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Everything posted by MBCE

  1. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    Ghost couldn't believe it. the blast had caught Belphegor after all. 'Great! Now it's up to me to take out this guy.' The Ghost looked about wondering how Lady Fortune would help this time when he noticed a small piece of rubble from the recent explosion. Quickly he picked it up and tossed it in the general area of lone gun man. The rock fell short but landed on trigger hand of one of the unconcious men. The sudden impact caused a jerking motion that set off the gun. The weapon, aimed awkwardly at the wall blew chucks of concrete at the lone man. The security guard saw the debris coming and managed to twist just enough to avoid any more damage. 'This guy must have the Lady's blessing as well!'
  2. "Special training? Waht's that supposed to mean? If you wanted me to do some training, all you had to do was ask." "But how would that be fun?" The voice moved closer but remained out of sight. Sammy felt the presence clsoe the distance between them. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he wonered what was going ot happen next. "Don't worry. Ghost. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to recurit you." Sammy blinked in confusion. Was all of this just a method of gaining power over him? "Recurit for what? You've got a job for me?" "Ghost, have you ever wondered how you able to do what you are able to do? Did you think the skills and abilities that were given to you came without a cost? It's time you paid for what you've used with little regard."
  3. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The Ghost's eyes widen as the bead of force moved passed him. Not really knowing what would happen, he dived to the ground to avoid what was coming. The blast of energy exploded outward but as luck would have it, it passed above his prone figure. 'That was close!' As the explosion subsided, Ghost glanced behind to see how Belphegor faired from the blast.
  4. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The Ghost smiled as he saw the large ball of firey death fly passed him towards the remaining gunman. That smile turned quickly to a frown when he saw the blast miss its target, again. Sweat had begun to bead along his forehead, the strain of focusing his power in such an unfamiliar way starting to get to him. "Great! Maybe if you stop bragging, you'd actually hit the guy, Belphegor." Ghost released his concentration and returned it to a more familar method. He smiled as he watched Belphegor's ball of flame bounce of the back wall to hit the stunned gun man. The angle must have been off as most of the energy failed to damage the man much. 'Oh crap! Now my luck's failing. This is going to hurt.' Seriously wounded, alone, and facing two powered beings, gave the security man knew it was only a matter of time before he was over powered. He glanced behind him at the door that was the last barrier of protection of his ward. The man lifted his weapon and pointed it at teh two intruders and fired. A small bead of energy flew passed the lead man dressed in black before exploding. The blast expanded to catch both the demon and man.
  5. Ghost has switched to his normal Blast power, letting the area blast go. Leader 2 toughness saves L2 Toughness save DC 21 (1d20+7=20) Reflex saves needed DC 15 followed by a Toughness save. On fail reflex DC 20 (ghost) DC 23 (Belephagor) On a successful Reflex, DC 17 (ghost) DC 18 (Belephagor) Each gains a VP point due to the toughness of the fight. We are supposed to win after all. Bel 1 VP Ghost 1 VP Initiative: Peons 15 [Minions] [knocked out] Leaders 14 [L1 Knocked out, L2 B:3, staggered] Belphegor 9 Ghost 8 DEF 17 Peons are using the Government agents from main book. [Machine Pistols +3 damage [DC 18 for Ghost, DC 20 for Belphegor due to vulnerability] Leaders Stats--------- Futuristic Law Enforcer PL 10 Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 18 Skills: Drive 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+14), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+14), Notice 12 (+15), Search 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+11) Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Improved Aim, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw (draw), Startle, Ultimate Aim, Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: Device 4 (Enforcer handgun; easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 [DNA scan, only you]): Blast 7 (Power Feats: Accurate [auto-targeting], Ricochet; AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating], AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)], AP: Blast 7 [Power Feats: Accurate, Subtle], AP: Stun 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Range (Ranged)]) Equipment: Enforcer Armor (Protection 4) Combat: Attack +10, +11 (ranged), +13 (handgun), Grapple +14, Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (handgun), Defense +11, Knockback -4, Initiative +7 Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +10, Reflex +8, Will +8 Abilities 42 + Skills 20 + Feats 17 + Powers 14 + Combat 42 + Saves 15 = Total 150
  6. Unlike most threads this one will finish on the timeline on Auguast 31st, 2009. Everything else happens between the Ghost's disappearance and his return to Freedom. (Feb 13th-Aug 31st 2009) It will explain the changes from PL 8 to his new PL.
  7. L1 is knocked out. failed by 10 or more moves him up a level. L2 is now stagggered and stunned as listed.
  8. Sammy stared into the darkness, trying to keep his mind free of thoughts, but questions continued to flash in and out of his mind. "HAHAHA. Trying not to think of anything, huh? Silly boy. That's impossible. You're better off just asking your questions, Ghost." Sammy frowned but realized his captor was correct. Besides, talking helped keep the darkness at bay. "Okay. Might as well talk anyway. So I'm still in Freedom, huh? Well this sure don't feel like Freedom City. "Of course not, silly boy. What you're experiencing is not the real world. Or better yet, you are experiencing the real world but your senses are just not at your control at the moment." Sammy thought about the words for a moment, confusion playing over his face. No control of his senses? But he could see just fine though there was nothing but darkness all around. "Yes, you can see here, but you're not seeing with your eyes. Do you really think this is your body here. Ghost? Your body is presently doing some...special training at the moment."
  9. Okay. That's a wrap on this one. Thanks for sticking around until it finished. Again, sorry it took so long to finish.
  10. "I think we can take it from, Dark Star. Again thank you for the help," the officer said as he took the stone away from the hero. "You've done enough already. Besides, you ahve your wounded companion as well as the Dinosaur to take care of." Dark Star turned his attention to finishing hte last minute details before leaving with Hellbound in tow.
  11. MBCE

    The Ghost

    Just look at this place! Cameras along the walls. Magical runes to keep a lot of people out as well. Whatever this coin is, it really has some massive security on it. If not for Belphegor, I wouldn't know a damned thing about the runes! They protect the whole compound from intruders and that's not good. If I can't slip through the walls, I'm going to be a sitting duck most of the time. That's not going to make this any easier. Perhaps it is a good thing the demon's with me on this. Together, we should be able to overcome anything they might throw at us!
  12. Leader 1, 2 toughness saves 1)L1 2)L2 DC 21 (1d20+8=10, 1d20+7=11) Bel 0 VP Ghost 0 VP [spent on reroll of second Toughness save] Initiative: Peons 15 [Minions] [knocked out] Leaders 14 [L1 Knocked out, L2 B:2, staggered] Belphegor 9 Ghost 8 DEF 17 Peons are using the Government agents from main book. [Machine Pistols +3 damage [DC 18 for Ghost, DC 20 for Belphegor due to vulnerability] Leaders Stats--------- Futuristic Law Enforcer PL 10 Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 18 Skills: Drive 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+14), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+14), Notice 12 (+15), Search 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+11) Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Improved Aim, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw (draw), Startle, Ultimate Aim, Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: Device 4 (Enforcer handgun; easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 [DNA scan, only you]): Blast 7 (Power Feats: Accurate [auto-targeting], Ricochet; AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating], AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)], AP: Blast 7 [Power Feats: Accurate, Subtle], AP: Stun 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Range (Ranged)]) Equipment: Enforcer Armor (Protection 4) Combat: Attack +10, +11 (ranged), +13 (handgun), Grapple +14, Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (handgun), Defense +11, Knockback -4, Initiative +7 Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +10, Reflex +8, Will +8 Abilities 42 + Skills 20 + Feats 17 + Powers 14 + Combat 42 + Saves 15 = Total 150
  13. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The Ghost's eyes widen at the sight of the blue fire burning through the demon's skin. Things had suddenly turned extremely bad for the two and it was just going to get worst if the two men couldn't be taken out of the fight. The Ghost stepped out of the elevator covering Belphegor with his own body, hoping that his own uncanny luck could help keep the demon alive long enough to finish their job. "I've had about enough of you two as I'm going to take." Again he exerted his power over teh area with devestating effect. The lights, already broken with wires exposed swayed around the area striking the two men again. The electric shock dropped the first man and heavily wounded the other. "He's all yours, Belphegor." Ghost moved to the side to give the demon a clear shot at the distorientated man.
  14. August 31st 2009: For six months, The Ghost has been missing from the streets of Freedom. Ghostly Insights explains what happened during that time before The Ghost returned to the city.
  15. MBCE

    The Ghost

    Hmmm, well my place is in one piece. Now we're driving to Lantern Hill to pay a visit to a guy with a coin. What on Earth would they want a coin for anyway? It's not like coins are hard to find either. Must be something fairly important if they want me to team up with Belphegor. This demon is kind of strange. It's almost as if he's trying to hide stuff from me, but I just don't know what. When people start talking about what they can do, it's a good sign that they're trying to cover up their limitations. If this guy has problems, then it's bound to get me into trouble. Lady Fortune is going to have her work cut out for her on this trip!
  16. "You're probablly wondering where you are right now, aren't you my little Ghost? Well, I think I'll keep that little bit of information for later. Right now, you should be worried about why you're here. Do you have any ideas?" Sammy again tried to move to see the speaker but he was still stuck fast. He couldn't be sure if he was lying down or standing up. He could barely feel his own appendages. "Ideas? A few, but they all end with you being a sick puppy!" Sammy's voice was clear and strong, an attempt to cover the fear nawing at his heart. Where this place was, Sammy was sure it wasn't anywhere in Freedom. "No, that's where you're wrong, my little toy. You are in Freedom." Sammy's eyes widen as he realized that his thoughts were no longer his own. Somehow, his mind was an open book to his captor.
  17. Leader 1 toughness save Toughness save DC 27 (1d20+8=17) Leader 1 and 2 toughness save 1)Leader 1; 2)Leader 2 DC 21 (1d20+8=22, 1d20+8=17) Shot against Belphegor Bel DEF 16 Toughness DC 23 [5 penertrating x1.5 vul= +8] (1d20+13=19) And a FA to change the setting of the gun to AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)] Bel 0 VP Ghost 0 VP [spent on reroll of second Toughness save] Initiative: Peons 15 [Minions] [knocked out] Leaders 14 [L1 B:1; Staggered, stunned L2 B:2] Belphegor 9 Ghost 8 DEF 17 Peons are using the Government agents from main book. [Machine Pistols +3 damage [DC 18 for Ghost, DC 20 for Belphegor due to vulnerability] Leaders Stats--------- Futuristic Law Enforcer PL 10 Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 18 Skills: Drive 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+14), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+14), Notice 12 (+15), Search 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+11) Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Improved Aim, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw (draw), Startle, Ultimate Aim, Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: Device 4 (Enforcer handgun; easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 [DNA scan, only you]): Blast 7 (Power Feats: Accurate [auto-targeting], Ricochet; AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating], AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)], AP: Blast 7 [Power Feats: Accurate, Subtle], AP: Stun 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Range (Ranged)]) Equipment: Enforcer Armor (Protection 4) Combat: Attack +10, +11 (ranged), +13 (handgun), Grapple +14, Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (handgun), Defense +11, Knockback -4, Initiative +7 Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +10, Reflex +8, Will +8 Abilities 42 + Skills 20 + Feats 17 + Powers 14 + Combat 42 + Saves 15 = Total 150
  18. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    One of the gunmen managed to shake off the previous blast. He took a moment to see that the odds were not in his favor. His companion was seriously wounded and the other three underlings were out cold. He had a job to do though and running wasn't a part of his job description. He aimed his gun at the demon before him and fired. The blast barely hit the demon. Once teh blast was away, he quickly made an adjustment to his weapon, changing the setting. The Ghost cringed when he saw the blast hit his companion again. 'He's tough. He can take it.' The Ghost took a moment to look at teh demon to see how he was affected again this time. If Belphegor was taken out of the fight now, Ghost had no idea how he was going to be manage getting the coin from their adversary. Hopefully, Lady Fortune would watch out for them in the end.
  19. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    Belphegor's firey ball slammed into the man causing serious damage. The fight looked to be almost over. The Ghost saw that Belphegor was back to his own tricks. 'Good to see him back in the swing of things!' Still holding on to the strange power even though it was costing him dearly, Ghost turned his power back upon the two men. The stagggered man was closer to the edge of the effect and managed to avoid taking any more damage. His partner, however, was grazed again. The Ghost forwned as he saw that the two men were still standing. His breath was coming in large puffs the strain of focusing his power in such a different format showing. "Finish them off, Bel!"
  20. Sammy opened his eyes and looked about. He was surrounded by darkness and he felt utterly tired. 'What...happened?' Sammy attempted to turn his head but couldn't. He knew his body was in tack but he could barely had any sensations. "Hello?" His voice seemed to echo for a short moment before falling flat. The silence stretch for what seemed like forever before Sammy felt a presence nearby. Sammy strained to get a view of the presence but was unable to move. "Don't strain yourself, Sammy. I'm surprise you've managed to awake this quickly. It seems that I chose wisely afterall." Sammy felt fear grow within him as he listened to that voice. He had heard it before. It was the voice of the creature that attacked him. It was also the last thing he remembered hearing before waking up in the dark.
  21. This is the OOC list for the return of The Ghost.
  22. About one or two posts from you both and we can put this to bed.
  23. With the creature disposed up, Dark Star was able to slowly move through the ship with his charges in tow. He reached the nursery and helped Arrowhawk remove the children. By the time the two heroes reached the main deck, rescue workers ahve arrived to help the remaining passengers off the ship. Police were present to take the unconcious Skinheads as well as the item they were trying to take. Dark Star was able to look at it. The item was a large silver rock of unknown make up. "Thank you Arrowhawk, Dark Star for helping the passengers of this cruise. If you hadn't reacted as quickly as you did, these people would have died. Any idea what caused the problem?"
  24. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    The ghost's eyes widen when he saw the demon stagger from the blow. 'Great! With him trying to catch his wind, we're going to get toasted! I've got to do something.' The Ghost looked at the group and focused his powers upon them. The furious round of fire coming form the men sent casings flying about the corridor. Some of those casings hit the lights above. The damage normally would be miniscule but this time, it was just enough to cause the lights to burst sending wires down upon the men. The electric shock was more than enough to knock out the three guards and stun the other two.
  25. I think The Ghost brings more bad luck than good! Seems to happen a lot to people he's working with. Using Extra Effort on his probability power to gain: Blast 6 [extra]PFs: Indirect, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any coincidence]) Minions Leaders toughness DC 21 (1d20+2=3, 1d20+2=5, 1d20+2=9, 1d20+9=15, 1d20+9=13) All three minions drop. Both Leaders are stunned and bruised. Yeah! Bel 0 VP Ghost 0 VP [spent on reroll of second Toughness save] Initiative: Peons 15 [Minions] [knocked out] Leaders 14 Belphegor 9 Ghost 8 Peons are using the Government agents from main book. [Machine Pistols +3 damage [DC 18 for Ghost, DC 20 for Belphegor due to vulnerability] Leaders Stats--------- Futuristic Law Enforcer PL 10 Str 18 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 16 Cha 18 Skills: Drive 12 (+15), Intimidate 12 (+16), Knowledge (civics) 12 (+14), Knowledge (streetwise) 12 (+14), Notice 12 (+15), Search 12 (+14), Sense Motive 8 (+11) Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Improved Aim, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw (draw), Startle, Ultimate Aim, Uncanny Dodge (visual) Powers: Device 4 (Enforcer handgun; easy to lose; Power Feats: Restricted 2 [DNA scan, only you]): Blast 7 (Power Feats: Accurate [auto-targeting], Ricochet; AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Penetrating], AP: Blast 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Area (Explosion)], AP: Blast 7 [Power Feats: Accurate, Subtle], AP: Stun 5 [Power Feats: Accurate; Extras: Range (Ranged)]) Equipment: Enforcer Armor (Protection 4) Combat: Attack +10, +11 (ranged), +13 (handgun), Grapple +14, Damage +4 (unarmed), +7 (handgun), Defense +11, Knockback -4, Initiative +7 Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+5 without armor), Fortitude +10, Reflex +8, Will +8 Abilities 42 + Skills 20 + Feats 17 + Powers 14 + Combat 42 + Saves 15 = Total 150
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