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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Stesha pursed her lips and looked down for a moment, her face tightening as the plants in the garden behind them rustled in an imaginary wind. She glanced back at them and they stilled, the brief gesture allowing her time to compose herself. "Nothing lately," she admitted, keeping her eyes on the little girls and their friends. "Last we heard there was some big kerfuffle near Rigel, or maybe it was Regulus. I can't keep them straight." She chuckled, but it was a weak effort. "Lots of danger, lots of people who need saving. It's a big galaxy, and it seems like there's always something. It must be easy to lose track of time, so far away from Earth. To lose track of a lot of things." She was quiet for a moment, then seemed to bear down and come up with a genuine smile for her visitors. "I shouldn't be keeping you guys out in the cold like this! You should come on in to the commissary, we got crates of hot cocoa mix in the last shipment from Prime, and it's really popular." She gestured the way to one large metal-sided building with a wave of her mittened hand.
  2. "It's all right," Miss A assured her, pressing a few buttons discreetly built into the low table between the two chairs, "you don't have to talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable. I'm sure it was a very traumatic experience. I've read all the reports, the ones you filed and the ones from the doctors, the salvage crews, and the observers. I believe I have a fairly good picture of what happened after the impact, and we'll definitely be using all that data to make our next generation of safety gear. If you can, though, could you please tell me in your own words what happened on that flight?" (1) A moment later, a side door to the office slid open, discharging a small robot that looked a bit like a trashcan on treads with a boxy head and long, skinny arms. It carried a silver tray with a glass of ice water and a twist of lemon, and a bottled root beer next to a frosted mug. Miss A took the tray and set it on the table. "Thank you Emerson, that will be all."
  3. Miss A looked up when Naomi walked in, setting aside the tablet she'd been working on and giving the young pilot a smile that transcended pleasant and went straight to actually friendly. In person, it was easy to see why the paragon CEO was so popular with nearly everyone she encountered. "Come on in and have a seat, Naomi," she invited, directing her to one of the plush visitor chairs near the window. She rose from her chair as well and headed in that direction herself, abandoning the formality of the boss's desk for the conversational grouping of seats overlooking Hanover. "Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, soda, water? I have a robot prototype up here who's finally mastered the Keurig, I'm very proud." Miss A chuckled and seated herself, smoothing out her pleated blue skirt over her knees. She was dressed in her usual red, white, and blue, today in a white blouse and blue skirt with an intricately knitted red sweater softening the severe look. A white lab coat was hung on a rack near the desk.
  4. Almost a week after the unfortunate incident with the sabotaged plane, Naomi finally received a summons to ArcheTech headquarters. She'd filed exhaustive reports, of course, been debriefed by her supervisor, Vithya Naganathan, as had Mike and Rory, her ground team, and Keegan her backup pilot. She'd had an extensive physical that included checks of vision, hearing, reflexes and proprioception, which had been a little bit interesting given some of the things she hadn't known her body could do until recently. But all of that had been done at the test facility at Lonely Point, a place she was already familiar and comfortable with. Today's summons was to the tower in Hanover, where Naomi hadn't been since she was hired. The lobby of the imposing building was not so bad; sure it was very large, but its grandeur was softened by the fact that it was full of schoolchildren exploring displays on the wonder and excitement of renewable energy and recycling. The noise and bustle of kids on a field trip was distracting until she made her way to the relative quiet of the horseshoe-shaped front desk, where an extremely efficient-looking young woman with an earpiece scanned Naomi's ID badge with a palm-held scanner. "You're meeting with Miss Americana," she told Naomi tonelessly. "You're cleared for top-floor access. Please follow the arrows." She gestured, and a line of green arrows lit up along the midline of the wall, heading for a bank of elevators. "Have a nice day."
  5. I'd like to have Wander use Takedown Attack to stun as many of the possessed civilians and civilian animals as she can, using the Stunning Attack option on her bat. She's going to be careful not to hurt anyone, ideally just daze them so they stop attempting to commune. Unless the slime has made them much stronger than bystanders, she should be able to take 10 on each attack.
  6. Paige spends an HP (and gains an HP because her daughter is in danger from this psychic assualt) and makes the Will Save on a reroll.
  7. Hologram will repeat her attack on Antibody 1, hoping to take it out of commission entirely. Again, that's Subtle and a DC 25 Will Save.
  8. Stesha took a deep breath and cleared her mind, letting Gabriel's words flow through her and chase away the pain, fear and anxiety, replacing it with calm purpose. They couldn't stop the battle coming to Earth, but there was a battle to fight right here. "We need to spread out," she told the others. "There's too many for us to be grouping up." She took a handful of seeds from her pouch and tossed them at the invaders, concentrating on all of them at once to make them writhe and grow in the air. It was difficult and distracting work, but the payoff was worth it. One creature managed to avoid the tangle of vines entirely, but the other seven were wrapped up neatly in the vines, struggling and helpless under the piles of greenery.
  9. Fleur will use her Area Snare 15 (general, shapeable) to attempt to capture the antibodies in the command center before they have a chance to spread out from their ship. Any she catches in the snare must make a DC 30 Reflex save.
  10. Outside in the thick of the battle, Miss Americana had been fighting like normal, right up until the comms went down. Suddenly the superheroine seemed disoriented, almost lost,dropping ten feet before hanging suspended in the air, looking around wide-eyed as though trying to remember what she'd been doing a moment ago. She reflexively dodged a few pieces of debris that came her way, but made no immediate move to rejoin the battle. Inside, Gina slammed back into her chair and automatically put a hand to her nose to stem the bleeding that always followed a forcible ejection from her robot body. "What the hell?" She automatically tried to project back into Miss A, but the air was full of hissing static that drove her back into her body with nothing more than a headache to show for it. Then the pounding started, and before she could really think about it, she was down under her desk in a very unheroic crouch, listening to the ominous bending of metal. Alarms began to blare, and Gina swore she could feel the air starting to go thin, even though she knew her quarters had their own sealed oxygen supply. She tried to remember the emergency procedures for hull breach, but all her photographic memory wanted to serve up right now was gory images of explosive decompression and bodies sucked into the vacuum of space and flash-frozen. Even when the static from her brain started to clear away, she couldn't seem to claw her way out of her own mind and back into the safety and sanity of her electronic shell. Gina clamped her hands over her ears and tried to concentrate, swearing that if she somehow got out of this, she would never, ever leave Earth again.
  11. Miss A is going to spend this round trying to get back into the robot, which is still quite difficult since she has to make the concentration check under fire. She is not used to her physical body being in danger!
  12. "Well, you already know you make very sweet little girls, so that's not too much of a liability," Stesha pointed out encouragingly. "And you know Ellie's going to be falling all over herself to help once the baby is actually here. So many built-in babysitters, you'll probably be lucky to hold her before she's a month old." For a moment there was wistfulness in Stesha's face and voice, but it vanished as they rounded the edge of the garden and entered the village proper. Mayberry was the oldest and smallest of Sanctuary's settlements, closest to Stesha's home and populated by the refugees native to this Earth. The buildings were a hodgepodge of native materials and prefab delivered from Prime, log cabins and doublewide trailers existing comfortably side-by-side under a light blanket of snow. The central square had a new twenty-foot evergreen tree growing in it, lavishly decorated with lights and ornaments, and a gilttery giant bee gracing the top. Ammy and Eden had already found some of Ammy's friends from the creche, and she was busy making introductions at the foot of the tree. Grass was coming up in a ring where the two girls were standing, and little dandelions were beginning to open despite the cold. "Oh look," Stesha said indulgently. "They're so talented."
  13. "Shh, it's all right," Paige soothed, patting Aura's back and shushing her like she would Holly. "She misses you too, I can take you to see her. You'll both be happier together, I'm sure. And I'll be able to introduce you to your other cousins, my two kids. They're sixteen and eight now, and they've never had a chance to meet the rest of the family. It'll be nice. I know things don't look good right now, but we can fix it, we always manage in the end. Come on now, let's get off the plane and back onto solid ground awhile." Taking Aura's arm, Paige escorted her from the plane, making it clear without words that she was not going to tolerate any of the reviving guards causing them any trouble. She winced slightly at the sight that confronted them outside the plane. "Tesla! Francis! Both of you stand down right this instant!" she snapped. "We have a common enemy to be dealing with, and both of you are letting petty grudges stand in the way!"
  14. As her comrades continued bombarding the unnaturally-jointed man with their fists and physical weapons, Paige stayed put, her inkdrop eyes trained unblinkingly upon him. She poured happiness over him, a lifetime of good memories, some her own, some she'd seen in others, each one barbed with the razor-tipped knowledge that none of it could ever happen for someone like him, that he would disappear into unrecorded history and it wouldn't have an iota of effect on a single moment's laughter. She watched impassively as he began to buckle under the strain, only doubling down on the relentless psychic attack.
  15. Paige is going to keep at him with her terrible, joyful barrage of happy thoughts! Another DC 27 will save for Bendy.
  16. "I'm with you," Wander radioed back, taking a moment to assess the scene as she rose to her feet on the saddle of the flying bike as easily as though she were getting up off the floor. Nothing they'd done so far had caused much damage, or any damage as far as she could see. Singularity and Aquaria were both vulnerable, hanging onto the monster's scaly hide and just waiting to be plucked off. She wasn't sure whether Jessie was as durable as she herself was, but she knew Aquaria wasn't, and neither of them were ready to fight injured. A bold attack was the only option. Rising to her toes, she lifted her arms and her bad behind her like a diver and pushed off the bike, careful not to overbalance it as she went. She arced into the air, nearly disappearing into the darkness of the sky, then came hurtling back down, right over the monster's head like an enraged starling dive-bombing an interloper. She tucked her body into a ball and began tumbling faster and faster, till she smashed into the monster's snout with a loud crack! Unfolding herself, she proceeded to smash her bat against the thing's eylids again and again, hoping to blind or at least cause great pain.
  17. Wander will combine her attack with Cobalt Templar, or he will combine with her, whichever way it goes. She'll do an all-out power attack while charging and following Midnight's Master Plan, which will drop her defense to +5, raise her attack to +16, and her potential damage to 32 plus autofire. And of course the roll is just awful. Spending an HP. She gets a 35 Since she is charging, she can use her move action for Fast Acrobatic Bluff, which using her skill mastery is DC 27 to overcome. If the monster is flat-footed, she will receive her full autofire bonus of +5, plus another +2 for Cobalt Templar, which makes a DC 39 toughness save.
  18. "Creepy chanting cults, never, ever good," Fleur muttered, rubbing her hands along her arms to ward off the creepy-crawlies that permeated the room. "Especially not the lead creepy chanter." She placed a seed on her palm and flicked it with her fingers like a paper football. sending it in the direction of the lead cultist. As soon as it landed it began to grow, twining itself into a long, narrow vine and sprouting a trumpet-shaped orange flower next to his head. Fleur snapped her fingers and the flower burst open,spraying pollen generously over the cultist's face. He hardly had more than a chance to take a breath before he fell unconscious from the fumes.
  19. Fleur is going to attempt to use her stunflower on the leader, making a flower sprout up next to him and pollinate him in the face. She scores a nat 20 on the attack, so that's a 30. Assuming the attack lands, with the crit that is a DC 35 fort save.
  20. What a terrible roll. Fleur goes on 10.
  21. Hologram had done many things in her long and varied career on both sides of the heroic divide. She'd flown unpowered a time or two, she'd fought to save the world from evil. And she'd gotten a chance to get used to the fact that her mental form was forever eighteen with pink hair, no matter how her conscious mind might strive for a more adult look. She'd never dealt with all three things at once, however, so this was certainly a novel experience. Even so, she took off behind Scarab without question, leaving behind the imaginary ground and heading towards the swarm of figures. Fighting on the mental plane could be tricky, but with a little focus... She closed her eyes, concentrating on the enemy that seemed the most threatening, arbitrary distinction though it was. There was no flashy explosion, no bolt of energy shooting from her heroic skull. That would just draw attention! Instead, the metal-lined figure merely stopped fighting, stopped moving entirely, hanging in space like a pineapple suspended in jell-o. She felt another trying to attack her mind while she was distracted, and despite the circumstances, she had to smile. It was a pathetic attempt, really. She let it ricochet harmlessly off her shields and hoped it felt the headache from it.
  22. Paige is antibody-resistant with a 32.
  23. Wander and Singularity had been standing near the others, cleaning corrosion and oil off their hands and faces with the wet wipes from Wander's pocket. When the radio announcement came in they froze in eerie symmetry, then both of them looked directly to Midnight. "Lincoln Park," Erin told him, while Jessie looked on with wide eyes. "That's what they were saying. My-, our-, Erin's family lives near there. They could be in danger." Singularity took off running then, vaulting clumsily over piles of broken robots as she found her stride. Wander swore under her breath, looking after her, then turned quickly to her team. "Edge, can you keep a lid on the robots while we secure the new scene? Maybe get everybody there? It's just a couple miles away, near the lake. I gotta go after her before she gets hurt or hurts somebody." With that, Wander was off as well, her pace far smoother as she navigated the ruined campus.
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