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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Dropping down on the thugs in the center of their group and using the targeted burst area strike. Taking ten I hit all within a 45 foot area and they have to make a dc 23 toughness save (which they can't) so there ya go.

  2. Zealot noticed that this probably wasn't going to go well for the girl, no matter how brazen she was and how scared they were. Can't have these petty low lifes taking all my fun!

    Zealot dropped down in the middle of them, on the car, and brought his scourge down as well, sending an outward radiating blast of red crackling light that struck each of the thugs, sending jolts through them.

  3. Zealot doesn't say a word, he just bolts over to the wall where the rope is hanging and busts the hook, dropping Phantom back into the ice cold water. He turns to the black clad figure and smiles mockingly while taking a defensive posture.

    "What to do, what to do eh creature?"

  4. Zealot flitted over the rooftops, watching the girl with the glowing silver lines all over her body. He smelled the magic on her and wondered what she thought she was doing, walking around alone with predators on the prowl.

    He watched as she plugged one of the would be thugs and raised an eyebrow. No threats, no please, just bang. I hate to say it, but I'm impressed. He kept watching as he moved stealthily to a better vantage point to watch the show.

  5. Zealot was highly perturbed by the interuption and looked at the newcomer. He did not smell of magic but he moved damned fast and was strong. Before he could reach for it, the man ripped Witchbreaker from his belt, which did not please Zealot at all.

    "Meddling Interloper! You will pay for that with your life." Zealot snarled and crouched down in a wary stance.

  6. It looks like most warehouses you see on docks. All wood planking, a high rafter with a second floor, which only comes out from the backwall about halfway for storage. A couple side rooms including an office and cellar. The ceiling is rigged with a pulley system and several chains ending in hooks and other implements are hung from the rafters. Think Little House on the Prairie meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre. :twisted:

  7. Zealot sighed and gave Phantom a reproving look. "You're starting to bore me kitten. You don't want that, I promise you. I can bring upon you such pain that you'd beg for the cessation of death rather an endure another second. I have studied pain like most study for schooling." Zealot produced Witchbreaker and dangled it in front of Phantom.

    "You remember this? It's a beautiful tool, really. So many different techniques one can perform with it. You have not even seen a tenth of what I can do with this, sorceress. Perhaps after I string you up by these hooks and chains I will show you. It will take some time, but I think you're worth it." Victor walked to a wall and grabbed an old hanging light, the kind that plugged into wall sockets and broke the glass against the door jam. Victor sidled up to Phantom and brought the light, no exposed, close to Phantom's face, the heat and light blinding. He then hovered it over the barrel of water, showing her just what he had in mind.

    "Last chance darling. From here on out I get dirty. Give me a name, and maybe I'll spare you."

  8. September Edits for River Rat

    +2 ranks in Notice (bringing the total modifier to +10)

    +2 ranks in Sense motive (bringing the total modifier to +10)

    and 1 more rank in Benefit Wealth (Making it Benefit Wealth 2)

    that's all and thanks!

    Done by Sandman XI

  9. River Rat looked shocked. "Let him go? Oh heavens no. We're not gonna let him go, we're gonna hand him over to the police. Go ahead and call them."

    The thug sputtered "But, I told you everything I know!"

    "Oh and I appreciate it, but you are a criminal, and vile, and you smell bad. You need a delousing." With that Jackie tied the man's hands with a spare bar rag and set him in a chair. Then tied him to the chair and blindfolded him.

    "There, he should keep for the police that way."

  10. Zealot smiled, "Oh I don't need you to believe me. It happened. Right before my eyes. The ironic thing is I was brought here by one of you magic using abominations. If they'd have just killed me you'd be just fine."

    Zealot dropped the rope, splashing Phantom into the water again, then decided to move some things around while she was in there. He did not know she couldn't drown, but it didn't seem to bother him as he set about setting up chains and hooks beside the tank. It took him about a minute, then he went back to the rope and hauled her up. In front of her face was a large, rusty meat hook. He set the rope and walked back over to her.

    "You will talk. Tell me of your friends," Zealot looked at Phantom and brought his hand up to her face, softly gliding two fingers across her cheek. "You are rather pretty for an abomination. Perhaps there are better ways to make you talk." There was a dark glee in his eyes as he turned from her and idly fingered the rusty hook. "I must remember my vows however. Work before pleasure and all. Now, tell me."

  11. So I came across this idea after helping Angel with her backstory. Basically I see this as the RP version of Shaen's optimization thread. There are some not as comfortable with the setting or what style we're going for, and this will help with that. Also there are some who aren't as creatively minded (and that's okay!) so those of us who write as a hobby or job will be quite willing to help those not gifted in that area. (That's right, I just threw the rest of you writers under the bus!)

    So here it is, if you have questions, or want to request help with a backstory or origin idea, feel free to post here. I'll help the best I can and I'm sure others will throw in with their ideas as well. Don't feel obligated by any means to take the ideas here as written in stone. It's your character, put your own spin on it if you got ideas. I don't think any of us will balk about intellectual property. ;)

    P.S. If you don't feel comfortable discussing this here, feel free to pm me or anyone else who throws in to help out (if they say it's okay anyways).

  12. Zealot snarls and finds the nearest bathroom. He changes into his armor as quickly as possible. If these things were magical constructs of some kind, he was going to destroy them, slash them to ribbons, then find out where they came from and rinse and repeat. Victor smiled to himself, today isn't turning out to be as boring as I'd thought!

  13. The gang leader trembled visibly. He licked his lips and looked around. "Alright alright, listen, I take my orders from Joey Castillo, but he takes his orders from Tom Carlotte. He's lookin to make a name for himself. He figures takin' control of The Fens is the first step. He keeps sayin that the other mob bosses are like "Thebens after the fall of Phillip, and he will be the Alexander to take back Macedonia." I have no idea what he's talkin' about, but he sounds crazy, so we listen so we don't get dead." The man relaxed and lowered his eyes. "That's all I know, can I go now?"

    Jackie smiled and looked over to Breakdown. "I think we're done here, what about you partner? You got any questions?"

  14. Victor saw the fear flash over her visage and smiled through her taunt. "You tainted mages are all alike, sticking together in such a close knit group that bringing down one means the doom of the rest. Let me share with you a lesson I learned the hard way. You are alone, and if you're not, others will go to great lengths to ensure that you are. Your kind did so for me, you destroyed my Order and killed all my friends. It amazes me that creatures like yourself can feel anything resembling compassion, but I'll use whatever I can get. Tell me of your friends, and I promise their fate will be much less gruesome than yours."

    Victor moved back to the rope and unhooked it, readying to dunk her back in to the freezing water.

  15. The gang leader spat a curse, exasperated and dropped the gun, holding up his hands.

    "Okay, ya got me, now what is it you want? Ask quickly cuz I might just decide to be taken in."

    Jackie smiles at him and walks up to him, sap in hand. "We heard you might have information on mob activity in the area. Maybe you can tell me who your boss is and how I can reach him? If you're not feeling divulgeatory my friend can always sock you like he did your pet gorilla." River Rat makes a lazy motion towards Breakdown and smiles disarmingly.

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