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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Disable Device check for the window is a 23. Since we're not in combat, I'm assuming I can have him launch in the same post.
  2. Koshiro looked from the hallway to the six inch tall Sharl, back to his other teammates. "Something really screwed up is going on around here. Let's take the back way." He moved swiftly towards the large window and found it locked with one of the school's typical automated locks. Reaching into his pocket, he drew out a set of slim paper tools and went to work. It was a bit more touchy than usual, but after a few moments, the window popped obediently open. "Everybody get out, meet back at the bus," he told the others as he scooped Tronik up off the chair. "Citizen, you can get there in a second over the wifi network, you stay back and create a distraction." Drawing a paper airplane from his pocket, he tossed it out the window and jumped after it, landing on it midair and bringing it up to window level. "C'mon, Mali!"
  3. Fleur is going to use the distraction of GK's reasonable speechifying and her own Indirect 3 to try and catch Star Knight flatfooted with a snare. It's always nice to get a good roll for once! It's a 26. DC 28 reflex save!
  4. Miss Americana remained for a moment where she'd fallen, still gagging from the vivid depictions of violence and death Harrier had put into her head. He'd told her terrible things before, but not like this, and not with that tone of... of relish in his voice, as though it were something he missed. She routed auxiliary control nerves in her legs to pick up the slack of what had been overloaded by the EMP blast and pushed herself shakily to her feet, sick in body and soul. "Something's snapped inside him," she said, her beautiful voice oddly reflective, almost speaking aloud to herself. "I shouldn't have turned him down like that, or sent him away. I didn't know..." She pressed the heel of her hand against her forehead. "We have to stop him," she told Gabriel. "Whatever it takes. I want to believe that we can save him and repair him, but if we can't... he wouldn't want to live like this." With that she turned and dove down the elevator shaft, following the path the Omegadrone had taken.
  5. Erin grimaced in frustration as she lost her grip on the security guard. "He's evil, he works for evil men!" she appealed to Corbin and Joe both. "Can't you-" She froze as Midnight's voice came over her commlink, promising pain and death in a way that had her grabbing hold of her own arms for comfort. "I thought you'd understand!" she cried aloud, looking around her as though Midnight were hiding in the shadows of the platform instead of a voice on the radio. "Trevor, you of all people! The fight is so long and it takes everything you have, and it's never going to be done unless we finish it!" She looked utterly miserable for a moment, lost and confused and afraid, until the promise of vengeance from that pissant villain and Sage's wash of orange light seemed to snap her back to a businesslike mien. "Later for you," she promised the stranger, but there was no time to deal with him now, when she had bigger fish to fry. In a blur of speed, she raced across the now-empty center of the platform and back up the stairs, completely free of civilians now that everyone had either escaped or been herded away. Sprinting up the steps, she raced up the wall of the beautifully detailed steel and aluminum subway shelter and onto its gently sloping roof. Drawing back her arm, she let out a scream of pent-up rage and frustration as she drove her fist into the center support, sending the whole thing crashing down over the tunnel entrance. Only then did she seem to see Midnight and Edge there, just past the rubble. "You will understand," she promised Midnight in a shaky voice, then raced away down the center of the crowded street, heedless of traffic.
  6. Okay, Erin has lost her hostage, but not her hope! Her mission is righteous and true, after all! Move Action Part One: Race back across the platform and up the stairs, up the side wall of the station shelter, and onto the roof. Attack Action: Smash down on the roof of the shelter so hard that it collapses over the exit. Power attack v the roof (whose defense is admittedly quite low) Success, by the thinnest of margins! That'll be a DC 34 toughness save from the roof. (Edit: I made the roll without considering the effects of the Demoralize, but mathematically she would only have missed the roof on a natural one, even with the lowered attack stat.) Move Action Part the Second: Move-by action to send one soulful look at Trevor, then go haring off into the city.
  7. Erin shaded her eyes against the sudden light, squinting as she saw the object growing larger. What could it be? It didn't look like a missile, but missiles weren't the only weapon that could fall from the sky. She braced to grab her team and go, then stood confused for a moment when the object arced in a different direction. A second later she realized that there was another logical target if the Curator wanted to keep them where they were. She cursed explosively, then whipped her head around back towards camp. "Bring everyone and come on!" she told Steve. "We gotta try and stop them bombing the ship. Beekeeper, with me!" Drawing her bat, she began to run, faster than a human, faster than a car, then faster than a plane. The light from the bat almost seemed to be spreading up her arm as she accelerated over the sixty miles separating the Dunes from Chicago, zeroing in on the course she'd seen the falling object take.
  8. A 19 on the nullify save. I'm rolling nothing but ass for saves tonight.
  9. "Oh, that's handy!" As Fleur wrestled a protesting Amaryllis into a sunny yellow winter jacket, she gave Teagan a quick smile. "I wish I'd known you were around! You should've come inside as well, I have three pounds of London Broil in the refrigerator that I haven't even cooked yet!" Going to the radio hanging on the leafy wall, she contacted the monastery a few miles away. "Brother Joseph, this is Fleur, I have an emergency call, can I send Ammy to you for a couple of hours? She's had her breakfast and is ready to play. Thanks so much." Picking up the little girl, Stesha kissed her soft green curls. "You be good for Brother Joseph, all right? Do what he says and take your nap when it's time. I love you!" She opened a bright yellow flower in the wall and nudged Ammy through it, then turned to the others, all business now. "If Star Knight's gone bad, the whole city is in danger. We should all be very careful." Raising her arms, she opened another portal, this one adult sized, and beckoned the others through.
  10. Stesha's eyes were wide as she listened to the broadcast from the Freedom League. "That sounds... that's really not good," she decided, even as she jumped from her comfortable seat on the sofa. "And I'm not even dressed, shoot!" She raced back into her bedroom and dug out her uniform, tossing it on overtop the comfortable dayclothes she'd been wearing. "And Amaryllis... shoot." The toddler, who had been happily playing with a shape sorter in the corner, looked up at her name. "Tarrant, her shoes are on the table, could you put them on her? I have to send her to the monastery, they'll watch her there. Carson's out at that prison thing this morning, he's not going to be available... what could be going on out there?" In less than a minute, Stesha was back, having completed the transition to Fleur de Joie, costumed crimefighter and Freedom League Auxiliary member. "You ready to go? Do we need to pick up Tiamat on the way?" she asked, sounding a bit harried already.
  11. With half her attention focused on her computer work, Miss Americana was only watching Steve from the corner of her eye as he spoke with the Steelegrave clone. She wasn't sure what caught her eye, some hint of motion, some warning in his voice, but she looked up fully just in time to see the former Omegadrone drive his fearsome pike straight through a forcefield and into the body of his old enemy. For a split second, Gina was back in her basement, staring a dark computer screen in blind horror at what had happened, completely unable to comprehend the sudden murderous violence. For all his fearsome appearance, Steve was one of the most temperate men she knew, erring always on the side of nonviolence when possible. What had he done? Sheer self-discipline had her mustering all the resources of her phenomenal mind and shoving herself back into the robot body before Miss A had a chance to do more than buckle slightly at the knees. "Oh my god, Steve, what are you doing?" The alarms began to blare as the cell doors popped open (there's a vulnerability that needs fixed, thought the tiny portion of her mind still devoted to repairs), allowing access to the hallway from the cells. There was no need to check on Steelgrave's condition, the horrific head wound and staring eyes told the story well enough. In the cell down the hallway, Singularity was screaming in fear and cowering at the back corner of her cell, almost certainly not a threat unless confronted directly. The Whistler was a cipher, but for now he seemed content to watch the action unfold. That left Miss A with just one priority, stopping her lover before he hurt anyone else. Finding out why would come afterwards. She took to the air, shooting down the hallway like a beautiful bullet as she followed Harrier into the elevator shaft. Without even slowing down, she slammed him into the wall of the shaft, pinning him with her body as she began to look for the wiring that would disable his armor. "Steve, you have to stop this," she said urgently into his ear. "You know this is wrong. This isn't going to help you."
  12. Let's start this party with a concentration check, just to make sure Gina doesn't fall out of her body from shock. She's good. Shocked, but good! I am told that to use Disable Device in combat, the target must be fully grappled. Well, let's see how we do on a grapple check, then! Oooh, nat 20! That's a 32. Grapple check at +5 is a 47.
  13. "December third," Erin confirmed tersely, "though God only knows what the date is now." There was something like horror behind her eyes as she took in the implications of the conversation between Blue Jay and Quickstep. "I think we have a couple of possibilities," she said carefully. "First off, this Dorothy may come from a different universe to our own, though one that is very similar. Her universe may have had people picked up earlier for whatever reason. But if that were the case, we'd have to assume that there is some reason that in that near-identical universe Dorothy is good, while in our universe for some reason Dorothy is not good at all. The other option," she continued, her voice carefully absent of emotion, "is that Dorothy was a test case in whether someone from Earth Prime could be kidnapped and somehow replaced without anyone noticing. If that's what happened, it could explain the change in behavior, could explain why no one has mentioned any abductions recently." She turned to Blue Jay. "What do you know about the Quickstep at your Claremont?" she pressed. "Were people surprised that she did something to get herself expelled? Does she have a history of being a troublemaker, or was she a good student that suddenly did something totally out of character?"
  14. Fleur layered a few more coatings of vine over the android captain for good measure, then went to have a look at Gaian Knight. Already the cactus were beginning to shrink away back into the walls, replaced with friendlier broad-leafed vines that snaked up the walls and fanned a gentle breeze through the cavern. "I was thinking perhaps we could send him off to the Lab. Miss Americana was my obstetrician backup when Amaryllis was born, but I know her specialty is robotics and prosthetics. Between her and the other bright minds over there, I'm sure they can get him fixed up and working sanely again. When he's back on his feet, he can tell us what to do with the viruses." She rummaged in her pouch and began pulling out what of her herbal remedies hadn't spilled on the floor earlier. "I think for the moment, I'll take Penny and Scraps to the village and try to settle them in with the families there. That would be less traumatic than taking them to Prime, I hope, and they'll be safe enough. Now Tarrant," she interrupted herself, holding out a small leaf-wrapped bundle to her fellow hero, "you eat this and let me put something on those bruises. They just beat the crap out of you, didn't they?" Over along the wall, the trees stood guard over a pile of unconscious Grue, ready to deliver a smack if necessary.
  15. Counter-counter grapple is a 36. Wow, that was a very terrible roll.
  16. Erin stared at Eve for a bare second, her eyes glittering, her fist bloodied. "You just don't understand!" she yelled, an edge of hysteria or madness in her voice. "You won't make them pay, but they have to pay! I'm not going to wait any longer! You'll see!" She spun on her heel and ran back to the window, then impossibly, directly out and down the wall of the building, propelling herself faster than gravity could've hoped to carry her. In barely a second, she was at the ground level main doors, where a bored-looking security guard watched the people reporting in for work. Long before he could so much as reach for a weapon, her arm was around his neck, nearly choking him as she continued running. "You and I," she told him with a crazed smile, "have work to do." At 9:30am, the streets of the city center were not as densely packed as they'd been thirty minutes earlier, but there was still plenty of crowd. Wander paid them no mind, bowling through them like a bocce ball through wet grass as she and her startled hostage bolted down the nearest subway entrance and onto the commuter-laden platform.
  17. Okay, here goes Crazy Wander, doing some crazy wandering! Here's a power I haven't gotten a chance to use yet, Enhanced Speed 3, added to regular Speed 4, with Wall Walking II attached. That'll give her ten thousand feet in a move action that starts as she goes back out the window and runs down the side of the building. She will pause at the door long enough to grapple up a security officer. Attack is a 21, grapple is wow, a 45. Yeah, he's not going anywhere soon. Move-by action to continue with her move, down into the nearest subway station, cheerfully bowling over anyone who gets in her way.
  18. "Sharl, no!" Koshiro was a moment too late to stop the holographic student from electrocuting the venerable old hero, but Summers' smoldering corpse hadn't even hit the floor before Papercut had Citizen's projector in his hands. He'd had a chance to look at it a few times and knew the basics of how it worked, so it didn't take too much work to smash the buttons that would shut it down. He knew Sharl would probably be able to make his way into the projectors in the walls, but this bought them a moment of time anyway. "What do you mean, not real?" he demanded of Mali, shoving the device in his pocket. "You think there's any way an imposter could just walk in here and nobody would notice and stop him? Who the hell else would he be?" Still, it made him think of how Sharl and Summers had both acted. It had seemed like Sharl was going for the gun, but his hand passed through... that didn't make any sense! Walking around the desk, Koshiro knelt next to the body, trying to suppress his gag reflex and get a closer look.
  19. Forgot to make the notice check earlier, 24. So close, yet so far away. Koshiro is going to use his disable device check to knock Sharl offline for a minute before he can do anything else crazy! Then, maybe some talking, who knows?
  20. Fleur watched with growing anger as the Grue continued to lay waste, smashing her trees into splinters, trying to hurt her friends. She ignored the feeble attack one launched on her, merely shoving it back out of arm's reach so it wouldn't block her view. How dare they attack her friends, hijack the mind of a friendly android, put innocent children at risk? How dare they try to unleash plague and death here, in a place that was just beginning to bloom with life again? They didn't even belong here. They were intruders, on a world that wasn't even theirs. It was hers. "This is my world," Fleur snapped at the Grue, her voice as close to threatening as it ever got. "You don't start anything on my world you don't want me to finish. This is OVER!" At once, the walls seemed to bristle with spiky, cactus like plants, each one covered in dozens of spines the length of a man's finger.They began to move in waves, shaking up and down, each movement flinging needles in surprisingly precise arcs towards the nearest marauding Grue. Within seconds, two of the unlucky aliens looked like cacti themselves, pierced with hundreds of needles and with no fight left in them anymore. While the cacti disposed of one Grue, the trees concentrated on another. While one stood back to prevent the shapeshifter from escaping,the other reached out with leafy branches and smashed them into the Grue's head and body, grabbing it up in what seemed for a moment like a leafy embrace. Instead, a second later, it flung the loathsome alien away, knocking it into its last remaining fellow. Both of them tumbled directly into the cactus wall, which helpfully extended plenty of binding vines to hold them in place. Just like that, the battle was over, the villains subdued, and the cavern looking like an inside-out Chia pet. Fleur looked around. "What on earth are we going to do about the captain?"
  21. Well, so much for that summon! Fleur will spend her standard action activating the defenses of her HQ, which are just becoming available now that the air is clear and there are plants growing. I think that's going to be a Rank 15 blast worth 30pp? For her move action, she will command the two trees to do a combined attack against the nearest Grue.
  22. Showing some initiative here! Koshiro goes on 17. And a Disable Device check of 28. And no sense motive, but a bluff to challenge bluff, with a roll of 26
  23. Man, Miss A is obviously a little stunned, or Gina falls out for a sec. She goes on 7.
  24. I'm spending one of my HP now, yay! My super-low original roll just would not do. Erin goes on 26.
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