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Everything posted by MBCE

  1. When you were asked for the pp for that character point, who did it go to? If it went to the retired character, I would think you're out of luck, but I'll ask the other refs about the point.
  2. DARK STAR (corrected post of previous actions.) Darkstar reversed gravity quickly, sending the monster into the ceiling with tremendous force, but the blow failed to damage it. The small group of skinheads managed to quickly grab hold of the package they were looking for and resisted the force. They still floated slightly in the air though. The thugs began to use the package as an anchor and shift their way towards the large hole and their speed boat. The monster roared as it found itself upon the ceiling. It's dazzling attack failed to distrupt Dark Star's concentration.
  3. Okay, here's the problem. Without the damaging extra on your gravity control, I don'T beleive it works that way. Normally you reverse gravity, they fly up and then you cut the power having them drop to the ground taking falling damage. However, as I plan on finishing this thread by the end of next week, I'll allow it on the monster. Gain an HP as I'm having the others not be effected. Monster DC 25 (1d20+11=26) CONDITION Monster: B:1 I: Dark Star B: I: HP:+1 CREATURE STATS PL10 -2 attack/ +2 Damage -2 Defense/ +2 Toughness Attk +8 Dmg +12 (DC27 linked Corrosion DC 22) DEF +8 Toughness +12 [imprevious +10] F +12, R+8, W +5 Elogation, Corrosion, Immunity[fire,electricity, acid damage],Morph, Dazzle DC 22
  4. Just a note. As this is your third NPC, you won't be getting nay bonus PPs for this submission. I just wanted to remind you.
  5. Spread them out more. but otherwise correct. [T]---[T]-------[L]-------[T]---[T] ____________[W]_____ [T] = Thug [L] = Leader [W] = Wilson Am I right?
  6. There hasn'T been a post for some time. Is this Thread still opened? Can it be closed up?
  7. Sorry for the delays. We're in. Jos is at the telephone and Sammy is on his way to the john. The guard is between us, trying to keep a watchful eye on both of us. Notice +6 Initiative time. this guy is a minion, by the way. using Government agent [p227 main book] for stats. 1)Ghost Init 2)Guard Init (1d20+1=8, 1d20+1=7) Name--Attack--Def--Toughness--(F,R,w)---Damge Guard +3--+4--+2--(+4,+1,+6)---Pistol Toughness DC 18
  8. MBCE

    On Holy Ground

    Sammy looked at Jos, and began to fidget slightly. 'I hope this guy doesn't realize what's going on!' Sammy turned his gaze upon the giard and gave a weak smile. He placed his hands in the universal sign of bathroom time as he hopped from foot to foot. The guard watched the fidgeting man for a while before making a quick gesture for the two to enter. "Come on in. Make it quick. My boss doesn't like having visitors in the house." Both Jos and Sammy followed the man into the main foyer. The house was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. A large spiral staircase that led up to the higher levels was the main feature before them. To the left, a doorway led to what must be teh main living room area for guests. To the right, there was a small door partially ajar with security written upon it. Jos could just make out a monitor inside of the room. The guard point beyond the security room to another small door on the right. "That's the bathroom. You can go in there." Without waiting, he led Jos over to a telephone position near the secuirty room. "Here's the phone to make your call. Make it quick." The guard stood with his back to the security room where he could keep an eye on both the bathroom as well as Jos as he made his call.
  9. MBCE

    [Turf Wars] Payback

    The Thugs watched the hero and the tension slowly biult. Suddenly all four thugs opened fire on the hero. It was strange that he was only hit once. The leader continued to watch, his knife still pressed against Wilson's neck.
  10. Aw nuts is right. 1)Leader [Gange leader Pl4 p227] 2)4 thugs [thugs PL2 p229] (1d20+1=6, 1d20+1=21) Using the Gange leader p227 from the main book and thugs from p229. The Thugs however have machine pistols +3 dmg. They are all minions. And you may roll toughness rolls for them. INITIATIVE Thugs 21 Red Star 16 Leader 6 Name--attack--DEF--Toughness--(F,R,W)--DMG Thugs -- +2--+2--+3--(+4.+1,0)--Autofire Toughness DC 18 Leader -- +4--+3--+2--(+5,+4+2)---Knife Toughness DC 17 lethal Thugs fire in groups of 2s. First aid, second damage. 1) Aid attempt DC 10 2)Attack Dc 14 (1d20+2=11, 1d20+2=5, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+2=18) Hit once Toughness DC 21 due to the autofire. Leader simply watches.
  11. Sounds like something pretty cool actually. Go with it.
  12. Five targets in the room. four of which carry uzis, the fifth stands behind Wilson Jefferies a knife to his throat. Two on each side with Wilson in the center. Initiative time.
  13. MBCE

    [Turf Wars] Payback

    REd Star blasts through the window and down a few corridors, following the sound of gunfire. He blasts through a few doors as well, making his presence known well before he reaches the lower level of the Youth center. He enters a large room where he saw a man laid bleeding from bullets wounds near the door. His chest still rose indicating that he lived, but that could change. In the center of the room was an older man, tied to a chair. His head was head back by a thug with a knife to his throat. Flanking both sides and slightly apart, were four other thugs, with small machine guns aimed directly at Red Star. Obviously, his noise approach gave the thugs time to prepare for his arrival. The thug behind the tied man smiled at Red Star, obviously recognizing the hero. "Man, why you have to come in here messing with our little talk with Wilson here? Don't you know that the Southside C's don't like having their talks interrupted? Take a look at your buddy there. We showed him a thing or two." He pressed the knife against Wilson's throat and red Star could still see the fight in the beaten man's eyes. Though his mouth was covered with tape to prevent him from speaking, his eyes were still clear.
  14. ARROWHAWK The sudden sound of Arrowhawk's voice brought an immediate reaction to the children. They began looking about, unsure of where the voice was coming from. They're eyes passed over Arrowhawk's position without seeming to see the young hero. It became clear to him that he was located behind a one-way mirror. The parents could watch their children without being detected. The young six year old by the hand seemed to listen to the person underneath for a while before standing. "Help me get everyone away form the window! Miss Green says help's coming through the mirror!" Quickly, the older kids gathered up the younger ones and moved them closer to Miss Green's hand. The area before the window/mirror was now clear for Arrowhawk to enter.
  15. Dr. Brown was truely impressed. "That is extremely impressive, Doctor. We'll have to put it through some tests of its own. But that will have to wait until another time." Dr. Brown led Dr. Archeville to another section of the institue. "Here, we're going to test out your Belt, put it through its paces. Other than the flight, what else can it do?" Dr. Brown listened to the abilities that the belt had and she nodded her head. "Okay. We'll test the flight abilities, the force field, teleportation, and immovability of the device. Just let us know which you would like to use first and we can get started. You'll have three attempts to complete the various tasks. Good Luck."
  16. STAGE THREE This stage will test the abilities of your Belt. Different aspects of the belt are tested here. Roll the appropriate power vs the DCs. You have three attempts to succeed. [Flight, Force Field, Immovability, Teleport] used in any order you wish. Part 1 -- DC 10 Part 2 -- DC 15 Part 3 -- DC 20 Part 4 -- DC 25
  17. Nope. As you can see in the IC post, we'll be wrapping this thread up soon. Last minute posts?
  18. Darian feels the blow and in his weakened state, it is enough to drop him to the ground. His world begins to go dark. Chris's sudden lunge towards the smoke machine, caught the gorillas and the remaing tiger by surprise. His blow hit solidly and sparks flew from the machine. The sparks were enough to force the were creatures back as they attempted to cover their eyes. A siren suddenly went off and the room was bathed with light from above. A female voice followed the silence of the siren. "End simulation." With those two words, the non moving students all began to fade away along with the decorations of the dance. Gordy, Chris, and Darian found themselves alone in an empty room. Darian was surprised to find himself back on his feet, unharmed. A side door opened and Stephanie Hartcourt entered the room. "Nice move, Chris. Going for the machine was a very wise choice. I was wondering when you'd decide to take out the problem. Gordy, as the only one with powers, you should have tried to support your companions quicker. A high pitch tone to stun the creatures or an attack on the machine itself." She looked over at Darian and frowned, "And as I thought. You're not very resislent without your suit. We'll be giving you more physical training, young man."
  19. For a one point drawback, it works for me.
  20. Well there was a lot of robots joining. They were in pretty much disguise this time around which should solve your grievences about it. As for music, I didn'T get a very big feel of "metal" style of music. Fast paced BGM like most action movies, but no real "metal" Linkin's theme song didn't come into play until the credits so unless they did a lot of instrumentals in the movie it didn't seem like they did much in the movie. But I could be wrong. I wasn't paying that much attention to the music. Oh, that's right. You guys can see the movie now! I look forward to hearing your take on the movie. Hope I didn't ruin things for most people. Enjoy it.
  21. Wow. It's a wierd feeling to be talking about a film like this. Don't get to do that very often. :D
  22. Hmmmm, as usual, the critics forget exactly what the movie is all about. It is s summer movie!!!! If you are looking for more than explosions, fast action, silly jokes, and beautiful eye candy, then summer movies are not for you. This one was truer to the animation than the first movie. This time, it was robots vs robots. Of course that means a lot of CG, which was done quite well by the way! As for me, I really didn't think the dog humping was all that funny. Jokes like that have recently fallen flat for me. I'm surprise that Roger Ebert would say that was one of the joys of the movie though. Metal overload? Did they forget wha tteh titel of the movie was? Transformers. It means metal changing into robots. Without the metal, there's no purpose for the movie. Bay only makes movies with boy toys. If you're seeing one of his movies, expect it to be geared to the young boys in us all. And you want a master of explosions to do Romance? Are you crazy? Obviously, someone didn't watch the original cartoon when it was on Tv. That's all it was about. Robots fighting robots. I have no idea why they decided to ruin the story with people in the first film. At least this time they had more fights between robots. Yes, the CG was much better and impressive. Again, if you like explosions then this is a fairly good film. Bold statement about it possibly being the worst movie of the summer. Summer's just beginning. There should be tons to choose from for the worst movie and I really don'T think Transformers will be among them. What I would like to see is their review for the first Transformers movie to compare. Did they think Transformers was that much different?
  23. I'm going ot finish up with a thread I've got in the next two weeks. I'll try to get you started sometime during that period. Not sure it will make it for June PP awards, but it will be there for July. :)
  24. April 30th, 2009 Legend stood upon the old oild rig known to those in Freedom as the Arena. He looked up into the sky seeing only those things that his vision could see. "Ahhh, he's back! I was not sure he would return. It seems his workout here was enough to prepare him for his journey afterall," Legend said aloud as he watched Belphegor appear back in Freedom City. "It seems his trip has helped him to grow considerably in power. I wonder if he will be ready to fullfill his destiny now. The Freedom City will never be teh same again." Legend turned and walked back into the main building, a smile upon his face as he felt that forces were gathering once again.
  25. March 29th, 2009 Legend's head suddenly lifted up from the papers he was looking at when he felt the disturbance within the city. Quickly, the mysterious curator of the Arena left his office and headed outside where he could view the city. The large billowing cloud from the explosion that had occured in Riverside. "Ahh, Malice's headquarters. I did not realize that he carried such powerful hardware. It seems there are limitations to what I know about the city afterall. Hmmmm, it seems the explosion had more to it than mere explosions. I need to see what implications this will have....." Legend closed his eyes and let his sense roam, following the ripple effect of the large explosion. As he followed the waves of power, he smiled as he realized that it was not restricted to the present dimension. Legend's eyes flew open as he saw the blast of energy explode against the dimensional walls of the Zero Zone. He laughed as he saw the crack form in the prision Centurion had made for the most dangerous of Freedom's citizens. His laughter increased as he saw one form slip through that crack to return to the world. "It seems there's going to be a lot of interesting events to come! I wonder who will stop Superior now that Centurion is gone? Which hero will be foolish enough to match wits with him?" Legend turned away form the billowing smoke, shaking his head and laughing with glee as he walked back into his office.
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