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Posts posted by Griffalo

  1. As soon as the bandages came loose, Raindance drew an almighty breath, coughing and choking as his lungs cleared of spent air. He nodded his thanks to the others in between barks and streaming eyes, before he stood straight and levelled his gaze at the mummy.

    Hovering a few feet above the ground, the wind whipping his hair and clothes, he began to visibly crackle with electricity.

    "Now I'm going to show you why they call Nature a Mother..."

    He tried to time his attack with the strike of Velocity, sending yet another bolt from the sky at the mummy already shuddering under the heroes' onslaught.

  2. While the others tried unsuccessfully to free Raindance from he choking bandage, he struggled to maintain his breathing. He was fine for the moment, not even feeling the burning of his lungs yet. He realised that his only chance to avoid suffocation was to take this monster out of commission.


    He waved off the others and nodded to the mummy, hoping they got the message that he was in for another combined strike. Raising his hands to the heavens, the crackle of static electricity built up again until another bolt arced down from the sky.

  3. Raindance struggled against the bindings blocking his airway as he floated back down to the floor. He realised that the important thing was to stay calm if he wanted to avoid suffocating, and he just barely reined in on his emotions. He saw Velocity come to a stop next to him, and he hoped his silent eyes communicated a "Help me!" to her well enough.

  4. Players Name: Griffalo

    Power Level: 6

    Characters Name: Unkillable Eric

    Alternate Identity: Eric Pardoe

    Height: 5' 11"

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Description: There's evidently some Italian blood in his ancestry as he's fairly dark in his hair and his eyes, his stubble particularly prominent. What with the knocks and scrapes he gets in to, he's frequently bloodied and bruised.


    History: Eric Pardoe pretty much had a sweet deal. A well-liked student who went straight into the police academy upon graduation and married his childhood sweetheart, he was a credit to the force and got on well with his superiors. He kept himself scrupulously honest, respecting and admiring the super-powered heroes for the essential role they played in Freedom City. His wife soon had a baby on the way, and he imagined they would slowly fill up their suburban house with beautiful children.

    His partner getting shot on the job was pure bad luck. His wife taking the news maybe a little harder than she should set alarm bells ringing. The confession that the baby wasn't his came as the final straw. He moved out of the house he shared with his wife. Sinking further into depression and a bottle, his work began to slip until he was only a few reprimands away from getting canned.

    One evening, Eric selected a five storey block of apartments and threw himself off the roof. The oblivion of death was welcome relief - for as long as it lasted. He woke up in astonishing agony. A feeling like burning talons in his lungs probably meant several ribs had pierced his lungs, the bones of his shins sticking through his trousers weren't a good sign, and his lower jaw was definitely the wrong shape. Instinctively, he began resetting the bones with his own hands - the wet crunching sound of his own tibia being pushed back into place was both exquisitely painful and gut-wrenchingly nauseating. After he recovered from the shock of surviving the fall, he sank even further into depression. Hundreds of people across the world killed themselves by accident every day; did some cosmic force hate him so much that he couldn't even kill himself on purpose?

    Dropping the toaster into his bath merely resulted in every circuit breaker in his apartment tripping and him waking up in a bath of crumb-water. He gave up on carbon monoxide poisoning when he got tired of waiting for something to happen. He began to come to the realisation that he simply couldn't die. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of sign that he was destined for a higher purpose or a twist of genetic fate, but soon Eric began to put his life back together. His work improved once more and he was decorated several times for bravery - his colleagues admired that he would often put himself in harm's way and - stroke of luck, they said - he never came away with anything more than a flesh wound.


    ABILITIES: STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 14 (+2)

    SKILLS: Climb 4 (+6), Computers 2 (+3), Diplomacy 4 (+6), Drive 4 (+5), Intimidate 4 (+6), Investigate 4 (+5), Current Event 4 (+5), Streetwise 4 (+5), Medicine 4 (+6), Notice 6 (+8), Profession (Police Officer) 6 (+8), Sense Motive 6 (+8), Swim 4 (+6)

    FEATS: Equipment 2, Benefit (Police Officer)


    Regeneration 23 (Unconscious 2, Injured 1, Staggered 1, Disabled 7, Ability Damage 2, Resurrection 10)

    Feats: Persistent, Regrowth

    Immunity (Poison, Disease, Ageing, Starvation) 4

    Limited (Ageing and Starvation - Half Effect)

    Equipment: Concealable Vest (Protection 3) - 3 ep, Pistol (Blast 3) - 6 ep, Handcuffs - 1ep

    COMBAT: Attack 6 [unarmed +2 (Bruise)] Defense 13 (12 flat-footed) Init 1

    SAVES: Toughness 5 (5 flat-footed) Fortitude 4 Reflex 3 Will 6

    DRAWBACKS: Power Loss - Bones must be reset / foreign objects removed manually (-1 pp)

    Abilities 20 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 28 + Combat 18 + Saves 8 – Drawbacks -1 = 90 / 90

  5. Players Name: Griffalo

    Power Level: 6

    Characters Name: Unkillable Eric

    Alternate Identity: Eric Pardoe

    Height: 5' 11"

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Description: There's evidently some Italian blood in his ancestry as he's fairly dark in his hair and his eyes, his stubble particularly prominent. What with the knocks and scrapes he gets in to, he's frequently bloodied and bruised.


    History: Eric Pardoe pretty much had a sweet deal. A well-liked student who went straight into the police academy upon graduation and married his childhood sweetheart, he was a credit to the force and got on well with his superiors. He kept himself scrupulously honest, respecting and admiring the super-powered heroes for the essential role they played in Freedom City. His wife soon had a baby on the way, and he imagined they would slowly fill up their suburban house with beautiful children.

    His partner getting shot on the job was pure bad luck. His wife taking the news maybe a little harder than she should set alarm bells ringing. The confession that the baby wasn't his came as the final straw. He moved out of the house he shared with his wife. Sinking further into depression and a bottle, his work began to slip until he was only a few reprimands away from getting canned.

    One evening, Eric selected a five storey block of apartments and threw himself off the roof. The oblivion of death was welcome relief - for as long as it lasted. He woke up in astonishing agony. A feeling like burning talons in his lungs probably meant several ribs had pierced his lungs, the bones of his shins sticking through his trousers weren't a good sign, and his lower jaw was definitely the wrong shape. Instinctively, he began resetting the bones with his own hands - the wet crunching sound of his own tibia being pushed back into place was both exquisitely painful and gut-wrenchingly nauseating. After he recovered from the shock of surviving the fall, he sank even further into depression. Hundreds of people across the world killed themselves by accident every day; did some cosmic force hate him so much that he couldn't even kill himself on purpose?

    Dropping the toaster into his bath merely resulted in every circuit breaker in his apartment tripping and him waking up in a bath of crumb-water. He gave up on carbon monoxide poisoning when he got tired of waiting for something to happen. He began to come to the realisation that he simply couldn't die. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of sign that he was destined for a higher purpose or a twist of genetic fate, but soon Eric began to put his life back together. His work improved once more and he was decorated several times for bravery - his colleagues admired that he would often put himself in harm's way and - stroke of luck, they said - he never came away with anything more than a flesh wound.


    ABILITIES: STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 14 (+2)

    SKILLS: Climb 4 (+6), Computers 2 (+3), Diplomacy 4 (+6), Drive 4 (+5), Intimidate 4 (+6), Investigate 4 (+5), Current Event 4 (+5), Streetwise 4 (+5), Medicine 4 (+6), Notice 6 (+8), Profession (Police Officer) 6 (+8), Sense Motive 6 (+8), Swim 4 (+6)

    FEATS: Equipment 2, Benefit (Police Officer)


    Regeneration 23 (Unconscious 2, Injured 1, Staggered 1, Disabled 7, Ability Damage 2, Resurrection 10)

    Feats: Persistent, Regrowth

    Immunity (Poison, Disease, Ageing, Starvation) 4

    Limited (Ageing and Starvation - Half Effect)

    Equipment: Concealable Vest (Protection 3) - 3 ep, Pistol (Blast 3) - 6 ep, Handcuffs - 1ep

    COMBAT: Attack 6 [unarmed +2 (Bruise)] Defense 13 (12 flat-footed) Init 1

    SAVES: Toughness 5 (5 flat-footed) Fortitude 4 Reflex 3 Will 6

    DRAWBACKS: Power Loss - Bones must be reset / foreign objects removed manually (-1 pp)

    Abilities 20 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 28 + Combat 18 + Saves 8 – Drawbacks -1 = 90 / 90

  6. Players Name: Griffalo

    Power Level: 6

    Characters Name: Unkillable Eric

    Alternate Identity: Eric Pardoe

    Height: 5' 11"

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Description: There's evidently some Italian blood in his ancestry as he's fairly dark in his hair and his eyes, his stubble particularly prominent. What with the knocks and scrapes he gets in to, he's frequently bloodied and bruised.


    History: Eric Pardoe pretty much had a sweet deal. A well-liked student who went straight into the police academy upon graduation and married his childhood sweetheart, he was a credit to the force and got on well with his superiors. He kept himself scrupulously honest, respecting and admiring the super-powered heroes for the essential role they played in Freedom City. His wife soon had a baby on the way, and he imagined they would slowly fill up their suburban house with beautiful children.

    His partner getting shot on the job was pure bad luck. His wife taking the news maybe a little harder than she should set alarm bells ringing. The confession that the baby wasn't his came as the final straw. He moved out of the house he shared with his wife. Sinking further into depression and a bottle, his work began to slip until he was only a few reprimands away from getting canned.

    One evening, Eric selected a five storey block of apartments and threw himself off the roof. The oblivion of death was welcome relief - for as long as it lasted. He woke up in astonishing agony. A feeling like burning talons in his lungs probably meant several ribs had pierced his lungs, the bones of his shins sticking through his trousers weren't a good sign, and his lower jaw was definitely the wrong shape. Instinctively, he began resetting the bones with his own hands - the wet crunching sound of his own tibia being pushed back into place was both exquisitely painful and gut-wrenchingly nauseating. After he recovered from the shock of surviving the fall, he sank even further into depression. Hundreds of people across the world killed themselves by accident every day; did some cosmic force hate him so much that he couldn't even kill himself on purpose?

    Dropping the toaster into his bath merely resulted in every circuit breaker in his apartment tripping and him waking up in a bath of crumb-water. He gave up on carbon monoxide poisoning when he got tired of waiting for something to happen. He began to come to the realisation that he simply couldn't die. He wasn't sure if this was some sort of sign that he was destined for a higher purpose or a twist of genetic fate, but soon Eric began to put his life back together. His work improved once more and he was decorated several times for bravery - his colleagues admired that he would often put himself in harm's way and - stroke of luck, they said - he never came away with anything more than a flesh wound.


    ABILITIES: STR: 14 (+2) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 14 (+2)

    SKILLS: Climb 4 (+6), Computers 2 (+3), Diplomacy 4 (+6), Drive 4 (+5), Intimidate 4 (+6), Investigate 4 (+5), Current Event 4 (+5), Streetwise 4 (+5), Medicine 4 (+6), Notice 6 (+8), Profession (Police Officer) 6 (+8), Sense Motive 6 (+8), Swim 4 (+6)

    FEATS: Equipment 2, Benefit (Police Officer)


    Regeneration 23 (Unconscious 2, Injured 1, Staggered 1, Disabled 7, Ability Damage 2, Resurrection 10)

    Feats: Persistent, Regrowth

    Immunity (Poison, Disease, Ageing, Starvation) 4

    Limited (Ageing and Starvation - Half Effect)

    Equipment: Concealable Vest (Protection 3) - 3 ep, Pistol (Blast 3) - 6 ep, Handcuffs - 1ep

    COMBAT: Attack 6 [unarmed +2 (Bruise)] Defense 13 (12 flat-footed) Init 1

    SAVES: Toughness 5 (5 flat-footed) Fortitude 4 Reflex 3 Will 6

    DRAWBACKS: Power Loss - Bones must be reset / foreign objects removed manually (-1 pp)

    Abilities 20 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 3 + Powers 28 + Combat 18 + Saves 8 – Drawbacks -1 = 90 / 90

  7. Mark nodded to the strange man addressing him. "Got it!"


    The skies above the streets visibly darkened as Raindance rose in a graceful arc towards his target. The air crackled and fizzed with static as the thunderheads built above the new group's opponent. With a clap of thunder, the electricity lanced down from the sky.

  8. I'm definitely in for the combined attack, should it go through.

    Let's rearrange points so I'm maintaining the blizzard at Weather Control 3 and Blast 7.

    Okay, going to use Flight to gain some altitude and get my Favoured Environment to apply. I should be able to approach to within 70 feet (range increment of Blast 7).

    Using All-Out Attack, I'm going to lower Defense by 5 to increase attack by 5.

    Attack +7, Favoured Environment +1, All-Out Attack +5 so +14 to attack.

    +14 for All-Out Attack and Favoured Environment. (1d20+14=24)

    EDIT: Whoops. Since I forgot Favoured Environment is +1 not +2, that should be 23.

  9. I'm definitely in for the combined attack, should it go through.

    Let's rearrange points so I'm maintaining the blizzard at Weather Control 3 and Blast 7.

    Okay, going to use Flight to gain some altitude and get my Favoured Environment to apply. I should be able to approach to within 70 feet (range increment of Blast 7).

    Using All-Out Attack, I'm going to lower Defense by 5 to increase attack by 5.

    Attack +7, Favoured Environment +1, All-Out Attack +5 so +14 to attack.

    +14 for All-Out Attack and Favoured Environment. (1d20+14=24)

    EDIT: Whoops. Since I forgot Favoured Environment is +1 not +2, that should be 23.

  10. I'm definitely in for the combined attack, should it go through.

    Let's rearrange points so I'm maintaining the blizzard at Weather Control 3 and Blast 7.

    Okay, going to use Flight to gain some altitude and get my Favoured Environment to apply. I should be able to approach to within 70 feet (range increment of Blast 7).

    Using All-Out Attack, I'm going to lower Defense by 5 to increase attack by 5.

    Attack +7, Favoured Environment +1, All-Out Attack +5 so +14 to attack.

    +14 for All-Out Attack and Favoured Environment. (1d20+14=24)

    EDIT: Whoops. Since I forgot Favoured Environment is +1 not +2, that should be 23.

  11. Technically, you can’t unleash Distraction and Cold at the same time, because they are both standard actions. Also, your OOC text says Distraction, but your IC post seems to indicate that you are using Hamper Movement. So . . . let’s assume that you put 3 ranks (6 pts) into Hamper Movement (since the monster will be unaffected by Distraction and Cold ;) )and the rest into Air Control. The creature’s movement is reduced to ¼ as long as it stays in the 25’ radius.

    Also, in the future, trying something like this: using a rank 3 power at the extreme end of your range (~300’ = 10 Range Increments) while not freezing an adjacent friend will require an attack roll.

    Noted. :)

    Is it possible to maintain the blizzard and switch to Blast?

    You're probably gathering at this point I'm not great with the rules beyond character creation. :D

  12. Technically, you can’t unleash Distraction and Cold at the same time, because they are both standard actions. Also, your OOC text says Distraction, but your IC post seems to indicate that you are using Hamper Movement. So . . . let’s assume that you put 3 ranks (6 pts) into Hamper Movement (since the monster will be unaffected by Distraction and Cold ;) )and the rest into Air Control. The creature’s movement is reduced to ¼ as long as it stays in the 25’ radius.

    Also, in the future, trying something like this: using a rank 3 power at the extreme end of your range (~300’ = 10 Range Increments) while not freezing an adjacent friend will require an attack roll.

    Noted. :)

    Is it possible to maintain the blizzard and switch to Blast?

    You're probably gathering at this point I'm not great with the rules beyond character creation. :D

  13. Technically, you can’t unleash Distraction and Cold at the same time, because they are both standard actions. Also, your OOC text says Distraction, but your IC post seems to indicate that you are using Hamper Movement. So . . . let’s assume that you put 3 ranks (6 pts) into Hamper Movement (since the monster will be unaffected by Distraction and Cold ;) )and the rest into Air Control. The creature’s movement is reduced to ¼ as long as it stays in the 25’ radius.

    Also, in the future, trying something like this: using a rank 3 power at the extreme end of your range (~300’ = 10 Range Increments) while not freezing an adjacent friend will require an attack roll.

    Noted. :)

    Is it possible to maintain the blizzard and switch to Blast?

    You're probably gathering at this point I'm not great with the rules beyond character creation. :D

  14. I can definitely recommend Ultimate Power, since at least for me it taught me how powers are put together. The "new" powers in Chapter 3 can also work as an exercise in the scope of what you can do with Feats, Extras and Flaws when applied to a power. I'd quote examples if I had the book, but going by memory:

    "Stop Time" is a power in Ultimate Power, but I think it's built as an Area Effect Snare that also affects objects. No doubt someone will correct me if I've not got the mechanics right, but hopefully my point is that I'm backing up what Veiled Malice said above: you can construct pretty much any power from the ones listed in the core book.

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