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  1. Gookgak "Um, yes, I am a hobgoblin," Gookgak lied, "it's good you noticed that! And a very powerful and wise one too! That's how I was able to defeat Evil King of Ren Faire. Me notice that Evil King of Ren Faire was looking sleepy, so me crumble up little bit of Uncle Hogwarm's sleeping pill in Evil King's cola! Him sleep like a baby so much, him not even notice when Gookgak tie him up and summon warg to parade him around town square in shame! Ha! Him so stupid!" The gobbelyn laughs until he chokes and coughs, green snot leaking from one nostril. "Ha! Him looked real scared now, right?"
  2. @Thevshi any chance Gookgak can get a hero point for stepping out of Stealth mode to steal a cookie and complain about it, under the auspices of his Klepto and Insecure Complications?
  3. Gookgak Getting rides from his flying super-friends was quickly becoming Gookgak's new favorite thing. "Ooh, Iris, you're really good at flying! Hey, can we catch a pigeon? Pigeons are delicious!" But, all too soon, the joyride was over, and Gookgak was once again being shoved in a dark, cramped tunnel to do some scouting. "Okay, Iris, if you no can see in dark, then stay really close to Gookgak," the little gobbelyn whispered. "Hmm. It's getting really noisy up ahead. Hey look, this marking on the vent duct says 'air intake'. Wonder what that means? Oh well. Guess me better go around this blind corner now. . . . Aah! No! Ouch! Ouch! Ooch! Eech! Oh! . . . Hey, uh, Iris? Me think you better go around other way. You may not fit through air handler impeller blades quite as easily as clever Gookgak. Argh." A few more turns leads the scouts to an inconspicuous vent accessing the bank lobby. Gookgak uses an eraser from his book bag to quickly back the pointy sides of the plate screws out so the pair can access the room. His little blue eyes scan the scene. Bank patrons on floor with hands behind their heads. Badguys with guns making threats. Sensible decor. Hey, what's this platter on this side table next to me? Could it be? "Cookies!" Gookgak scoops one up with glee, mouth anticipating the sweet-bitter delight of chocolate chips, and crams nearly the entire cookie in his mouth and begins to chew contentedly. Suddenly, he stops, mid-chew. A look of utter terror and betrayal spread across his face. He blinks. He looks at the cookie in disbelief. "What is this? Oats? Raisins?!!? Who would do such a terrible thing? Who is responsible for this perversion? Someone will pay! Oh yes, someone . . . will . . . PAY!"
  4. Gookgak The little gobbelyn stood dumbstruck as all of Diego's possessions found their places in the room of their own accord. "What the? You are a wizard? I had you pegged as a rogue - you seemed so, you know, streetwise." He shakes his head and recovers. "Yeah! Exploring sounds great! We can find all the best hiding places, and scout for vulnerable chokepoints in the local commerce routes to conduct raids! Maybe this place even has a sewer!"
  5. Gookgak Some kind of display or show is getting started. A very convincing-looking goblin rides in on what must be a large horse dressed up to look like a gigantic wolf. The goblin has a too-large crown on his head, just barely kept on at a demented angle by the length of its pointy ears. There is also a convincingly terrified looking man tied up with a preponderance of that cheap plastic pennant garland you see all over the place at functions like this and made to look as if he is being held up by the jaws of the horse/wolf. The goblin is standing on the horse/wolf's back, and magnanimously throwing out fake jewels and gold-covered chocolate coins. He crows at the top of his voice: "Hear ye, hear ye! Behold, miserable peasants! I Gookgak the mighty, have deposed the wicked King of Ren Faire, that has ruled over you so cruelly with a fist of iron these many long years! With these riches I fling, find respite from your pointless lives of misery - which mostly consist of spreading your own night soil on your fields, eating disgusting vegetable soup, and attempting to forget your sorrows by consuming an abundance of watered-down beer! For lo - that these jewels may appear to be mere plastic fakes, and these dubloons only waxy, low-quality chocolate, I have it on very good authority that, in this place, they can be whatever you imagine them to be. Rejoice!" The character does a little dance of joy atop his mount, then continues. "And now that wicked King of Ren Faire is cast down, shall Gookgak be your new king?" The little speaker makes a show of modesty and blushes. "Why, only if you want it, my good people. I would never force myself upon you. For, I am a Good Guy!" And the little monster beams inanely.
  6. Gookgak There is a muffled yelp, then the King of Ren Faire's throne sits empty.
  7. When it comes around to Gookgak's turn again he will attack aliens that are in his 25' radius tethered darkness effect. But he'll try to be careful to not drag the darkness effect over any allies. If he can get an alien LT in the darkness without blinding a friend, he will do that. If not an LT, then a big alien. If he can't get a big alien without blinding an ally, then he'll just attack the aliens that had been shooting at him before.
  8. Exactly how Gookgak sneaks in will be depending on what the group decides to do. Maybe it's a window. Maybe it's a side door. Maybe it's through the ventilation system, or even through the front door in that split second when nobody is looking. Mechanically speaking though, I'm pretty sure it is going to boil down to him using Skill Mastery and Hide in Plain Sight to take 10 on Stealth for a Stealth check of 35.
  9. Gookgak Gookgak really liked bus rides. He would plaster his face against the window and watch the world go by. What a great kind of magic! Of course, his Uncle would say it wasn't really magic, it was "engineering". Gookgak couldn't tell what the difference was. But, Uncle Hogwarm was really clever, so he had to hold out that it wasn't really magic as a possibility. But something had brought the joyous bus ride to a halt. Dang! What now? Outside the bus, as the teens began to discuss how to approach the bank robbery situation, a squeaky yet gravelly voice piped up from the curbside mail deposit box. "Gookgak is sneakiest of all!" The mail slot opened, and somehow the little gobbelyn's impossibly flexible body wormed its way out and onto the sidewalk, clutching a handful of letters. "Look! Me found a bunch of interesting notes! Nah! Maybe me read them later." And he stuffs them all back in the mailbox. "So, Gookgak can sneak into the bank that is getting robbed real easy! Piece of pie! Can Claremont friends see in the dark? Gookgak knows gobbelyn trick that makes everything dark and enemies give up hope. Real simple for Gookgak to take out demoralized robbers, one-by-one in the dark!" But then he frowns. "But if Claremont friends no can see in dark, then plan is no good. Cause then how you guys going to do cool heroic stuff if you no can see? Which, if me understanding correctly, is most important consideration in this situation. Hmm. . . " Then he snaps his fingers. "Me got it! Clever Gookgak also know Drowsy Dust gobbelyn trick. It put them all to sleep! Maybe Gookgak and other friends that are sneaky can scout ahead. And friends that are clumsy - um, I mean, friends that are better at stuff that is not sneaking - those friends can be ready to rush in at the signal." He looks around, unabashedly ready to receive raving praise for his brilliant plan. "Um, wait. What was signal again?"
  10. Gookgak 11 Posts x2 (new player boost) = 22 Posts -> 2 PP Boys’ Move-In (First Floor) (5) Ren Faire: Royal Court (1) Student Assessment Group A (5)
  11. Gookgak Gookgak scowls at the fistfulls of fake jewels. "These fake treasures are what I imagine them to be?" He scrunches up his his face in concentration. "Nope. Them still fake. Guess I wasn't imagining hard enough." The little gobbelyn's eyebrows shoot up at Mattie's revelations. "So . . . What you are saying . . . If I am understanding you correctly, is that the King of Ren Faire . . . is actually some big evil guy! Very tricky! Heh, thanks for letting me know, Mattie!" And the little gobbelyn sneaks off to do . . . something.
  12. Gookgak "Oh really, 112, really?" Gookgak asks with childlike joy. "That my room number too! Ha! We will have the best room! It will be the most popular too, because you are so cool and I . . . " The little gobbelyn's eyes dart around the hallway, desperately in search of inspiration, and finally settle upon the cooler, which he immediately jealously grabs. "And Gookgak, you see, yes, Gookgak has the most soda!"
  13. Gookgak A pointy-eared green head peaks out from behind a barrel and surreptitiously calls out to the small assemblage of teen superheroes. "Psst, psst! Hey, Claremont friends! Hey, over here. Oh, wow!" Gookgak looks surprised as he sees Harlequin's form. "I didn't know that Cernunnos went to Claremont! Or are you Herne the Hunter? I could never really keep you two straight. Anyway, look what I stole from the King of Ren Faire!" And the little gobbelyn whips out a tacky looking treasure box. "Ha! Him so stupid! It was so easy to steal!" Gookgak fiddles with the lid for just a moment, and then it pops open. His face drops, and he shows the contents to the rest of the students with a pained expression. "What the? All the jewels and stuff are just fake! Hmm . . . maybe King of Ren Faire not so stupid after all . . . ."
  14. Probably should have mentioned, if any of the failed will checks are by 10 or more (total Roll of 8), they are so overcome with despair that they take no actions. Otherwise, it's just -2 to attack rolls, defense, and checks. Unless minion rules somehow come into play, I guess.
  15. Gookgak Monsters are shooting at Gookgak over and over now! The little gobbelyn recoils in terror as space gun blasts impact way too close for comfort. Me knew me shouldn't have come out from under the car! But, if monsters can't see Gookgak, then monsters can't shoot Gookgak! The diminutive student bolts from his cover, straight towards his attackers, the chant of a gobbelyn trick on his lips: "Murkem, lurkem, gloomaree!" Shadows deepen and spread from the little gobbelyn, making an impenetrable sphere of darkness. But it is not only a darkness for the eye, but also for the mind, as the gobbelyn's curse incites creeping despair in the simulated minds of the simulated aliens.
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