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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. Kain gave Liam a quick nod and strode off. He milled around for a bit more, noting the two young women speaking to each other near the man named Grant who had given the speech. They couldn't hold his attention long, he was beginning to bore now that his goal had been achieved. Kain decided to head over to a chair near a corner of the room so as to finish his champagne in privacy.

  2. Kain gave Liam a quick nod and strode off. He milled around for a bit more, noting the two young women speaking to each other near the man named Grant who had given the speech. They couldn't hold his attention long, he was beginning to bore now that his goal had been achieved. Kain decided to head over to a chair near a corner of the room so as to finish his champagne in privacy.

  3. Kain gave Liam a quick nod and strode off. He milled around for a bit more, noting the two young women speaking to each other near the man named Grant who had given the speech. They couldn't hold his attention long, he was beginning to bore now that his goal had been achieved. Kain decided to head over to a chair near a corner of the room so as to finish his champagne in privacy.

  4. "Interesting, tell me more about you. I like to get a nice feel for my employees before sending them out blindly into the field." as he grabbed another glass of champagne off a tray from a waitress passing by.

    "Can't get enough of the stuff.." he said with a smirk.

    Kain palms and pockets the business card and grabs a glass of champagne for himself and tries to look equally disengaging while he speaks, "Let's just say I have a talent for fulfilling whatever role need be filled. Need a bodyguard? I can do that. Need a nest of zombies or vampires taken out? I can do that too, though I have to warn you, if it's anything more, well, law obstructing, my price is a bit steep, considering the risk iinvolved, if I take the job at all."

    Kain sighs and his eyes grow a bit dark, "If, however, you're asking about my background or my past employment experience, you'll have to go wanting there. That sort of information is damaging, to both of us, should it be leaked. Suffice it to say I make the French Foreign Legion look like amatuers."

    Kain's smile brightens a little, but it doesn't reach his eyes as he says cherrilly, "But hey, that's what provider/consumer confidentiality is all about right?"

  5. "Interesting, tell me more about you. I like to get a nice feel for my employees before sending them out blindly into the field." as he grabbed another glass of champagne off a tray from a waitress passing by.

    "Can't get enough of the stuff.." he said with a smirk.

    Kain palms and pockets the business card and grabs a glass of champagne for himself and tries to look equally disengaging while he speaks, "Let's just say I have a talent for fulfilling whatever role need be filled. Need a bodyguard? I can do that. Need a nest of zombies or vampires taken out? I can do that too, though I have to warn you, if it's anything more, well, law obstructing, my price is a bit steep, considering the risk iinvolved, if I take the job at all."

    Kain sighs and his eyes grow a bit dark, "If, however, you're asking about my background or my past employment experience, you'll have to go wanting there. That sort of information is damaging, to both of us, should it be leaked. Suffice it to say I make the French Foreign Legion look like amatuers."

    Kain's smile brightens a little, but it doesn't reach his eyes as he says cherrilly, "But hey, that's what provider/consumer confidentiality is all about right?"

  6. "Interesting, tell me more about you. I like to get a nice feel for my employees before sending them out blindly into the field." as he grabbed another glass of champagne off a tray from a waitress passing by.

    "Can't get enough of the stuff.." he said with a smirk.

    Kain palms and pockets the business card and grabs a glass of champagne for himself and tries to look equally disengaging while he speaks, "Let's just say I have a talent for fulfilling whatever role need be filled. Need a bodyguard? I can do that. Need a nest of zombies or vampires taken out? I can do that too, though I have to warn you, if it's anything more, well, law obstructing, my price is a bit steep, considering the risk iinvolved, if I take the job at all."

    Kain sighs and his eyes grow a bit dark, "If, however, you're asking about my background or my past employment experience, you'll have to go wanting there. That sort of information is damaging, to both of us, should it be leaked. Suffice it to say I make the French Foreign Legion look like amatuers."

    Kain's smile brightens a little, but it doesn't reach his eyes as he says cherrilly, "But hey, that's what provider/consumer confidentiality is all about right?"

  7. A new face in a mostly unremarkable tuxedo watches the room as he half-listens to the speech. Victus Orcus, or better known by his last name, Kain, walked around the ball room surveying the patrons who all wore looks that ran the gammit from deeply engaged to sneering disapproval. Kain wasn't sure which, if any, of the patrons would be his next target, or maybe his next employer, to Kain it hardly mattered. What mattered was taking stock of the movers and shakers in Freedom City, spotting weaknesses, strengths, in not only the society, but in the people of the city.

    Kain didn't have to remind himself that he was there for a reason, he was there looking for prospective employers, after all, one can not be a mercenary if no one knows you to hire you. So, as it was, Kain carried on, gliding about the room, looking from face to face, eavesdropping on mostly inane conversation and taking stock of not only who had money, but who looked willing to spend it on the acquisition of power through force of arms.

    Kain notices a man who looks rather well to do, what with a runway model in tow, glide about the room. A single eyebrow almost imperceptably raises in intrigue, it was apparent that the man had power, and money, both of which might spell opportunity for employment. Kain was never one to put all his fish in one barrel, however, and kept nosing about the room, looking for more possible angles and business opportunities. He knew it was going to be a long night...

    A sidelong glance brought Kain's eyes to a man who looked particularly bored, and particularly wealthy, there was almost a hint of disdain for these proceedings in the man's eyes. He also noted the man had no date with him, which might make him a bit of a hermit or misanthrope, but still something said that the man might have need of his talents. He decided to take a chance and walked to the man in an almost direct fashion.

    "Good evening, sir," Kain said, mater-of-factly "My name is Gideon Kain, I noticed your less than enthusiastic appraisal of these functions. See, I'm new to the town and was wondering if you might have insight into matters regarding a person's need of gainful employment. See, I'm in the defense and acquisitions business, if you get my meaning, and was just looking to maybe set up a few business contacts. Are you, or do you know of, anyone looking for a person with talent and drive?"

  8. A new face in a mostly unremarkable tuxedo watches the room as he half-listens to the speech. Victus Orcus, or better known by his last name, Kain, walked around the ball room surveying the patrons who all wore looks that ran the gammit from deeply engaged to sneering disapproval. Kain wasn't sure which, if any, of the patrons would be his next target, or maybe his next employer, to Kain it hardly mattered. What mattered was taking stock of the movers and shakers in Freedom City, spotting weaknesses, strengths, in not only the society, but in the people of the city.

    Kain didn't have to remind himself that he was there for a reason, he was there looking for prospective employers, after all, one can not be a mercenary if no one knows you to hire you. So, as it was, Kain carried on, gliding about the room, looking from face to face, eavesdropping on mostly inane conversation and taking stock of not only who had money, but who looked willing to spend it on the acquisition of power through force of arms.

    Kain notices a man who looks rather well to do, what with a runway model in tow, glide about the room. A single eyebrow almost imperceptably raises in intrigue, it was apparent that the man had power, and money, both of which might spell opportunity for employment. Kain was never one to put all his fish in one barrel, however, and kept nosing about the room, looking for more possible angles and business opportunities. He knew it was going to be a long night...

    A sidelong glance brought Kain's eyes to a man who looked particularly bored, and particularly wealthy, there was almost a hint of disdain for these proceedings in the man's eyes. He also noted the man had no date with him, which might make him a bit of a hermit or misanthrope, but still something said that the man might have need of his talents. He decided to take a chance and walked to the man in an almost direct fashion.

    "Good evening, sir," Kain said, mater-of-factly "My name is Gideon Kain, I noticed your less than enthusiastic appraisal of these functions. See, I'm new to the town and was wondering if you might have insight into matters regarding a person's need of gainful employment. See, I'm in the defense and acquisitions business, if you get my meaning, and was just looking to maybe set up a few business contacts. Are you, or do you know of, anyone looking for a person with talent and drive?"

  9. A new face in a mostly unremarkable tuxedo watches the room as he half-listens to the speech. Victus Orcus, or better known by his last name, Kain, walked around the ball room surveying the patrons who all wore looks that ran the gammit from deeply engaged to sneering disapproval. Kain wasn't sure which, if any, of the patrons would be his next target, or maybe his next employer, to Kain it hardly mattered. What mattered was taking stock of the movers and shakers in Freedom City, spotting weaknesses, strengths, in not only the society, but in the people of the city.

    Kain didn't have to remind himself that he was there for a reason, he was there looking for prospective employers, after all, one can not be a mercenary if no one knows you to hire you. So, as it was, Kain carried on, gliding about the room, looking from face to face, eavesdropping on mostly inane conversation and taking stock of not only who had money, but who looked willing to spend it on the acquisition of power through force of arms.

    Kain notices a man who looks rather well to do, what with a runway model in tow, glide about the room. A single eyebrow almost imperceptably raises in intrigue, it was apparent that the man had power, and money, both of which might spell opportunity for employment. Kain was never one to put all his fish in one barrel, however, and kept nosing about the room, looking for more possible angles and business opportunities. He knew it was going to be a long night...

    A sidelong glance brought Kain's eyes to a man who looked particularly bored, and particularly wealthy, there was almost a hint of disdain for these proceedings in the man's eyes. He also noted the man had no date with him, which might make him a bit of a hermit or misanthrope, but still something said that the man might have need of his talents. He decided to take a chance and walked to the man in an almost direct fashion.

    "Good evening, sir," Kain said, mater-of-factly "My name is Gideon Kain, I noticed your less than enthusiastic appraisal of these functions. See, I'm new to the town and was wondering if you might have insight into matters regarding a person's need of gainful employment. See, I'm in the defense and acquisitions business, if you get my meaning, and was just looking to maybe set up a few business contacts. Are you, or do you know of, anyone looking for a person with talent and drive?"

  10. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 6 (90pp)

    Characters Name: Darian Parker

    Alternate Identity: Magister

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 163 lbs

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Description: Rather normal looking man, except for the sparkle in his eyes that conveys an understanding of his surroundings, as well as an eagerness to meet the challenges set before him.


    Str: 10 (+0)

    Dex: 14 (+2)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 18 (+3)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 12 (+1)

    BAB: 4 (6 ranged)

    BDB: 4 (2 flat-footed)

    Initiative: +2


    Toughness: +6

    Fortitude: +4

    Reflex: +4

    Will: +6


    Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+11)

    Notice 8 (+11)

    Sense Motive 8 (+11)

    Diplomacy 8 (+9)

    Bluff 4 (+5)


    Eidetic Memory

    Power Attack

    All Out Attack




    Beginner's Luck

    Attack Focus Ranged 2


    Gravity Control 6

    AP: Blast 6

    AP: Telekinesis 6

    AP: Deflect 6 (slow and fast projectiles)

    Flight 3

    Protection 2

    Drawbacks: None

    Costs: Abilities (28) + Combat (16) + Saves (05) + Skills (09) + Feats (09) + Powers (23) - Drawbacks (00) = 90pp


    Cell Phone





    Backstory: Will PM to ref's

  11. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 6 (90pp)

    Characters Name: Darian Parker

    Alternate Identity: Magister

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 163 lbs

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Description: Rather normal looking man, except for the sparkle in his eyes that conveys an understanding of his surroundings, as well as an eagerness to meet the challenges set before him.


    Str: 10 (+0)

    Dex: 14 (+2)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 18 (+3)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 12 (+1)

    BAB: 4 (6 ranged)

    BDB: 4 (2 flat-footed)

    Initiative: +2


    Toughness: +6

    Fortitude: +4

    Reflex: +4

    Will: +6


    Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+11)

    Notice 8 (+11)

    Sense Motive 8 (+11)

    Diplomacy 8 (+9)

    Bluff 4 (+5)


    Eidetic Memory

    Power Attack

    All Out Attack




    Beginner's Luck

    Attack Focus Ranged 2


    Gravity Control 6

    AP: Blast 6

    AP: Telekinesis 6

    AP: Deflect 6 (slow and fast projectiles)

    Flight 3

    Protection 2

    Drawbacks: None

    Costs: Abilities (28) + Combat (16) + Saves (05) + Skills (09) + Feats (09) + Powers (23) - Drawbacks (00) = 90pp


    Cell Phone





    Backstory: Will PM to ref's

  12. Players Name: Eviscerus

    Power Level: 6 (90pp)

    Characters Name: Darian Parker

    Alternate Identity: Magister

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 163 lbs

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Brown

    Description: Rather normal looking man, except for the sparkle in his eyes that conveys an understanding of his surroundings, as well as an eagerness to meet the challenges set before him.


    Str: 10 (+0)

    Dex: 14 (+2)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 18 (+3)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 12 (+1)

    BAB: 4 (6 ranged)

    BDB: 4 (2 flat-footed)

    Initiative: +2


    Toughness: +6

    Fortitude: +4

    Reflex: +4

    Will: +6


    Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+11)

    Notice 8 (+11)

    Sense Motive 8 (+11)

    Diplomacy 8 (+9)

    Bluff 4 (+5)


    Eidetic Memory

    Power Attack

    All Out Attack




    Beginner's Luck

    Attack Focus Ranged 2


    Gravity Control 6

    AP: Blast 6

    AP: Telekinesis 6

    AP: Deflect 6 (slow and fast projectiles)

    Flight 3

    Protection 2

    Drawbacks: None

    Costs: Abilities (28) + Combat (16) + Saves (05) + Skills (09) + Feats (09) + Powers (23) - Drawbacks (00) = 90pp


    Cell Phone





    Backstory: Will PM to ref's

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