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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. "Impudent Harlot!" Zealot screamed as he backhanded Phantom across the face, leaving an angry red mark.

    "Do not test my patience! If I were so small I would not have brought you down with such ease. Indeed God has made me his hand in this. The truth is in the fact that you are under my control. Do not dare insult me again, or I'll show you what other tricks the Order taught me." The angrier he got, the more his apparently young age showed. He would drop the archaic speech patterns and his words would fly unchecked from his mouth. Victor took in a deep breath. He had to keep control of his emotions. He blew the calming air out his nose.

    "Now, since you are an obviously unrepentent fool, and no more can be gained from trying to free you from your wickedness, why don't you tell me of your cloaked brethren? How many Tainted live in this city? What are their names? Who leads you? Perhaps if your answers please me we will forgoe the thumbscrews and what not and go straight to the beheading." Zealot brandished a friendly smile that would make the most ardent spring flowers wilt.

  2. Zealot sneared at Phantom's defiance, rage building behind his eyes.

    "Sino non a veneficus vivo," Suffer not a witch to live Zealot snarled as he dropped her back into the barrel. Leaving her there longer this time before pulling her back up.

    "I can do this for as long as it takes, child." Zealot moved up to her and held up the hem of his black and red cloak. "Kiss the cloak, surrender your soul unto His mercy and expel your evils. Know His glory one last time before you die. It need not be painful."

  3. Back at the warehouse, Victor set to tieing Phantom up, securing her with rope and manacles. He draped the rope around a pulley the old warehouse had that was still functional and lifted her unconscious form from the ground, upside down. He moved the large oil drum, filled with ice water, beneath her and started pacing in front of her, gathering the plan in his mind, setting his will to the task. He looked at her face as she basked in the darkness of unconsciousness and he hated thinking that she may be comfortable in her mind. He barged to the rope where it was tied off and undid the knot, then let the unconscious heroine drop into freezing water. Leaving her there for ten seconds before bringing her back up out of the water.

    "Good morning, starshine. The earth says: Hello!" He sang the words to her, as he imagined many mothers and fathers did to their children, though coming from his mouth, the lyric twisted into a fearful taunt.

    "I hope I'm not disturbing you, harlot, but I have other plans for tonight so if you would kindly confess your sins of witchcraft and beg God's forgiveness, I can end your miserable existence quickly and go about my night."

  4. Stealth Roll of 29 not so hot but hope it wil do. Also wondering if the creature sets off magical super senses. For right now I'm just studying the thing, trying to keep it from noticing me as I move in.

  5. "Madre de Dio!" Victor cursed under his breath. What was this creature? Was it magical in nature? He looked the thing over as best he could, reaching out with his mind as it raked at the electronics. Victor took a readying stance and cautiously approached the creature, hand straying to inside his duffle bag, wrapping around the handle of Witchbreaker nervously.

  6. Zealot stood over the beaten sorceress and his eyes glowed an insane fire.

    "It's all perfunctory at this stage, but I suppose I must have you confess and give you the chance to beg mercy of the Lord for a quick death."

    Zealot flicked the scourge back onto his belt and lifted the girl onto his shoulder. She weighed little, and would be easily suspended above the dunking tank he had set up in the warehouse at the docks. With malicious thoughts spiraling through his brain, each begging to be put to practice, Zealot stepped into the shadows, and disappeared from sight with Phantom in tow.

    "Let this be a proper warning to the fool magelings at Shadow Academy that dare stand against me. I am their doom."

  7. Seeing as well as feeling the shield go up around Phantom caused him to snarl in defiance. I've hit her with everything I've got! She should be on the floor!

    Unwilling to give an inch, Zealot twirls, and does a backflip onto the bed, then snaps out his scourge, an angry red glow coming from it this time, wrapping around the shield, attempting to crumble it to dust.

  8. Zealot smiled wolfishly as the bloodlust started to overtake him.

    "Not likely heretic. Let's dance!"

    Zealot jerked the barbed wire away and lashed out with it again, aiming for Phantom's waist. The scourge, Witchbreaker, sparked again as it connected, wrapping around to lash against Phantom's back.

  9. As the girl scrambled from the bed Zealot let a tentative smile play across his lips. He unfurled the scourge at his side and swung it in a looping arc, silver sparks flying from the barbed wire as it connected.

    "Taste the righteous vengeance of one of The Order of the Unyielding Law! Feel the sting of truth!"

  10. Standing on a rooftop, listening to the night, Zealot leaned hard against the rising wind. The moon was bright and yellow. Zealot smiled to himself. It was a hunter's moon. As he mused a flicker went through his mind, his eyes narrowed and his gaze shot across the street where an apartment light suddenly came on. Zealot knew what it was, and snarled under his breath.

    Cursed mageling, I can feel your Taint from here. You will know my wrath soon. You will know fear.

    Without a sound, Zealot flitted from the roof, to the ground, and slunk across the streets, using the shadows for cover. His mind still tingled from the presence of magic, it built a fire of hatred and rage in his gut. From a safe, hidden vantage point Zealot watched the window, and waited for the lights to go out.

    As they will all too soon for you, heretic. All too soon.

    When the light blinked out, Zealot made his way to an opposite rooftop, to get a glimpse of the room inside the window. He waited for the pretend safety of sleep to overcome his prey, then using the shadows, ghosted into Phantom's bedroom.

  11. Doh! alright then here we go.

    Zealot - A tall man for his 16 years, he has short, close cropped hair that is straight and black. His skin is tan, like a man used to working outside. His features are a bit hawkish, an angular nose, pronounced chin, and lips that form a thin line. His cheekbones are high and well pronounced as well. His costume consists of plate mail made of titanium with silver inlays of roses and a cross on the breastplate. He wears a long red cape with a black cross on it, much in the style of crusaders of the middle ages. His Helmet covers his identity well enough and is one that more resembles a roman specula than those of english make, so as to leave him with his vision unobstructed. His bottom half is done all in black leather, black leather boots and pants. He has quite a bit of muscle and frowns near constantly.

    River Rat- A mid sized man that likes to make himself as seen as possible. He is tan and has a sparkling white grin that he shows often. He wears green tinted sunglasses and a satin 3 peice suit that looks like it's made of hundreds of plaing cards. He wears a lot of gold, platinum and diamons, including the gold bracelets (3) he won at the WSOP. He often rides in a limo the color of a brand new dollar bill.

  12. Victor moved into the bookstore and at once noticed some white stationary with gold lines on it. Maybe a tad too ostentatious... He then picked up a few notebooks, one black, one red, and one white, each with three separate sections in them for different subjects. He idly snatched up a bag of pens and one of pencils, then headed to the music section. Victor had only seen a cd once before, and most of the music he'd never heard of. However, Victor noticed in the classical section a few chant cd's with composers he was familiar with. Bach's Mass in B Minor he remembered as one of his favorites and grabbed it up, as it was the last copy.

    Victor smiled to himself and muttered, "Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi, indeed."

  13. If you ever get time I wouldn't mind your rendition of River Rat and Zealot. It would be neat to see what you can come up with. Their description should be good enough but if you have questions shoot me them, thanks!


  14. The Bruiser is completely taken aback by the fact that Breakdown not only isn't on the floor, but is also dancing! He never even saw the uppercut coming as it connected squarely onto his chin, lifting him from the floor and throwing him back against the wall. The thug was not going to be getting up anytime soon.

  15. Zealot moved around the mall as he moved around most places, like a predator, stalking prey. He was a little more at ease this time around as his prey were merely school supplies, even that being the case, he was ever on the look out for the tainted heretics that had magical bent. He wondered if the backwords fools even had civilian clothing, or if they always dressed in their ridiculous satanic robes.

    Zealot looked down at his shopping list... Notebooks, writing utensils, candles, chalk, salt...What exactly would he need chalk and salt for? Zealot shook his head and continued his perusal while pulling up the strap of his duffle bag, where he kept his pride and joy, Witchbreaker, though today it shared it's space with the items he had already gathered. He probably cut an odd figure, walking around the mall with a large black trenchcoat buttoned high, especially for the beginning of September, but as he looked around and saw the various fashions present in the mall, he thought to himself... I suppose I'm not the strangest looking kid here today, look at all those safety pins in that girl's face!

  16. Okay guys, I just noticed this little thread, and though I am wary of sharing who I really am with you seedy individuals, I suppose I'll take the risk ;)

    I'm a 27 yr old man, from Texas, living there now. Spent time in the Navy as a Sonar Technician on board submarines. Been playing roleplaying games since I was a teen. Spent much of my life practicing varying martial arts, playing guitar, writing poems/stories, and studying philosophy and technology in general. I've been married and divorced once, had one child who died shortly after birth, have been around the world, twice now, and have generally made everyone else's life as miserable as possible :twisted:. Only kidding. There's not a lot that's terribly interesting to tell about me, so this is rather short, but you people get the basic gist of things. I'm a fairly open person, so if anyone has any questions or needs anything, don't be afraid to ask.


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