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Everything posted by Electra

  1. The communication line to League HQ crackled with static, and the voice on the other end was a little bit shaky, but at least there was someone answering the phones at Freedom Hall. "Copy that, Fulcrum. We'll relay that data to other teams in the field. Get any information you can and secure the robot if possible. Stand by for Fleur de Joie." The commlink gave a few more hiccups of static, then connected again. Fleur's voice was instantly recognizable, though she sounded unusually worried and a little distracted. "Fulcrum, this is Fleur de Joie. Comm says you're reporting a medical emergency? Are you guys all right? I'm in the city, just tell me where you're at and I'll jump over there. The city is a madhouse right now, but I guess you probably know that."
  2. Spending an HP to stunt retrocognition onto Fleur's ESP.
  3. Fleur stared at the wreckage, flabbergasted and more than a little concerned. "Nothing like that has ever happened before!" she assured the others, even as she hurried forward to examine the charred remains. "Putting someone inside my plants is typically very safe, I've done it to myself just to make sure it's not painful or too scary. There's just nothing in there to burn someone!" She looked at the charred insides of the flower, running her fingers along the burnt and crumbling edge. "This shouldn't have happened." She closed her eyes and extended her senses into the plants themselves, trying to gather the scattered impressions they had picked up of whatever had gone wrong inside what should've been a safe containment cell.
  4. Fleur had been kept quite busy by all the casualties, setting up triage areas wherever she went and having the less injured bring her or point her to their more injured colleagues. Her supplies of herbal medicines were quickly exhausted, leaving nothing but the plants she could grow and her own raw power to heal the many wounded people. Before long her cowl was gone, used as a blanket to cover a shocky survivor, and her sleeves rolled up, her arms and tunic spotted with blood. Even so, all the people here knew who she was, and quickly realized that she was still one of the good guys, making her a welcome sight. She was just fastening a bandage of leaves around the healing gash in a technician's arm when she felt the sudden pain from her flower portal. Something was wrong, something was trying to break through!" Immediately she activated her communicator. "GK, Myrmidon, Star Knight is coming back! I can't hold her much longer, we have to do something to stop her. Hurry!" She raced through the hallways and down the stairs as fast as she could, digging in her pouch for more aggressive seedlings.
  5. Okay, Wander makes the fortitude save. She fails the toughness save by 1 and is bruised. She fails the Will Save (surprise, surprise) and is Slowed. She totally bombs the Reflex Save and is Bound. And Mark is doing his Mark thing so I have to reroll that toughness save. Bruised and Dazed. Well, so much for that Wander!
  6. Wander brightened at Jill's idea, which seemed like a ray of hope in a plan that had looked doomed. If Trevor had been here, he could've gotten the ship going... she pushed the thoughts of him aside, before the thought of him misled and in danger could become overwhelming. None of the people here had enough tech savvy to build an Earth computer, much less pilot a curator ship, but Vince just might. "Great idea, " she told Jill, stepping away from the console. "It's definitely worth a try." She shone her flashlight on the console and underneath it, looking for anywhere that might be a suitable connection port for the AI.
  7. "Don't go inside," Wander advised. "But see if you can spot a way in." Her instinct was to do the inspection herself, or at least go with, but she restrained herself. Blue Jay had proven to be an admirable survivalist herself in the days they'd been stranded here, and reasonably adept at handling herself despite the rocky first encounter with the group from HAX. She'd do the job well enough, hopefully without doing anything stupid. And if the worst did happen, it would be folly to risk losing both team members who were most capable of surviving and navigating the deserted urban jungles of the ringworld. "Beekeeper, you stay back," she ordered. "You're too loud, you'll give yourself and Blue Jay away."
  8. Koshiro looked out the window, unconsciously squashing the crane he'd been folding and letting it fall from his fingers. "That's the Curator?" he asked, his voice strained. "It's huge..." He stared at it for a moment, still and dumb as a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming truck. Finally he tore his gaze away and looked at Sharl. "That's the one, right? That's the thing that took Tronik and turned it from being a real city into a computer program, right? We can't let that happen to Earth-" He broke off, looking again at the Sanctum, then swore. "Tronik is in there," he remembered aloud. "The Curator wants back what the Centurion stole from him." He took a deep breath. "Kimber's right. We can't leave," he said, and if his voice cracked on the last word, it didn't lessen the resolve any. "We have to find a way to stop him. Can we get aboard his... ship, thing, whatever it is?"
  9. Fleur gently closed the guard's eyes before turning to Myrmidon. "I don't know how long it will hold," she admitted. "But it's the best I could do for now. We need to triage the injured people here, and start some sort of organized response. I can start healing people and moving them to Sanctuary, that's probably the safest place for anyone now. Gaian Knight, can you and Tiamat get an idea of the tactical situation in the city and maybe start sending people who aren't crazy to places where they're needed?" She extended a vine through the hole in the ceiling, creating a simple climbing path from the lobby to the floors above. "You, ah... you're Myrmidon, aren't you?" she hazarded, fishing through her memory for the name. "From Claremont? Can you round up the able-bodied people still in the building and try and get some sort of roll call going until you're needed for a mission? We need to figure out what kind of assets the League has available to us before we can get organized."
  10. It had been a rough day already for Koshiro, so much so that it took him a moment to understand what Mali was up to, even after she stopped the bus. It was only when she opened the door that he objected. "Mali, what the hell are you doing?" he demanded. "Look at his hands, he's trying to shoot at us! Again!" He looked towards the back of the bus, dropped his voice to a hiss. "Don't you remember what we're carrying? One hit could wipe out this whole damn continent!" He reached over to shut the door for her, just in time to hear Crow's words. "You idiot, you're the one listening to the impostor. You gotta find the real Summers, that's the only way to figure out what's going on here. We've got bigger problems. C'mon Mali, we've gotta go!" he implored, even as he saw the others begin to arrive at the bus.
  11. Miss Americana is definitely not alive, no breath, no heartbeat, no stimulus response. But rather than going cold, she is much warmer than usual, so warm that it almost painful to touch her, especially on her forehead or torso. When you look closely, her clothing is scorched in a strange pattern, a line of blackened cloth that forms a square across her abdomen.
  12. The beautiful heroine blanched for a moment at the bald words, but it was obvious to both of them what had to be done. With the reactor already partially compromised, they couldn't risk another attack on it. "Don't worry," she told Gabriel cryptically through the earpiece. "I'll be okay." At the same time, on a second channel, she connected to the guard tower. "He's at the reactor. Do it now!" Mere feet away now, she thought she could just make out Steve's eyes behind the featureless Omegadrone mask. I'm sorry we couldn't fix you, she thought, but didn't dare say it aloud for fear of alerting him. She took a deep breath, braced herself-- and suddenly the world was a maelstrom of blinding light, overwhelming noise, and pain so intense she was sure she'd die of it. She smelled the acrid smoke of burning circuitry and realized it was her own "insides" melting, and then she was away, thrown out of the light to tumble through an equally intense darkness. --- From the outside, the EMP was less flashy, but still quite dramatic. In the same instant, both Harrier and Miss Americana froze for a moment, then began to jitter as though in the throes of simultaneous seizures. The air began to fill with the acrid smoke of burning electronics, and then all the lights went off. The vents shut down too, plunging the room into silence but for the sizzle and pop of circuits and an eerie electronic wailing that sounded uncomfortably like a scream of pain. Harrier seemed to be going off like a fireworks show, his terrible mask lit by the explosions of his own suit and mechanical parts. Even that ended after seconds, leaving darkness and silence. Another few seconds more, then a grating of gears from inside the wall led to the rise of a handful of flickering mechanical emergency lights. Harrier was facedown on the far side of the reactor, smoking from several places and unmoving. Miss Americana was still close by, laying on her back with her hair pooled on the floor around her head. Her eyes were open, her face drawn taut in a horrible rictus grin. She was deathly still.
  13. Koshiro instinctively banked hard, putting the plane into the shelter of the bus as the entire place seemed to explode in sound and fury around them. Hunched over to shield his precious electronic cargo, he hopped off the plane and looked at Mali. "You drive!" he ordered, jerking his thumb towards the front of the Wonderbus. "We need to get over there and help whoever didn't get out! I'm going to get this secured, then I'll man the weapons console." He climbed into the bus and raced for the back, strapping Erde-Tronik back into the harness of mesh webbing Sharl had rigged up. "Okay, we're set, go!" As he hustled back to the front, he pulled the projector from his pocket and reactivated it, dropping it on a seat.
  14. For a moment, as Wander was pulling free of the mud and pavement, the Night Cycle drew nearly abreast of her, mere yards apart. "Trevor!" she called across the distance, her voice sounding weird, as though she were forcing it out of her throat. "You don't have to be a part of this. Go now, it's not too late! I have to... have to..." Her face went blank, then she grinned, a frightening look. "Justice has to be served, not only to Grant, but to everyone who escaped justice in madness!" With that, she somehow redoubled her efforts, speeding up even faster and streaking away. In seconds she was in Riverside Park, her back to the city as she faced the wide bay. It didn't even slow her down as she raced at the water, then onto it, feet moving so quickly they had no time to sink below the waves, all the way to Port Royal across the water. In moments, her destination was in sight.
  15. Okay, since Sage is dropping out of initiative to go do investigaty things, Wander is going to go hunting for bad guys. She knows where there are lots of them, so we'll head there. All-out move action will take her eight miles, which added to the running she's already done should just about get her through Riverside Park, across the bay and under the Centery Bridge, into Port Royal and over to Providence.
  16. Miss Americana reached the reactor antechamber seconds too late to save the guards there, giving her only a front row seat to the carnage. She fell back for a moment as Gabriel raced past her, suppressing her own nausea to lay down a plan. Extending her powers into the web of communications that linked every part of the prison, she communicated by radio to the main guard tower. "This is Miss Americana," she said tersely. "The freed Omegadrone Harrier has gone insane and is attempting to attack the reactor core. Gabriel and I are trying to stop him. If I signal you, you need to activate the EMP blast built into the prison defenses. I know it's a last resort!" she snapped over the inevitable protest. "But it's better that the electrical systems go down, even a few prisoners escape, than this whole prison turns into a blackened crater. Wait for my mark." Switching channels, she tapped into Gabriel's earpiece. "I'm coming in there to try and take him out with you," she told him, her voice icy calm. "But if it goes bad, I'm calling down an EMP strike from the prison itself. His armor is vulnerable, it should damage him badly. The problem is, it'll take me out too, so you'll be facing him alone if he doesn't drop. Communications will be down, lights, maybe ventilation for a few minutes. You'll have to be ready and move fast. Here I come." As she spoke, Miss A flew through the door at top speed, her red, white and blue lasers targeted pitilessly as she fired on areas where she knew the Omegadrone was vulnerable.
  17. Matching deed to words, Fleur concentrated on the vines that were surrounding, if not entirely trapping, the crazed heroine in the battlesuit. "I don't know if this is going to work," she murmured, "but I have to try." Her two companions were both familiar with what came next, the yawning yellow flower that opened over Star Knight, dropping overtop her like a candle snuffer and then falling away, empty on the floor. "That might not last!" she said, even as she hurried across the floor. "We need to see if there are other injured people in the building!" She knelt next to the guard, afraid it was hopeless, but trying to find signs of life anyway.
  18. "I don't either," Wander agreed, "but that ship doesn't look too banged up. It might still be able to fly." Wander had waited for the others to catch up, but she hadn't been idle. She'd gotten a look at the ship from all sides, then kept an eye on it for movement. Other than stray wisps of smoke, there'd been nothing at all. She looked at the others. "If that ship can fly in space, it could be our ticket. Might be a much surer ticket than a spaceship buried in a dead base that hasn't flown in who knows how long. I think at least some of us should go and take a look at it." She waited, figuring that the others would have thoughts on the matter as well.
  19. Star Knight is not the best candidate to attempt to trap between dimensions for several reasons, but Imma gonna do it anyway. Free Action: Shift array from Snare to Pocket Standard Action: Dimensional Pocket Attack is a 26 Move Action: Run to try and help the guard, in case he's not totally dead yet.
  20. In the space of an instant, Wander was standing next to Cannonade, still just slightly winded from the fight with Jason, but her eyes entirely flat and unimpressed. Some of her teammates would've probably had a speech to give on leaving things in the past and moving on, or at least about prudence in the face of long odds. Wander didn't bother, instead drawing back her arm and delivering a carefully modulated short-arm punch to Medea's chin that had the ancient villainess' eyes rolling back as she dropped to the cavern floor as well. "I really don't like her," Wander commented as she sheathed her bat and looked around the cavern. "Think there's any way we can get her to stay in prison for any length of time this time?"
  21. Spending 1hp for the Selective feet on datalink Free Action: Talk to Gabriel and the guard tower Standard Action: Blast Attack v. Harrier Hit fails, spending another HP for the reroll Result is a 30 DC 29 toughness save
  22. "Oh, I don't think so," Fleur replied. "As soon as Gaian Knight encased those crypts, I started cleansing the air. I don't think there's anything of the virus left at all, at least not nearby." For her part, Stesha was looking entirely back to normal, as if she had never been withered at all. "As for the Grue, we'll turn them over to the League. Who knows, maybe studying Grue who have been on some version of earth for decades will provide some valuable information for next time we have a large-scale problem." She finished her work on Gaian Knight, who now looked much better, even if he smelled like an herbal tea bag. "In any case, these crypts have been sealed for decades, apparently without incident. If GK will seal the chamber with rock so nobody can get in and bother it, we should buy a few days to get the Captain back in order. Standing up, Fleur brushed her knees off with her hands, wincing a bit at her own bruises. One by one the collapsed Grue began to disappear, then finally the android captain as well. "We're going to take care of you and get you better," Fleur promised before popping him into the green space that existed between plant dimensions. When the mess of the fight was cleaned up, she opened a flower in the center of the room and brought the children back in, unwilling to leave them alone and afraid any longer than necessary. "Everything's going to be all right," she assured them immediately. "We were able to save your father, Penny, but he needs help from our doctors and scientists to get him back to normal."
  23. Ah, fail! Wander blows her other HP for a reroll that she cannot possibly lose. Zoom!
  24. Fleur remained quiet while Gaian Knight spoke, the small woman in green looking especially nonthreatening and insignificant next to the far more imposing Tiamat. With her hands folded demurely at her waist, there was nothing to clue Star Knight in to the fact that the lobby plants had suddenly taken a turn for the peripatetic. Behind the maddened League member, the potted plants were sending out runners across the floor, pooling soundlessly at Star Knight's feet for just a moment, then seeming to leap upwards all at once to wrap themselves around the environmental suit. The enormous strength of the suit was impossible to fully restrain, but the vines did a passable job, wrapping around the helmet of the suit to further hinder any attempt at further violence. Fleur looked at Gaian Knight with wide eyes. "I think talking is going to have to wait," she told him. "We've got to shut her down."
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