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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Hmm, a poker night... I don't know if that sounds like something River Rat would do.... OF COURSE that sounds awesome! Jackie would be in in a heartbeat as he is a professional poker player. Of course, others might not wanna play with him because of that.

  2. Zealot

    You do realize you're in a book store, right? There's no stalls to hide in. He could move behind a display and change, though there's a good chance people saw the blast he did.

    EDIT: I'll assume you dashed behind a display to change and move you on.

    I had moved into the restroom to change and there were gremlins in there back on like page 3 remember?

  3. Zealot was taken aback by the boy's brashness and steely demeanor. He was trying to stammer out a reply when he felt the warm, invisible fingers close around his eyes and his magical senses screamed at him. Zealot seethed in a breath, slapping the hands away and back flipping over his invisible "assailant."

    "You!" Zealot curses. This was not something he wanted to do right now. He did not like being flustered by the likes of a tainted one. "You are a witch! I knew my instincts were correct." Zealot took a second to settle his nerves and stared in the girl's general direction. "What exactly are you doing here, Child of the Tainted?"

  4. The red lightning blasts in all directions, catching the five creatures unawares. Energy courses through them and they slump to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. Zealot smiles to himself on a job well done, then dons his armor in one of the ruined stalls.

  5. You'll get about 5 gremlins in that blast, but you'll be hitting bystanders as well. As the effect is targeted, there is no reflex save given to reduce the damage. The bystanders are considered minions as well. Let's say you hit about 2 bystanders in the blast as well.

    The bystanders, sound reasonable?

    EDIT: You get a lot more than 5 in that blast! Took me a moment to remember that it was a radius effect. You also hit a lot more than 2 bystanders as well. You catch 20 of the gremlins in that blast and 10 bystanders.

    Alright sounds good to me

  6. Jackie watched the kid fly off, then waited another minute for the limo to show. Once there, he got in and directed the driver back to the casino. A nice massage and a comfortable bed were all he had in mind for the night. His mind did venture to the future, and he smiled when he thought of just how many mobsters he was going to send to the clink with his newfound info. He was happy to be supplying grief for an institution that had done so much to make his life harder than it had to be.

  7. Jackie smiled at the boy and inputed his information in his jewel encrusted phone, then jotted down the frequency.

    "Yeah sure I'll give you a call when I go lookin for more trouble. You're alright kid, it's been fun workin with ya. You're right, I do have quite a bit of experience with mobsters, more's the pity. When I call you up I'll let you in on a few secrets I've learned through the years." Jackie looked down to his phone and texted his driver his current position.

    "Anyways, I got my driver coming to meet me here to take me back to the casino. You need a lift anywhere?"

  8. Zealot

    Victor looked around the room as he strode purposely into the room. It wasn't exactly necessary to make an entrance looking like he wanted to rip someone's face off, but better safe then sorry. Surveying the other "student" gathered, he mentally searched for the presence for magic inclination but came up empty so far. Victor narrowed his eyes and continued his scan. The lack of magic users so far was encouraging, but that did not mean the rest of the coming students were trustworthy defenders of God, or even on the level. Zealot hadn't survived a massacre of his order by being naive. Some would call it paranoid, Victor saw it as informed prudence.

    Victor looked over the guy flipping the coin. He was shorter than Victor and not nearly as physically intimidating but Victor knew that didn't preclude the boy being dangerous. Victor kept his face guarded, careful not to show emotion or give his thoughts away. The lack of pupils that the character had was a bit disturbing, but it wasn't the first dead glance he'd seen. Victor remembered the look of the blacksmith that crafted the scourge he now wore at his waste and how he looked in a pool of darkening blood. Witchbreaker was a comfortable and familiar weight on his side. He idly tapped it as he continued to study the only other student in the room.

  9. Jackie shook his head and headed for the door.

    "Actually I don't plan on hitting this portion of the lead up tonight. Mobsters everywhere, even their informants, are tight enough to warn each other about heroes snooping around. We go in there tonight and I promise there will be an army of gooninis and goombas to fight through. Let's let them wait a couple days, let them think they're okay. Then we hit them, fast and hard."

  10. An eternity later, Victor groans, putting his hands beneath him and hauling himself to a kneeling position. His thoughts were a blur and his vision was clouded with blood. He felt his face as a means of inspection and found his nose broken.

    Strong creature, that one. Must be a vampire, considering he drank my blood and read my thoughts. With that slight rememberance the font of questions flowed in. Victor Harrow? Where did he get that name? My name is Cross, not Harrow. Perhaps He offered me some protection from the monster's probing. Victor wasn't sure about that, but it was the safest assumption to make... wasn't it? Victor shook his head and put his hand to his nose, clenching gingerly. He would have to do it quick to avoid too much pain...then with a quick jerk and disgusting wet crunch he set his nose back into place. Pain whited everything out for a second and he nearly fell back to the floor, but he steadied himself and eventually sat up.

    This place isn't safe anymore, and considering that the so called heroes have been working with monsters I should probably dispose of all evidence of my being here. With that Victor headed to the other room and picked up a can of gasoline. A few minutes later, Victor was walking out the door as the warehouse exploded, being ravaged in the acccelerated fire. Victor's eyes shown wildly in the firelight as he walked back towards Shadow Academy. The monster had gotten the best of him, and scared him more than he would let himself believe, but the pious rage and hatred burned even hotter than the blaze behind him. He would make the monster pay for his transgression. He would make them all pay. For that, though, he'd need help, and tainted or not, he'd need the help of the Headmistress and the rest of the Shadow Academy. Yes, he would gather allies, and then, he'd meet the monster again... And next time, it would be his turn to be afraid.

  11. Using my burst area attack, first attack, not so good, got a 10

    VP for reroll gets me a 18 with the +10 for the reroll makes it 28. Hopefully that hits. Power attacked for 4 which makes the Reflex save DC 22 and the toughness save DC 27

    EDIT: Need to know how many I hit with that burst before, burst area is 60ft radius.

  12. Victor seethed in a breath and slowly drew out Witchbreaker. Hopefully these things were weaker than they looked. He brought out Witchbreaker and slammed it to the ground, bringing out a burst of red crackling energy in every direction.

  13. Zealot's face stretched in horror, bucking uselessly against his captor he screamed in fear as the teeth sank into his skin and the creature's will into his mind. There was nothing he could do, he was petrified. He'd never felt so helpless, so completely and utterly defenselss. In a small corner of his mind he wondered if that's what the girl had felt, or any other's he hunted. Is that what he did to the tainted?...

  14. Zealot tried to reign in his mind, but it just wouldn't listen.

    "Those silver lines denote something witch-like, yes. I don't know though... I just.. can't... damnit!" Zealot knew only one way to control the situation. He'd have to leave and come back to this, when he was clear headed. He had no idea what this woman was, or if she even warranted killing. He just knew her movement was mesmerising and completely distracting. Without another word Zealot moved to the nearest shadow and vanished from sight. Leaving the blasted Succubus behind and not looking back.

  15. Of all the things Zealot had been trained to battle and face. Witches, monsters, you name it. He was completely at a loss when it came to feminine wiles. His mouth worked soundlessly for a few seconds as the girl sidled up to him. He tried to stop staring and say something threatening, but nothing came out. He shook his head and took a step back off the car.

    "I'm no professional killer. I am not some hireling free to do anyone's bidding. I answer to a Higher Calling. I simply took those thugs out because, as I see it you seem right up my alley, so to speak. I mean, for me to kill...not... uh... anything else" Zealot was obviously flustered, his stammering and red face gave it all away.

    Victor hated this, he hated the feeling he had now, of not knowing how to proceed. Not knowing what to do about this. Simply not knowing.

  16. The punch was devestating. Stars and multicolored lights sprang up before Zealot's vision and he could do little to stop the coming man-handling. His body seemed not to want to cooperate and mind seemed even less able to function. If it wasn't for the creature's hold on him, he might have just collapsed to the floor.

  17. Zealot snarls and looks to his ruined armor.

    "You will pay for that!" Zealot flips in the air over the insanely strong figure and aims a his asp for the man's back and hits solidly. The impact sends a ringing through his fist from the unnaturally solid skin.

  18. Zealot stands from his kneeling position and flicks the scourge absently.

    "Hero? No girl, I am no hero. I am a Knight of the Order of the Unyielding Law. I hunt witches and bring them to justice."

    Zealot looks over the girl, simply amazed by her bravado.

    "You're lack of fear in this situation is either impressive, insane, or just plain stupid. I'm inclined to think it the first. You look familiar somehow. Have I killed one of your friends or something?"

  19. okay, Zealot's gonna use a move action to Acrobatic Bluff to get Avenger flat footed. gets a 32 natural 20, ouch, I guess you counter with Acrobatics, Will or Sense motive

    Will power attack with his asp for 5, got a 17 to hit, which if Avenger is flat-footed will hit I suppose

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