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Everything posted by Electra

  1. There was a brief shuffling on the other end of the line. "Hello Starlight, this is Paige Cline," came a friendly female voice on the other end of the line. Richard mentioned meeting you the other day, and that you're new to the hero scene in Freedom City. We're fairly new ourselves, we just moved in last year from LA, and I know how hard it can be to meet new people. We wanted to invite you over to dinner some night soon if you're free." There was a soft murmuring from someone else on the other end of the phone. "And I assure you," she continued, a thread of humor creeping into her tone, "there is no sexual content to the invitation whatsoever. You're welcome to bring a friend or significant other if you'd like."
  2. Okay, Wander's not exactly built for mass combat when she can't actually hit each bad guy in person (at least, I don't think Takedown has any effect in mass combat?) but she's gonna dive right in on Antibody Group 3. I have been told that Acrobatic Bluff is also not a thing in Mass Combat, so it's definitely a good thing she took down that tower earlier. Standard Action: Charging Power Attack for an overall -2 Defense, +0 Attack, +2 Damage And I rolled a one. Spending an HP! Got a nine on the reroll, for a total of 31 DC 27 toughness plus applicable autofire. Oh, and I don't know if Interpose is a thing in mass combat, but if it is, she's going to try and interpose on her squad's behalf.
  3. "Yes, I think you're right about that." Still smiling gently, Fleur raised her hands and lifted down her hood, revealing her intricate green braids and crown of pink gillyflower. "They would never allow harm to come to one of their students. And their friends will not allow any harm to come to them." Her whole body was still loose, unprepared for fighting or running, but she stood between Nassor and the building with an implacable air that belied her stature. "Whatever family business you need to discuss with them should really wait for a more appropriate time. They're very busy today, and I'm afraid nobody will be able to see you. Why don't you let me take you out for a coffee instead? Or a smoothie, if you don't indulge."
  4. Several minutes passed while Elias and Thaelia sat in the hallway, staring at the closed door. The door was covered in pictures of unicorns and dragons, so at least that was something to look at for awhile, but even that paled eventually. The room was psychically shielded, but if Elias exerted himself, he could sense Holly inside, frustrated and upset and a little afraid, her emotions occasionally spiking coincidental to muffled thumping noises inside the room. He felt her mind touch his once, apparently by accident, and then immediately jerk away, but it was enough for him to know she was aware of their presence. She just didn't seem interested in giving up her anger at the moment.
  5. Okay, gonna spend an HP for the reroll to try and get a better save. Reroll is a 22, hopefully that keeps her upright!
  6. Reflex Save: 15 Ugh, so much for the value of being prepared. Thanks, Orokos! I will reserve the possibility of a reroll till I know how much this is gonna suck. What kind of DC and damage are we looking at?
  7. Stesha was perfectly relaxed in his grip, obviously used to flying this way with other heroes and unconcerned that he would drop her. Or at least secure in the knowledge that even if she should fall, she would be unlikely to hurt herself, given her own powers. "You saw Mayberry already, that's what we're going over now. Over there are the barns and pens for the animals, Mayberry has most of those because it's been around the longest, but we're planning to move some more around soon. Sanctuary has almost no native fauna," she explained, raising her voice slightly over the wind. "I had a research team from FCU come in over the summer and do a study on what sorts of animals and insects we should be reintroducing first, their first suggestion was bees, which was of course very popular. We've got goats and donkeys now too, sheep, chickens and cows and I think the monastery has a couple of new alpacas for the wool. We've also got a dozen dogs now, mostly collie mixes, hugely popular in all the villages. I wanted cats too, but they said it wasn't a good idea, so no cats on Sanctuary." The village was easier to see from this angle, a collection of a dozen wood or pre-fab buildings and perhaps four times that many sod homes around them, laid out with paths like the spokes of a wheel. The animal barns were on one edge of the circle, while two-thirds of the rest of the village were surrounded by gardens and row crop fields that stretched for acres. The last bit of land outside the village appeared to be nothing but open, grassy meadow, dotted here and there with low-slung, broad-trunked deciduous trees. It looked like a park, mostly. Down in the village center several people looked up and waved at the fliers overhead.
  8. A moment passed, silent but absolutely thick with tension, till it was cut by a shout. "Stop it!" Holly descended the stairs in a clatter, no music in her hands because they were clapped uselessly over her ears. "You stop it right now!" she demanded, her young voice shrill. "You don't get to fight in my house! Do you think I can't hear you because you don't talk loud?" She glared at both of them equally. "I can feel you on my skin and hear you in my head and you're mad at each other and I hate it! Get out, get out, get out!" She turned and raced back up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door with a thud that resonated through the house.
  9. "We can fly if you like," Stesha told him, "it'll let you get the bird's eye view. Just let me call around so everyone knows we'll be out and about. We don't have any birds right now, so some people get pretty nervous about things in the sky that aren't bees or dragons." She opened a flower nearby and took out a portable radio, activated it and spoke into it for a minute or two. "All right," she told him when she was done, "everything is taken care of." She stepped to the edge of the cliff. "We're in the southeastern corner of Sanctuary right now, it pretty much goes in a big circle and you can go wherever you like. If you see any giant fuzzy shapes, it's just the bees and they're friendly."
  10. "Why is it a matter of survival?" Fleur asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern. Her eyes widened. "Oh! Is it one of those situations where someone in your family needs a blood transfusion or a kidney transplant, and the only people who might be matches are people who are relatives, but nobody in the immediate family is a match? I always thought that would be so frightening. I mean, I have four siblings so if that ever happened there would be a lot of potential matches, but it still sounds terrible... I'm sorry, I'm rambling again." She pursed her lips as though about to be quiet, then immediately started again. "Are you in some kind of trouble? Or maybe they are?"
  11. Gina studied the forest of cobwebs, even as she activated the laptop's camera and microphone to try and catch what was going on in the building itself. She would have a very difficult time trying to travel those paths, and if the computer itself were sentient, it might be quite dangerous as well. She was no psychic to go digging around in anything's brain, not unless there was no choice! Instead, she stood at the edge and peered in, then touched one of the strands and sent a message of binary-coded greeting and peace, something simple enough to hopefully be comprehensible even to a very old processor.
  12. Stesha gave Maybelle a considering glance, but allowed the topic to move onto the next subject without a hiccup. "We have a lawyer who works for us on Prime, but no lawyer in residence," she assured the restaurateur. We have two professors of agriculture, but they're nice, and many, many meddling kids." She chuckled. "But what kids aren't meddling? It's their nature to be curious, and they have a generally very safe world to run around in. No roads, no cars, no violent crime," she brushed her knuckles very lightly across the table, "and everybody keeps a pretty good eye on them. Very little technology beyond electric lights, but it's still a pretty nice way to live, I think." She looked over to Ammy, who was finally starting to slow down on her enormous sugary confection, then back at Maybelle. "Do you think you'll be making your permanent home in Freedom City, then, or is this a waypoint to something else?"
  13. Stesha had the little green-haired girl on her hip as Lucy walked back towards her, their two heads bent close together over something the little one held clasped in her hands. As Lucy approached, Stesha gave the girl a kiss on the forehead and set her down so she could run off after the other children. "I don't know the whole story," she admitted, "not much more than I've already told you, really. Their parents were killed in the timeline they come from, but they stayed with the group of survivors they were with and eventually I brought them to Sanctuary. It was meant to be temporary, to get them clear of the immediate pressing danger, but their timeline got unwritten while they weren't in the world. The timeline that replaced it is objectively much better, but not for them, because they aren't a part of it. I would want to help them anyway, but I do feel very responsible about what happened to them." She sighed, but the idea of the care packages seemed to brighten her a little. "Not at all, I'd be happy to bring over anything you'd like to send. I'm in Freedom City several days a week anyway, and getting some presents would definitely brighten up their lives. I know it isn't going to be easy to get them all onto Prime, but the alternative is them spending the rest of their lives here, so I suppose we have some time."
  14. Wander gave Corona a glare as the Lor blatantly pushed herself to the front of the formation, but her ire was forgotten as soon as the rumbling began. "Get to the walls!" Wander shouted, having come to the same conclusion as Eclipse. "Spread out and use your climbing equipment to anchor yourselves, then get your weapons ready!" She dug a piton from her own pack and drove it into the wall with her hand to give herself an anchor if necessary, then activated her communicator. "Redbird, get down here, we're about to have company." And then she listened, as hard as ever she could, trying to pinpoint where the breach was likely to be.
  15. "Couldn't hurt. I'm going your way till we hit the bridge anyway." Wander waved to the security cameras as they left, but no alarms or traps appeared to menace them as they headed out into the heavily-residential streets of Bayview. The completely nonexistent traffic meant they made good time at street level, and soon were back at the Pramas Bridge. "Take care of yourself," Wander told Wildcat, giving him a last serious look. "Do good." And then she was off, leaping into the air as though she were flying, only to land atop the first bridge tower and jump to the second, then away into the darkness north of the bridge.
  16. "Family relationships are some of the hardest to navigate," Stesha agreed sympathetically, patting Nassor lightly on the arm. "My father has a cousin out in Indianapolis who comes to every extended family gathering but hasn't spoken to my dad since they were children because their mothers pretty much hated each other and just passed it along. I think it's so sad when that kind of animosity gets passed along, don't you? Tradition is all well and good, but sometimes you've got to just toss it aside or you're going to spend your life being unhappy because of other people's mistakes." She made a point of studying the parking lot, one finger on her chin. "It seems weird that the parking lot is totally empty at this hour. I wonder if they're closed for the day or something. Maybe we ought to leave and come back later, when there's more going on."
  17. Erin shook Thaelia's hand and smiled, tactfully overlooking the small tremors. "I have to work one Sunday a month or when there's an emergency, but otherwise I'm pretty free in the afternoons. Give me a call and we'll set something up here on campus, in the gym or maybe the Doom Room. Take care, all right?" She stood back to allow Thaelia to head onto campus for her classes, then leapt away herself, back towards the Downtown. She'd managed to successfully mentor a student without making a complete fool of herself, and she was more than a little proud of that fact. Would wonders never cease?
  18. Wander raised one eyebrow before deciding that Wildcat probably hadn't meant anything by the "ever run into a hero thing" and letting it go. It didn't seem to likely that he'd go out looking for a hero team or even join a team-up unless he had to, but she hoped he'd at least remember about the backup thing. "Glad to hear it," she told him. "If you ever want to get in some more formal training with someone who's better at it, or do some sparring, give me a call and I can help you get hooked up." She thought for a minute. "I can't remember if there's any other absolutely vital advice."
  19. "Hey, it's not all saving puppies from burning buildings and waving to the cameras," Wander quipped. "And don't forget calling for backup. If you keep doing this, you're going to run into things you can't handle. Everybody does, no matter how strong they are. You try to bite off more than you can chew, maybe you end up dead and nobody else has a warning of what's coming along. The whole "lone avenger of the night" thing sells novels and movie tickets, but it doesn't work well in real life. See if you can make some contacts with other heroes." She shrugged. "You never know when it might come in handy."
  20. Wander is putting on her glasses and earrings, so that in addition to her regular stuff gives her Super Senses 3 (visual): Infravision, Counters Concealment (fog, mist) Super Senses 2 (auditory): Accurate Normal Hearing Immunity: Auditory Dazzle Survival: skill mastery 20 Notice: skill mastery 25
  21. "Oh!" Stesha followed his gaze to the school, affecting embarrassment. "Right there in front of my face and everything. I guess I got a little distracted." She took the offered hand, smiling up at him. "I'm Taylor, and I am hopeless at self-defense," she admitted, "though I guess that's probably not something I ought to admit to somebody I just met." She bit her bottom lip in a self-deprecating grin. "But I've always depended on the kindness of strangers. I'm supposed to be taking a look at the place for my nephew, my sister promised him that if he got a B average in school all year, she'd let him start fencing. His midterm grades are looking good, so here I am hoping to pick up some pamphlets and maybe a lesson in how much safety gear you can put on a kid before he can't move to fence anymore. He's a little clumsy," she admitted confidentially, with mental apologies to her nephew, and to Taylor whose name she was shamelessly appropriating. "You look like you could be a fencer," she observed, taking another glance at his torso, which was easy since it was right at eye level. "I was doing some reading, and fencers have really well-developed shoulders and core muscles..." She trailed off, blushing again. "Are you affiliated with the school?"
  22. "Sounds good," Erin nodded. They walked in silence for a moment, brisk steps eating up the sidewalk back towards Claremont's stately red brick walls. Mostly-residential Bayview was not busy at this time of day, and traffic was very light. "So, is there anything else you wanted to talk about before we're done, any questions I can answer for you?" Erin ventured. Things seemed to have gone pretty well, definitely better than she'd feared, but she wasn't quite sure how to wrap it up.
  23. The security guard nodded, studying Corona and keeping his distance. All the guards looked to be well-trained, staying back and very alert, poised for trouble without inviting it. "State your name, please, and we can convey your request to Miss Americana. You can land if you like, but please don't attempt to enter the building until you are cleared." One of the other guards was already speaking quietly into a radio, while two others on the edges of the helipad kept an eye out in case more company was forthcoming.
  24. "I do have some work to take care of this afternoon," Erin agreed, "but it's been nice taking some time out to get back to the school, and I've liked chatting with you." She walked with Thaelia out of the restaurant and back in the direction of the school. "I've never done the whole mentoring thing before, but if there's ever anything I can help you out with, you should get in touch." She drew out her silver bat and dug in the holster till she withdrew a single beaten-up card with two stylized Ls and a couple of phone numbers on it. She proffered it to Thaelia. "The second one is my personal number," she explained. "If you want to train, or you get in trouble and need some backup, just let me know."
  25. "You're not the first person to use the football field to gauge their jumping range," Wander told him, glancing up at the goalposts. "They taught us the measurements the first time we got shown around campus, and I guess it just stuck in my head. But yeah, it looks like you can jump about 20 feet straight up, that's got to come in handy. And you stick your landings too, that's important." She snorted. "When I started out, I could jump higher than I could reliably land from, especially in a fight. Ended up with some very impressive bruises till I learned how to fall. There are some good alleys in the Downtown where you can practice double and triple jumps, get yourself up four or five stories that way if your timing is good. You just have to be careful."
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