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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Victus Orcus, as silent as death, stalks up to the large estate, eyeing the security and possible entry points visible to him. Switching back and forth between his visual senses while sampling the air with short sniffs from his acute nostrils.

  2. Victus Orcus, as silent as death, stalks up to the large estate, eyeing the security and possible entry points visible to him. Switching back and forth between his visual senses while sampling the air with short sniffs from his acute nostrils.

  3. Victus Orcus, as silent as death, stalks up to the large estate, eyeing the security and possible entry points visible to him. Switching back and forth between his visual senses while sampling the air with short sniffs from his acute nostrils.

  4. I figure y'all could take some pot shots at Poor ole Victus Orcus if you wanted. Need some way to get him there, he's not likely to just throw over schoolbuses (unless he was paid to do so.) Might be that he was paid to give Grim a message from some pimps who she's been givin trouble in the Fens. Let me know if ya need my help.

  5. I figure y'all could take some pot shots at Poor ole Victus Orcus if you wanted. Need some way to get him there, he's not likely to just throw over schoolbuses (unless he was paid to do so.) Might be that he was paid to give Grim a message from some pimps who she's been givin trouble in the Fens. Let me know if ya need my help.

  6. I figure y'all could take some pot shots at Poor ole Victus Orcus if you wanted. Need some way to get him there, he's not likely to just throw over schoolbuses (unless he was paid to do so.) Might be that he was paid to give Grim a message from some pimps who she's been givin trouble in the Fens. Let me know if ya need my help.

  7. I know it's a little late in the game, so to speak, to bring it up now, but you could take ten with concentration if you took the feat "Skill Mastery" which allows you to take ten on 5 skills you normally can not take ten on, like Concentration. I know this doesn't really help the situation any, i just though I'd point that out for future reference for you.

  8. I know it's a little late in the game, so to speak, to bring it up now, but you could take ten with concentration if you took the feat "Skill Mastery" which allows you to take ten on 5 skills you normally can not take ten on, like Concentration. I know this doesn't really help the situation any, i just though I'd point that out for future reference for you.

  9. I know it's a little late in the game, so to speak, to bring it up now, but you could take ten with concentration if you took the feat "Skill Mastery" which allows you to take ten on 5 skills you normally can not take ten on, like Concentration. I know this doesn't really help the situation any, i just though I'd point that out for future reference for you.

  10. Seeing nothing more to really be done here. Kain stood, walked over to this Grant fellow, offered him an envelope filled with money (couldn't have just anyone knowing his name and bank account number after all) and strode out of the ballroom purposefully, leaving his champagne on a nearby empty table. It was time for Kain to prepare for the next day's activities, which included blade sharpening, arsenal checking and rechecking, and of course, watching an episode or two of "I Love Lucy." Hey, even ancient demonic killing machines have their pastimes...

  11. Seeing nothing more to really be done here. Kain stood, walked over to this Grant fellow, offered him an envelope filled with money (couldn't have just anyone knowing his name and bank account number after all) and strode out of the ballroom purposefully, leaving his champagne on a nearby empty table. It was time for Kain to prepare for the next day's activities, which included blade sharpening, arsenal checking and rechecking, and of course, watching an episode or two of "I Love Lucy." Hey, even ancient demonic killing machines have their pastimes...

  12. Seeing nothing more to really be done here. Kain stood, walked over to this Grant fellow, offered him an envelope filled with money (couldn't have just anyone knowing his name and bank account number after all) and strode out of the ballroom purposefully, leaving his champagne on a nearby empty table. It was time for Kain to prepare for the next day's activities, which included blade sharpening, arsenal checking and rechecking, and of course, watching an episode or two of "I Love Lucy." Hey, even ancient demonic killing machines have their pastimes...

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