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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. The Big burly bruiser snarled a challenge, obviously engraged by Breakdown's taunt. The bruiser charges Breakdown, taking awild swing at Breakdown's head and connects viciously on his temple.

    The gang leader pulls out an old fashioned hand cannon, probably a .44 and levels a shot into Jackie's chest.

    Jackie staggers back a step, coughing out a breath,his eyes clear and anger enters his eyes for the first time. His lip curls and he spits on the ground. "That the best you got fella? I think yer outta yer league." Jackie says derisively.

  2. Cold. Darkness. Pain. These are the things that Victor awoke to find in his company. His broken body lay in the fetal position at the steps of a large wooden door. He was being racked back and forth by shivers from the cold rain falling on his skin and his battered armor. He tried to remember what had transpired that saw him transported to this place.

    "Grow strong, youngling, and return to wreak destruction on those who have wronged you."

    It came to him in a flash, the words of the filthy wizard that brought him to this place. Why the wizard did not simply end Victor's life was a mystery to the boy, but he smiled to himself bitteryly, it was a choice the disgusting fool will learn to regret. Just then the large door opened, and a woman's face greeted Victor's eyes. At once Victor could sense the Taint on her. The boy heaved in a breath, "I can smell what you are, witch, begone while you have a chance to flee me, for when I regain my strength I will hunt your kind to extinction for the harm you have done to me and my order. The old man was a fool to bring me here, I will be your ruin!" Victor spat at her feet and attempted to rise, his limbs shaking with the effort before finally collapsing again.

    "My aren't we the zealot," The Headmistress mused at the broken boy. "Bring him inside, we have much to teach this one."

  3. Jackie dives for cover behind a nearby table, laughing gallantly. "Come on boys, let's at least fight fair!"

    Just then the already structurally unsound ceiling topples down onto the three lesser thugs, crumpling them into unconciousness. A bleary eyed vagrant peers up from the pile, obviously being the weight that caused the cave in.

    Jackie pumps his arm into the air. "Buy that man another round!"

  4. I can imagine his first conversation with the headmistress "I smell the Taint on you, Headmistress, it is like a rancor that permeates my mind. To be succinct.... you smell bad." :lol:

  5. As soon as Zealot is approved, he's in for Shadow Academy. However, that means Shadomancer is out, had to archive him. If we wanna turn him into an npc teach though that's fine with me, but I think we'll find plenty of teacher rolls.

  6. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 10 (154/154pp)

    Trade-Offs: +2 Attack for -2 Damage, +2 Defense for -2 Toughness

    Unspent PP: 0

    Characters Name: Zealot

    Alternate Identity: Victor Cross (Real name is Victor Harrow, given to him by his mother before her death)

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 168 lbs

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Description: Zealot wears a black cloak with a red Cross on the back of it, identifying him as a witch hunter. He wears plate mail made by the Order of the Unyielding Law (the militant monastic order of witch hunters where he was raised) which is made of titanium with silver inlays of roses and a cross. His hear is shoulder length and straight, his eyes are dark and his stare is very intense. He has a birthmark on his stomach that's in the shape of a crescent moon (which identifies him as being born of a witch, but he does not know that).

    History: Victor was loved by his parents, and his early childhood would have been the stuff of fairy tales had his mother and father not been burned at the stake for Witchcraft by a secretive order of witch hunters, who are the descendants of members of the Spanish Inquisition. Not willing to give up their pursuit of purifying the world of it's evils, they continued in secret, and still do to this day.

    When the order learned that the witches they "purified" had a child, they took that child to live in their secret monastery in Spain, where they raised him for most of his life, training him in the edicts and ways of witch hunting. Victor showed great promise as he had an instinctive ability to root out magical forces, due mostly to his heritage. He also showed a great aptitude for the use of a archaic weapon known as a scourge, a torture device that basically resembled a cat o' nine tails made of barbed wire with a wooden handle. The master weaponsmith of the order made a special scourge for Victor, as he had a soft spot for the boy. The weapon was miraculous, and Victor saw it as the perfect tool to administer his faith. Victor doesn't know that, though beautiful, the scourge is just a normal weapon, and his faith, coupled with an inborn talent for magic, are what give the scourge it's power.

    Victor grew up a pinnacle of the order's beliefs. Having a seething hatred for magic and all users of it, and a zeal that was without contestation for tracking down and purifying those said evils. When Victor was 15, the Monastery was attacked by a band of mystics, who destroyed the monastery and killed many inside. They recognized Victor as an offspring of magic and told him that he was one of The Blooded. They did not explain this any further, and Victor lashed out, rage and anguish filling him, inspiring murderous madness. He was subdued, and one of the less vengeful of these mystics, though still ruthless and cunning, teleported him to Freedom City, unconscious at the doorstep of The Shadow Academy. The Wizard whispered in his ear as he slept "Grow strong, youngling, and return to wreak destruction on those who have wronged you." Victor remembered those words, but he believes them to mean to continue his cause of eradicating magic and it's practitioners, not finding the remnants of the Order.

    Victor now continues his education at the Shadow Academy, who have great plans for their resident religious fanatic. Some of the teachers, and the Head Mistress, know of Victor's true past, though they keep this a secret from him. Victor finds his new home adequate, though the new rule set is a bit more lax than he was used to. Whether or not he wishes to be there, Victor will do as he always does, strive to be the best, the most dedicated, the most feared. He knows no other way.

    Personality & Motivation: Victor is unusually well disciplined for a teenager, as his upbringing was done under strict codes and rules with severe punishments for transgression. Victor excels under pressure, and loves a challenge, though can be quite irrational where his faith and the faiths of others are involved. He sees his beliefs as "right" and everyone else's as "wrong." He is openly hostile to any he thinks may be magic users and this causes some tension between him and most of his classmates. His narrow-minded coupled with his severe and serious demeanor make him unpopular at best, but few of the students will dare cross him, as he will lash out to any provocation in a swift and decisive manner, meaning he will put anyone down hard who gets in his face.

    Powers & Tactics: Victor likes to attack from cover or the shadows, bring his foe down quickly, and leave the bloody mess for others to clean up. His favored weapon is known for it's ability to cause horrendous pain. Victor loves to tell people that it isn't so much getting hit with the scourge that causes pain, but the rending of the flesh as it's torn away that is truly excruciating. Victor is sadist and delights in the pain of others. He has on multiple occasions tied up someone he suspects of witchcraft and beat them into admitting it. In battle, if Victor can not drop someone fast, he tends to try and find a way of neutralizing them, either by snaring them with the scourge, or ripping their weapons from their hands.

    Complications: Hatred (Magic Users), Obsession (Witch Hunting, Being the Best)

    Stats: 36pp

    Str: 16 (+3)

    Dex: 20 (+5)

    Con: 16 (+3)

    Int: 14 (+2)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 14 (+2)

    Combat: 32pp

    Attack: +8 (+12 w/ scourge)

    Grapple: +11

    Defense: +12 (+4 flat-footed)

    Knockback: -2 (-4 w/ armor)

    Initiative: +9

    Saves: 13pp

    Toughness: +8 (+3 Con, +5 Armor)

    Fortitude: +6 (+3 Con, +3)

    Reflex: +10 (+5 Dex, +5)

    Will: +8 (+3 Wis, +5)

    Skills: 100r = 25pp

    Acrobatics 12 (+17)

    Climb 2 (+5)

    Concentration 4 (+7)

    Diplomacy 4 (+6)

    Gather Information 6 (+8)

    Intimidate 8 (+10)

    Knowledge: Arcane Lore 8 (+10)

    Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy 4 (+6)

    Notice 12 (+15)

    Search 8 (+10)

    Sense Motive 8 (+11)

    Stealth 15 (+20)

    Survival 7 (+10)

    Languages [Latin, English] (Base: Spanish)

    Feats: 15pp

    Acrobatic Bluff

    Attack Specialization 2 ( Scourge)

    Defensive Attack

    Dodge Focus 4


    Equipment 1

    Hide In Plain Sight

    Improved Initiative

    Power Attack

    Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Stealth, Survival)

    Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)


    Masterwork Manacles (As Handcuffs, +2DC) 2ep

    Asp (+2 dmg, Mighty) 3ep

    Powers: 29pp

    Device 5 ("Witchbreaker Scourge", easy to lose; PFs: Restricted (Magic Blooded), Indestructible) (15pp + 2 PF = 17pp)

    *Base: Strike 5 (Extra: Autofire [on 8 ranks]; PFs: Mighty, Extended Reach 4 [25ft], Improved Trip, Improved Disarm) (Base 20pp + 5 PF: Alternate Powers = 25pp)

    *AP: Snare 8 (Extra: Backlash; Flaw: Touch Range; PF: Extended Reach 4 [25ft])

    *AP: Nullify 8 (All Magic Powers at once; Extra: Concentration Duration; Flaw: Touch Range; PF: Extended Reach 4)

    *AP: Drain Strength 8 (Extra: Poison; PF: Extended Reach 4 [25ft])

    *AP: Strike 5 (Extra: Vampiric 8; PFs: Mighty, Extended Reach 4 (25ft), Improved Trip, Improved Disarm]

    *AP: Strike 8 (Extra: Targeted 40-ft. Burst Area; PF: Affects Insubstantial 2)

    Device 1 (Armor; 5 points; Hard to Lose) (4pp)

    Protection 5

    Super Senses 6 [Detect Magic (Ranged)(Mental Sense), Tracking, Danger Sense, Darkvision] 6pp

    Teleport 6 (600 feet/20 miles; Flaw: Medium/Shadows) 6pp

    Drawbacks: 0pp

    DC Block:


    Scourge Strike: 23/Toughness: Bruise/Injury

    Snare: 18/Reflex: Snare

    Area Strike: 23/Toughness: Bruise/Injury

    Vampiric Strike: 23/Toughness: Bruise/Injury

    Nullify All Magic: 18/Power Check: Nullify

    Costs: Abilities (36) + Combat (32) + Saves (13) + Skills (25) + Feats (15) + Powers (33) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost 150/154

  7. River Rat notices that the good cop technique isn't going as well as planned and moves to pull Breakdown back a bit. The Obvious leader smiles a wolfish smile and shakes his head. "I'm afraid the only information I'm gonna give you is your estimated time of death. Boys, bring me their tongues!"

    The makeshift bar suddenly breaks into motion, all the thugs sit up, knocking the table over to provide their boss with cover, the barkeep squeeks and hides behind the bar and the thugs go for their guns. River Rat groans. "I knew tonight was goin' too well. Let's just hope our luck lasts and we don't end up with bullets where our brains used to be."

  8. Suprisingly the basement to the restaraunt was very clean and well lit. Sitting at one of the corner tables were four men, dressed to the nines in suits and fedoras. The left wall had been converted into a bar, where a mousy young man was pouring drinks. The four men at the table were playing poker, Texas Hold'em to be exact. There was a large mound of dirty money sitting on the table along with a few personal possessions, obviously stolen at one point in time. There was a lady's engagement ring, a pair of pearl earrings and two or three gold watches. There was a taller, bulkier man standing beside the well dressed player farthest from the door. His hand immediately went to the inside of his jacket, where a telling bulge showed a shoulder harness with a firearm of some make. The man at the table quickly put a hand on the man's arm, restraining him. He spoke, his eyes cold and intelligent. "What are you twos doin' here. This ain't none of your concern. I do not wish to get blood all over my clean floor so if you'd be kind enough to egress with your hands up I won't be forced to let Bruce here plug you and ruin my night."

  9. Twenty minutes later, Breakdown and River Rat were standing in front of what looked to be an old restaraunt, long since gutted and out of business. The doors were boarded up but the main entrance, but the entrance to the basement was uncommonly clean for The Fens.

    River Rat looks to Breakdown and motions for him to take the lead. "Let's see if your charm can win these guys over kid. I got your back." Seeming to not believe they'll get lucky a second time, Jackie pulls out his sap and gets a grim look upon his face.

  10. The seedy looking individuals all sucked in a breath as they saw Breakdown float up to them. After making several calming gestures and using soothing words, the thugs visibly relax.

    "Yeah we may know sometin', but it's gonna cost ya."

    River Rat throws up a money clip, this one merely silver, inside it were several hundred dollar bills.

    "That action should get yer lips flappin'." Jackie looked up at the guy, continuing to give a hostile, almost predatorial smile. I love the good cop, bad cop routine, Jackie thought to himself.

    The thug counted the money, licking his lips almost lecherously. "Yeah alright, you didn't hear it from me but I hear that some of them Italian jokers are holed up about a mile from here, they ain't big time, but they got a few connections. Me and my boys don't mess with those fools, too old school."

    Jackie nodded and asked for specific directions. After the thug put them on the right track, he and his "boys" left to go and spend their new coin. Jackie shook his head... You'd think that they would save some of that for rent, but, I guess glass houses and all that noise...

  11. River Rat

    Swarthy, loud mouthed do-gooder looking to play a few hands of poker and make a name for himself as a hero. His bravado comes from never having lost a fight, or much of anything else in his life for that matter. He has insane luck and, as he says "Lady Luck loves me, and makes sure her leading man always comes out on top with the biggest chip stack."


    Ancient and vile sorcerer who comes to Freedom City looking to extend his influence, power, and eventually bring the world to it's knees in fright and obedience. His powers come from the investment of dark, shadowy demons and he wields awesome arcane might, mostly in the form of various darkness or shadow related spells. His hatred for mankind and wish to see the world plunged into darkness, along with his dangerous intellect, make him a hard, and usually lethal, foe to cross.

  12. Jackie motioned for Breakdown to follow him, then walked up to the building, looking at the seedy fellows on the balcony just above him.

    "Excuse me," Jackie yelled. "Might any of you be drug-dealers or mobsters? See, I'm looking to wallop some information out of you and I wanna make sure I got the right people before I get my boots on."

    Jackie winked at Breakdown.

    One particularly dirty bruiser with a large scowl and even larger amount of tattoos stood up, nostrils flairing. "You know where you are man? You in The Fens. We straight pop guys like you. Take your boyfriend and step out before we decide to mess up dat suit you're wearin!"

  13. This site is a little Villain light. It's gonna be hard to really fill the roster, unless someone archives a character and starts one for the specific purpose of joining the academy. I've only been playing my PL6 for a week or so now and I'm already a little too attached to him, so maybe we should go on a sort of recruiting mission? Find some people we know (on the net or otherwise) who might be interested in giving it a shot. If we can do that it helps the site in two ways. One: getting the Shadow Academy off the ground and Two: bolstering our numbers.

    We might also consider getting in contact with old players, those with archived characters who really got the site but now have either moved on or lost touch. We could see if they would be willing to come back.

    All that being said, if things really don't go as planned and we can't find more students, I'd be willing to archive my PL6 and stat up a new one as soon as the little story arc I have going with quote is over. We should give it more time, but this idea is, in my opinion, way to cool to be lost.

  14. The limo pulled up to the rather large apartment building with a mousy squeek of the brakes. The apartment building itself almost seemed to loom over the vehicle in a menacing way, as if the building itself might be a mugger demanding the limo's wallet. To Jackie, the place seemed perfect.

    Jackie opened his door and stepped out, lighting yet another cigar and taking a look around. "Yeah, this'll do just fine," Jackie turned to Breakdown and asked "What do you think?"

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