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Everything posted by DrBalloon

  1. Oh, I have no problem with there being clues and hints something is wrong, Heridfel. But is that a valid method for getting the hero into my (fake) deathtrap? Fake, because while it may look and feel like it's an attempt at assassination or murder, it turns out afterwards to have had safety features and devices to ensure the victim comes through. Iapyx was a doctor in Ancient Greece, after all.
  2. Building a Headquarters with high-powered Combat Simulator, then making a continuous power to create a large portal into the simulator, so that the simulator functions overlap with the current (portal) location. I.e. hero walks into location thinking it's what it appears to be, and villain has his pre-programmed deathtrap all set up on location.
  3. Building a Headquarters with high-powered Combat Simulator, then making a continuous power to create a large portal into the simulator, so that the simulator functions overlap with the current (portal) location. I.e. hero walks into location thinking it's what it appears to be, and villain has his pre-programmed deathtrap all set up on location.
  4. Building a Headquarters with high-powered Combat Simulator, then making a continuous power to create a large portal into the simulator, so that the simulator functions overlap with the current (portal) location. I.e. hero walks into location thinking it's what it appears to be, and villain has his pre-programmed deathtrap all set up on location.
  5. DrBalloon


    I saw flashedarling's Avatar, and did a double take. Somebody actually remembers Saturnian Scraphunter?!? Wow. At least, that's who I think it is... keeping track of the Ultramice and Atom Cats got kind of hectic for the few issues they appeared in.
  6. DrBalloon


    I saw flashedarling's Avatar, and did a double take. Somebody actually remembers Saturnian Scraphunter?!? Wow. At least, that's who I think it is... keeping track of the Ultramice and Atom Cats got kind of hectic for the few issues they appeared in.
  7. DrBalloon


    I saw flashedarling's Avatar, and did a double take. Somebody actually remembers Saturnian Scraphunter?!? Wow. At least, that's who I think it is... keeping track of the Ultramice and Atom Cats got kind of hectic for the few issues they appeared in.
  8. Since Battlesuits, like other devices, are inherently Innate, how would you go about making a place (such as another dimension) where they specifically would not function? I'd prefer to avoid setting up a continuous damage attack that would make them unusable even after the hero escaped, but if I had to go that route and tack on Reversible so the damage wouldn't carry over outside I might. And, speaking of the most famous battlesuit wearer in Freedom City, Daedalus, since one of his sons has shown up (Icarus), anyone have problems with the other (Iapyx) similarly showing up to give his old man grief?
  9. Since Battlesuits, like other devices, are inherently Innate, how would you go about making a place (such as another dimension) where they specifically would not function? I'd prefer to avoid setting up a continuous damage attack that would make them unusable even after the hero escaped, but if I had to go that route and tack on Reversible so the damage wouldn't carry over outside I might. And, speaking of the most famous battlesuit wearer in Freedom City, Daedalus, since one of his sons has shown up (Icarus), anyone have problems with the other (Iapyx) similarly showing up to give his old man grief?
  10. Since Battlesuits, like other devices, are inherently Innate, how would you go about making a place (such as another dimension) where they specifically would not function? I'd prefer to avoid setting up a continuous damage attack that would make them unusable even after the hero escaped, but if I had to go that route and tack on Reversible so the damage wouldn't carry over outside I might. And, speaking of the most famous battlesuit wearer in Freedom City, Daedalus, since one of his sons has shown up (Icarus), anyone have problems with the other (Iapyx) similarly showing up to give his old man grief?
  11. DrBalloon


    The best laid plans can go very awry... instead of working happily at my TV station job and completing a character to participate in Barnum's upcoming Circus storyline, I've been sick in bed for a while. Coughing that left internal bruises below my ribcage and seemed like my lungs thought they were a cat with hairballs, and a fever with shivering making my muscles locking up in spasm, it's been miserable. Getting better now, but I don't know if I can focus enough to work out a respectably outre clown character. :(
  12. DrBalloon


    The best laid plans can go very awry... instead of working happily at my TV station job and completing a character to participate in Barnum's upcoming Circus storyline, I've been sick in bed for a while. Coughing that left internal bruises below my ribcage and seemed like my lungs thought they were a cat with hairballs, and a fever with shivering making my muscles locking up in spasm, it's been miserable. Getting better now, but I don't know if I can focus enough to work out a respectably outre clown character. :(
  13. DrBalloon


    The best laid plans can go very awry... instead of working happily at my TV station job and completing a character to participate in Barnum's upcoming Circus storyline, I've been sick in bed for a while. Coughing that left internal bruises below my ribcage and seemed like my lungs thought they were a cat with hairballs, and a fever with shivering making my muscles locking up in spasm, it's been miserable. Getting better now, but I don't know if I can focus enough to work out a respectably outre clown character. :(
  14. Having seen the Greatest Show on Earth news item, I have GOT to get the Clown Exterminator pulled together, written up, and hopefully approved in time. :>
  15. Having seen the Greatest Show on Earth news item, I have GOT to get the Clown Exterminator pulled together, written up, and hopefully approved in time. :>
  16. Having seen the Greatest Show on Earth news item, I have GOT to get the Clown Exterminator pulled together, written up, and hopefully approved in time. :>
  17. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    In the case of the unbaptized children, that's straightforward demonic (well, satanic) magic, using the unprotected souls of innocents to wreck further evil. In the other case, the idea was that on some fundamental level, the character owned the other character, who thus had no saves against his master's mind control. I.e., you bought the city treasurer-tax collector's soul with a bribe he absolutely couldn't resist, and used that to make him your secret Manchurian Candidate. Or, you were created by a specific company or organization, and given the ability to torment the lower ranked members with no possibility of them withstanding your will on their own; they need a hero to invent a shield from your mastery.
  18. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    In the case of the unbaptized children, that's straightforward demonic (well, satanic) magic, using the unprotected souls of innocents to wreck further evil. In the other case, the idea was that on some fundamental level, the character owned the other character, who thus had no saves against his master's mind control. I.e., you bought the city treasurer-tax collector's soul with a bribe he absolutely couldn't resist, and used that to make him your secret Manchurian Candidate. Or, you were created by a specific company or organization, and given the ability to torment the lower ranked members with no possibility of them withstanding your will on their own; they need a hero to invent a shield from your mastery.
  19. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    In the case of the unbaptized children, that's straightforward demonic (well, satanic) magic, using the unprotected souls of innocents to wreck further evil. In the other case, the idea was that on some fundamental level, the character owned the other character, who thus had no saves against his master's mind control. I.e., you bought the city treasurer-tax collector's soul with a bribe he absolutely couldn't resist, and used that to make him your secret Manchurian Candidate. Or, you were created by a specific company or organization, and given the ability to torment the lower ranked members with no possibility of them withstanding your will on their own; they need a hero to invent a shield from your mastery.
  20. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    I know that, in general, this Extra is not allowed. But what if the Extra is limited down to a narrow group of potential targets, such as No Saves (+2), No Saves Only Works on Unbaptised Male Children under the age of 7 (-2)? Or... No Saves (+2), Power Only Works on (single NPC) (-3)?
  21. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    I know that, in general, this Extra is not allowed. But what if the Extra is limited down to a narrow group of potential targets, such as No Saves (+2), No Saves Only Works on Unbaptised Male Children under the age of 7 (-2)? Or... No Saves (+2), Power Only Works on (single NPC) (-3)?
  22. DrBalloon

    No Saves

    I know that, in general, this Extra is not allowed. But what if the Extra is limited down to a narrow group of potential targets, such as No Saves (+2), No Saves Only Works on Unbaptised Male Children under the age of 7 (-2)? Or... No Saves (+2), Power Only Works on (single NPC) (-3)?
  23. Are you sure you got the stats right? :twisted:
  24. Are you sure you got the stats right? :twisted:
  25. Are you sure you got the stats right? :twisted:
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