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Everything posted by Ecalsneerg

  1. I can out-bluff Batman! "It's fruit juice! Very fruity! Mostly apples, y'know!"
  2. Geckolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaass.... wait, no. Yeah, groups do work best at 3-6. Our other team, the Knights of Freedom seems to currently stand at Avenger, Scarab, Wesley, Dark Star, Arrowhawk and Divine.
  3. One little thing, despite me not doing the second approval. We don't encourage lethal damage anyway, so I don't think non-lethal only should be a drawback on the blasters.
  4. This... does strike my as counter-intuitive. So we have no way for someone to have material wealth but not have it count against PL caps due to bribes (and really... does Divine need to bribe people? :shock: )
  5. Geckomaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Ok, his epic talking skillz need another boost. 1 pp of skills, distributed as follows: Bluff +1, Diplomacy +2, Gather Information +1. I'll ignore Intimidate, because he frankly ain't scary. This'll give... Bluff 12 (+16) Diplomacy 2 (+6) Gather Information 1 (+5) I'd also like to stick a point into Charisma again, bringing it up to 19! I'd also like to ditch his Attack Specialisation in favour of another point of Attack Focus (ranged), along with spending a pp on a third rank of it. He's improving, but not by much. So... Attack: +4, +5 ranged, +7 'zappers' becomes Attack: +4, +7 ranged I'll also sort out my Wealth re-shuffle here (so can someone please mark it off in red in that thread too?), along with putting my final free pp into Equipment. Along with the changes to Equipment below, that'll be: 1 pp of skills 1 pp Charisma 2 pp in Attack focus, but -1pp in Attack Specialisation 1 pp in Equipment, for a total of 70 ep! So, that frees up 5 ep and adds in another 5! Also, his commlink is incorporated in his mask, so I think it slipped by the audit on equipment? I'll stick in a power knuckle AP to his utility belt, and finally get around to making his smokebombs Independent. [1 ep spent], I'll up his Pitchoos weaponry rank by 2 to 7 [6 ep spent]. Also, following a conversation with Doc, I'd also like to add Living Space to it, representative of him having a hammock, kettle, some food, etc, in it. He's also fitted up a Nite-Owl style smokescreen. [2 ep spent] I also just realised how its Str is, so I'll put it up by 10 to 40. [2 ep] Updated... DC Block: ATTACKS: SAVE DC: DAMAGE TYPE: Unarmed.......... DC 15......... Bludgeoning (non-lethal) Knuckles........... DC 18 ........ Bludgeoning and electrical (non-lethal) Zappers............DC 20......... Electrical (lethal or non-lethal) Pitchoo Cannons..DC 22, Autofire.. Electrical (lethal or non-lethal) DONE BY AVENGERASSEMBLED
  6. That costs more than 5, unfortunately. Accurate is 2 pp for one normal sense, 4 pp for all under that sense type. Track, I assume is the feat? And Immunity should be formatted: Immunity 2 (suffocation, Flaw: Limited to half effect)
  7. Geckoman's always had an interest in heroic legacies, and is pretty well... not high-profile, but he's bene spotted flying about a lot.
  8. Kenson has indicated you can, but our house rules limit it. However, Perception attacks aren't subject to trade-offs.
  9. "Ok, so what's the plan here? I go lure the Doc out, while our Doktor tries to figure out a cure. Dark Star will meanwhile be using his or her powers to find him as well. What will you two be doing?" Geckolass asks Wesley and Avenger.
  10. "I was thinking in terms of attention span, although back-up would be a good idea. We could also get Quark to whip up some kind of video feed and we'll display it on my computer screen. That way we can monitor outside as well as inside, while staying close enough to be able to back each other up."
  11. I'll update soon, honest!
  12. That's right. Bayview is where Claremont is situated.
  13. Yeah, give me until Friday to update. I has exam tomorrow.
  14. At what point in this trailer is he dodging arrows? I am disappointed at this discrepancy :P
  15. Is this teh ebil one leading up to the Freedom Lords?
  16. I'm still here, although exams are hectic.
  17. "Six hours? Right, so you'll need us to keep an eye on this shipment all through customs, up until you collect it? Well, I suppose we could do three two-hour shifts, or each of us do two one-hour shifts... we'll figure something out anyway. Any trouble, we just call in the other two. This way, there's less chance of getting bored and inattentive, and we can still protect the shipment."
  18. One bat! Two bats! THREE BATS!
  19. Even the motorcycle with hidden compartments and modified so he doesn't need to hold on to the handlebars to keep moving?
  20. Ah, that'd be fine even before this discussion. The rules say that, unless the DM rules otherwise, you have access to tools needed for any skill you have ranks in.
  21. Can't they just let Smallville die? Seriously?
  22. Lord Fell's recent edit request has made me realise we need to really lay out what can be considered 'free' equipment. for example, I'd happily let him have a cell phone or flash-light, but he's requested a masterwork instrument as part of this free equipment. I don't think that should be free, as it carries a bonus to perform checks. Is that your intention, Herr Doktor?
  23. It's perfectly plausible a normal HQ has low level security. After all, the 1 ep feature gives DC 20, +5 / additional ep. Thus, a DC 10 or 15 could reasonably be the default. I'm against giving out additional stuff simply due to higher Wealth ranks though. Also, I'm OK with those wealth rules.
  24. Nothing in the Force Field power stops you using your own powers through it.
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