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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Fleur's been espering around in these woods, let's see if her skill mastery Notice of 25 will net her any information on people.
  2. Stesha stepped out of a nearby tree, following her senses as soon as she had an idea of what was going on. "Is everyone okay?" she asked Super-Bee with concern, even as she looked over the massive barbecued bug. "And are you sure none of the little nasties got away?" She walked up towards the portal, carefully avoiding the stone spines, and raised her hands to it with a look of fierce concentration. Vines grew around the edges, writhing and twining along the jagged hole in reality, but the portal itself didn't grow an inch smaller. She blew out a breath that sounded suspiciously like an expletive and dropped her hands. "Well, this is just not good." She turned back to Gaian Knight and Tiamat. "Teagan, are you saying that someone on Sanctuary summoned these things?" she asked, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. Behind her, the vines stopped growing and the ground heaved once more, this time bringing forth new plants: clumps of pungent grasses the height of a man, massive stalks of purple flowers that had the bees buzzing with approval, and marigolds the size of hubcaps. "Can we find who it was?"
  3. As day turned into evening, Fleur began gently herding the more adventurous refugees back in the direction of the encampment, her powers more than sufficient to let her track down even the furthest wanderers. There was little on Sanctuary that could actually hurt them, but it would be easy to get lost in the darkness once the sun set. She assured them that there'd be plenty of time and opportunity to see all of Sanctuary in the coming days (though preferably, she thought privately, after she'd had a chance to talk with the existing village and the bees about the startling influx of new neighbors.) She managed to have a few words with the leaders of the first village while she was collecting Amaryllis from the creche, but there was a lot of talking still to be done. Nobody came right out and said it, but Stesha knew they were worried about getting the short shrift now that they were so incredibly outnumbered by the outsiders. With her green-haired daughter clinging to her hand and chattering about everything she'd done that day, Stesha teleported once more to the village, seeking out the young heroines who spearheaded the escape efforts. Smiling tiredly at them, she handed Tona a radio. "I'm heading home for the evening, but call me if anything happens that you need help with and I can be right over. That was good work today from all of you. Try and get some rest."
  4. Electra


    "I'm very sorry that happened to you," Fleur told him, digging into another pouch. "I wish they'd given up the briefcase, it was empty anyway... I suppose even that might not have stopped them. But the whole gang is gone now, and hopefully they won't give you any more trouble." She pulled a few dried leaf sprigs from the pouch and handed them to him. ""Sniff this, it will help with the headache. I'll wake up the others." As she shifted her attention to the soldiers, Fleur opened her communicator. "So I saw two bad guys in town, and just got a report of two more at the church while we were fighting... how many of these guys _are_ there? I've never even heard of them before, we've got to get some more information ASAP."
  5. Electra


    Fleur blew out a breath at Bowman's report. "Well, that could be worse, I suppose. If you can put him in touch with his superiors, I imagine they'll want to come and collect him and the device as soon as possible. Keep an eye out, though, there may still be villains after him. We chased off the group that took out the convoy, but they ran away instead of engaging and we didn't have a chance to catch them. I imagine we'll be coming back pretty soon." Kneeling beside the fallen priest, Fleur cupped a seed in her palm and grew it into a particularly pungent flower. Waving it under his nose, she asked "Father, can you hear me? Do you know what happened here?"
  6. "Coffee!" came an obedient chorus of voices as Quark snapped a few shots from different angles. When he stopped to marvel at the fact that the camera required actual finger-button contact rather than mental command, the group began to break up and spread apart again. "I guess it's probably time for us to hit the superhighway," Knightfall said, sounding just a bit regretful. "Got some people at home waiting for us." "More than we did before, hopefully," Sojourner added. "People we very much want to see again." Her eyes were just a bit shiny for a moment as she glanced in Erin and Trevor's direction, but then it was past and she was calm once more. "Time's on our side at this end of history, right?" Tensile asked. "No reason we can't stay long enough to have some pizza, maybe hear a little more about each other. You all are super-weird, you know," he told his new siblings with a shake of his head. "There's no reason to tempt fate," Sojourner countered. "We've done what needed to be done, now we ought to get out of here before we damage the timeline any further." "A little pizza's not likely to damage the space-time continuum any more than ripping a hole into the thirtieth century," Tensile muttered, but didn't seem inclined to argue too much. "Besides, we've got an official Time Cop here right now, he can make sure we all get where we're supposed to be, easy peasy." Knightfall put in. "Better to get while the getting's good." "You're welcome to hang around if you want," Erin told them all, trying to be a good hostess now that the immediate crisis was past, "but you're right, Quark probably can't stick around for too long."
  7. "Sure, why not?" Sojourner replied, a hesitant smile playing around the corners of her mouth. "I think we've already done as much as we're gonna do to this timeline," Tensile agreed affably, throwing an arm around Sojourner's shoulders and another around Hematite's. "May as well get something for the scrapbook!" "I call not standing in the front!" Knightfall called out, leaping onto Daybreak and swinging herself up to his shoulders. "Put Mom and Dad in the middle so they don't hide somewhere off in the back." "Oh come on..." Seeing she was outnumbered, Erin edged her way into the group that was forming up, only to be firmly nudged into the middle by both her elder "daughters." "You know I'm pretty much in my pajamas. We weren't expecting company." "Well, it's better than nothing," Sojourner whispered into Erin's ear, tongue firmly in cheek. "I did get a glimpse of that loveseat in the upstairs library." As Erin turned an interesting shade of red, Sojourner straightened up and folded her arms behind her back, completely innocent.
  8. In the center of the sod-hut village, Stesha Madison looked at the stars and thought about the future. Ten thousand new human residents of Sanctuary had kept her too busy to think for weeks now, but things finally seemed to be settling down to a dull roar. She wouldn't consider living conditions to be entirely comfortable, with the food plain and served communally, the sanitary facilities basic at best, and electricity spotty and only when conditions were good, but it was livable. Everyone was living inside now, with enough clothes and cots and cups and candles to go around, and more supplies were on the way thanks to Gabriel's tireless efforts. She knew the refugees wouldn't complain, many of them still seemed almost stunned to be living in a place where they didn't have to be afraid all the time. They certainly seemed to be going out of their way to be model new citizens, to the point where it was sometimes a little unnerving. She wished they'd take a few more breaks, or at least be a little more open about asking for what they needed, but Tona had said it wasn't their way. Maybe when they felt more secure here, after they'd successfully gone through a winter and into spring. She was a little surprised at how well they'd taken to Comrade Frost. Stesha supposed that the acerbic Russian had toned down his attitude somewhat since his first days with the Aux League, but the heat-stealing vampire still vibed her senses badly enough that it was a little hard to believe people would voluntarily want to spend time with him. A veterinarian was a valuable asset to the community, though, and Sanctuary's new residents seemed eager to get to know him as he treated their livestock. It made the rather bitter pill of asking him nicely for his help on her world a little easier to swallow. She wondered if Frost would agree to some kind of apprenticeship for the drovers and shepherds, get them up to speed on husbandry techniques so they could eventually handle it themselves. It couldn't hurt to ask. Well, it could, but only a little, and mostly just that part of her brain that itched whenever he was walking around on the surface of Sanctuary. She'd deal. Behind her in one of the sod houses, a refugee woman was in labor, assisted by her mother, one of the healers who'd come with the group, and the trained midwife from Sanctuary's first and more established village. Stesha had been in to consult, but things were going well and the mother to be was in no need of magical healing or transport, so she'd stepped out to allow a bit more elbow room in the cramped house. She thought of Ammy, peacefully tucked up in the creche until her mother came to take her home, thought of the tumultuous day she'd been born. She looked to the stars and allowed herself to feel for a moment the horrible loneliness that crept in whenever she allowed it. What was he doing tonight, out among stars much too far away to see? Was he thinking of her, could he think of her after being Dark Star for so long, or had she been swallowed up under the weight of worlds on his shoulders? How long could they go on like this? When the first buzzing shriek rent the air like a car alarm, Stesha felt a moment's absurd gratitude for the distraction. Casting her senses into the earth around her, she let her thoughts race towards the scene of the disturbance, looking for whatever disaster had befallen her first and largest tenants.
  9. "As well as could be expected, I imagine," Miss A replied calmly, though her eyes when she looked at Caradoc were not quite so serene. She wore the same look of suppressed anxiety that he saw in Gina every time he pushed her to take a walk around the block or go on a midnight fast-food run, the one that said that all she wanted was to be home and possibly under her bed as quickly as humanly possible. "Hopefully the Spirit of Liberty has gone back to Lady Liberty, or at least found a more suitable host. I don't think it agreed with me at all. I think I will probably have a checkup from one of the doctors at ArcheTech, just to be on the safe side. Caradoc, would you mind escorting me back?"
  10. "Hate fighting flyers," Wander muttered, fighting for footing on the slick deck even with her superhuman grace. "Hate being wet, hate waking up in the middle of the night, hate that the lawn is a swimming pool." She broke open a hatch and hauled out a rather large missile, balancing it on one shoulder. "Hate politics, really hate being wet with salt water. Hate how it's so itchy." She hefted the missile, testing its weight, and lifted it over her head. "This is all your fault!" she yelled, and launched the missile at Typhoon at a very respectable rate of speed. It wouldn't detonate, but it was much more aerodynamic than most of the debris on the deck. As the missile flew, she saw it lift a little, seemingly out of nowhere, and home in directly on the dictator. She nodded in approval. "Now you can have a crappy night too."
  11. For her part, Hologram didn't seem to be doing much of anything, just standing out of the way and watching the highly destructive show. Her lips curved in a slight smile as Fast-Forward performed his spell, but otherwise she seemed to be concentrating very intently on the bevy of identical villains. Finally she murmured "there you are," and pursed her lips flat for a few seconds. Out in the crowd, one of the Slamdances dropped the parking meter he'd been using as a bludgeon and looked around as though confused. He shook himself, then grinned broadly and smashed his fist into the face of the Slamdance standing next to him. "I always did hate your smug face, you bastard!" he crowed, his eyes just a bit unfocused.
  12. Roll to find the real fake Slamdance, inspired: success! Hologram is going to attempt a Mind Control on the nearest Slamdance, trying to get him to attack the other Slamdances. The roll is terrible, spending an HP Reroll gives a 24 That'll be a DC 22 will save to resist, it is a full action, but it is subtle.
  13. Wander throws something big and heavy at Typhoon (or if he is not in range, at whatever of his relatives is closest, barring Nina). Full power attack. She gets a 19. Move action to seek cover away from any of the sailors who might still be on deck.
  14. On her bench nearby, Miss Americana hung up her phone and scoffed quietly at Terrifica's assertions of unparalleled intelligence. True, some people did have hidden depths, but she'd be very surprised if the excitable heroine were the most intelligent person in Boston this afternoon, much less ever on Earth. But her internal servos were finally done coming back online and self-checking, so Miss A had other important things to attend to. Like getting home for a lot of security upgrades. Rising from her seat, she rolled her neck and cracked her knuckles to make sure everything was working, then walked over to where Caradoc, Sekhmet and Terrifica were standing. "Thank you, all of you, for your timely intervention," she told them. "I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it was... overwhelming. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there to curb my impulses." She looked at the threesome. "Does anyone know how Lady Liberty is doing?"
  15. Miss Americana backed hastily away from Sekhmet, still smiling even as she raised her hands to stave off the goddess' attentions. "Thank you for the offer, but I'm fine," she assured the glowing deity. "I'm just going to take a moment to get my bearings. I'm sure there are other injured people who need the attention far more." Matching words to actions, she found her way over to the nearest bench and sat down, still looking slightly dazed, but mostly unharmed. Her eyes followed Caradoc for a moment, as though she'd get up and go to him, but instead she pulled out a cell phone and began making calls. Early spin was vital in public relations messes like this.
  16. Electra


    "They broke off when I teleported the soldier with the projector away," Fleur reported to Frost over the comm from her seat in the tree. The rain was finally tapering off, but she was still soaked to the skin even through the protection of her cowl. She shoved aside a wet daisy plastered against her forehead and teleported back to the church. "Good news, everyone," she called, trying to sound legitimately cheerful about it. "The bad guys ran off when we confronted them, so now it's a matter of us chasing them down instead of them hanging around the town. I think there's some property damage, maybe a few more injured people, but it's all over now, even the rain." With those messages delivered, she lifted her comm once more and called Headquarters. "This is Fleur de Joie, I just teleported a soldier to you with a piece of technology that some very bad people want to get hold of very badly. He should be right outside the front door, if you can make sure he stays safe till we can make arrangements to have him collected."
  17. There was a long moment of quiet after the Centurion flew off, like there might be after an angelic visitation, with people staring at the sky or at each other, not sure what to do. Paige shook herself and ran a slightly bloody hand through her matted hair. "All right, we've got a breathing space," she reminded the others. "So let's breathe while we can. I can't feel anyone else alive and trapped around here, and the road is unblocked. And I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I've absolutely got to get off my feet and take a dozen aspirin." She sat down on a bench that had once been a bus stop before its rain shelter had been ripped up and used for cover. "Richard, can you maybe get us something to eat so we're not taxing the supplies at the shelter?" She smiled, just a tiny little bit. "I could go for some pizza, Chicago-style."
  18. Electra


    "Oh come on, we've come all this way and you're not even going to fight? I was really concerned about this battle!" Fleur's voice was affronted and just a little bit whiny as she touched the flowers in her hair and attempted to follow the ignominious flight of the villains. She popped out at the top of a tree almost a quarter-mile away, but there was no sight of the pair. She slumped, wrapping her legs around a branch for support. "We lost two of them," she reported over her comm, "but I got the projector sent off to safety. I think they're all going to break off."
  19. Electra

    Firestorm OOC

    Fleur is going to teleport 900 feet Southwest and come out at the top of a tree, hoping to catch sight of the running man and his unwieldy burden in time to snare them.
  20. "Not at all," Fleur assured Leda, her lips thinning for a moment in frustration. "Typically when we have injured people, we don't fly them away from the healer, for one thing. But if she's just exhausted, she should be all right at the village infirmary for now. Max, Chase, can you help out with those animals before we have a mass breakout? We haven't got any pasture fenced out yet, they'll wind up in somebody's living room." Gathering her wits, Fleur looked around at the massed people. "Okay! Ten thousand people. We can manage this, it'll just be a little bit scattershot for the first little while. Leda, if you could have anyone who is sick or injured brought here so we can help them, that's the first step. Then, if you can, get people to form up into family groups, all the people who are going to live in the same household, so we can get an idea how many shelters we'll need. Once people are grouped up, we'll start distributing supplies, and I'll get on the food issue. Where's Blue Jay?' she asked suddenly, looking around at the milling crowds.
  21. Electra


    "You're not taking anything," Fleur told Leo, shaking off his attack with a toss of her head. "You have no idea what you're dealing with now." As if to prove her point, Velocity came charging in out of nowhere, plowing into the villain at superspeed. Her attack didn't seem to affect the villain much, but it was a great distraction. Fleur took a quick step back and closed her hand on Sergeant Davenport's shoulder. "I'm sending you to the League," she murmured. "Tell them I sent you, then contact your unit or whatever you need to do. I'll come for you in a few minutes." A struggling dandelion on the ground obligingly grew to a hundred times its size and yawned open, and she gave him a little nudge to send him through. She turned to Leo and Aries, spreading her arms in a mock helpless gesture. "I guess neither of you guys will get to have him. Oh well."
  22. Electra

    Firestorm OOC

    Fleur is going to attempt to remove one of the MacGuffins from the field of play. Move action, go to Davenport and grab his shoulder Standard Action, affect others Teleport, sending him to Freedom League HQ in Freedom City. Fleur will remain behind.
  23. Electra

    Firestorm OOC

    Crap roll on the first Toughness save (seriously, couldn't even roll a six or better?) Spending another HP, makes for an autosuccess on the save. Result is a 39
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