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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "I'll definitely do that," Stesha promised with a smile, "so long as you'll do the same. Nobody should have to die trying in Freedom City, there are enough heroes here that backup is never more than a phone call away. Being brave is necessary for hero work, but you don't have to face things alone." She rummaged in her purse for a moment and pulled out a card, embossed with the seal of the Freedom League and reading Fleur de Joie. "My private number is on there, and the League number as well. Someone will always come if you need them. What's your best contact number?" She picked up her phone and began making a new entry, apparently quite ready to take Maybelle up on her offer.
  2. Erin gave Tona a confused look for that tone of voice, wondering if the younger girl disapproved somehow. "Uh, yeah, its' a good job," she told her, automatically avoiding a small patch of ice on the sidewalk. "You met Steve during that whole thing with the Curator, he works with me. A lot of times it's preventative work, making sure the scientists don't go off the rails and explode things with their experiments, but there are plenty of supervillains who'd like to get in and steal whatever they can find, so it keeps me busy. What are you up to these days?"
  3. Rage coiled in Paige's gut as she watched the scene unfolding, pure rage for the obscenity of what had been done to Alek, reflected rage at the reminder of another psychic authority figure who'd molded his charges in the most terrible of ways. She carefully banked those feelings, tucking them away for when they might do some good. If living with Parker Psion had taught her nothing else, she'd learned great psychic discipline. Reaching out, she ran a gentle hand over Alek's hair, much more a projection of intent than anything physical. ~He can't hurt you anymore,~ she promised. ~We took out everything he did to you, he has no more influence in your mind than any other memory. And if he ever tries to hurt you again, he will be stopped.~ Her mental voice was very confident about that. ~if you want, there are things I can teach you. Shields for your mind to keep anyone from getting in and influencing you. It's not fast work, but it would give you an extra layer of protection.~
  4. "it's almost done!" Holly claimed, drawing herself up defensively in both body and mind. She'd obviously been getting psychic training, probably from her mother, but her power was such that it couldn't help but leak around her shields sometimes. "And it's really early still! I don't have to go to bed for, like, ever yet." She pouted at him for a second, then turned back to a hopefully more receptive audience. "Maybe you could show me how to put on makeup," she asked hopefully. "We've got tons of it, we could experiment with colors. It'll be fun!"
  5. "Ugh, Stratos too? I thought he was locked up in Providence again. You guys had a hell of a time," Erin commented sympathetically. "Those two together, not only evil but incredibly obnoxious! But you did what you had to do. And yeah, maybe you owe Medea a favor, but you don't owe her your loyalty. Even if you have to do something for her in the future, I'm sure you can figure out a way to foil whatever she's planning at the same time. You could even give me a call," she suggested with some enthusiasm. "I've been waiting for another chance at her, and this time I'll be ready for that mind control garbage." Erin's grin was predatory now. "But don't feel bad about doing what you had to, okay? Nobody got hurt, the day was saved."
  6. "I never tried," Erin said, her face very bleak for a moment. "I wanted to, very much, but my best friend sat me down and explained that it wouldn't work the way I wanted it to, and then she let me cry all over her, and then I had to let it go." She ran one hand through her hair, letting the disordered strands blow in the breeze. "You're right about Medea, though," she went on, deliberately jumping off the topic. "Definitely the worst. One of these days I'm going to put her in the deepest, darkest cell in Blackstone and turn the key myself. What did she do to you?"
  7. "Go ahead, you should have enough fuel for a few more hours," Miss A told her. "I'm going to take the net back to ArcheTech and do the pile of paperwork the Coast Guard is gonna want." She smiled ruefully. "I kind of think that maybe I should've become a test pilot myself." Miss A folded the net into an awkward but carryable mass, then gave Seahawk a pat on the shoulder. "You did a good job today. If you hadn't been out there when you were, those men might have died. Have fun on your flight." With that, she took off into the air, arcing towards Hanover in a flash of blue and red against the clouds.
  8. "I had to sell a piece of my soul once," Erin commented, "but I have it on good authority that they grow back, if you keep doing good things and having a positive attitude or something like that." She rubbed her chest absently, still able to vaguely remember the ache of that missing piece. "But that thing with Geckoman and the hospital was totally exaggerated," she told Thaelia with great assurance. "I don't know why, but some journalists just seem to have it out for that guy. Well no, I know why," she corrected with a half smile. "He's totally annoying a lot of the time. But he's a good hero." She tipped her head back to look at the sky when Thaelia mentioned time travel, staring at the gray clouds. "Time travel is possible," she finally said, "but it doesn't fix things. It doesn't change things, I mean, not really. Every once in awhile you'll get a stable time loop, where you can go back and seem like you've changed something, but it's an illusion. Most of the time if you try and change something, you either detonate your timeline or spin out a new one where the change happened, and your own timeline is totally unaffected. That's why most people don't bother with it." Even though her words were matter-of-fact, there was sadness hidden in her voice.
  9. "Looks good," Miss A agreed. "It's going to start to tip when I set it down, so I'll hold onto it while you help the sailors disembark." The boat settled onto land with a soft thud, and as promised, immediately began listing slightly again. With Seahawk's help, the extremely relieved and thankful sailors were soon back on solid ground, and within minutes the Coast Guard was arriving to take over the situation. "So, you just took the prototype through a real mission," Miss A commented to Seahawk as they watched the wet sailors being bundled into blankets and given coffee. "What do you think?"
  10. "If I had a tiara, I would wear it every day," Holly said with great certainty. "It would have sapphires to match my eyes, and diamonds, and be made of platinum, because that's even more valuable than gold. I drew a picture of it for school, and my mom's going to get one of her TV friends to make one like it for me for Halloween." She bounced on her feet, snuck another glance from under her eyelashes at Errant, who was much easier to see all of now that he was on the floor, then looked quickly back to Thaelia. "Do you know how to put on makeup?"
  11. "Great, that's perfect," Miss A replied, gathering up the lift lines and checking to make sure everything was aligned evenly. "We might get a little wind as we get close to shore, you know what to look for. Oh, and the technicians have been watching your telemetry feeds this whole time, and they want to thank you for all the new data on the suit in use." With a grin, she kicked off from the deck and took to the sky, and a moment later the boat was flying too! It didn't go very high, never more than ten or fifteen feet above the water, but it did move quite fast. Within minutes, the shore was in sight and the boat rocking lightly.
  12. Erin grinned. "Well, I live with Midnight, so I see him pretty often," she told the younger girl. "And Edge is on the Liberty League with me, so we're still teammates. I don't see Sage, I mean Blue Fox quite as often, but we still keep in touch, and we get together with Cobalt Templar sometimes to do stuff. We worked together during the whole Communion thing. Some of my other teammates, the ones who graduated before me especially, I've kind of lost touch with. I see Geckoman around every once in awhile, he's hard to miss." She kicked at a snowball laying on the edge of the sidewalk as they went along, watching it paff into powder. "So what do you guys do for fun at Claremont these days?"
  13. Wander blinked at the rush of words, but didn't have anything to say for a few moments while she digested them. "Lots of heroes have no training when they start," she finally said. "It's kind of too bad there's no school for adult heroes the way there's a high school and an elementary school, but I guess most times when adults get powers, they're less volatile." She cocked her head as they came around a corner. "Hey look over there's a stuck car," she pointed, indicating a small sedan halfway down the street, spinning its wheels with its front end lodged in a plow drift. "You wanna light things up and I'll give them a push?"
  14. "No, no, just have a seat!" Miss A instructed the sailors, "You're getting a free ride back to shore, boat and all. Coast Guard hates it when we leave things just laying around out here!" Flying over to the prow, Miss A began to arrange the net so the towing lines stayed on the deck while the net itself began to wrap around the boat till it hit the waterline."Seahawk, I'm going to lift up the boat just a foot or two by the hole where the main mast used to be, that's the strongest point on the hull right now. If you could take the net and loop it around the bottom, just like a hammock, we'll carry the whole thing over to Lonely Point."
  15. "Just keep them out of the water and we'll take care of it," Miss A promised, her voice entirely confident. "i'm on my way, and the Coast Guard is scrambling a chopper as well. It sounds like there was a brief skirmish this morning with a weather-controller from Schenectady and it caused a storm over the water. They're going to make sure nobody else got caught up in it." While two of the sailors tied trash bags together, the third one continued bailing, and between that and Seahawk's heroic efforts, the boat remained afloat on the choppy gray sea. There were a few close calls when waves came awfully close to the flight pack, but though it coughed once or twice, it kept working. Finally, after a very long six or seven minutes, a speck appeared on the horizon, flying low and fast. It resolved after a moment into Miss Americana, towing something that Seahawk recognized as the largest cargo net for the hoist built atop the helipad. "Ahoy to the sailboat!" Miss A called down cheerfully, lowering herself to hover a few feet above the deck. "Everybody okay? Seahawk, you doing all right?"
  16. "You've probably met some," Wander pointed out with a faint smile, "you just didn't realize it at the time. Most superheroes don't advertise when they're in their civilian clothes. And a lot of us look just like anybody else with the masks off, you wouldn't even recognize us on the street. And Freedom City does have the highest density of heroes per capita of anyplace in the world. A lot of them come here to learn, or to prove themselves, or just because this is where a lot of the disasters tend to start. Don't be afraid to help if you get the chance. Even if you're just moving civilians out of danger or directing traffic, that's still helpful."
  17. "I'm sorry that happened to you," Erin said soberly. "You must've been just a kid. I'm glad we were able to help." She smiled a little. "The king threw us a party afterwards, more kinds of fish than I've ever seen in my entire life. I was just glad he wasn't mad at me for pushing him out of the way when Neireid started attacking. I think I probably broke some kind of rule for dealing with royalty there." With a little chuckle, she led the way through the gates and down the street towards the Pramas bridge. "Do you go home to visit often?"
  18. Wander shrugged. "I run fast and jump high, like I said," she told him offhandedly. "Heal fast, and I'm a pretty good acrobat. A lot of things that would bother other people, like cold, don't bother me." She waved a hand to the cold night around them, and indeed, despite the chill of the night and her bare hands and face, she didn't seem more than slightly chapped. "And I'm a good fighter, barehanded or with my bat, or with whatever else is around. I'm with the Liberty League, we operate out of Freedom City." There was a moment of quiet while she thought. "Glass manipulation, huh? Bet you could make bank doing windshield repairs after super fights."
  19. "Copy that, NX, we have your position, we'll alert the Coast Guard. Do you need my help?" All the sailors looked visibly relieved at the arrival of the superhero. "Storm came up, damndest thing I've ever seen," one of the sailors told Seahawk. "We were just out for a daytime sail, private dock on North Bay, weren't even going far. Then there were shapes in the sky, maybe people flying, and all of a sudden it's raining cats and dogs, thunder and lightning, the works. Didn't last more than five minutes, but we got hit three or four times. Wind broke the mast, the radio's frled, and we're taking on water from somewhere." He shook his head. "We put on our life jackets, but we don't have anything else. It was just supposed to be a short little sail!" He sounded somewhat aggrieved now.
  20. "But I don't even know you!" Jessie blurted out, her eyes wide. Eric and Erin both stared at her for a second. "Um, we were all really close when we were younger, Erin and Jessie and I," Erin explained hastily. "But then we moved away, lost touch, you know how it goes. It's hard to imagine it's been so long that we haven't even been able to meet her fiance yet. But you seem really nice, so we probably won't have to beat you up, heh," Erin gave a slightly strained laugh, and after a moment Jessie smiled too, too wide to look natural. "You do look nice," Jessie added, obviously trying to be helpful for once. "You have really big hands." Thankfully, they were interrupted at that moment by a clatter at the door. Erin, the native Prime Erin, came out, a coat thrown over her pretty red Christmas sweater, and boots that weren't hers on her feet. "Keeley?" she called, sounding confused and already slightly annoyed. "What are you doing here? And who- oh." Jessie and Erin Prime stared at each other wordlessly for a minute. "Wow."
  21. "I don't fly either, I just jump high and run fast," Wander told him, dropping down from the dumpster to walk beside him. "If I need to fly, I've got to catch a ride with a friend. Or get someone to throw me," she allowed. "But once you meet enough people, you can usually find someone who can help out." They turned out onto the silent street, her feet silent even on the snowy sidewalks. "So you can step through mirrors, and make lights," she tallied. "What else can you do with your powers? Do you, like, shoot people will balls of light and blind them?"
  22. Just for future reference, if you have questions about a thread that has no OOC post yet, feel free to start an OOC post and list your questions. Anybody can do it, not just the thread starter. If you want to make sure someone sees it, you can also PM the questions straight to them. Spoiler tags are okay, but this just keeps things cleaner. 1. The boat is definitely taking on water somewhere, and it has a pronounced starboard tilt. Seahawk's got no knowledge of boats, so it's hard to say if it's ultimately salvageable, but she does know that the boat shouldn't look like that in the water, and also the mast has snapped off. 2. Not all at once, no. At Str 10, her heavy load is 100lbs, so she could not physically hold on to all the sailors even with some sort of rig to carry them all at once. Her suit does not offer any additional strength, so it's no help here. She could potentially use Flight Leverage to take hold of the back of the boat and push it along towards shore, but that's risky because of the Drawback on her Flight.
  23. His acquiescence earned him a quick smile from the otherwise taciturn heroine. "I know the feeling, I came from Seattle originally," she told him. "It got cold there sometimes, but nothing like Freedom City. You'll get the hang of it." She leapt to the top of a dumpster at the mouth of the alley as casually as taking a step, looked both ways at the street outside, then turned back to Mirror. "Still totally empty," she reported. "Good time to get used to the streets, I guess. You got any fast moves on you, or is this a walking patrol?"
  24. "Unless you've got a heater in that suit, you're not going to make it another fifteen minutes sitting on the ground in this cold," Wander countered. "Hypothermia sets in, you might not even notice before you fall asleep, and that's bad news." She beckoned him with her free hand, using her other to collapse her bat with a twirl and slide it back into the holster on her belt. "Come on," she urged, "if you're gonna patrol, do it on the move. It's more effective and safer, plus you get out of this alley. You been doing the hero thing for long?"
  25. Electra But eventually Trevor will have to show up so Erin-Wander will have some ammunition with which to fight the social battle against her double! Ecalsneerg "Lift your shirt! LOOK AT THOSE ABS" "I. Win." Electra "This guy electrocuted himself just so I'd go to bed with him!" Ecalsneerg Oh please, that's all men HG Morrison Ecal's not wrong. Gizmo It's not usually quite so literal.
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