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Everything posted by angrydurf

  1. "Its rare for any child to live up to their parents expectations." Ace replied. He glanced down at the young woman beside him "You might be surprised how proud they would be of you however sharp their concerns for your safety." Ace paused then looking at the buildings gliding by "Retired huh? When I knew him I would have thought he'd never stop. Well time catches up with all of us one way or another I suppose." He said a little sadly. Ace tucked the car against the curb and turned to Phantom. "The bar is just down the street, someone probably will know something but their willingness to talk will be in question."
  2. Ace Danger Drop Attractive and add 4 ranks of Diplomacy and 4 ranks of Bluff [1 point] Plus 1 base attack, Plus 1 base defense [4 points] End result would look like Bluff 15 (+22) Diplomacy 9 (+16, +22 with wealth) Attack +4 (+8 unarmed) Defense +8 (+2 flat footed) Thanks Edits done by Geez3r
  3. Ace grined quite pleased with remembering the gem "So you're related to Shang-hai Hank?" It was a largly rhetorical question. Ace glanced over at the young heroine, and reminisced "Always a good man to have at your side, and always very carefull of that Amulet of his I don't know why I didn't see it sooner." Ace looked out the window for a moment lost in memory "So following in ol' Shang-hai's footsteps eh? Grand adventure and all that?" As they spoke Ace glided easily in and out of traffic on the way to thier goal despite the distraction of thier common association.
  4. Ace made a vague non-commital noise. "Never him personally, but his soldiers on occasion." The ageless hero explained. Ace glanced at his passenger once more, "Honestly this does not have the mark of the Sky Lord, he never cared much for cash rewards more of an idealist really." Ace continued. He watched as Phantom toyed with the Eye his mind racign over where he haad seen it before. Ace had a very good memory and was rather destressed that he couldn't recall this trinket. Suddenly he exclaimed "Aha! Now I remember thats Shanghai Hanks amulet." He paused for a moment eyeing Phantom carefully "How did you come by it?"
  5. "Thank you," Ace said as she turned away to the rest of the party once more thne under his breath "Hopefully its not just mine." Ace takes a bow that from anyone else woudl seem full of mock formality but some how works for him. "Enchanted my dear, I glady accept." He stands full upright and takes her hands in a firm but gentle grip as the music starts up once more. Ace glides across the floor a gentle hand guiding the way for Grimalkin as they move to the slow beat of the waltz. "I'm glad you returned," He looked down kindly at the young woman and continued "You are correct the dance floor is an excelent place to speak but more specifically its a legitimate way to aviod the ears and eyes of your chaperone, though I think that is not your concern." He smiles an encouraging smile "So what did you want to discuss away from prying ears?"
  6. Ace took one of the matchbooks and examined it as he began to pull out. Hmm seedy barely covers it He thought. "Well it gives us a starting point on tracking down whats really going on." He said with a breezy unconcerned air. He eased the porsche into traffic and began heading towards the waterfront. "Sky Lord rarely got caught up in so mundane an endevor as robbery." Ace said as the drove, "That and he's supposed to be dead, if he isn't he's older than I am." Ace glanced at his companion and flashed a winning smile "There is a mystery afoot. We should pehaps be less obvious." With a wave of his hand the car and its occupants were cloaked in an illusory disguise more fitting to the environs.
  7. Ace quickly excused himself as well handing over the investigation to the capable officers of the FCPD. With a few more thanks from apprecitive bystanders he slowly made his way to join Phantom. "Shall we?" He enquired as he opened the door for the heroine. Once they stepped out Ace indicated a low slung porshe roadster and leaning in for Phantoms ears only, "So you find anythign of intrest? Or do I have to start making cold calls?" he inquired as he began to head for the car.
  8. The men carried no ID of any kind and no personal effects it seemed at first. However as Phantom began a more thorough search she found that two of the men were smokers and carried with them matches from a bar near the docks. Ace saw as she stuck them into her cloaks embrace and resolved to ask after the cops left what she had found. Once the police arrived it didn't take too much for Ace to take center stage. He explained that he and Phantom had managed to restrain all but two of the thieves but he was fairly certain neither of them had managed to get anything of value. Ace explained as well what he knew of the Sky Lord and his men and that this seemed to be a grab for money likely to finance the organization. They should put other banks on alert as they may try other locations as well. Once the police were satisfied they took the groggy men away and thanked the Heroes for intervening. The branch manager came forward to thank them as well as the police headed out the door. He thanked first Ace who graciously accepted before the manager turned to Phantom "And you were fantastic ma'am we owe you a debt of gratitude for you're aid." He said obceiquiesly.
  9. Ok edited the history to hopefully make a bit more sense.
  10. Ok made fixes to the numbers I was calulating array at 5 per rank for some reason so yea that was messed up. adjusted it to 5 ranks which netted me 3 PP that I dumped into making him more of a crazy super detective at least on a PL4 scale. I'll try and clean up the history a bit too for you.
  11. Mike took it pretty easy overall he had quite the speed advantage over the others though he only tended to use it when the frisbee went far off course. He also tended to send the frisbee in rather slow lazy arcs to whoever was next up. At Alexs mention of a team he furrowed his brow and asked, "Is there even a way of scoring this?" Mike had clearly not spent much time with the athleticly oriented in his past
  12. Ace looked down at the cowled heroine, "Well that may be a factor, but given the circumstances you are all therefore quite lucky I didn't just kick everyone off my lawn." He said with a smile. He continued to move across the floor alert to any further trouble but more focused on his partner as the party seemed to have settled for the time being Pompador had yet to make another reapearance which may well be for the best, his agent would certainly be better equipped to spin the situation. "In all honesty I hope the events haven't soured too many of these heroes on this kind of gathering." Ace spoke in light tones but it was clear his words had deeper meaning to him. "It may just be the impotant dreams of an old man," He smiled at his jest "But I had hoped to recover some of the comraderie that has been lost since the Moore act and the invasion." He spun Phantom out and then back with an easy flowing movement then spoke, "The League has largly grown beyond concerns of the city and there are many independants and even a few smal teams that try and fill in but," He paused as if searching for the right word, "There is still no absolutes anymore, too many years of cut corners and mistrust I suppose." He regarded Phantom carefully "We all have much more in common than we realize, too many petty differences like earlier tonight threaten that though." He added firmly as the song came to an end.
  13. Ace took a moment to collect himself before continuing, "Its bigger than I thought, we'll need help as soon as you can get it here, I'm heading into the area to see what I can do now." With that Ace hung up, the govenor was a public servant and would hopefully do as he asked. Ace hadn't the time to exert further pressure. He looked up and saw the small shapes of Freedoms defenders flying or blipping into view as he pulled a meager first aid kit from his trunk and headed down into the blast area. He came first upon a beat cop standing shocked at the destruction before him. No signs of injury Ace noted quickly and stood before the man looking him in the eyes, "Get ahold of yourself, there are people down there relying on you and mea nd anyone we can find to get them to safety now get on that radio and do exactly as I say." As the officer shook off his shock he began to call in his location and status. The band was clearly abuz with news of the event. Ace had the officer call in additional support as he looked down the street for anyone else moving. That done he headed for the nearest house and began to gather survivors. Few of them would have any formal training but until the big guns got here this was all they had. He looked out over the assembled group and spoke clearly and consisely "This seems to be an isolated incedent and we don't know what happened but help is on the way. However it will take some time for them to get here and that may be time you're friends and nieghbors don't have. Gather whatever medical supplies and clean watter you can, if you have tools, prybars anything get them, anyone that has first aid trianing follow me." He strode to one of the clearer lawns and began to set up an on sight triage while the others moved to gather what supplies they could.
  14. Well I'm not really looking to Regen constantly at that rate is the thing just to come back at full instead of disabled. Is it conceptually a no-no or is there actually a mechanical reason this doesn't work?
  15. My suspicion is its the garbage man ninja
  16. Well more accurately Mike is unimpressed with displays of superpowers cus he's damaged goods and knowing that you can do stuff he's not really surprised when you do a new thing.
  17. Ace smiled at Phantom with genuine glee "I would like nothing better madame." He glanced once more about the bank and added "I think I can take care of my buisness at a later date, I don't have a deadline or anything." Ace flashed phantom a knowing grin. "I do have a charity dinner over at FCU later but I'm sure the dean can wait if this takes too long." With that he whirled to face the restrained criminals. he observed them for a moment then shrugged "Well they'll be out for awhile I think and not too likely to give up any information regardless." He crouched down and began riffling through their pockets for anything of use, but finds nothing of use.
  18. Ace guides Phantom on the the floor and moves through the steps with an easy grace. With a gentle nudge here and there he guides the young heroine about the floor while taking in the other party goers activities. Catching a glimpse of Scarab and Jack staring at one another he makes a note to check in with the crimson clad telepath about the young man. Ace Turned his attention back to his partner once certain no further violence was emminent "Thanks for the back up," He said with a smile "Kids these days huh?" He added with a small shake of his head.
  19. One might think Ace has done this before HP for Begginers luck Perform Dance check (1d20 +12=26)
  20. Ace is engrossed in the histrionics Notice check (1d20+7=8)
  21. Ace sighed with relief as the kid seemed to settle down it had been some tense moments before the object of his ire was removed fromt he scene. He'd have to commend whoever suggested music and dancing it seemed to have largly restored te damaged atmosphere after the various hijinks. "Glad to see you're doing better Geckoman," he said matter of factly, "I have seen far older heroes act with less maturity truth be told. You have comported yourself well all things considered." With that taken care of Ace bowed out with a murmered "Gentlemen" and turned to Phantom, "Would you care for this dance?" He held out his hand to the ephemeral heroine with broad grin.
  22. So normally resurection leavs you alive but disabled once you make your check. I would like to come back at full health as it where and was wondering if this build was reasonable for that purpose. Healing 1 (Total resurection, Magic; Extras: Total +1; Flaws: Personal -1, Unreliable{1 use per resurection) -1; PFs: Persistant, Triggered{Resurection}) [3] I would also be buying up the regen recovery bonus to guarentee success on recovery checks. I realize that unreliable normally is 5 uses before recharge but I really only want the one.
  23. Mike arched a concerned eybrow at Alex look of concentration, 'what is she up too now?' he wondered. As he saw her trademark aura appear and expand he grined, Alex really did eventually manage to pull off whatever she put her mind to it seemed. As Alex issued her warning about control Mike let out a quiet checkle and added "And don't go too high." With a grin as he once more sped skyward. At Erins urging he flung the frisbee in an easy arc to her.
  24. From what I recall I think the PC's with active magic descriptor powers would be Phantom, Ace, and possably Grim.
  25. As the judge has been described as a media HOAR I'm guessing yes :)
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