.” Scratches the back of his neck. “My ex has another term for that, but I’m not gonna repeat it here.” “I’m good at all the physical stuff though, you know, sports and such.” Smirks. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? “Well… let’s say… I was kindapped before I was born. Weird I know, but it’s complicated. Ah yeah and I figured out I was adopted at a very shitty time.“ “I must admit I did overreact a little… I told mom and dad things that a son never should. Definitely not proud of it. Well they could have told me that earlier though….” Shifts the balance on his feet and looks away. “Fine. Fine. They are my mom and dad, they held me in their arms when I (rarely) cried, cleaned up my scratched knees when I fell down, always encouraged me, they kept me clothed, fed … told me out when I was being stupid. They love me and… Yeah, It’s them they are my parents and I was a di**# in treating them like I did.” Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. “Well, there was this day that… I was at mom’s old job at the diner, they let me hang out there, there were always free tables. I was doing my homeworks. Well pretending to do my homeworks anyway. A bunch of kids got in, they were older than me, but not by that much and they…” Clenches his fists. “Well, they started calling mom names. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what those words meant, but they sounded bad... And they were. Now I know.” Uneasily shifts the balance on his feet. “Mom had to drag me away from them and… I got a black eye for the mess. Plus, they got away with everything and… mom had to find a new job. It sucked and it was unfair as hell.” “I swore that it was not gonna happen again.” What stupid things did you do when you were younger? “Let’s see… got caught stealing, joined a gang… Rushed into fights with guys twice my size… Got my best friend shot. Got my mom fired. Went to school wasted… Got a massive tattoo just to impress a girl I liked. (I don’t regret it that much though, it looks dope)” Chuckles. “I guess there was that time that we snuck out to see that… ehem… adult movie… you know the little theater down the corner… and I thought it was a good idea to bring my girlfriend with us… She wasn’t my girlfriend anymore for the next two weeks after that.” Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it? “School was fine… I mean, the building barely stands… no extracurricular… huge classes… a mess... but it was kinda fun. Most of my friends went there. Ah well…and I sucked, only the coach liked me I think. Dad was mad about my grades. They held me back one year, you know? It’s fine… it’s not like I thought I was ever gonna get to college anyway.” Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not? “You kidding? I mean… you are not keeping around the stuff from your childhood? Ofc I do. I don’t throw anything away. Maybe I let my little bro have them ok? On rare occasions. Well. I allow him to keep my toys at least. Including the plushy dragon, dad got when I was little, yeah he has a sense of humor, now I know why mom wasn’t happy with that present… I thought that it was a money thing. I don’t bring my stuff at Claremont though. No need and besides trust me, I’ll know if anything happens to them. “I did bring my favorite hat from when I was little. (it’s a red ballcap, it’s no longer red actually, more pink by now, but it’s red ok, I don’t wear it much these days).” When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision? “I kinda decided a few weeks ago. Yeah I know, but that is important to me ok. I was… really a d*ck before that." "My best friend did. He had to get shot for it. F*ck I should have listened to him earlier ok. Plus there are mom and dad, I mean I haven’t seen them as proud of a decision I made (worried maybe, but still proud, a son knows).” Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why? “I dunno, really… Not even sure if I’m exactly a hero yet. But I tell them I just want to make things better and that is true.” Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? “Nah… I mean. I’m not gonna tell everyone that I have been to FJH, you know? But that’s not exactly a dark spooky secret. “ Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why? “I don’t know man. I try to stay true to mysef. I like when people respect me though, or notice me, so maybe I show off a bit too much sometimes. But, I mean… “ If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets? “I… well my friends know ok. I won’t exactly advertise my past, but I’m not gonna go an extra mile to hide it either. “ Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge? “Yep. Well anyone can look it up right? I hope they don’t. But it doesn’t take much. “ Family What are your biological parents' names? No idea. Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you. Nop. George and Johanna my adoptive parents. My real parents. They are great. Strongest people that I ever known (and the most forgiving, which is needed, as they have me as their son). They saved my life by the way. I mean, even before they started taking care of me. They might know a trick or two about the supernatural, but they never talk about it, I think they have completely left that world behind. What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living? Dad works at the docks, but he takes some side gigs as a handyman here and there. He knows how to do a lot of stuff, repairs and such. Mom too (I think she is actually better than him, when it comes to repairs, but she indulges him when something breaks at home), she works at a coffee shop, plus she helps with housework in one of those big homes at the bay. Where are your parents now? "Dunno. At work? Yeah I know what you meant." Smriks. "I live with them. I mean, until I start boarding at school. But I’m gonna visit, I promised. They aren't far anyway." Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? "We moved around a lot when I was little. I don’t remember much of that time. We settled in Soutshide though for most of my life. " How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable). "Dunno, never met them." "As for how I get along with mine... I… Well… we do fight. A lot… Mostly when I do stuff that is stupid as f*ck. (don’t tell them I said that ok? Or else how am I gonna win the next argument...) But yeah, we get along well. " How do your parents view you now, or how would they? "I hope they are proud of me and If not I want to make them. " Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them. "Yeah I got a little brother. Gabbo… I mean Gabriel. I hated it when he was born, I mean he stole all the attention. But now we get along great. Even when I… Well when I ran from home, we still saw each other. And I’m definitely gonna visit him during the weekends." What was your birth order in the family? "I’m the eldest son." Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do? "He is eleven. He at school now, probably (I mean I wasn’t at school most of the time I told mom and dad that I was there… but I think that Gabriel is more diligent than his big brother)." Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? "Yeah all is great now." Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? "Nah." Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? "Not in particular. I mean, I’m definitely gonna mentor my little ‘bro, the kid needs someone to show him how the world works." Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain. "I might be the black sheep? Dunno doing my best to fix that, though. So yeah." Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life. "Not that I know about. And about my biological ancestors, from what I know about me, I imagine that they were likely not good guys. Probably ate people, kidnapped virgins or something (and come on… virgins?)" Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them. “Do you know something that I don’t?” Cold sweat running down his brows and his hue turning paler by the moment. “Nah I don’t. I mean I’m sixteen ok? And didn’t I tell you I got dumped already?” If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind? “Dunno. Children? Not now. I mean I want to have my fun ok? But then again, when the time comes why not. Sure I can be a dad. That could be cool.” What type of person would be your ideal mate? “Hot, playfull… knows how to have fun (with her bf ofc)” Smirks. “Truth is though, I’ll know when I find the One, I’m sure of that.” Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them. "Yeah… I got a bunch. We were sorta of a gang, you know? Matching tattoos and all. All of us grew up at the trailer park, or like a couple of blocks away, went school together, played soccer together. We are kinda brothers. Although, things are more complex between us today, it’s not that we aren’t close anymore, but I… Well not all of my friends like that I want to be a superhero. And I think I scared some of them. It’s complicated ok. But I’m sure I can make this work. Right? Right?" Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend? "I think it’s Matt. We were together in Juvie, he, well, he knows when I f*ck up and doesn’t mind telling me. And that’s what friend do (Although sometimes maybe I wish he could be a bit less blunt… you know? Or persistent… But it’s fine…) We got each other out of troubles countless times since we met." If you were to go missing, who would worry about you? "All of my friends would. I mean come on man… Obviously." Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do? "What do you mean? Like lost… lost? Nah not really." "I mean unless you include break ups, but well… yeah I got those, Julie dumped me when I got in Juvie. Well and did that again when I got out and turned into an a**hole…” Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you. "Nah. I mean not sworn enemies, just some ‘ friendly’ scuffles here and there, I seem to get into those a lot. Plus, there is the guy that stole my egg, I imagine that he doesn’t like me much, but he hasn’t found me in like fifteen years so… And there are the cops I angered while I was a wannabe gangster. Ah and a couple of mobsters I imagine. The guy who ordered a hit on my friend, dunno who that is, though, or I’d have eaten him already." If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future? "I dunno. Don’t want to think of that. I imagine that they would go after my family, or my friends. But if they do, well I’ll forget that I have sworn not to hurt people anymore ok?" Clenches his fists tight. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? "A guy, a mobster I think, not sure yet who, placed a hit on my best friend. He got out alive by chance. I still dunno what I might do if I find him." Where do your loyalties lie? In what order? “My family. My friends. Myself. Soutshide. My school. Freedom city. The world I guess?” Who or what do you trust the most? Why? "My best friend. I know he won’t ever bullshit me even when I’d want otherwise. Plus mom and dad, I know they lied to me, but understand why." Who or what do you despise? Why? "Those f*cking mobsters who prey on good people like my parents. The rich a**hole in their mansions, who look down on us." What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess? "Determination. Honesty. Courage. Being hard working. I think I got at least two of those." Chuckles. What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities? "Greedy bastards, Liars, parasites, being arrogant d*cks. Yep got some of those too, trying to do best, but…" Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why? "Look I’m not exactly a superhero yet. Nightscale has gone on like, two missions or something. But I imagine that I do, I hope that no one has recognized me yet." Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower? "I work alone for now. But I don’t mind a team. I mean I got it when I was kinda of a criminal, was the leader, but just because I was the only one with superpowers (and could kick the most a** even without those)" Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them? "Not yet." Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that? "I have a soccer team. Was in sort of a gang. Mom says I should go to church more, but… Then I’m going to a new school, so who knows, perhaps I can find something fun there." Personality & Beliefs Who are your heroes? "I know it’s a bit cliché, but I’d say mom and dad. Don’t tell that around though, don’t wanna sound like I’m a little kid or something. Plus there are a few soccer players that I’d definitely want to be like." Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? "I dunno, man." Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it? "Yeah I do. I think It’s like, making the world a better place right? Plus, I like how it makes me feel when people smile at me for what I do. (and I’m sure my little ‘bro would love it if he knew)" Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides? "Nothing. Yeah it’s a bit bold, given that I kinda switched sides to being a hero a month or two ago… I guess that if I my family was really in danger because of me…" What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? "Learn what it means exactly to be a superhero. Make the life of my friends and family better, the neighbourhood safer, you know? Maybe avoid burning down the place every time I do soperhero stuff." What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? "Woah twenty years? That’s a lot man. I… well. I want to be a proper hero and such, I want the gangs to move out from my part of town, I mean for it to be a cool, safe place to live (and for the people who are there now ok?). And I want people to know who I am, respect me, fear me if needed to do my job. And to be honest, If I can find a good day job, or a way to make some cash while at it, why not. Would kill to play soccer professionally, but it won’t be fair, given the whole superpowers thing." What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear? "Hurting the people I love. Dunno what I’d do, but I would never forgive myself if I did." Is there anything you would give you life for? "My little bro, mom and dad." How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it mark of success, or a means to an end? “Nah I don’t care….” Looks away innocently, but then burst into laughter… “Now I won’t mind making money ok? Not at all, I mean, earn it though, I tried taking it, it’s fine, but it doesn’t feel like it’s really mine you know? And… Come on, my stuff is my stuff, I’m all about sharing and helping out, but there are limits. Maybe if you give it back later…” “It’s not a mark of success, wealth is just having more stuff, it makes your life easier, a lot and most of the time, it feels pretty to look at, give you that nice feeling in your belly, but it doesn’t’ define me. And hurting people just to get more stuff is sick.” (yeah I know I’m guilty of that, but I get it now) How do you generally treat others? "Friendlily. Openly. But you don’t go try and cheat me, I’ll go feral on you." Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused? "No. Trust needs to be earned, lot of people lie. You can forgive them, but it can’t come easy. And yeah." Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence? “I’m outgoing and yeah, I’m confident.* Scratches the back of his neck. How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex? "I behave naturally. I think. Maybe I do show off a bit more than usual. Ok a lot. Yeah." What are your most annoying habits? "Look, I might be a bit jealous, my friends say that, my ex said that. Maybe they are kinda right. Sometimes. I mean, who isn’t?" Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why? "Selfish and greedy a**holes, 1%centers and such. Snobs who keeps look down on good peole. " What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can? "Blink and food will be gone from my plate. I love a big greasy burger anything grilled really. And apple pie. Dad’s apple pie is great. Plus he can cook that awesome dish with the fried sardines… to die for." What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? "Beer is fine. Ehem… I mean coke… coke… yeah." What is your favorite treat (dessert)? "Did I mention my dad’s apple pie? Yeah." Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? "You know that green stuff that people pretend it is healthy food? I think they call it salad or something, I’d rather use “cardboard”. That said I eat everything that gets into my plate." What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike? "Blue I think and black. I mean… And I have a strange attraction to glowy, shiny gold things, but I think that’s more of a dragon thing." What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate? "Rock\Metal\ but to be honest, I also like classic music, Wagner and stuff, maybe it’s the lizard side of me. Hate slow, romantic, crap and meaningless rap. Like why use rap if it’s not to tell something." If you have a favorite scent, what is it? "Nah not really. Don’t mind the scent of the sea though." Do you have a favorite animal? "I think I’m a dog person. Always wanted to have one." What is your most treasured possession? Why? "It’s a red ballcap, it’s no longer red actually, more pink by now, but it counts as red ok, I don’t wear it much these days, my dad brought it to me as a present after going away for months due to his job. And I do have a plushy dragon named Drake… (yeah I know I always sucked with names), my bro has him for safekeeping. And that’s a secret." Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? "It’s not exactly a choice in my case. Roughing it up is kinda my life. Truth is, when I have a chance to get something nice, I’m not gonna throw it away." Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do? "Nah not really. But it depends on how you ask ok? Like respect man… If you know what I mean." Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life?How important is it to you? "Nah I’m not religious, mom and dad are Catholic I think. And I’m baptized, but I’m not a believer." Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? "Nop." If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization? "I go to church with my family sometimes. I do play soccer in its backyard though. Otherwise, I don’t care." Could you kill? Have you killed? "I haven’t and I don’t want to. I won’t. But I’m afraid that I can. At least the monster side of me." What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action? "Well, when my friend, Matt was in the hospital, fighting for his life, I kept imagining that I was gonna find that bastard who did it and then… Well it involved fire, a lot of it, the fantasy was so real that I know I would have done it. My friend stopped me though and I chose that I was gonna do the right thing instead. But if I think about that moment again, well I knew I would have done it. " Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they? "I don’t know. Probably not. I mean, soulless monsters, things that aren’t alive I imagine, but that doesn’t count. But there are some really nasty things around, pretending to be people, maybe those don’t deserve a second chance either. I don’t think I can be the judge of that, though." How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours? "I don’t know. And yeah, I think it’d be different if the killer was family or a friend, like in another world kind of different." How would you react if something important was stolen from you? "I’ll take it back. And trust me, I won’t stop before I had." How would you react to public humiliation? “Wanna try humiliate me? I’ll go for your throat. I mean… discuss it in a civil way.” Chuckles. “And if I can’t, I’ll try to get sweet revenge.” How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you? "I don’t want to think about that. It almost happened and I… well… I don’t want to think about that either." What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? "Betraying your family." If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours? “Find the sexiest girls I can. Five of them.” Ruffle the hair on the back of his neck. “Woah that’s morbid you know? Too dark, man.” “But I mean, seriously, hold my parents tight, play with my little bro one last time, tell him all the advices that a brother can. A beer with my friends, see that they are all safe, tell Matt to take care of them.” “And I don’t know if I’d tell them… I mean… if I had only 24 hours left.” Career & Training Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it? "Nop and that’s the problem. I mean, I have been into a lot of scuffle and shenanigans, that helped. Otherwise, that’s why I’m going to school right. I… I know how to do some things, but I just don’t know how I picked that up, it’s just some kind of instinct." Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person? "Look I’m a hero since like a month or two. Don’t have my Obi Wan yet" Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them? “I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue.” Smirks. “I won’t tell you how I learned though.” “Ah and You wouldn’t tell maybe, for a guy of my size, but I can swipe your wallet from your pocket and you wouldn’t even notice. I’m not exactly proud of it, but hey… It’s life. Ah yeah and I can speak a dead language that no one I know has ever heard, dunno if that’s ever gonna be useful.” Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to? "Deliveries, help some guys paint their home, done house chores, moved furniture, mowed a lot of lawns. And well, picked some pockets, broke into some rich a**oles homes and other stuff I’m not super proud off ok? Gonna need a job soon as for my life, I don’t know. I’d love to be an athlete or something, maybe I can be a coach as with superpowers, it would be super unfair to compete." What is your preferred combat style? "I’m an in your face kind of fighter. Strong jabs and people say I have a good left uppercut. But in general, the faster you get on you’re down the better. And if you think I’m not gonna fight dirty, well you are wrong. Plus I got superpowers baby, claws and fangs and I can freaking breath fire." Have you ever received any awards or honours? "Got an extra month in Juvie for bad behavior, does it count? My soccer team won the neighborhood championship last year (I did not play the finals though, still in Juvie)" What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could? "I… look. I know that I have to learn how to be like, a real hero ok? My ethic department might need a bit of work. And I know how to treat with people, but like… I learn how to do it the right way." How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn? "Of course, I’m jealous, but who isn’t? But I do try and learn, I mean once I surpass them, that will show them." Lifestyle & Hobbies What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine? “Haven’t had too much of a normal day in a while.” Shrugs. “And I guess I’m gonna have to figure out a new normal soon, I mean never been to a boarding school.” Scratch the hair on the back of his neck. “Before that. I guess wake up, go to school (or pretend to go to school and hang out with my friends), try to earn some bucks, eat, make lunch for my ‘bro, hang out again… play soccer, go out for a swim if it’s not too cold, train, dinner with my family if they are around. I Don’t have exactly a routine, so I don’t care. Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up? “I play soccer, I am a good midfield. My dad taught me and all my friends play (and I didn’t think I was tall enough for basketball as a kid). Love going for a swim. I tried boxing for a while too. "Love rock music (but I’m not exactly good as a player and don’t ask me to sing). Ah I do read fantasy books sometimes, but don’t tell that around, ehi I’m doing that just for research ok?" What do you do for fun? "Hang out with my friends, go dancing, drinking, go for a swim (waay better if there are girls around too). Play soccer." Do you have a costume? What does it look like? “I don’t yet. So far I went for like a black hoodie, ballcap and like a scarf in front of my face, like you see bandits in wester movies.” Chuckles. “But that’s lame, I want a real costume, it’s just, well I’m not exactly a tailor you know? Whatever, I’m gonna to figure out something, I bet I can find someone at the new school. I got an idea or two.” How do you normally dress when not in costume? "T-shirts, Sweatpants, sneakers." What do you wear to bed most nights? “A good company.” Smirks. “Yeah I wish… Honestly though, I sleep in my boxers.” Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like? “Nah I’m not a jewelry kind of guy. But I do have a necklace with a fang on it, no special meaning, it just looks cool.” Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables? "Yeah I have a hiding spot at the camp. But I won’t tell where it is ok? Gonna need to find a new one at school." What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance? "My feet are fine. The rest is kinda expensive. The bus I guess, I stole a motorbike once and I go ride with my friends sometimes. I haven’t tried going long distance with my wings though, that might be cool, but I mean, I don’t mind some attention, but that might be a little too much." Miscellaneous Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make? "What? Again. That’s too morbid man. And anyway, my ‘bro is getting everything." If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? "Woah that’s even worse… Why? Got any plans to kill me? I told you, all my stuff goes to my bro… Anyway, I dunno… I mean I can say DNA, but I don’t have any in common with anyone I know, I bet that that there aren’t many people around with dragon genes though (if it is a thing actually). Ah and my tats, but depends on how destroyed I guess…" What would you like to be remembered for after your death? "Making the life of my people better. Having lot of friends. Being a good father if I ever get to be one." Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not? "I… I do… and I was… I mean I was a criminal and a monster (for less than year, but… well). And it’s not that I’m clumsy, but I can breathe fire, collateral damages happen, they don’t have to, though, that’s another reason why I’m going to school." What do you perceive as your greatest strength? "I have b**ls. I mean my determination. And well, being a giant monster probably helps, but I guess that’s not what you are asking." What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? "I put myself first way too much. And yeah I try to look confident, but that’s not exactly true." As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... "Look man, enjoy your life, ok? You are young it’s your right and your duty. Do your best, I know you have it in you. You might feel like the path you have chosen isn’t easy, but it just makes it more worthy, just go and make us proud."
  15. Here is some stuff for Nightscale. Will update when I got more done. Character Sheet Reputation HellQ
  16. Thanks. I'm not going to be in town today, but otherwise I'm fair game to start getting him into shenanigans.
  17. Heya, a bit late I guess, but Nightscale got approved yesterday and I'm definitely looking for stuff to do with him. Maybe we can brainstorm something?
  18. Name: Luke Landers Codename: Nightscale Year: Sophomore Pronouns: He/Him/His Prospective Roommate: Luke is staying on campus. A PC roomate would be great! Goal: He is there to learn how to become a superhero, use his powers to be protect rather than intimidate. He is also a teenage boy stepping in into a new world and an amazing school, he is in for the adventure, new friends, new girls, a new life... And of course he wants everyone to know his name around there. First Impression: Luke will be a bit wide-eyed on his first few days as an inner-city boy at a posh boarding school. He won't wear anything special, his best T-shirt isn't better than his other ones. I can definitely see him getting in troubles, a fight or something more light-hearted like I dunno a prank war could be fun, during his first week. He is quite prideful and won’t let someone that snubs or looks down on him go easy. Besides, he might seek conflict as a way to make a name for himself.
  19. Ok thanks I have formatted the variable descriptor a bit better, the way I imagined it is that it would be of different physical types, slashing with the claws, piercing with the fangs, blunt with the tail, or in general slamming and so on. As for the drawback, I have written the name wrong, it is Weak Point rather than Weak Spot. It is a general drawback pretty much it makes so that critical hits ignore a bonus to a Toughness save granted by a power. I interpreted it that it could be applied to Impervious, but now that I re-read it I'm not 100% sure. The way I imagined it is that it's a weak spot in his armor (like Smaug's on his belly), that makes it no longer impervious if someone manages to hit it (like on a crit). Do you think it'd still work? Maybe as a custom limitation drawback? Fixed the morph cost, It still makes more sense to me that the transformation would be something a bit slower than just a move action, so I left it that way. Dragon form: Hehe yeah I noticed that the dragon form isn't particularly stronger (in fact it has less points to play with hehe). The Toughness defense though, is because I forgot to tally his protection in the bonus, it should be +10. Fixed it now. Yep definitely a copy\paste error. Fixed it Great and yeah I failed at basic sums there. Fixed Great I didn't know that. Fixed. Fixed it. I remembered reading it, but forgot to update the skills (mostly as for the skills I copy pasted the ones from his human form) I also made a small change to the dragon breath power I removed the immunity to aging, I have always been on the fence with that fluff-wise. On one side it makes sense as it's a classic dragon thing, on the other, he does grow up as normal at the moment, so I guess it's something I can probably buy later.
  20. Dragon Form: Power Level: 10 (Built as PL8) Tradeoffs: Defense -2 / Toughness +2 Attack -3 / Save DC +3 Power Points: 150/156 ABILITIES 22PP Strength: 32/16 (+11/+3) (Heavy Load: 4,2 tons lbs. [+10 effective str due to size] / 230 lbs.) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 26/18 (+8/+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT 14PP Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Attack: +4, + 5 Melee (+4 Base, +3 Attack Focus - 2 Size) Grapple: +24/+8 (+5 Melee Attack, +11/+3 Strength, + 8 size) Defense: +6 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus, -2 size), +1 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 8/2 SAVING THROWS 11PP Toughness: +10/+4 (+8/+4 Con, +2 Protection Impervious 8 ) Fortitude: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4PP) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7PP) SKILLS 20PP (80R) Bluff 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Climb 2 (+5) Diplomacy 4 (+5) Gather Information 4 (+5) Intimidate 9 (+14 [+4 size])Skill Mastery Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Languages 1 (Atlantean, English [Native]) Notice 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Search 10 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 6 (+8) Stealth 6 (+0 [+2 dex -8 size]) Survival 4 (+5) Swim 2 (+5)Swimming FEATS 16PP Attack Focus (Melee) 3 Beginners Luck Dodge Focus 5 Fearless Interpose Luck 2 Move-by action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive) Takedown Attack POWERS 67PP Additional Limbs 1 (Tail) [1 PP] Dragon! 8,5 (17 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [22 PP] (Descriptors: Dragon, Magic) Base Power: [17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fire, Molten Breath) Damage 8 (Feats: Progression: [Area 1], Incurable Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Cone; Size: 160ft with area 1], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Action [Full] Drawbacks: Full Power) [17PP] Alternate Power: [17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Draconic Fury) [17PP] Strength Attack (Feats: Improved Grab, Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Incurable, Linked (Rending Claws) Variable Descriptor [blunt/piercing/slashing] ) [5PP] Drain 6 (Rending Claws, Drain Toughness, Feats: Linked (Rending Claws)Extra: Affect Objects) (Descriptors: Dragon, Slashing)[12PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Dragon's Roar, Emotions, Fear) Emotion Control 8 (Extra: Area [Perception Area], Flaws: Limited Emotion [Fear] Sense-Dependent [Auditory]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fool's Gold, Greed Magic, Psionic) Illusion 8 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual; Flaws: Action [Full], Phantasm; Feats: Progression 8 [2,500ft / 1/2-mile radius]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Wind, Wings Buffet) Trip 8 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Burst; Size: 80ft with Area 1]; Knockback, Feats: Improved Trip, Progression: [Area 1] Flaws: Range [Touch], Drawbacks: Full Power) [17PP] Alternate Power: [5 + 7 + 5 = 17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Greed Magic, Psionic) Mind Control 8 (Flaws: Limited [One Command: "Tell me what your heart desires"], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Feats: Subtle 1) [5PP] Super-Senses 5 (Valuable Object Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Olfactory, Default: Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Tracking) [7PP] Telelocation 8 (Range: 2,000 miles / Continental; Extras: Duration [Sustained, Lasting]; Flaws: Limited [Can only sense relative direction, not exact location]; Limited [Personal possessions and close acquaintances]; Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Flight 3 (Wings, 50MPH, 500 ft per rd. Drawbacks: Forward Only, Power Loss [wings]) [4PP] Growth 8 (Huge size [-2 combat, +8 grapple, -8 stealth, +4 intimidation, height 16ft, weight 12k lbs, Space 15ft., reach 10ft. carrying capacity +10 str], Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent ) [24PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawback: Weak Point [Behind his neck], Noticeable) [6PP] Morph 2 (Human Form, Extra: Duration [Continuous], Flaw: Action 2 [Standard Action] Feat: Metamorph) [2PP] Protection: 2 [2PP] Super-Senses 6 (Acute Tracking Normal Olfactory Sense; Danger Sense [Sense Type: Olfactory]; Darkvision; Uncanny Dodge [Sense Type: Olfactory]) [6PP] Abilities (22) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (20) + Feats (16) + Powers (67) = 150/156 Power Points
  21. Luke Landers Aka NightScale Power Level: 8 [12] (150/228PP) Unspent Power Points: 78 Trade-Offs: Human form: None In Brief: Friendly neighborhood fire breathing monster. Bad powers, good people. Catchphrase: “I’m fire, I’m death… God now that I say it out loud it sounds lame” Theme: None for now Alternate Identity: Luke Landers, Nightscale Birthplace: Unknown Residence: A trailer park in Southside, Freedom City Base of Operations: Claremont Academy Occupation: Student (but much likely to take whatever odd job he finds) Affiliations: None for now Family: George Landers (Adoptive Father, 39 years old Dockworker), Johanna Bowers (Adoptive mother, 37 years old, Waitress), Gabriel Landers (younger brother, 11 years old) Description: Age: 16 (2003.15.11) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (German). Height: 5'11'' Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Blond (dyed black) Luke is a young man, in his late teen he has a lean athletic build, he is green eyed and has a playful smile almost permanently stuck to his lips. He tries to stay clean shaved (he consider the first few sprout of beard to be pretty ugly looking), but doesn't always find time for it. He dyes his naturally blond hair black, although he had sparks of his natural color show up here and there. Naturally pale, his skin has a tanned hue due to the time spent outside. He has a few tattoos, a black band on one arm, a tiger on his right shoulder and an abstract tribal that goes up from his right leg toward his back. He dresses casually and on the cheap side, clearly assembling his outfit thanks to bargain bins or the salvation army shops. Well worn sweatpants or jeans, sneakers that had seen better days, sleeveless t-shirts, tank tops or flannel shirts, faded old hoodies, with the logos of rock or metal bands from ages ago (in teenage terms). He wears no jewelry, with the exception of a simple leather strap around his neck and a fang necklace, he doesn't own a watch, he worn a stolen one for a while, but he had ditched it when he had his change of heart. When change shape Luke becomes a massive scaled monster, taking the semblance of a western dragon, like the ones you see in fantasy books, or old depictions of monster slaying saints and demigods. He has polished black scales, with golden hues, sharp claws and a collection of fearsome fangs and long series of golden crests that go from the back of his neck to his tail. His eyes lose their natural coloration and shift to a solid yellow-gold. He flies on bat-like wings, with all the grace that a beast of his size could muster (so none of it). He hasn't figured out his super-hero costume yet (but he definitely wants one), during his first few attempts he just did his best to hide his face and dress in black, matching the coloring of his scales. A bit of a show off, he is definitely gonna find a way to wear his Claremont uniform without the sleeves once he enrolls properly. History: Luke doesn't exactly know where he comes from. What he had managed to pierce together, after a few extremely awkward confrontation with his adoptive parents, Johanna and George, is that he was born from a dragon egg, stolen by a warlock, kept human by a spell that his mother helped maintain. For what purpose? He isn't sure, but by the way mom and dad evade the subject it must have been something nasty. They were his caretakers while he grew up. The couple however, young and still without children of their own, became fond of him and before their master could enact his plans they snatched Luke and ran away. "Assistants to an evil wizard" as previous work experience didn't exactly help them finding remunerating professions. Neither did being in hiding didn't. To make end meets they both had to take a series of odd jobs, staying long hours away from their trailer. Still, they always did everything they could to find time to raise their son. A few years after their escape, the couple had a child of their own, Gabriel. Now Luke loves his little bro, but things got even more hectic in the small family and the boy found himself frequently alone as his parents had to get extra shifts with another mouth to feed. Crime was rampant in his neighborhood and every day the boy could see the local ‘families’ and gangs getting fat out of their misdeeds, walking around like they owned the place, while himself and his hardworking parents had to keep their heads down, struggling every month. It was unfair. And himself? Well, he was sure that no one would mind if he learned from their example. Besides, he wanted to help his family and there was nothing wrong if he relied on the five fingers discount from time to time to get something for his little 'bro right? He was fourteen, when after a string of pickpocketing, shoplifting and small burglaries, he was caught in the act and sentenced to serve time in the, perhaps ironically named, Freedom Juvenile Hall. On his first day he got into a scuffle to protect his new bunkmate, Matt Warner, an orphan and petty thief, with a playful spirit and a motor mouth, that was one head shorter than Luke and had caught the attention of a teenage gang. One that of course soon set its ire on the boy himself. Eventually Luke ended up earning an extra month inside for bad behavior and frequent fights. Few of those ended well for him, despite his determination to make himself tougher every time he found himself in the dust. After a while, two or three months perhaps, weird dreams and nightmares, began to plague him, alien, unfamiliar, scary at time, yet strangely fascinating. The spell trapped his monstrous soul was faltering. As the weeks kept going, Luke realized that he was growing stronger and sure, something had to do with the training he was getting at the school of hard knocks, but it could not just be that. Soon, he could easily bend metal with his bare hands and did not even feel the punches that just a week before had left him with bad bruises or broken ribs. When he got out, Luke confronted his parents and they eventually confessed. It was so absurd. More importantly for a teenage boy though, they had lied to him all his life. He wasn’t their son. He wasn’t even human. Strong words were traded and Luke stormed out swearing that he didn’t want to see them again. There were not going to be tears going down his cheeks. Not at all. (yeah…well) Whatever. He didn’t need them anyway. With his powers still growing, he felt like he could do or take whatever he desired. Who could stop him right? He could breathe freaking fire now. He and his friends got the money they wanted and no longer had to keep their head down while walking the streets. It felt great. Life in the neighborhood though, well it did not get better, not with both the 'families' and a teenage monster with an oversize ego running around. It was Matt the first that tried to show him, but the sixteen years old just ignored his friend. He changed his mind though, not long after in an ER waiting room. Matt had been shot in back alley to send Luke a message. He survived, barely and no thanks to him. The next day, as the boy walked down the streets to go and tell his parents that he was sorry (they forgave him, as parents do), he swore that he was going to become a better man. Clean up his act. Use his powers for good. His first few attempts though, well, they hadn’t been without some collateral damage and he isn’t exactly loved in the neighborhood. Only when his last ‘heroic act’ ended in a literal dumpster fire (more of a landfill, but well…) he decided that good intentions weren’t going to be enough and started looking into some place that could help him become the person he wanted to be. And that was just when news of his exploits had reached a certain school for gifted youngsters. Personality & Motivation: Luke has a playful, friendly attitude. He is boastful, cocky, sometimes arrogant and definitely a show off, but he can manage to not take himself too seriously (not as much as he would want to, though, but he tries). Despite being quite extroverted, he doesn’t always make friends easily and believes that trust should be earned, although he knows that he had to do so himself. He cares deeply for the ones that are close to him however and is ready to put his life on the line for them. He has a bit of a big brother complex and feels responsible for his family and friends (excessively so at times). He loves his adoptive parents and despite the frequent clashes, the boy wants to make them proud. He has a soft spot for his neighborhood and while sure, he can see the big picture and knows that his powers can be put to a good use, but he would much rather see the friends he had grown up with prosper. The young man is pretty impulsive and will frequently throw himself into a new shenanigan without much thought about the consequences. He is very hungry for life and passionate about fulfilling his desires, respect, wealth, power, friends, lovers, Luke wants it all. He is also quite possessive and more than a little jealous. Perhaps this is due to his draconic nature, although, he himself recognizes that it would be an easy excuse to justify his more selfish tendencies with what he is, rather than who he is. He had let this side of him rule his choice in the past, but today he tries his best to channel his ambition for a good cause. He is working on a personal code of honor, but at the moment it’s more of a vague idea rather than a strict set of rules. When he change to his natural shape, Luke’s finds some traits of his personality deeply magnified, he is more prone to just follow his whims and emotions, more possessive, more greedy, more arrogant. He doesn’t know if that’s a side effect of his powers, or just another aspect of his personality and that worries him a little. Powers & Tactics: In his natural draconic form, Luke fight with raw strength, trying to overwhelm his opponent and push them to submit. He likes so snatch his targets from the ground and bring them to the sky where he feels like he could more easily intimidate them. He tries to resort to dragonfire only when he feels like he is not going to cause much collateral damage (after learning from experience). As so far he hadn’t fought anything that could really pierce his natural armor or had learned about its weak spot, he fight with abandon caring little for defense like if he could just shrug off any hit that manages to land. As he has spent most of his life as a human however, he is finds himself much more comfortable in that shape. While still imbued with a sense of invincibility he had been on the receiving end of more than a few beatings and he fights more pragmatically. He relies on his enhanced strength and speed, but also banks on his powers and the abilities he had picked up on the streets to sneak close to his targets and trying to neutralize them. When he unleashes his supernatural side spectral manifestation of dragon form follow and enhance his movements, giving him an extra edge and claws that could even cut immaterial targets. The rest of his powers are mostly a recent discovery, used to confuse his enemies, peer into their motivations, keep an eye on his friends and at times even track stolen properties. Power Descriptions: With some effort, Luke can switch between his human form and his natural dragon shape, even when he is changed however; he retains a portion of the strength and resilience of his bestial soul. His skin maintain the properties of the powerful natural armor of his monstrous side, but only appear as such while otherwise being seemingly normal. As a human, he can conjure echoes of his dragon form, spectral wings to help him jump, generate blast of wind, or even run faster, claws, fangs and horns to enhance his fighting abilities as well as a powerful dragon breath. A cone of flames resembling a weave of molten gold, the fire burns deep and clings to its target for a while even after the weave has passed. His dragon soul gives him a natural resistance to the supernatural and a connection with the sin of greed enough to perform feats of magic. It is largely an instinctive process, not relying on gestures or formulas, but still requiring concentration. He can create illusions to confuse his foes, manipulate the emotions, by looking into someone’s eyes (although, the most frequent one is a feeling of yearning and desire), he can force his target to reveal what they desire the most and sense the presence of riches by scent alone. He has a strong supernatural bond with anything that is part of his ‘hoard’, all of his material possessions, but also the people he has a strong emotional attachment with and can try to locate them even at great distances. Finally he has access to a sort of ancestral memory of his race, however, so far, Luke lacks the ability to delve deeply into it and could only catch glimpses of information with great effort. This tie however, grants him knowledge of a long dead language, whose true nature he is currently unaware. Accessing skills that rely more on instinct and practice rather than knowledge had proven to be easier however, providing him with sharper senses and increased persuasiveness. When he transforms, what he loses in agility he gains in massive size and enhanced strength. He can fly, but he is as agile as a monster of his size could be. He has powerful fangs and claws that cut deep and lacerate both flesh and armor. Even his magic loses some of its subtlety and he can no longer affect any emotion, but in exchange gains a powerful frightening roar. Complications: Broke: He comes from an impoverished family, doesn’t have much to his name, no personal vehicle, lives in a trailer park. His clothes are usually well worn. Much likely he has to take mundane odd jobs to help himself and that might interfere with his super heroics. His moral code prevents him from using his powers to fix this (for now at least). Former Criminal: He used to be a petty criminal, but he had decided to stay on the straight and narrow since his powers fully manifested, although he doesn’t mind using the skills he had picked up before his epiphany if needed for the cause. He had a short stint in juvie and is criminal record is not clean. My friends. My Responsibility: some of Luke's friends are petty criminals and do remember that Luke was too before his change of heart and they would much rather have him back that way. On his side, they still are his friends and the young man wants to keep them safe. Possessive: he is very possessive of the things he has, at school, he is the kind of guy that will think up an excuse about why he can lend you a pencil, he hates parting of any of his things with passion. He never forget a debt (although on the other side of the coin, he doesn’t forget his either) That also applies to relationship, making him a bit of a jealous partner\friend Stolen “property”: the people that brought him into this world have done so planning to use him for some kind of ritual and consider him like a missing property. They have lost tracks of him when his family went in hiding, however, the more openly he gets into superheroics the more likely it is for him to be found out. Arcane component: his blood, his heart and his scale can be used as arcane components, unscrupulous hunters might be after him. ABILITIES 22PP Strength: 26/16 (+8/+3) (Heavy Load: 920 lbs. / 230 lbs.) Dexterity: 18/14 (+4/+2) Constitution: 26/18 (+8/+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT 14PP Initiative: +4/+2 (+4/+2 Dex) Attack: +4, +6 Melee (+4 Base, +2 Attack Focus), + 8 Draconic Might (+4 Base, +2 Attack Focus, +2 Accurate) Grapple: +16/+11 (+8 Melee Attack, +8/+3 Strength) Defense: +8 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 8/2 SAVING THROWS 11PP Toughness: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, Impervious 8 ) Fortitude: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +8/+6 (+4/+2 Dex, +4PP) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7PP) SKILLS 20PP (80R) Bluff 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Climb 2 (+10/+5) Diplomacy 4 (+5) Gather Information 4 (+5) Intimidate 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Languages 1 (Atlantean, English [Native]) Notice 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Search 10 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 6 (+10/+8) Stealth 6 (+10/+8) Survival 4 (+5) Swim 2 (+10/+5)Swimming FEATS 15PP Attack Focus (Melee) 2 Beginners Luck Dodge Focus 5 Fearless Interpose Luck 2 Move-by action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive) Takedown Attack POWERS 68PP Draconic Power 8 (16PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [21PP] (Descriptors: Dragon, Magic) Base Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Draconic Might) Enhanced Strength 10 (Feats: Accurate 1, Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Variable Descriptor [blunt/piercing/slashing]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fire, Molten Breath) Damage 8 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Cone; Size: 80ft], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Action [Full]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [10PP] (Additional Descriptors: Psionic) Emotion Control 8 (Flaws: Sense-Dependent [Visual]; Feats: Mind Blank, Subtle) [10PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fool's Gold, Greed Magic, Psionic) Illusion 8 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual; Flaws: Action [Full], Phantasm; Feats: Progression 8 [2,500ft / 1/2-mile radius]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Wing Buffet, Wind) Trip 8 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Burst; Size: 40ft]; Knockback, Flaws: Range [Touch]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [5 + 5 + 5 = 15PP] (Additional Descriptors: Greed Magic, Psionic) Mind Control 8 (Flaws: Limited [One Command: "Tell me what your heart desires"], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Super-Senses 5 (Valuable Object Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Olfactory, Default: Radius, Ranged; Extras: Acute, Tracking) [5PP] Telelocation 8 (Range: 2,000 miles / Continental; Extras: Duration [Sustained, Lasting]; Flaws: Limited [Can only sense relative direction, not exact location]; Limited [Personal possessions and close acquaintances]; Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] Enhanced Dexterity 4 [4PP] Immunity 20 (Magic; Flaws: Limited [Half Effect], Feats: Selective) [11PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawback: Weak Point [Behind his neck]) [7PP] Morph 1 (Dragon Form, Extra: Duration [Continuous], Flaw: Action 2 [Standard Action], Feat: Metamorph ) [2PP] Leaping 3 (x10, Running Long Jump: 180ft long x 90ft high) [3PP] Speed 3 (50MPH, 500ft per Move Action) [3PP] Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2PP] (Descriptors: Dragon Magic, Spectral Wings) Swimming 1 (2.5MPH, 25ft per Move Action; Can take 10 on Swim checks) [1PP] Super-Senses 6 (Acute Tracking Normal Olfactory Sense; Danger Sense [Sense Type: Olfactory]; Darkvision; Uncanny Dodge [Sense Type: Olfactory]) [6PP] TOTALS Abilities (22) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (20) + Feats (15) + Powers (68) = 150/228 Power Points
  22. I have done some more edits, mostly implementing @AmeliaHealYa suggestions for the human form and statted the alternate form. I must admit and I need to trim 1 point, the easiest solution would probably be to lower the array back to 16 (but I like the idea that the dragon breath has a wider area in his monstrous shape), but there it is, I want to work a bit on the fluff tonight, but I'm definitely open to suggestions. I know that weak spot probably sucks as drawback, but I really like the fluff behind it. For the sake of readability I merged the enhanced skills and feats in their normal section instead of power, but I still like the idea that they represent access to some ancestral memory and I'd have no problem in shifting them back (so that they could be nullified) Btw I'm definitely going to give him another name when I apply for him Main Changes from the Human form: He grows to huge size with all that it entail (but loses on the enhanced str and con of his human form) He is stronger (but not immensely so, however his size do increase his carrying capacity) He is a bit slower (both in movement speed and in a loss of reflexes) He is easier to hit, but have a tougher armor He loses his resistance to magic He has a wider breath of fire and a stronger physical attack representing him striking furiously with razor sharp claws and fangs, but he can't hit incorporeal targets anymore (as the claws are no longer immaterial, but very physical) and he is less accurate. He has a tail He doesn't have the subtelty anymore to affect all the spectrum of emotions, but he can use a terrifying roar His can fly on bat wings, without much of a manouverability. Mental Abilities and Skills stay the same as the mutation is just physical (although, he is probably way more cocky and arrogant in this shape). Dragon Shape Power Level: 10 (Built as PL8) Tradeoffs: Defense -2 / Toughness +2 Attack -3 / Save DC +3 Power Points: 150/150 ABILITIES 22PP Strength: 32/16 (+11/+3) (Heavy Load: 4,2 tons lbs. [+10 effective str due to size] / 230 lbs.) Dexterity: 14 (+4/+2) Constitution: 26/18 (+8/+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 12 (+1) COMBAT 14PP Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex) Attack: +4, + 5 Melee (+4 Base, +3 Attack Focus - 2 Size) Grapple: +22/+8 (+5 Melee Attack, +11/+3 Strength, + 8 size) Defense: +6 (+3 Base, +5 Dodge Focus, -2 size), +0 Flat-Footed Knockback Resistance: 8/2 SAVING THROWS 11PP Toughness: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, Impervious 8 ) Fortitude: +8/+4 (+8/+4 Con, +0PP) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4PP) Will: +8 (+1 Wis, +7PP) SKILLS 20PP (80R) Bluff 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Climb 2 (+13/+5) Diplomacy 4 (+5) Gather Information 4 (+5) Intimidate 9 (+14 [+4 size])Skill Mastery Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Languages 1 (Atlantean, English [Native]) Notice 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Search 10 (+10) Sense Motive 9 (+10)Skill Mastery Sleight of Hand 6 (+8) Stealth 6 (+0 [+2 dex -8 size]) Survival 4 (+5) Swim 2 (+13/+5)Swimming FEATS 16PP Attack Focus (Melee) 3 Beginners Luck Dodge Focus 5 Fearless Interpose Luck 2 Move-by action Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive) Takedown Attack POWERS 68PP Additional Limbs 1 (Tail) [1 PP] Draconic Power 8,5 (17 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 5) [22 PP] (Descriptors: Dragon, Magic) Alternate Power: [17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fire, Molten Breath) Damage 8 (Feats: Progression: [Area 1] Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Cone; Size: 160ft with area 1], Secondary Effect; Flaws: Action [Full]) [17PP] Base Power: [17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Draconic Fury) [17PP] Strength Attack (Feats: Improved Grab [fangs], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Incurable, Linked (Rending Claws) Variable Descriptor [Flurry of Fangs, Horns, Tail Sweeps, Wings] ) [5PP] Drain 6 (Rending Claws, Drain Toughness, Feats: Linked (Rending Claws)Extra: Affect Objects) (Descriptors: Dragon, Slashing)[12PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Dragon's Roar, Emotions, Fear) Emotion Control 8 (Extra: Area [Perception Area], Flaws: Limited Emotion [Fear] Sense-Dependent [Auditory]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Fool's Gold, Greed Magic, Psionic) Illusion 8 (Sense Types: Auditory + Visual; Flaws: Action [Full], Phantasm; Feats: Progression 8 [2,500ft / 1/2-mile radius]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [16PP] (Additional Descriptors: Wind, Wings) Stun 8 (Extras: Area [Type: General; Shape: Cone; Size: 80ft]; Flaws: Action [Full]) [16PP] Alternate Power: [5 + 7 + 5 = 17PP] (Additional Descriptors: Greed Magic, Psionic) Mind Control 8 (Flaws: Limited [One Command: "Tell me what your heart desires"], Sense-Dependent [Auditory]; Feats: Subtle 1) [5PP] Super-Senses 5 (Valuable Object Awareness; Descriptor Frequency: Very Common; Sense Type: Olfactory, Default: Radius, Ranged; Extras: Accurate, Acute, Tracking) [7PP] Telelocation 8 (Range: 2,000 miles / Continental; Extras: Duration [Sustained, Lasting]; Flaws: Limited [Can only sense relative direction, not exact location]; Limited [Personal possessions and close acquaintances]; Feats: Subtle) [5PP] Flight 3 (Wings, 50MPH, 500 ft per rd. Drawbacks: Forward Only, Power Loss [wings]) [4PP] Growth 8 (Huge size [-2 combat, +8 grapple, -8 stealth, +4 intimidation, height 16ft, weight 12k lbs, Space 15ft., reach 10ft. carrying capacity +10 str], Extra: Continuous, Flaw: Permanent ) [24PP] Immunity 1 (Aging) [1PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Drawback: Weak Spot, Noticeable) [6PP] Morph 1 (Dragon Form, Extra: Duration [Continuous], Flaw: Action 2 [Standard Action] Feat: Metamorph) [1PP] Protection: 2 [2PP] Super-Senses 6 (Acute Tracking Normal Olfactory Sense; Danger Sense [Sense Type: Olfactory]; Darkvision; Uncanny Dodge [Sense Type: Olfactory]) [6PP] Abilities (22) + Combat (14) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (20) + Feats (16) + Powers (67) = 151/150 Power Points
  23. Done lots of edits. Going to sleep now, but I'll finish writing down the background tomorrow (and fixing the track possession powers) Thanks for catching it. That's the problem of doing multiple editing, I had updated the CON, but I didn't update it everywhere\reduce the associated save. Should be fixed now. Yeah, it was, I kinda thought before some clarifications in chat that I could use the extra PP that went past the cap just for the sake of adding them to the split attacks, but I sort of understand how it works now (I hope :p) I'll just drop the extra points for now to bring it back in line with the caps. The variable descriptor is more in the line of various natural weapons (claws, fangs, horns, tail), when he is a monster, while he is a human they just appear as spectral images when he fights. Had a conversation about how to fix it in chat, I'll rework it tomorrow though, way too sleepy now not to make any math mistakes in moving points around.
  24. Thank you Rocket Lord for the deeper review. I have begun doing some edits, I will finish them after work I think. Meanwhile I think I have found an array that I like for the alternate shape. Still ironing out the details, but here is a rough draft. With Metamorph I was planning to rearrange more traits, both powers, but also skills and abilities, however this looks a lot easier. Shapechange 13 (26 PP Array; Feats: Alternate Power 1 Drawbacks: Full Action (Might change depending on how I can fit the PP, likely though, changing into a giant monster doesn't happen at the speed of though)) [24 PP] Base Power: Dragon Soul (Alternate form 5, 25 PP) {power 25/26}, PP (Might even be just a collection of powers, this are the stuff he gets when he is not shapechanged) Leaping 3 (Running 170 ft, Standing 85 ft, Vertical 42 ft ) {3/25} (Magic) Immunity 20 (Magic) (Arcane Resonance. Feats: Selective. Flaws: "Limited (Half Effect)) {11/25} Strike 1 (Spectral Claws, Feats: Accurate, Affect Incorporeal, Mighty, Penetrating 3) [7PP] (Magic, Slashing Damage Type) 4 extra PP to get to 25, 1 extra pp of something to get to 26 Alternate Power: Dragon Form (Alternate Form 5, 25 PP) {power 25/26}, PP (if needed, I'd much rather do without this extra step and just put the powers directly in the array, so that I won't need to go in multiple of 5, but I mean I imagine that it's more thematic to use Alternate Form even if mechanically would be similar?) Growth 8, (Flaws: Disperse (only 4 ranks), Drawbacks: Full Power) {15/25}, 15 PP Flight 4, (Drawbacks: Power Loss (wings), Wide Turns, Forward Only, Minimum Speed) {4/25}, Additional Limbs 1 (Tail) {1/25}, Protection 1 {1/25} Strike 1 (Claws, Feat: Mighty) {2/25}, 2 extra PP to get to 25, 1 extra pp of something to get to 26 Remove the Weapon Specialization Feat, but give the Claws Accurate, so that the math still works with both forms) Caps and Trade Offs: Dragon Form will get +2 Constitution and +8 Strength due to size (should have been +4/+16, without disperse), but also give -2 to Defense and to Hit. So Unarmed Attack will be: +4 Melee (+4 Attack, +2 Melee Focus - 2 Size) Save DC 27 (+12) +4/-4 Trade-off , won't likely be able to hit a barn on a good day, but I imagine that I can try and get some all out attacks out (will need to buy the feat), or just go fight other giant monsters. Defense: +6 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus -2 Size), +2 Flat-Footed, Toughness: +10 (+6 Con, +2 Protection, +2 Defensive Roll) Impervious 6 Human form will stay roughly the same. What I imagine 4 ranks of disperse is that simply he increase in weight and strength less than proportionally to his size, rather than just dispersing his full mass. In my mind (it's perhaps a bit of a stretch I know), he needs that to be able to fly despite being a massive lizard. Mechanically it is in order not to gain a massive strength increase that will screw up his caps. I have given his flight a lot of drawbacks, but again, it's to reflect the fact that a beast of that size probably needs a lot of space to maneuver and can't stall\backtrack). A thing I'd like to do, but I'm not sure if it is possible, is giving the Dragon Breath and Wing Buffet an increase in area of effect (through the Progression Feat), while he is transformed. What do you ppl think?
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