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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. "Yeah well at least you didn't Rumplestiltzken your way through the prime of all yours. I missed all the good stuff! The Crusades, World War One! World War Two! Thundercats!"

  2. I think Shadomancer might get in on Shadow Academy, but I'm not sure, as he's 4k years old already, unless, as some sort of instructor or they could just be part of a connected feat in the future

  3. Stepping out of an impossibly long green limousine in front of the famous Golden Calf, is a man that needs little introduction in the gambling world. His mirrored shoes leading to his silk suit looking to be made completely of playing cards and his trade mark green glasses give him away immediately. He's Jackie "Dueces" Malone, the youngest man to ever win a WSOP bracelet. He stands, flashing a too bright smile at the throng of fans and looks up at the gilded casino as if he were looking into the eyes of a lover. They would come to know each other well.

    A fidgety little man scurried towards Jackie. "Welcome Mr. Malone, will you be needing a suite?"

    "That I would good buddy, also, make shur they stock up that thar mini bar with 'nuff coke 'n Crown, wouldn't want me diein' o' thirst wouldya," Jackie said with a wink and a rough nudge.

    "Of-of course not sir, right away sir!" The man then did his best to look important, ordering many people around to do this or that.

    "Ah, this, I could git used to."

  4. Several disappearances have plagued the city since the arrival of a strange and dark clad man. Families are in tears, where are their loved ones? Are there heroes who can find them?

    (I sort of plan this as an opening thread for Shadomancer. He's been kidnapping people, using them in a ritual, making them feel vast amounts of fear, and using that fear to power some diabolocal ritual in the future. Any Heroes wanna take this one on? Save the people of Freedom City and kick the pants off an upstart villain! I dare you!)

    [by the way, I plan on having this happen on the Watefront in an abandoned warehouse.]

  5. After a restless night, Umbros proceeded about the days business. Acquiring a car, a nice front (and source of continued income, pharmeceutical companies are great for all of that), and of course, a home. Umbros looked now at the manor he bought in Bayview, it's previous owner, and name, were unimportant. It was Umbros Manor now. He almost smiled, but remembered himself as he looked at the Gothic accoutrements, the cold unforgiving stone walls, the stained glass windows, the near barren trees that sat in the shadow of the great house. Yes, this would do nicely, this would make a fine seat of power.

  6. Umbros Manor.


    A classically creepy and gothic home. Overlooking Centery Narrows and nestled on top of a large hill, trees dot the edge of the property, and at night, things with creepy glowing eyes look out towards the manor, watching it brood over the city. The manor is just one huge cliche, and many neighbors find the mere existence of it offensive.

  7. The Freedom City Waterfront. A bustling center of commerce and criminal enterprise. At least, that's what he'd heard. From the shadows of a corner building, and a box of crates, a barely audible hiss is heard and out from the darkness come two eyes, completely white and colorless. Then the rest of the hooded visage, clad in dark, rust-red and black robes steps out into the setting sun's glare. The man was of medium height, though, in his time, he was actually considered tall. His pale skin, almost the color of ash, was cracked and weathered, except for a shiny, ragged line of scar tissue that ran along the neck, from one side to another. The man's face seemed incapable of anything resembling a smile. His body beneath the robe was gaunt at best. But his eyes showed a powerful madness and strength that the body belied.

    Umbros Rector, or Shadomancer, as he was to be known, surveyed the waterfront, looking out on the blue-green waters, where light drifted, disconnected by agitated waves. He turned his gaze to the dust colored wooden dock he was on, and the abandoned warehouse before him. His travel had left him somewhat weak, and the dieing light was a noticeable discomfort to him. He knew he needed rest, tomorrow, he would head for the bank, and see what he might procure in the way of establishments. Tomorrow, he would start the tedious process of ascertaining the necessities of life. Tomorrow, he would prepare for the coming dark, the shroud of umbral despair he would cast over this land. Tomorrow, he would begin...

    With that thought to satiate him, Umbros chanted a few syllables under his breath, then his form dissipated to that of formless shadow, he sank to the dark corner, then passed silently into the locked warehouse. The accomadations were spartan at best, but they would do for a night. He could practically feel the city shudder beneath him. The city had felt the cold, barren weight of his feet. It knew he was here, he mused. It knew what awaited it, and it was afraid!

  8. I was thinking about my explanation as to why he wasn't more powerful, and decided that maybe that needed some working. So I put that in his back story he was defeated early on and went into some sort of suspended animation. He awoke fifty years ago and spent that time getting his wealth back to standards as well as learning the ins and outs of modern society. His defeat severely depowered him, and his plan to rob others of their power is in an attempt to reach his previous power and go farther, finally accomplishing his goals.

  9. I don't have the Freedom City book as of yet, but it's on the list. I'd love to work some background stuff between him and some of the other immortals when I get the book. As far as why he's only PL10, the shadow demons that gave him his powers, though in his ignorance he sees them as great dark gods, are really more like middle management. They can only grant so much power, and they, up until now, have been his primary source of power aqcuisition. His furtive plans to drain the super powered populace is a step in rectifying that, as, after 4000 years, he feels he should be more powerful and has almost gotten bored of preening himself (almost!) Other than that, I fixed what issues you had. Tell me if it's passable now.

  10. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 6 (93/99pp)

    Trade-Offs: +2 Attack/-2 Damage, 0 Defense/Toughness

    Unspent PP: 6pp

    Characters Name: River Rat

    Alternate Identity: Jackie "Deuces" Malone

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 157#

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Green

    Age: 23

    Description: Jackie wears a 3 piece suit of silk that looks like hundreds of playing cards. His skin is tan and his smile is pearly white. He wears green tinted shades most of the time with diamond stud earrings in both ears.

    History: Jackie "Deuces" Malone has always been lucky. He won his first WSOP bracelet at 21, earning the nickname "Deuces" when he went all in with a pair of 2's and beat a flopped full house with 2 running 2's on the turn and river. From early childhood, he can remember being blessed. Growing up on a ranch in the panhandle of Texas, Jackie's early life was filled with love, attention, and good home cooked meals. His taste for getting into trouble did worry his parents, but no matter what stupid stunt he pulled, he never seemed to get hurt, not even after rolling his father's back ho (no one to this day can explain how he managed to roll a back-ho, or how he escaped uninjured). Jackie grew up fast, having dreams of Vegas and stardom, and soon went out of state for college. He chose Nevada for obvious reasons and was able to work his way through college on a steady (if illegal) poker income. After winning the tournament, Jackie gained fame fast, and he received more than a few death threats (which he ignored). One day, while visiting New Orleans for food and good old fashioned blues, Jackie was held up by a rabid fan. One of his many stalkers it was, and as he uttered "I love you Jackie" he squeezed the trigger. Jackie flinched as the gun went off, and was amazed to see he wasn't hit, but also amazed to see that the gun had misfired and killed the attacker instead. Jackie was amazed, mostly because he was thinking at that moment "God I hope his gun jams." Jackie knew his luck was something more than commonplace then. And decided to do what he could to pass it on to others. He became a hero, and now resides in Freedom City, looking to set up shop where people need him most.

    Personality & Motivation: Adventure and money are the reasons behind everything Jackie does. He's a gambler, and any risk to him is a risk worth taking, as long as the pay-off is big, physically or otherwise.

    Powers & Tactics: Things just seem to go Jackie's way. Anyone threatening him harm usually befalls some terrible accident, either being runover by a passing motorist, or having any number of other odd and improbable things happen to him. He also is very lucky, on more than once occasion he has bent down to pick up a penny or side stepped for no apparent reason, and dodged a bullet aimed at his skull. Also, on the rare occasion he has to flee something, fate conspires to help him get away, on more than one occasion a car, or stack of crates, or a fruit stand has impeded his pursuers.

    Complications: Obsession (Money) Thrillseeker (Will do anything dangerous off of the silliest dares or bets)

    Stats: 22pp

    Str: 14 (+2)

    Dex: 10 (+0)

    Con: 16 (+3)

    Int: 12 (+1)

    Wis: 14 (+2)

    Cha: 16 (+3)

    Combat: 8pp

    Attack: +2 (+6 Melee)

    Grapple: +4 [+2 Atk, +2 STR]

    Defense: +6 (+1 flat-footed)

    Knockback: -3

    Initiative: +0

    Saves: 10pp

    Toughness: +6/3 (without Undercover Vest) )+6/3 (Flat-footed)

    Fortitude: +7 (+3 Con, +3 Fort)

    Reflex: +4 (+0 Dex, +4 Ref)

    Will: +5 (+2 Wis, +3 Will)

    Skills: 36r = 9pp

    Bluff 11 (+14)

    Knowledge: Physical Sciences 5 (+6)

    Knowledge: Pop Culture 2 (+3)

    Notice 8 (+10)

    Sense Motive 8 (+10)

    Sleight of hand 2 (+2)

    Feats: 17pp

    Attack Focus (Melee) 4

    Beginner's Luck

    Benefit 2 (Wealth 2)

    Dodge Focus 4

    Equipment 3

    Luck 2


    Powers: 27pp

    Probability Control 6 [24pp +3 PF: Alternate Powers] 27pp

    *AP Blast 6 (Extra: Perception Range, Penetrating) "Accidents Happen"

    *AP Deflect 6 (All Attacks) (Extra: Free Action) "Lucky Dodge"

    *AP Move Object 6 (Extra: Perception Range, Move Action)

    Drawbacks: 0pp


    DC Block:


    Blast 6 21/Toughness Bruise/Injury (Staged)

    Totals: Stats 22 + Combat 8 + Saves 10 + Skills 9 + Feats 17 + Powers 27 - Drawbacks 0 = 93/99pp

  11. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 10 (150/151pp)

    Trade-Offs: -3 Attack for +3 Damage, -3 Defense for +3 Toughness

    Unspent PP: 1

    Characters Name: Umbros Rector

    Alternate Identity: Shadomancer

    Height: 5;10"

    Weight: 143 lbs

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: White (colorless)

    Description: A pale skinned, gaunt man who wears dark robes, colors are black, and dark, rust red. He has a ragged scar running from his left ear to his right across his neck line. When summoning up his powers, they appear as almost smoke like darkness tendrils and blasts that have a slight smell of burnt wood.

    History: Umbros Rector, or Shadomancer, has lived centuries, and lived in many lands, it is believed he was born in Sumeria, some even claim he to be the Mad Arab, though he will not substantiate those claims. He doesn't speak of his past much, mostly because he doesn't speak much unless he's giving orders or issuing threats. Everywhere he's lived, he's set up a power base and expanded that into an empire of one sort or another. Recently, he has dissolved all of these bases and has taken up residence in Freedom City. His true identity is that of a penniless child on the streets of Sumeria.

    Having been orphaned at birth by the death of his mother (his father died before his birth). He had no home, and so lived in the streets. After one night of scavenging for food, Umbros lucked upon a whole, unbruised apple. He thought himself very lucky indeed, until a couple hoodlums threatened to steal it from him. He fought them, but they got the upper hand, took the apple and beat him near to death.

    With what would have been his last ragged breath he invoked the evil demonic spirits of the night, having been driven mad by anger and frustration, he pleaded for his life and power in exchange for eternal devotion, and a promise to bring the world to it's knees, begging for mercy when he plunged it into darkness for all time. The spirits were pleased, and saw in Umbros a fitting candidate, and so they bestowed upon him great magical power and a promise he would never age and would not die a natural death. The child rose from his feet, no longer a beggar, and proceeded to hunt down all who had wronged him, making them beg forgiveness before ending their lives having been strangled to death by living shadows.

    He then did as he promised and set his sights on the world. He spend the first 400 years amassing wealth and setting up assetts, and, in his hastiness, made a bid for domination early on. He was, however, foiled, when the peoples of the Mespatamia banded together and brought him down. Before they could destroy him, he teleported off to the shadow realm. Where he spent 3600 years in suspended hibernation, waiting for the day when he could come back, and with a more careful hand, grasp control of the earth. The defeat and subsequent escape robbed him of much of his power.

    Fifty years ago, he stepped out of the shadows in the streets of Paris. He spent those years collecting his hidden wealth, and turning it into the wealth of today. Amazing what a few bronze swords and gold pieces from 3500 years ago go for these days. He then set his sights on Freedom City.

    He now believes to gain the power he needs (and the power he lost) he must first rob others of great power of their lives within a magical rite, sacrificing them to the dark. He knows to enact his plan of domination, leaving so many great powers in play, would be he ruin. So he bides his time, and will whittle away at these so called "super heroes" one at a time. They will come to know the darkness, and they will come to fear it.

    Personality & Motivation: Simply put, power. Umbros has searched the world over for ways to expand his arcane might and influence over eldritch powers, he comes ot Freedom City to continue his research, and tap the energies of the city as well as it's people. His ultimate goal? To become a god.

    Powers & Tactics: Shadomancer wields vast arcane might, which he portrays with either blasts of utter darkness, or other spells and incantations. In combat, he is always surrounded by a force field of dark energy which look like a bubble of encased black smoke. He can teleport via the medium of shadows from one spot to the next.

    Complications: Secret (True Identity), Obsession (Power, Godhood, Narcissism)

    Stats: 26pp

    Str: 10 (+0)

    Dex: 14 (+2)

    Con: 10 (+0)

    Int: 20 (+5)

    Wis: 22 (+6)

    Cha: 10 (+0)

    Combat: 24pp

    Attack: +5

    Grapple: +5

    Defense: +7 (+3 flat-footed)

    Knockback: -6

    Initiative: +2

    Saves: 12pp

    Toughness: +13 (+0 Con, +13 other)

    Fortitude: +4 (+0 Con, +4)

    Reflex: +5 (+2 Dex, +3)

    Will: +11 (+6 Wis, +5)

    Skills: 15pp [52 skill points]

    Concentration 10 (+16)

    Craft (Artistic) 7(+8)

    Intimidate 6 (+6)

    Knowledge: Arcane Lore 8 (+13)

    Notice 8 (+14)

    Sense Motive 6 (+12)

    Stealth 6 (+8)

    Languages: English, Latin, Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic, French, Italian, German, Russian Base: Summerian

    Feats: 6pp


    Benefit (Wealth 2)

    Eidetic Memory


    Skill Mastery [Notice, Stealth, Craft (Artistic), Knowledge: Arcane Lore]

    Magic 18 (36 power Points; PFs: 8 Alternate Powers) [44 pp]

    * BE: Blast 13 [(Shadow Blast)](Extra: Penetrating 7, PF: affects Insubstantial 2, Accurate) "Umbral Devastation"

    * AP: Nullify 10 (All Magic Powers) (Extras: Touch Range Burst Area, Effortless) "Arcane Disjunction"

    * AP: ESP 9 (all Senses) (20,000 miles)

    * AP: Illusion 9 [All Senses]

    * AP: Create Object 10 (Shadow Shapes) (Extra: Impervious, PF: Selective) "Moulding the Dark"

    * AP: Mental Transform 10 (2pp/rank version, alter memories) [Extra: Cloud Area, PF: Subtle] "Mind Fog"

    * AP: Darkness Control 10 (Linked to (+0) Emotion Control 10 (Flaw: Fear Only, Ranged PF: Accurate) "Fear the Night"

    * AP: Instubstantial 4 (Shadow) "Shadow Form"

    * AP: Snare 10 [Extra: Burst Area] [PF: Suffocating] "Embrace of the Night"

    Teleport 8 (Flaw: Medium: Shadows) [8pp]

    Force Field 13 [13pp]

    Super Senses 4 (Magical Awareness, Danger Sense, Darkvision) [4pp]

    Immunity 1 (Aging) [1pp]

    Powers: [44+8+13+4+1 = 70pp]

    Drawbacks: 3pp

    Power Loss (Teleport, Force Field, and Magic when unable to speak or gesture) -3 pp

    DC Block:


    (Shadow Blast) (28/Toughness) Injury [staged]

    (Forgetful Fog) (20/Will) None (Memory Loss)

    Costs: Abilities: 26 + Skills: 15 + Powers: 70 + Feats: 6 + Combat: 24 + Saves: 12 - Drawbacks 3 = 150/151

  12. I have a problem with the idea of calling a sidekick to THOR, ODIN. Odin was Thor's father (via the norse mythos) so it doesn't make much sense for it to be a sidekick. The Valkyrie thing is even worse since Valkyries were Odin's daughters. I don't know, maybe it's just my inner geek/norse fanboi gettin the best of me there.

  13. I have a problem with the idea of calling a sidekick to THOR, ODIN. Odin was Thor's father (via the norse mythos) so it doesn't make much sense for it to be a sidekick. The Valkyrie thing is even worse since Valkyries were Odin's daughters. I don't know, maybe it's just my inner geek/norse fanboi gettin the best of me there.

  14. I think it's great that people take their civil responsibilities seriously. My only concern is the unlikely possibility of having real life superheroes slip into vigilantism.

    Funny, first thing I thought of was "If I do that, I'm gonna be like the Punisher." heehee I have the military in my background and seeing as there's no super serum captain america is out. I don't think I'd go after the mafia though, just the Bloods and Crypts, you know the pathetic, completely disorganized, couldn't shoot a gun properly to save their lives street gangs. I have serious beef with those guys myself... Or maybe I'd go around punishing the white collar crime guys, who wouldn't have laughed their asses off to find the Enron guy found with a bullet in his head? :twisted:

  15. I think it's great that people take their civil responsibilities seriously. My only concern is the unlikely possibility of having real life superheroes slip into vigilantism.

    Funny, first thing I thought of was "If I do that, I'm gonna be like the Punisher." heehee I have the military in my background and seeing as there's no super serum captain america is out. I don't think I'd go after the mafia though, just the Bloods and Crypts, you know the pathetic, completely disorganized, couldn't shoot a gun properly to save their lives street gangs. I have serious beef with those guys myself... Or maybe I'd go around punishing the white collar crime guys, who wouldn't have laughed their asses off to find the Enron guy found with a bullet in his head? :twisted:

  16. Foreigners, ha. This is real football!

    /Actually i grew up playing futbol. That's Soccer to my american brethren.

    //Soccer is so much more of a real sport that padded scrimmage-ball

    ///only watches for the commercials.

    I don't think so there buddy, I doubt any of your soccer pros would enjoy (or survive) getting hit by any professional linebackers. The pads aren't much protection, trust me, I know.

    But as far as the Super Bowl this year goes, I'm not going to watch it, I'm a packers fan and the way the Giants eeked out that win is still rubbing me quite raw. Besides, the Giants have absolutely no chance of beating the Pats. If it were Green Bay playing, that would be a game to remember. All in all, the Pats are gonna win, and most nobody is really gonna give a rat's ass.

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