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Posts posted by MarkK

  1. (OOC: basically, this is how it goes down, on my action, I attempted a grapple, which involves making a melee attack roll to grab someone, if it hits, both people then roll opposed grapple checks to see if the grapple succeeds, if it does, the person grappling has a bunch of options to pick from, including inflicting direct damage. Anyway, your toughness save bonus is +9 or +10, no? That just means you failed, not failed abysmally, you've got a bruised result, it just means you're at -1 to further toughness saves in this fight. You can certainly now try to hit Emissary with the mind juju as your action, you're just grappled while you do)

  2. (OOC: basically, this is how it goes down, on my action, I attempted a grapple, which involves making a melee attack roll to grab someone, if it hits, both people then roll opposed grapple checks to see if the grapple succeeds, if it does, the person grappling has a bunch of options to pick from, including inflicting direct damage. Anyway, your toughness save bonus is +9 or +10, no? That just means you failed, not failed abysmally, you've got a bruised result, it just means you're at -1 to further toughness saves in this fight. You can certainly now try to hit Emissary with the mind juju as your action, you're just grappled while you do)

  3. (OOC: basically, this is how it goes down, on my action, I attempted a grapple, which involves making a melee attack roll to grab someone, if it hits, both people then roll opposed grapple checks to see if the grapple succeeds, if it does, the person grappling has a bunch of options to pick from, including inflicting direct damage. Anyway, your toughness save bonus is +9 or +10, no? That just means you failed, not failed abysmally, you've got a bruised result, it just means you're at -1 to further toughness saves in this fight. You can certainly now try to hit Emissary with the mind juju as your action, you're just grappled while you do)

  4. It was not that the Emissary was especially prone to rage. He'd fought various costumed villains and felt nothing more than a sad sort of.. vexation, yes, that was the word, at their wasting potential and talent. But whether it was traces of his father's memories of the battlefields of Europe, or Utopia Isle's lessons on reason, nothing aggrieved so much as rampages. It was the unfortunate drawback of a seeking mind, constantly trying to understand. For there was no understanding of pointless carnage for the sake of carnage, no someday hope to puzzle out the motivations behind such things and counsel them away. It was every arguement the Utopians made about humanity's darker nature made manifest, and it was always painful to see.

    And all of that was now personified in this strange man before him, setting southside ablaze with seeming glee. He sped up further, reaching out his arms, straining as force and speed left an almost gleaming wake in his flight path, given the light of the fires shining off his metallic body.


    His tone was demanding, even as he moved to try and stop the man from further assaults, seeking to pull him into a crushing bear hug.


    Somehow, he still sounded as if he entirely meant the question.

    (OOC: got a 22 on my attack roll http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1353111 which should be enough to grab Vengeance. Need an opposed grapple check from Vengeance to determine if the grab takes and the damage ensues.)

  5. It was not that the Emissary was especially prone to rage. He'd fought various costumed villains and felt nothing more than a sad sort of.. vexation, yes, that was the word, at their wasting potential and talent. But whether it was traces of his father's memories of the battlefields of Europe, or Utopia Isle's lessons on reason, nothing aggrieved so much as rampages. It was the unfortunate drawback of a seeking mind, constantly trying to understand. For there was no understanding of pointless carnage for the sake of carnage, no someday hope to puzzle out the motivations behind such things and counsel them away. It was every arguement the Utopians made about humanity's darker nature made manifest, and it was always painful to see.

    And all of that was now personified in this strange man before him, setting southside ablaze with seeming glee. He sped up further, reaching out his arms, straining as force and speed left an almost gleaming wake in his flight path, given the light of the fires shining off his metallic body.


    His tone was demanding, even as he moved to try and stop the man from further assaults, seeking to pull him into a crushing bear hug.


    Somehow, he still sounded as if he entirely meant the question.

    (OOC: got a 22 on my attack roll http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1353111 which should be enough to grab Vengeance. Need an opposed grapple check from Vengeance to determine if the grab takes and the damage ensues.)

  6. It was not that the Emissary was especially prone to rage. He'd fought various costumed villains and felt nothing more than a sad sort of.. vexation, yes, that was the word, at their wasting potential and talent. But whether it was traces of his father's memories of the battlefields of Europe, or Utopia Isle's lessons on reason, nothing aggrieved so much as rampages. It was the unfortunate drawback of a seeking mind, constantly trying to understand. For there was no understanding of pointless carnage for the sake of carnage, no someday hope to puzzle out the motivations behind such things and counsel them away. It was every arguement the Utopians made about humanity's darker nature made manifest, and it was always painful to see.

    And all of that was now personified in this strange man before him, setting southside ablaze with seeming glee. He sped up further, reaching out his arms, straining as force and speed left an almost gleaming wake in his flight path, given the light of the fires shining off his metallic body.


    His tone was demanding, even as he moved to try and stop the man from further assaults, seeking to pull him into a crushing bear hug.


    Somehow, he still sounded as if he entirely meant the question.

    (OOC: got a 22 on my attack roll http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1353111 which should be enough to grab Vengeance. Need an opposed grapple check from Vengeance to determine if the grab takes and the damage ensues.)

  7. Okay... the whole suffocating to death is likely wayyy worse than the potential falling damage, so going to try and help Raindance, and if Freedom Eagle can't do the alt power thing, going to extra effort for a surge to then try and contest the entangle as well.

    Trying to use strength for a counter.

  8. Okay... the whole suffocating to death is likely wayyy worse than the potential falling damage, so going to try and help Raindance, and if Freedom Eagle can't do the alt power thing, going to extra effort for a surge to then try and contest the entangle as well.

    Trying to use strength for a counter.

  9. Okay... the whole suffocating to death is likely wayyy worse than the potential falling damage, so going to try and help Raindance, and if Freedom Eagle can't do the alt power thing, going to extra effort for a surge to then try and contest the entangle as well.

    Trying to use strength for a counter.

  10. He shook off the lingering flare of light in his field of view, able to hear what seemed to be a lack of desired effect from the efforts of the three.


    "I don't think this can work unless every one of us strikes as one with everything we have!"


    His vision then cleared fully and took in the beleagured straits of Raindance and Freedom Eagle both.


    "Not that we can do so right now, granted!"


    He swooped in an arc towards Raindance first, hoping any armour in Freedom Eagle's costume would let him take the fall better than Raindance could take, well, suffocating to death.


    "Ahm.. I need you to stay very still my friend."


    At that, he extended a pair of his fingers, trying to concentrate all due strength and focus into the tips thereof, trying to work them intbetween the bandages over Raindance's face, and once having done so, stretch and warp to allow for enough space and give to then pull them up and off of his head.


    (whoo! my first above average roll! http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1353071 got a 23 to contest the entangle with strength, or a 28 if my bonus for ranks of superstrength apply to the strength check as far as an application of strength and pressure. Also, if Freedom Eagle can't do the alt power thing, I'd like to extra effort for a surge to try and then zip up and help him)

  11. Yikes!

    Well, I think I'll try countering the entangle on Freedom Eagle by ripping the bandages off of him. Strength and such. Does the superstrength bonus add here, as far as ripping the bandages up?

    Edit: Actually, who would look to be in more danger? Raindance from the potential suffocation, or Freedom Eagle if he falls to the ground from his wings being gummed up? Affects my action.

  12. Yikes!

    Well, I think I'll try countering the entangle on Freedom Eagle by ripping the bandages off of him. Strength and such. Does the superstrength bonus add here, as far as ripping the bandages up?

    Edit: Actually, who would look to be in more danger? Raindance from the potential suffocation, or Freedom Eagle if he falls to the ground from his wings being gummed up? Affects my action.

  13. Yikes!

    Well, I think I'll try countering the entangle on Freedom Eagle by ripping the bandages off of him. Strength and such. Does the superstrength bonus add here, as far as ripping the bandages up?

    Edit: Actually, who would look to be in more danger? Raindance from the potential suffocation, or Freedom Eagle if he falls to the ground from his wings being gummed up? Affects my action.

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