Hey Freedomites,
I've begun work on a new site that I'd like to share with you. It's called Play-By-Post Games, and it's going to be the resource for online roleplayers to find information on sites, resources, and other things that will help them with their play-by-post experience. I've had six years of experience with playing, gamemastering, moderating, and owning a play-by-post site, so I thought I would share some of my thoughts in a new endeavor.
It is not a site for gaming itself, but a site for members to share tips and tricks, discuss and review gaming sites, tools and software, the games themselves and how well they adapt for PBP, and just all-around great discussion.
Currently, I am looking for a few brave people to help me get started, either by helping me moderate the forum, or even writing reviews on sites, software, and games.
Either way, I look forward to seeing you there. The address is http://www.playbypostgames.com.