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Everything posted by Thevshi

  1. Okay, I have begun thinking what might be learned from that, but before I post anything, I was going to see if Tiff was going to have Lucy push her point about looking around beyond the immediate area on the ship (the cargo container was not down in the hold, but among the stacks up on the main deck.)
  2. Thevshi

    Mercury Racing

    "Okay, got it, be there shortly." Velocity replied before Jack hung up. As soon as the line went dead, the yellow clad speedster was off, zipping back down the side of the building and onto the street where she was weaving in and out of cars faster than most could follow. It was only moments later that she had reached her apartment in the Wading Way to drop off her bag and was then off again. It was only a short run from there to the location Jack had indicated in the West End. Velocity soon skidded to a halt down at the intersection, but her stop was just long enough for her to scan the area around her for a sign of her former teammate and the new Interceptors. The high-tech goggles that were part of her costume made the task much easier, with their enhancement features and three hundred and sixty degree feed of images, not to mention thermal and infravision. It only took the speedster a fraction of a second to spot the large egg shaped vehicle that was up on a nearby rooftop. The speedster was then moving again, racing across the intersection and the up the side of the building to come skidding to a halt near the gathered Interceptors. "Sorry that took so long, had to drop something off at home." She said with a smile as she came to a halt, the long brown wig she wore in costume swishing to one side from the sudden stop before settling back down.
  3. Synapse gets a 22 on that Kn: Current Events roll (assuming the +4 bonus to remembering things from Eidetic Memory)
  4. Ah, thanks for point out my mistake, Tsunami took out the the pilot of Manta 5 (who no longer had a submersible to sit in). I have corrected on my word doc.
  5. Dee was quite as Smith responded, though his comments touched some on a number of the reasons she did NOT want to be in the car. But again, she reminded herself of why she had gotten into the car. She gazed out the window during the remainder of the mind with a half distracted look, her mind racing through what she had read over thus far and about what might be the first step in all this. When they arrived at the Ministry building, she glanced out at Smith as he exited the vehicle and mentioned her country (and countrymen) needing her. "I got into the car and signed you ruddy form didn't I." She stated as she climbed out of the car. "So, lead on Mr. Smith."
  6. Giang had focused back on picking up the garbage around them with Mali, not paying much more mind to the two boys that had been sent off a short ways away by Vicky's request. She had caught a glimpse of the light from the other side of the lake but had not really considered it anything important. But when Vicky, Eliza and the nearby coordinator all commented about it, she tried to focus on the reflected light, but it was already gone. "No thank you." She replied in response to Edwin's offer of anti-glare grease. "It is not that disruptive, only a brief distraction."
  7. This time, Dee could not refrain from frowning as Smith "gushed" on Headcase's abilities and his importance. It was almost enough to make her feel queasy about the form she had just signed a bit ago. But she reminded herself that she was doing this on the possibility she might be able to do something to help Susan. When Smith finished answering her questions, the young woman smirked slightly. "So let me get this straight. The vaunted Vanguard had not really done anything as a team in some time, or at least nothing initiated on behalf of the Ministry, and now you're in an uproar because they have disappeared? But this could just be a case of most of the members deciding they wanted to retire and choosing not to let you know, while Crab might have decided to refocus his efforts elsewhere and just did not leave a forwarding address for you lot."
  8. Thunder, need to know what Mali is doing now that she shut off the power to the camera. Tiff, you will likely need to post in response to SC's last post for Harry.
  9. Okay, easiest way to get into position would be with a little leap up to where #9 is standing. So, you catch 5, 9 and 11, plus Natas in the lasts shockwave. Merc 5 makes his save, the other two miss. As a result, Merc 5 again makes his toughness save, 9 and 11 miss and are out! Natas misses his Reflex save and for his first toughness save his fails badly, so Hero Point to you for a reroll: and he makes it easily. Go ahead and post IC.
  10. TT, sorry I did not reply to this sooner (work has been rather busy). I have no problem with you stunting this now, but are you sure this is the best point to do so? It is about 24 hours still until the curse will begin to strike. As I read things, stunting this now will make you exhausted (as you did not indicate with this or the summon stunt that you were using any hero points to nullify the fatigue, nor would you have to, as indicated, you have time to rest and recover (I won’t even require a roll for that in this instance). Please confirm you still want to stunt this now (and if now, what you want to do instead), then we will move onward.
  11. Cape, one thing on your last post, Harry and Lucy are not sitting where the ring is, they are in the lounge area of the main room where the warm up equipment for the fighters is located. They can only see the ring on the large flat screen set up there.
  12. Happy Birthday Raveled!!
  13. Thevshi

    Mercury Racing

    Megan had made her way out of the building as she listened to Jack explain the reason for his call. "A new type of Zoom?" She stated in a rather terse tone. "I have had my run ins with all sorts using Zoom over the years, the most recent was some Asian gang members back at the start of the year." Talking about that incident brought back memories of her first encounter with Siphon, and the related thoughts and feelings of Kyle. Though Megan was for the most part happy with her decision to renew her relationship with Robert, there was a part of her that felt she had not handled things all that well with Kyle. Realizing she did not have time to be dwelling on issue in her personal life right now, even if she was able to do so in factions of a second, the blonde young woman quickly glanced around to be sure no one was nearby. Satisfied that the coast was clear, she was gone in a blur of speed, stopping less than a second later on a rooftop a few blocks away in costume. "But yeah, I'm available and happy to help you out Jack. Where do you need me?"
  14. Just made an IC post with a bit more information (went with Tiff’s last post about what was happening for the moment, though Freddy can get up and warm up if he wants now). As Tiff has already mentioned IC, you are there looking for someone. I guess the question is what you want to do if/when you find him? Just get him and get out? (part of the goal in this was to keep this young man out of trouble, if possible. His mother felt he was being led astray, so that might be something else you need to look into if possible). Let me know if you need other details/ideas.
  15. As Freddy and Harry took seats over in the seating area in the room, Lucy came over and sat down on Freddy's lap as she whispered about what their plan was now. She also took the time to covertly scan the room for any sign of the young man they were looking for, or anyone that might be a noticeable problem to their cover. At first glance, Lucy though she saw a couple of young men that might be the one they were looking for, but taking a few moments to study them more, she became fairly certain they were not Benito Diaz. She also did not see anyone that looked like they were eyeing the group suspiciously. There were a few eyeing her, but not in a suspicious manner. As Harry regarded the set up a bit more, he noted that the ring that appeared on the closed circuit camera appeared to be set up in a larger area, but while the ring was brightly lit, the area around it was in shadow. There appeared to be no area for spectators in the immediate vicinity of the ring. Up in the underground parking garage, Crimson Tiger realized her predicament in trying to advance any further into the building given the static camera covering the central elevator and stairwell. The teenage heroine spent a few minutes looking around in the shadowy areas of the parking garage for some sign of power cables or a circuit breaker for the lighting. Eventually she managed to find a small maintenance room off to one side. Entering the room, she found a main circuit breaker, which thankfully was clearly labeled for the various light sections of the garage. She noted that there was nothing on the breaker about power for the cameras in the garage.
  16. Solar Sentinel was easily able to catch back up with the flying supervillain after picking up a radio and calling into dispatch about the situation. The fiery villain glanced back as the glowing hero closed once again. "Back again?" He asked with a slight hint of amusement in his voice. "I guess twas too much ta ask that ye would just give it up." With that, the pumpkin headed villain twisted around more, throwing one hand back to sent a blast of energy flying at Solar Sentinel. This time the villain's aim was off, and blast streaked by the hero, blasting loose a small chunk of wall on a building a couple blocks back. Solar Sentinel just heard what he thought was some muffled grumbling from the man before he sped further away from the scene of the bank, passing over the South River now.
  17. Hmm, I think I will give you a HP for the little quandary regarding who to follow and such (even if you found a somewhat quick answer). Round Seven 19 Jack o’ Lantern (bruised) 16 Thug 5 11 Solar Sentinel (2 HP, bruised) 9 Thug 6 8 Thug 4 6 Thug 3 JoL attacks Solar again, just missing with a 14. Solar is up!
  18. Dee began reading quickly through the file on Crab, feeling the old familiar feeling of anger at her father for agreeing to let her and Susan be subjects of Crab's process when she saw the very low success rate the Ministry listed for the MAP. But the young woman did her best to push that emotion aside for the moment, as she needed to focus on the task at hand rather than relieve old issues. She made careful mental notes about the various referenced reports and her and Susan, as well as on the drugs developed by Crab, as she would certainly want to look at those later. Her primary focus was quickly on the more recent activities of Crab or the other three. "Hmm, that is interesting." She commented almost absentmindedly at Smith's comments about some of the Vanguard members. "Are there no reports from recent missions for the Ministry? After action and the like? Or would that all be in the Haven?" She then asked. "There could be something to suggest what they might have been working on when they disappeared. Assuming they just have not all decided to go their separate ways." "But, I imagine Crab would not have just dropped out of contact like that." She said almost to herself.
  19. SC, I think you misunderstood my last post, it is 30 minutes until the first fight starts, so for the moment there are no fights to watch. So, need and idea what Freddy, Harry and Lucy plan to do, also need to find out what Crimson Tiger's plans next.
  20. As Solar Sentinel's fist connected with the supervillain, the flames surrounding the man burned his arm slightly. The man managed to take the blow, veering to one side slightly. "Ye just don' give up do ye boyo?" He replied. Down below, the van continued to speed down the street, taking a sharp right onto a side street after a couple of blocks. The pumpkin headed villain brought one hand up and fired another beam of light at the glowing hero. The blast struck dead center, but once again Solar Sentinel was able to take the hit with little effect as the villain flew off down the street, banking to his left and away from the direction the van had been going.
  21. Okay, punching him triggers his flaming aura, so a DC 19 toughness save is needed. Then.. Round Six 19 Jack o’ Lantern (bruised) 16 Thug 5 11 Solar Sentinel (1 HP, unharmed) 9 Thug 6 8 Thug 4 6 Thug 3 JoL will shoot a laser at Solar, hitting with a 22. DC 25 toughness save please.
  22. As Hound began sniffing around the deck near the cargo containers, he quickly discovered that the only traces of the perfumed scent he could find were around the upturned cargo containers or the smashed shipping crates which had been dropped down from the torn open container above. The transformed private detective then widened his search pattern to cover the rest of the main deck, his canine form easily weaving in and out of the stacks of cargo containers. But after searching all of the main deck, he was unable to find any further trace of the scent. Whomever the woman was, she apparently had not been down on the main deck.
  23. Sergio was focused the explanations by Nick and his conversation with Carmen, though many of the other family members were distracted by the summoned spirits of dead relatives. Some of those spirits were starting to get agitated by the discussion of the curse arriving once more. The woman in the 30's era clothing was continuing to wail in despair. The woman reveled to be Jonathan's deceased wife had a fearful look on her face as she looked first at Jonathan, and then at their two children, Frank and Mary. "What will you need from us at this juncture Mr. Cimitiere?" Sergio asked in his tired, raspy voice.
  24. He makes his toughness save with a 26.
  25. The fiery man with the pumpkin head just managed to avoid Solar Sentinel's attack, looking down at the hero as he righted himself once more. "Well boyo, I 'ave better things ta be doin' than continue this row with ya." He stated, as his hand came back and he threw a jet of flame down towards the front of the bank. There was an explosion of flame, which rolled into the opening in the bank’s doors, igniting small flames along the exterior of the bank and inside as well. Solar Sentinel was also caught in the blast. The supervillain did not wait to see the results of his handiwork, as he was already flying off in the direction the van was moving.
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