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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Foreigners, ha. This is real football!

    /Actually i grew up playing futbol. That's Soccer to my american brethren.

    //Soccer is so much more of a real sport that padded scrimmage-ball

    ///only watches for the commercials.

    I don't think so there buddy, I doubt any of your soccer pros would enjoy (or survive) getting hit by any professional linebackers. The pads aren't much protection, trust me, I know.

    But as far as the Super Bowl this year goes, I'm not going to watch it, I'm a packers fan and the way the Giants eeked out that win is still rubbing me quite raw. Besides, the Giants have absolutely no chance of beating the Pats. If it were Green Bay playing, that would be a game to remember. All in all, the Pats are gonna win, and most nobody is really gonna give a rat's ass.

  2. Foreigners, ha. This is real football!

    /Actually i grew up playing futbol. That's Soccer to my american brethren.

    //Soccer is so much more of a real sport that padded scrimmage-ball

    ///only watches for the commercials.

    I don't think so there buddy, I doubt any of your soccer pros would enjoy (or survive) getting hit by any professional linebackers. The pads aren't much protection, trust me, I know.

    But as far as the Super Bowl this year goes, I'm not going to watch it, I'm a packers fan and the way the Giants eeked out that win is still rubbing me quite raw. Besides, the Giants have absolutely no chance of beating the Pats. If it were Green Bay playing, that would be a game to remember. All in all, the Pats are gonna win, and most nobody is really gonna give a rat's ass.

  3. Vic keeps his head low as he walks into the little shack. He moves slowly up to the guard on the computer and looks down at him, he is indeed watching a clip on youtube. The one with the dramatic looking hamster to be specific.

    "Hey man, quiet out tonight huh?" The guard says as he laughs softly to himself at the hamster.

    "Deathly quiet." Vic quickly draws his blade and strikes at the man's neck.

  4. Vic keeps his head low as he walks into the little shack. He moves slowly up to the guard on the computer and looks down at him, he is indeed watching a clip on youtube. The one with the dramatic looking hamster to be specific.

    "Hey man, quiet out tonight huh?" The guard says as he laughs softly to himself at the hamster.

    "Deathly quiet." Vic quickly draws his blade and strikes at the man's neck.

  5. Vic keeps his head low as he walks into the little shack. He moves slowly up to the guard on the computer and looks down at him, he is indeed watching a clip on youtube. The one with the dramatic looking hamster to be specific.

    "Hey man, quiet out tonight huh?" The guard says as he laughs softly to himself at the hamster.

    "Deathly quiet." Vic quickly draws his blade and strikes at the man's neck.

  6. Victus withdraws the blade from the guard's neck and then wipes the blood off on the grass before hefting the body and skulking to a dark area. Victus strips the corpse of it's clothes and dons the outfit in the darkness, emerging moments later.

    "Time to relieve someone of their post." Victus says, smiling to himself in an almost bestial way.

    Victus pulls the guards cap down low over his eyes and walks with head down towards the guard shack...

  7. Victus withdraws the blade from the guard's neck and then wipes the blood off on the grass before hefting the body and skulking to a dark area. Victus strips the corpse of it's clothes and dons the outfit in the darkness, emerging moments later.

    "Time to relieve someone of their post." Victus says, smiling to himself in an almost bestial way.

    Victus pulls the guards cap down low over his eyes and walks with head down towards the guard shack...

  8. Victus withdraws the blade from the guard's neck and then wipes the blood off on the grass before hefting the body and skulking to a dark area. Victus strips the corpse of it's clothes and dons the outfit in the darkness, emerging moments later.

    "Time to relieve someone of their post." Victus says, smiling to himself in an almost bestial way.

    Victus pulls the guards cap down low over his eyes and walks with head down towards the guard shack...

  9. btw if it does hit, which i'm almost certain it does barring it not actually happening, the save DC for damage will be 23.

    +1 knife, mighty (+5 str modifier) +2 sneak attack damage.

    I'm sure yall coulda figured that out yerself but i thought i'd make it easy for everyone.

  10. btw if it does hit, which i'm almost certain it does barring it not actually happening, the save DC for damage will be 23.

    +1 knife, mighty (+5 str modifier) +2 sneak attack damage.

    I'm sure yall coulda figured that out yerself but i thought i'd make it easy for everyone.

  11. btw if it does hit, which i'm almost certain it does barring it not actually happening, the save DC for damage will be 23.

    +1 knife, mighty (+5 str modifier) +2 sneak attack damage.

    I'm sure yall coulda figured that out yerself but i thought i'd make it easy for everyone.

  12. Vic will attempt to catch one of the patrolling guards while he is out of line of sight of the rest of the guards and hopefully the cameras, and take him out as quietly as possible to drag him off into a darkened area to steal his clothing and disguise himself as a guard (that's right, Hitman style). I assume the entire estate is covered by a fence so Vic will simply fly over it so as to not attract too much attention.

    http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1471688/ Attack Roll vs Guard, using knife to snuff out his life :twisted: 23 to hit, yay!

    Let me know if that hits and I'll write it up IC

    Guard will have to make a notice check to see if he can see ole Vic of course.

  13. Vic will attempt to catch one of the patrolling guards while he is out of line of sight of the rest of the guards and hopefully the cameras, and take him out as quietly as possible to drag him off into a darkened area to steal his clothing and disguise himself as a guard (that's right, Hitman style). I assume the entire estate is covered by a fence so Vic will simply fly over it so as to not attract too much attention.

    http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1471688/ Attack Roll vs Guard, using knife to snuff out his life :twisted: 23 to hit, yay!

    Let me know if that hits and I'll write it up IC

    Guard will have to make a notice check to see if he can see ole Vic of course.

  14. Vic will attempt to catch one of the patrolling guards while he is out of line of sight of the rest of the guards and hopefully the cameras, and take him out as quietly as possible to drag him off into a darkened area to steal his clothing and disguise himself as a guard (that's right, Hitman style). I assume the entire estate is covered by a fence so Vic will simply fly over it so as to not attract too much attention.

    http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1471688/ Attack Roll vs Guard, using knife to snuff out his life :twisted: 23 to hit, yay!

    Let me know if that hits and I'll write it up IC

    Guard will have to make a notice check to see if he can see ole Vic of course.

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