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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Electra

    Grand Prix

    Erin huffed disagreeably at that, debating her choices, but eventually rolled to a sitting position next to him. She swept her hair aside with one hand to give him access to the zipper, dislodging pins and crinkling hairspray in the process. "You're lucky you're cute," she muttered. He did look pretty cute, sort of rumpled and relaxed but still elegant, and even though she was very used to his sunglasses, it was always nice when he took them off at the end of the day. That thought was pleasing enough for her to press a kiss to his cheek, leaving a faint lipstick mark. "You know," she decided, "I think you did get a little bit of a tan today. The beach is good for you." She cracked a smile. "How about me, see any freckles?"
  2. Electra

    Grand Prix

    Erin kicked off her shoes and dropped onto the giant bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Oh my god, Monaco," she agreed in a voice that was half laugh, half groan. Even with her metabolism, the hours of travel, exercise and partying had taken a hard toll, and she was amazed Trevor was still standing at all. "That was so fun, and I'm not sure I'm ever going to move again. Which is a shame because I really have to get out of this dress." Frank had outdone himself with the glittery green sheath, and it had been cool to know she could be at these parties and look like she belonged, but even through the lining the fabric was scratchy, and either the fire retardant or the bioelectric sensory net made it heavy as hell. "We don't have anything scheduled for first thing in the morning, do we?"
  3. "The power source... I think it might be the crew itself," Miss Americana told Dragonfly over the radio. "The sensors on this thing are like nothing I've ever seen before. I'm not even sure I'm interpreting the visual data correctly, much less the written information." The silver robot stepped away from the console and rubbed its eye-spaces with its hand in a very human gesture that was quite at odds with its appearance. "But there was definitely some sort of synthesis happening between the crew and this vessel, and as soon as they left, it seemed to power down completely. Their sensors use some sort of highly advanced electrophotonic imaging system, which suggests that they are aware and make use of energy auras that are substantially more powerful than those of your average human. They definitely weren't from around here, I can tell they came from outside the Milky Way, though perhaps not from outside the Local Group. Either way, quite a trip." The robot lay down on the ground suddenly, taking a tool from the scanner and using it to pry off one of the console's exterior panels. "They were communicating with something while they were here, for several months. And there's something in Freedom City that connected with them too, or that at least was very sympathetic to their energy signature. I'm going to try and get a bead on it, see if we can learn anything there."
  4. Electra

    Grand Prix

    This was Erin's fourth or fifth tumble by now, and if nothing else she was becoming adept at water starts. "I want it to fly," she complained good-naturedly. "That's why I keep ending up in the water." Angling her body into the correct position, she raised the sail and let the wind pull her back upright on the board. "If I wanted to just run around on the water, I wouldn't need the board at all. Except for secret identity," she added conscientiously. The whole conversation took place at shouted volume, or as close to a shout as Trevor ever got, but the words were still stolen by the breeze long before they could reach anyone else. "After this, let's go look at the cars!" There was a fancy party tonight, she knew, but she'd rather look at the cars than spend ages getting ready. That was another nice thing about being totally unknown, even fewer people than usual cared whether she got her hair and makeup quite right. Pulling on the sail with one arm, she tacked around to stay close to Trevor, their boards mere feet apart. It was more sedate this way, but also quite a bit dryer, and she didn't swallow nearly so much ocean.
  5. Electra

    Grand Prix

    There was, as they soon discovered, a bit more to windsurfing than met the eye, though Trevor's comparison to motorcycle riding wasn't entirely off. The three hour beginner's package came with an instructor, a friendly and very tan young man named Louis who spoke excellent English with a pronounced French accent. Conscientious Louis spent the first ten minutes giving them a safety rundown of dos and don't for windsurfing before even letting them near a board. Erin listened very carefully, tucking away all the information with the air of someone preparing for a life or death trial. Neither of them took the offered wetsuits or lifejackets. Erin figured they would only slow her down, and she didn't need to breathe more than once every couple minutes, in a pinch. And if Trevor should happen to get into trouble, well, she'd be right there. Finally, finally, it was time to actually surf! The short, wide beginner boards were not as sexy as the long, sleek boards Erin had seen on display, but she couldn't fault their stability. It felt as though she couldn't fall off if she tried. Once she was actually in the water, it only took about five minutes before she was up and going, skimming across the water like a seagull, a look of intense concentration on her face. Her first ride lasted barely a minute before she misjudged the wind and flipped herself over, but at least she came up laughing.
  6. Stesha grinned. "Five of them," she confirmed. "An older sister, three older brothers, and a little sister. When I was in my angsty teenage phase, I complained that by the time I came along, the novelty of children had worn off, but I still didn't get to be the baby in the family. But there was always someone around to play with, and that was nice." She set down her empty teacup and folded her hands comfortably in her lap. "It can be hard to feel like you're living up to your older brothers and sisters, especially when you're just getting started. But hey, neither of them is doing it and being a superhero as well, so I think you're doing just fine." She laughed. "In any case, I always planned on being a mother one day, so that's something that almost turned out the way I thought. I love kids, and though some might say I'm biased, I'm pretty sure that Ammy is an especially good one. Now ask me again when she develops more of her powers, right?" she added ruefully. "She's one of those whose name was down for the Nicholson School the day she was born."
  7. "It's nice to have so many choices," Stesha observed cheerfully. "I'm sure that with your resume, you can find a job that suits you, however much of your time and effort you think you can devote to it. And you never know what paths life will lead you down, even after you decide." She chuckled and glanced around at her leafy house. "When I graduated college, I decided that I didn't want to become a botanist, I wanted to be a florist instead. And then I ended up being a superhero and managing a planet instead. Who'd have thought? But if you're flexible and look for possibilities, anything can happen. So you're the baby of your family, huh?"
  8. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "Yep!" she agreed cheerfully. "You aren't getting out of the beach. Look, we're practically there already." The bright fabric of her sarong whipped around her legs as they wound around the swimming pool, teased by the same sea wind that was trying to steal her hat. A long, shallow staircase took them over the seawall and opened onto a broad expanse of white beach and blue ocean. It was busy, but Erin suspected that the cluster of luxury hotels had some sort of agreement that kept the beach semi-private to guests. A lot of the people here looked like they were vacationing from somewhere else. Some were even as white as she and Trevor! It was a lot of open space, a lot of movement, but visibility was high and nobody here looked like a threat. It was all okay, she reminded herself. They were on vacation! Erin was tempted for a moment by a game of beach volleyball forming up a ways down the beach, but then she caught sight of the windsurfing rental shed. The weather seemed to be right, because a few bright sails already dotted the water. Keeping hold of Trevor's hand, she all but dragged him along the beach, eager as a kid chasing the ice cream truck. She was reasonably confident of her ability to master this new sport, and figured if she could do this, it didn't matter so much if she was out of place during the fancy stuff tonight and tomorrow. "They have jetskis too," she pointed out to Trevor as they approached.
  9. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "Yeah right," she teased back, sliding her arms around his waist. "I know all your secrets. You just look like you anticipate everything because you're ridiculously good at reacting to the unexpected. But you can be caught by surprise. Actually, I kind of think that's the whole reason you keep Mark around." She stepped back a decorous few inches as the elevator opened to reveal a group of well-heeled tourists who looked like they were probably headed to the casinos. Erin felt a bit silly in her sarong and straw hat, but she reminded herself that she wasn't the one visiting a beautiful beach city just to spend the whole time in an airless, lightless room full of games one was bound to lose. As they crowded into the elevator, Erin noticed one young woman in an entirely too-tight dress taking a couple extra glances at Trevor's bare back. Erin made sure to pin her with a meaningful glare. Suitably intimidated, the lady hurried off with her friends at the lobby, leaving Erin feeling quite pleased with herself. Maybe she was out of her element here among the rich and sophisticated, but she could still look after her own. "I guess security on the cars is probably pretty tight before the race," she remarked idly as they walked out the sliding doors and onto the path past the pools to the beach. "I wonder if there'll be a chance to see them, or if we have to wait till after."
  10. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "Thanks," she replied with a grin, taking a look at his ensemble. "Yours too. And although portions of that trip are a blur, I think I remember most of the important parts." Erin laughed, slipping her hand into his as they walked into the hallway. "I remember you doing a headstand in the hot tub, that was funny. And Mark lost his trunks and threatened to jump out of the plane if we dared him to. And I remember I was so nervous because I liked you so much and I had a brand new swimsuit and no idea what I was doing. But it turned out nice, so that was all right." Remembering her favorite part of that ride, she stopped and put a hand on his cheek, bringing him in for a leisurely kiss. "Who could have known back then, huh?" she mused, her smile gone soft and sentimental. "You gave me my first birthday party on Prime, and helped me figure out that I really did want to be a hero. That was a nice trip."
  11. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "You're just trying to distract me from going to the beach," Erin accused playfully. She was grinning as she looped her arms around his waist, ignoring for the moment the fact that the walls were transparent. "And it's a very good effort, but it's not going to work. But later on, you can help me look for them." Despite her bold claims, it took longer than might be expected for both of them to get into their swimming clothes and for Trevor to be properly slathered with high-SPF sunscreen. That was all right, they were on vacation. Erin had picked a swimsuit designed more for sport than sexiness, with a bright blue top shaped like a sports bra and matching cropped shorts that left most of her abdomen bare. She'd figured that to be good enough for beachwear, but then Frank had added on a breezy floral sarong, a straw sunhat, sunglasses and water shoes to finish off the ensemble. It ended up being more accessories than she wore to work most days, but it looked cute and softened the annoyingly muscled look the suit alone gave her. Conscientiously, she secured her passport and documents in the room safe, then tucked a little money and her comm into the hidden pocket of the sarong. "I almost wish I'd brought a pail and shovel," she joked, "but I guess the beaches here are probably too sophisticated for sand castles."
  12. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "There are times I wouldn't mind being able to get a tan," Erin replied sourly, studying her own exceedingly fair skin. "I tried that sunless tanning stuff, but my body sloughs away dead skin so quickly, I was polka-dot by morning and totally white again in thirty-six hours. Even Charlie was laughing at me." She shook her head ruefully. "I guess there are worse things than looking like I live in a cave for the rest of my life, but once upon a time I had freckles, swear to god." She folded her napkin and stood up, nearly reaching to leave a tip before she remembered that wasn't a custom here. "Anyway, it'll be fun. I'll help you put your sunscreen on," she offered, a gleam in her eyes as she turned to head back toward the glass elevator.
  13. "But what about the ones who didn't cry out?" Fleur asked curiously, even as she surreptitiously gathered her power around herself. If there was going to be a fight, she wanted to be ready to strike or flee as necessary. So far, the Mother hadn't shown any indication that she'd noticed the rest of the team. Keeping her attention could preserve their tactical advantage. "Surely there were some who liked the way their lives were and who enjoyed technology. Perhaps there were even some who would have fought back. What became of them?" She threaded her fingers together, tiny vines beginning to grow in the palms of her hands. "And what of my world?" she went on. "I'm very sure that none of my people cried out to you, and yet your tendrils extended there anyway, with the promise that seeds would follow. What are you planning on doing there?"
  14. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "See, master tactician," Erin agreed, pressing a kiss to his jaw before letting him go. There was certainly no shortage of places to eat in the area, but for this first meal they stuck with one of the hotel's several restaurants. Erin chafed a little at the typically French speed of the meal, but the shrimp salad and fresh bread was excellent, at least. "You know, I could've gone out and caught the shrimp and picked the lettuce myself," she murmured sotto voce to Trevor as their waiter finally left with the bill. "But I guess not everybody wants to be efficient when they eat. Can we go out to the beach now?" By now it was well past noon and cruising steadily into the hottest part of the day, but that didn't deter her one bit.
  15. Erin hesitated for a second, then leaned in and gave Mark a brief, slightly awkward hug. "Good luck," she told him sincerely. "And just remember that you're doing what you do because you love her and want her to get better. Give us a call if you need any help with anything, okay?" She stepped back and watched for a moment, then slipped off her shoes and vaulted into the air like a bird taking flight. She was glad to have been able to help, glad to repay the favor of Mark's help with Singularity, but for the moment she was guiltily glad to be shed of all of it. All she wanted to do was get back to the Manor and settle in for awhile where things were quiet and safe and normal. Or as normal as they got for Freedom City's heroes, anyway. Mark would be all right, she reasoned, somehow he always managed to land on his feet.
  16. Electra

    Grand Prix

    "No, no, it's great," Erin assured him, peeking into the bathroom and the minifridge and the closets. "I like that it's quiet and big and has the windows. If I do wind up losing my cool and need to pull myself together, this'll be a good place for it. But so far, so good." She came up behind him as he looked out the window, wrapping her arms around his waist and looking over his shoulder at the blue water. "I kind of think getting on the plane at all was the worst part," she admitted. "I got so nervous about the idea of the trip, I psyched myself out. Now that we're here and doing it, the people and the language and all that doesn't really bother me so much. We've been to way stranger places and done much scarier things. It's just that in those cases, I didn't have weeks to think about them beforehand."
  17. "You're welcome to stay here," Stesha told Valut, passing her a cup of tea. "But I'm a bit worried that it's not going to be anything like what you're used to. There is a small amount of technology here, plumbing and basic electricity, a few televisions and such, but it's a low-tech agrarian human society living alongside a colony of giant bees. There'll be plenty for you to do here, should you decide to stay, and no one is going to blame you for being forced to travel with the pirates. You may find it a very rewarding way to live. On the other hand, you can still apply for refugee status from the Freedom League and live on Earth Prime, which may end up being closer to what you're used to. "Casscratle?" Across the room, Ammy was very interested in what Tona was doing, though it quickly became obvious that the not-quite-two year old was in no way ready to take hold of the strings herself. She watched in fascination as Tona pulled the strings though, and put her own small hands into the loops several times, laughing gleefully when it all fell apart.
  18. Electra

    Grand Prix

    Erin pressed her hands to the glass as they rose in the elevator, watching the tourists frolicking in the ocean. She thought about mentioning the strange person she'd glimpsed to Trevor, but decided against it. It had just been a fraction of a second, but he would undoubtedly worry about it even though there was nothing they could do. It was a ninety-nine percent chance that she'd just been mistaken, and the one percent... well, they could deal with that when it came up, if it came up. For the moment, she was ready to put it out of her mind. "So what do you want to do first?" she asked as they walked down the short corridor to their room. "We could eat or rest or go out to the beach... oooh." She paused a moment to appreciate the hotel room, which was very large, very plush, and had a floor-to-ceiling view of the ocean. The bathtub on a pedestal in the main room looked big enough for two people, the bed in the next room big enough for a basketball team. A side table near the door held a basket of fruit and wine, with a folder full of information on the many attractions of Monaco during race week. "I'm not sure I'm ever going to get used to traveling like this. But it is fun."
  19. It wasn't more than a minute or two later that Fleur returned, sleepy daughter snuggled up against her shoulder. Amaryllis Lumins took after her mother very closely, from the shape and blue of her eyes to the brilliant new-grass green of her curly hair. She blinked unworriedly at the visitors, obviously used to seeing strangers come to visit, and put two fingers into her mouth. Stesha looked a little surprised at the new arrival, but recovered quickly. "Oh, Valut, I didn't realize you were still here. I thought you'd gone with the others." She settled Ammy into a comfy armchair, then went to the kitchenette and began pouring tea, adding a third mug to the counter. "Were you hoping to stay on, then? We could always use another trained botanist, provided you've cut your ties with the pirates." The words were entirely affable, but there was a core of resolve there that said Valut had best know where her loyalties lay before she made a decision.
  20. "Don't worry, it's going to be all right," Stesha assured the girl, stepping forward to give her a hug. At the same time, she swept them both back to her leafy cottage, away from any curious onlookers in the village. "There's always room for more, and if there isn't, we'll make room. It's good that people from your world already know how to live on a world like this, that's less of a shock to deal with." She smiled a little bit. "Well, aside from the bees. But I'm sure both sides will be able to adapt." She patted Tona's shoulder, then went to put the electric kettle on to boil. "You just make yourself comfortable here for a few minutes while I go collect my daughter," she suggested kindly, then disappeared to let Tona compose herself.
  21. "Curiosity, Great Mother," Fleur said politely, stepping forward on feet that were sure despite the uncertain footing of vines and leaves. "A traveler came to my world from yours, bringing stories of your kingdom and its great beauty. This place is very different on my world, beautiful too, but without the great bounty of plant life you have created. The traveler said that you wished to extend your reach beyond the bounds of your world, perhaps even into my own. I thought it fitting that I should come and see what it is you have wrought, here where it all began." All around her, Stesha could get impressions from the plants, the feeling that here was a great tap root for the whole living city, but yet not. It was too confusing to pin down for the moment, especially when her attention had to be focused on her words. "I find myself wondering, Mother," she continued. "Why was the beginning here, in California? It's a beautiful area, yes, but it was full of cities and buildings and humans. Why not in the endangered rainforests, or in the remote corners of the wilderness, where you would've spread yourself effortlessly with so much less blocking your way?"
  22. "Good, it sounds like you're all set, then," Stesha agreed with a nod. "Daedalus is very meticulous about keeping track of all the information we have about various timelines." She laughed a little. "Thinking about divergent timelines and alternate realities too much starts to give me a headache, but it's something of a hobby for him. I suppose when you're immortal and super-intelligent, you need to think about really deep things just to pass the time." She relaxed against the couch cushions, taking another sip of tea. "I noticed you have quite a lot of school under your belt for someone your age. What are you planning on doing?" she asked curiously.
  23. Electra

    Set Up

    "That sounds like a good idea," Fleur agreed with some relief. "Nick, if you could set up a delivery so we don't all have to change clothes, I'll call over to the Cline Building and see if there are any special circumstances apartments open. Hopefully something with two bedrooms," she added, looking at the young godling and his fearsome guard. "Once you get more established in the city, you'll probably want to find housing on your own, but the Cline is a good place to start out. Many immigrants and transients stay there, so it's always interesting, and you'll be able to get advice on jobs and adapting to life on Earth Prime. The apartments are small but it's very nice," she assured them. "I have friends who've lived there."
  24. "Well, illusion or not, Nazi fairies or not, we've still got to get rid of it." Erin blew out a breath of frustration and faced down the lizard again. The tyrannosaurus was obviously considerably the worse for wear, bruised and weaving on its massive legs, but it still wasn't down. Getting hung up like this on the distraction was not a good thing to have happen in a fight like this. Who knew what they were missing? "Edge, Cannonade," she called, even as she dropped off the edge of the balcony like a swimmer off the high dive. "Go back up the other team, they've got the real bad guys. I'll finish up here." She dropped onto the dinosaur's thick scaly neck, delivering a punishing flurry of blows that it could not block with its ridiculous short arms.
  25. Stesha pursed her lips and tipped her head back for a moment, but it seemed more as though she were contemplating logistics than considering a refusal. "It's certainly the right time of year for it," she remarked, looking up at the sky. "It's just starting to get warm, and we'll be able to put in some more acres of crops. Two thousand won't fit into the village, but we've got the sod houses on the green belt with wells and privies already dug. We'd have to run it by the League because it's an interdicted dimension, but that's really just a formality since it only tangentially involves Earth Prime, and I can get Gabe and GK to back me up if needs be. Anything to get more people away from the Terminus, right?" She tilted her face level again, focusing on Tona. "It's up to them, really. Leaving a world, even a bad world, isn't a small step. We can give them a place, but do you think they would come if you asked them? And would you be able to get them together? Missions to the Terminus are very dangerous. We'd have to go quick and get out quietly, or we'd risk something following us home."
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