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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Spitfire

    After setting everything up, and making sure his flame retardant suit was prepared, Max looked at his watch, it read 3:14.

    "Fifteen minutes till the show starts... well that's just entirely too long." Max decided since he had some time he'd take a look around. Max turned to Bertram, "Hey, I'ma go fer a walk. If'n I'm not around when the show starts, keep em busy for me wouldya?" Without another word, or allowing Bertram a chance to protest, Max jumped off the stage and started east, towards the center of the park when he came across a kissing booth, set up for charity, which advertised the chance to kiss an actual hero.

    Max smiled as he looked at the young lady at the booth. "A good lookin' one at that. Wonder if the ladie's got as much fire between her lips as I do." Without a thought for the amassing throng of would be suitors, Max pushed to the front of the line. He was a little perturbed that the lady was drawing more attention than his attraction at the moment, but he pushed that aside as he offered her a dazzling smile and laid down a hundred dollar bill on her counter.

    "Name's Maxie, ma'am. I ain't got long at all afore my show starts and I was hopin' to give a little to charity. I know it seems awful rude to jump the line, but I'm about to do some pretty dangerous fire stunts, liable to get myself burned up, and I don't see no better way to go out then gettin a kiss from you afore I burn alive. You wouldn't deny a potentially fated man's last request would ya?" Maxie smiled and touched Grimalkin's hand, keeping his voice low and sultry, piling on the southern drawl, which some women found irresistable.

  2. Spitfire

    Maxie looked out onto the crowd gathering in front of the stage set up with several barrells, hoops, and of course "The Chamber" which was the grand finale of the act. The crowd looked small, but he knew the more days he did the show, the larger the crowd would get. Maxie smiled to himself and set about putting kerosene on the ends of his fire sticks, then checking his costume for "The Chamber." Everything seemed in order, and was set up well. Noticing his mentor out of the corner of his eye, Maxie headed over to Bertram and leaned against the stage wall.

    "Small pickens of a crowd at the moment eh, sir?"

    Bertram looked over his shoulder at the crowd and back to Maxie, a weary look on his face. "Don't even think about it, Max."

    Maxie smiled his best innocent smile, "Think what, sir? I have no idea what yer talkin' about."

    Bertram grunted and narrowed his eyes, "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't go flaunting all your little gifts on that stage just to draw a bigger crowd. I love ya boy, but your ego'll do you in. You don't want to attract too much unnecessary attention. Especially in this town. Plenty of the so-called super heroes would love to get their hands on you and use you oon their "team" for their own ends. They use good phrases like "for the common good," and "doing your part for the community," but it's all bull. They got their little schemes, and don't you forget it. Hero life ain't what it's cracked up to be, just politics of a different nature, I tell ya."

    Maxie rolled his eyes looked back out at the crowd. "Someday you'll have to tell me what made ye so cynical, Bertram. I think it'd be loads of fun to be a hero."

    Bertram growled, "That's just it boy, it's not something you get into for the fun. You get into it for the fun, you get dead, or worse. Promise me you'll stick to the routine out there Max. Promise me." Bertram gave Maxie a look that was at once pleading and demanding.

    Maxie sighed, and hung his head, shaking it slightly. "Yes, sir. I promise."

  3. Spitfire

    Spitfire pulled his head out of the sink in his trailer, water trickling down over his face and newly shaved head. He rubbed briskly at his scalp, and smiled at himself in the mirror.

    "I am one han'sum sumbitch," Maxie said, then turned to put on his favorite shirt, a brown, faded shirt advertising a mexican beer. Maxie sniffed at the air, as all teenager's rooms, his smelled just a bit ripe, which wouldn't do if one of the crowd wanted to come back to his trailer and learn just how many fires Maxie could light, and where, so he turned to the nearest scented candle and spit a gout of flame from his mouth, lighting it easily. Soon the room filled with aromic smell of pumpkin spice.

    "There. That's better."

    Maxie was putting on his shoes when the announcement of his act went over the loudspeakers. He quickly finished tieing his shoes then headed for the door and out into the sun. It was a beautiful day, a great day for a show. The breeze was a little cool, but Maxie and his older counterpart were about to change all that. Maxie looked out over the growing crowd and smiled. "Show time."

  4. Zealot teleported quickly from shadow to shadow, till arriving at one of Captain Knieval's fronts. He was to meet the Captain here, for some after school "training." Zealot waited quietly in the shadows, observing the street and the buildings, always prepared for what may come.

  5. Okay, got some Edits for Zealot. The 4 pp he has unspent I want to use to buy a hard to lose device that replaces his armor. Basically the armor is imbued with better toughness due to Zealot's "faith" and should have the magic descriptor (as all his powers have that descriptor and come from his inborn magic abilities but he believes them to be faith powered).

    The device will look like this:

    Device 1 (Hard to lose) 4pp

    Protection 5

    The 1 pp from equipment freed up by this I want to be put into his Sense Motive, which will raise it to: Sense Motive 8 (+11)

    In Nomine Archeville

  6. At exactly three o'clock in the afternoon the loudspeakers interspersed throughout the park suddenly blared an announcement:

    "Thank you and welcome to Deedra's Travelling Menagerie! We hope you are enjoying the festivities thus far and would like to announce that Deedra's World Famous Fire Eaters will begin their show promptly at 3:30. All interested in seeing the finest Conquerors of Conflagaration make your way to the west side of the park as soon as possible. Again thank you for your patronage!"

  7. Zealot looked the raggedly dressed man over. Definitely one of the so called heroes of this infested city. Zealot kept an unfriendly look on his face and didn't slow his progress.

    "I suggest you stay out of my way, and though my business is my own, what I'm doing is tracking the source of these wretched constructs. It seems that the booth is the source, or atleast the origin, of how the fiends got into this mall. If you wish a surcease to these attacks on the pathetic populace of this mall I suggest you ask no more questions and no longer hinder my progress... Or so help me God I will flay the skin from your bones and make you beg for death!" Zealot ended his threat with an icy glare and the unfurling of his scourge at his hip, the weapon's many barbed tails crackling with red hateful energy.

  8. Things in the carnival:

    Rides as usual, along the north side of the park

    Games in the middle of the park

    The Menagerie is on the west side

    Food stands are dispersed throughout the grounds

    East side is dedicated to concerts and show rooms, including the petting zoo

  9. Date: October 16th-26th, 2009

    Light gleams blotchily upon silver and rust red as a tin sided truck rolls into downtown. The reflection of the sun off the truck mixes seemlessly with the sound of the horn to the ears of passerby, as if the light was voicing it's excitement at the opportunities the convoy brought with it. Deedra's Travelling Menagerie had come to Freedom City. The famous carnival hadn't come this far north in decades, only the most sagely and seasoned citizens recalled the curious sights and cotton candy the carnival had offered to all ages. The brightly colored faces on the side of the beat up trucks brought smiles and fluttering hearts to the children who witnessed their entrance off the freeway. A small niche of citizens stood in Liberty Park, watching the Carnival set up on a brisk October day.

    There were few clouds in the sky of a month known for rainshowers, almost as if the Carnival itself cast away the dreery parts of the season and left only the brilliantly colored foliage and harvest themes. The children cheered when they saw the banner go up around the makeshift fences around the carnival, displaying the opening day and the times. Deedra's Travelling Menagerie would be in town for a full ten days! Two weekends of fried oreos, fat turkey legs, fast rides and fun games. There was, of course, also the Menagerie, a collection of the strangest among the strange, including such standby's as the bearded ladie and the contortionists. Deedra's was most famous for it's truely amazing fire eaters, however. In a world of super heroes and awesome powers, the fire eaters were still able to surprise and amaze, as if the spectacles of what could be commonplace with the right gadgets and spells were somehow more mystifying when unexplained, when an air of the mysterious hung to it.

    Even in a world of jets and space shuttles, people loved their magic tricks.

    The week of preparation went by fast for most, but slow for the ever excited children, but eventually Deedra's gates opened to the public. This would be a tenday Freedom City would come to remember, for it would be the last time Deedra's Travelling Menagerie would grace it's scenic Liberty Park.

  10. Character Name: River Rat

    Synopsis: After a night of meeting other heroes and tracking down leads to the head of the mob in Freedom City, River Rat has stirred up a nest of troubles. Angered by the humiliation of their mooks at the hands of River Rat and the other teenage hero he had with them, La Cosanostra has put out a hit on poor ole Jackie, and they have hired Ronin to do the deed.

    Basically the idea is that Ronin ambush River Rat in his hotel room, kidnap the crap out of him, take him somewhere private, and Breakdown has to come in for the rescue. Seeing as how River Rat is P6 and Ronin is PL10 there's no way Jackie's gonna be able to handle this one himself. Warmonger has opted to run his npc villain Ronin for this thread and Quote has offered Breakdown's services as savior, now all we need is a ref!

    Max Players: Already pretty much full, but if another Hero happens to happen along the rescue op, I guess one more wouldn't hurt, but so far we got Quote and Warmonger and myself.

    #of threads PC is in atm: 0

  11. Okay, timeline wise, when do we want this to take place? I was thinking October 16th-26th, that's a Friday to the following Monday, gives the kiddies two weekends to convince their parents to take them, hehe. Is that alright with everyone?

  12. Zealot cursed under his breath. The last thing he needed was a confrontation with one of the so called heroes. Still, his need to eradicate the source of the magical intrusion was paramount. Making a decision, Zealot stood up, no longer trying to hide himself, walking towards the booth, a scowl upon his face as he all but ignored the woman and the man standing there.

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