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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin displaced a stuffed witch to sit down next to him, taking the offered chocolate and breaking off a corner of her own bar in return. "She'll have to be strong," she mused aloud. "But she's got a lot of good people on her side. That'll make the difference." Reaching out, she squeezed his hand lightly. In the distance, in the quiet, tinny Halloween music carried on the wind from the yachts on the bay. "It's funny to think we've been out of school a year and a half now," she decided. "Feels like forever sometimes, and it's weird not seeing everyone every day." She brightened then. "On the other hand, I've been banking my pay and I think I can just about afford a bigger place now. Charlie's gonna be happy about that."
  2. Fleur reeled backwards from the sudden headache the Grue's attack brought on, blinding in its intensity for the first moments, then fading to only nearly-unbearable as she did her best to focus around it. The real Grue captain was still tied up, for all the good that had done, and it gave her some measure of satisfaction to watch his comeuppance at the hands of her friends. She tried the same trick on the android Captain, but the vines she had to work with right now were thinner and weaker, her own concentration shattered. The vines surged forward, but wrapped around empty air as the android captain stood. It was time to think about tactical retreat. "Scraps, Penny, come on now," she told the children, keeping her voice as calm as she could as she turned to herd them towards the exit. "Let's get towards the surface now. Everything will be much easier once we get there. Hurry now."
  3. She's nauseated and at -1 to all rolls, which makes the +5 bonus a +4 and the 24 fall just short of the mark. And she does have Reversible as a feat, not that she'd want to at this point! Move action is going to be to try and shepherd the children back towards the exit, getting them out of danger as much as she can.
  4. Well, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, right? Where by goose I mean "Grue" and by gander I mean "Grue's android double." Stesha will attempt a snare on the Android Captain (she can do this without loosing the snare on the Captain.) The combination of circumstance bonuses and penalties Cape and I talked about in chat works out to a net +4. Which is not enough! Spending an HP to try again! ...And missed by one. Dammit.
  5. "You can be anything you want," Erin promised Yolanda, running a quick hand over the little girl's hair as she stood up. "You don't have to decide yet, you have plenty of times. But HAX is a nice place to work." One arm wrapped around the bowl, she watched with Trevor as the kids headed off for more candy-fueled adventures. "She's doing well," Erin commented when they were out of earshot. "But it's got to be a little weird to grow up in a school like that, especially when you don't have any powers yourself. Claremont was enough of a shock, and that wasn't full of little superpowered kids. You ever been there, to the Nicholson School?"
  6. Stesha recognizes the hell out of that aurochs.
  7. Miss A's eyes widened at the display, and for a moment she seemed to be stunned to complete immobility by Ghost Girl's antics. Indeed, even after the show was over, it was several moments before the scientist blinked and seemed to shake herself, then gave the ghost a very polite sort of smile. "It sounds like you've been making a great deal of progress," she said faintly. Rising, she spent a few moments with her back turned, fiddling with the light tower and the machinery. "Now you have some temperature control powers as well, correct? Can you reduce the ambient temperature in the air in here without causing any damage?"
  8. At that, Erin came swinging down from the flyrails, clinging to a counterweighted rope that deposited her neatly onto the stage. "Vanguard was a bad guy?" she asked in disgust. "Figures. We should've known, nobody gets to a crime scene that fast if they're not part of setting it up." She sent Medea a look of wary loathing, then looked to Midnight and Edge. "We turned those villains over to him. We'd better make sure they actually got to the police station like he said he would." Digging out her phone, she punched the number for the police, hoping that they weren't going to spend the rest of the night chasing down the villains once again.
  9. Erin ambled over to watch the match, picking up another slice of pizza as she went. It was always a pleasure to watch Trevor at work, even if this was a match he stood little objective chance of winning. Really, against someone with Quo Dis' metahuman abilities, it was impressive that he was even holding her at bay. "Come on," she encouraged, "the game's going to start again soon. And try not to break the table." She herself had learned the lesson that after a certain level of strength was reached, it was not wise to armwrestle on average tables.
  10. The other children were also quite impressed by Trevor's size and imposing costume, but their family histories meant they were generally sturdier stock than most children their age. "Your house is huge!" the little glowy boy told Trevor. "And creepy. Does it have a ghost it it? I saw a ghost once at school when I was out in the hallway and it stared at me with big big eyes and it told me to go back to class!" he announced proudly. "When I grow up I'm going to be a ghost and be a superhero too, did you know that? Ghosts can be superheroes, I saw it on TV one time and there was a ghost who blasted the bad guys and was invisible in the daytime!" He gave Trevor an expectant look, obviously waiting for a reply. Erin laughed at the verbal outpouring. "No ghosts here," she told the little boy. "Sorry. Maybe you'll find one at a different house." She tucked the remaining candy bars back into the bowl, after tossing a big Hershey bar to the grownup chaperone standing back off the porch to keep an eye on things.
  11. "Yes you are," Erin agreed gravely. "It's important if you want the goods." She did a magician's pass and fanned out a selection of king-size candy bars for Yolanda's inspection. "Just one," she reminded the little girl, "I don't want your big sister yelling at me." She smiled to show she was only kidding, then beckoned the other children to come pick out candies as well. "Hey Trev, come out here," she called. "Meet Yolanda, Ellie's little sister. I told you about her. And her friends from Nicholson, too."
  12. Erin bumped his hip teasingly with her own. "Yeah, you do go on," she joked. "But I like hearing stories about Midnight and the mystery men. I wish he'd tell more stories about it. Hey, here come the lights, we must have another group." She narrowed her heavily-lined eyes. "Green lights and light fog, it's little kids," she deduced. "We should probably just answer the door this time." The walk up the drive was calibrated to the ages of the children making the journey, strange lights and fog for the little ones, orange lights and strange noises and music for the middle schoolers, and a full-out chase with red lights and pounding feet behind them for the teenagers. By the time the kids reached the door, all it took was the Bride of Frankenstein opening the creaky door to have them wide-eyed with excited fear. "Happy Halloween," Erin began, then suddenly noticed a familiar face in the little crowd. "Hey, Yolanda!" she greeted a tiny girl in a slightly oversize doctor costume. "I like your outfit!" Setting aside the candy, she crouched to give the little girl a hug. "These your friends from school?" Once she was clued in, Erin noticed a few strange things under the masks and costumes, a little boy who seemed to be glowing, a girl Toodee whose blue skin did not appear to be painted on. They all seemed to be having a good time being scared.
  13. Fleur fails by 6, or 7 after the Nauseate. That's a bruise and a daze. I will spend another HP to clear the daze.
  14. Clearing the air didn't keep Fleur from feeling unwell, but at least now she could get a breath that didn't feel laden with sickness and death. The plants were doing better too, crisp around the edges but otherwise healthy and strong, strong enough to work with. Despite Gabe's instruction to go for the minions, it seemed like the Grue captain needed some immediate attention. Extending a hand, she directed the largest and thickest of her vines in his direction. Sliding across the floor like leaved snakes, the rapidly moving vegetation lost no time in sliding over the distracted Grue, till in moments he was wrapped like a topiary mummy.
  15. Erin slid a companionable arm around his waist and tilted her head so she could rest a cheek on his shoulder without putting the wig in his face. "It's been pretty much forever since I did any Halloween stuff, I'd kind of forgotten about a lot of it," she admitted. "Carving the pumpkins, decorating the porch. One year my dad put out an old scarecrow on the lawn for a week before Halloween so everyone saw it, then on Halloween he stood out there instead and scared the bejesus out of the trick or treaters. It was really funny." Her smile went wistful for a moment, but it was a good memory now, not a sad one. "And I think your grandpa's having fun too, playing with the lights and sounds downstairs. He's a man who knows how to set ambiance."
  16. Now that the air is clearer, Fleur is going to try and give Gabriel a hand with the Grue captain. She will use her Snare power to attempt to entangle him with so many vines. First roll is terrible! Spending an HP. Second roll is a 21, 20 if she is still Nauseated even with the air clear. If that is enough to hit, it is a DC 28 Reflex save versus being entangled or bound.
  17. Once the kids had their bounty of giant candy bars and were off again, congratulating one another on how none of them had ever been even a little bit scared, the front door opened with a theatrical creak. "Nice job," Erin said with a grin, stepping out onto the porch with a thermos full of coffee. Frank had helped her come up with the pieces for her Bride of Frankenstein costume, a simple white dress and long gloves, the iconic black and white fright wig snugged over her auburn hair, and small, almost dainty neck bolts. The fact that she hadn't needed white foundation to make the black eyeliner and lipstick stand out was a minor frustration, but one she'd gotten used to. "I thought that vampire kid was going to wet his pants when you stood up." She passed him the thermos and took a Snickers bar from the bowl, peeling back the wrapper to have a bite. "Looks like we've got another half hour of trick-or-treat time, then we can decide if we want to hit up the party or not. Either way, I'm glad we decided to dress up. This was fun." Erin smiled at him, her face nearly glowing in the dim light. "I want the next group."
  18. October 31, 7:30pm Halloween night had not been an especially auspicious night for the last several years in Freedom City. If it wasn't zombies rising from the grave or demonic forces attempting to take over the living world, it was cold, rainy weather that kept the little ghouls and goblins in their homes. Tonight, though, Halloween was crisp but not too cold, cloudy enough to be menacing, but without any actual rain. It was about as ideal as the holiday could get, and the trick-or-treaters were out in force. Tony North Bay didn't have as many wandering children as some newer neighborhoods where the McMansions crowded close to each other and the street, but for those who were enterprising and fearless, the haul could be worth the effort. At the end of one long driveway stood an especially dour and dangerous-looking manor, stark black and looming like a giant animal over the landscape, thanks to a few adroitly-placed spotlights in the backyard. A van full of middle-school children pulled up to the curb outside, disgorging a gangly vampire, an AEGIS trooper, Lady Liberty with most of her outfit obscured by a puffy pink jacket, a very short Midnight, and a yellow Angry Bird. The group milled around for a few moments, checking flashlights and treat bags before turning their attention to the very intimidating road ahead. The trees were thick with spiderwebs, and the bushes lining the lane seemed to rustle even with no wind to stir them. A line of luminescent footprints down the driveway beckoned the brave to continue, past the hooting of night birds and the ominous creaking of invisible wood and ropes. Somewhat hesitantly, Midnight led the way, playing his flashlight over the footprints and making his way down the path with the others close at his heels. It wasn't long before the music started, faraway and eerie, just loud enough to be heard in the still night.
  19. "Oh, we'll stop you all right," Miss Americana told the frothing young man with cool confidence, even as she flew down through the roof and landed in the circle. Deliberately she positioned herself in front of the cowering civilians, making it clear that any attempt to harm them would have to go through her first. "But you're quite delusional if you think you're going 'home,'" she added coolly. "I already scanned your brother. You're not from the Terminus, you're not anything special, and your real mother is right here, tied up on the floor and weeping because you're a piece of human garbage. If you do manage to get in contact with anyone from the Terminus, the luckiest fate you're going to get is a quick and messy death. But it's not going to get that far. It's over, Billy." She raised her arm and shot at him, the lasers searingly bright in the dim room. At this close range she almost couldn't miss, but the beams seemed to sink right into him without effect. Her face betrayed nothing, but she took one small step backwards towards the parents.
  20. As a move action, Miss A is going to land in front of the parents, putting herself between them and Crazy Billy. I'll also spend an HP to stunt interpose so that she can actually make the reaction save if necessary. Standard Action, LASER BLAST! 1d20+14=24. DC 29 Toughness save if it hits.
  21. With the honed survival instincts necessary to the weakest team member, Koshiro and Kotone had quickly gotten out of the way of the sparring matches and settled on the sideline to watch. <"This assignment blows,"> Koshiro said after awhile, more as a way of making conversation than anything else. It was at least nice to have someone to speak Japanese with for awhile. <"Five pages,"> Kotone agreed ruefully. <"On how things are different between us? I'm not sure I can get 'he has a dick and I have tits' to stretch that far, even with big margins."> Koshiro snorted. <"Yeah, aside from everyone looking like they're in drag, it doesn't seem much different around here. Course, if I were trying to make a pickup, it'd be a lot easier as a woman..."> Kotone snorted right back. <"Shows how much you know. You're a lot better off being a sullen delinquent when you're a guy. I bet the girls are falling at your feet."> <"Pshht, not like there are a lot of opportunities available,"> he pointed out. <"Look at my team!"> <"Look at mine!"> <"Okay, point."> Both of them sighed in unison and watched the fighting.
  22. "Everyone, please calm down!" Fleur shouted, her voice barely cutting through the din. "We're from the Freedom League, and we're here to help you! We're going to get you out of those cells as soon as we safely can. There is a mind controlling agent being passed through the milk and dairy products you've all been fed. The people in the town are not in control of their own actions and need to be stopped for their own safety, as well as the good of everyone else." She picked up the ring of keys and looked at the various cell doors. "I can send them all straight to Sanctuary," she murmured to Gaian Knight, "but if anyone in the group is mind controlled, they might turn on the others. I'm not sure they can give us any information we don't have."
  23. "Of course," the scientist said easily. The description Ghost Girl gave of her death only raised more questions, but they weren't anything to get into now, when the girl was obviously distressed. Instead, Miss Americana stood up and walked to the other side of the room, coming back with a large spotlight on a wheeled pole about seven feet tall. "Sharl says that you and he are in the same class at Claremont. What are you studying? Have you got plans for after graduation yet?" She switched on the spotlight, which bathed the exam table and the ghost with a gentle blue light.
  24. "I'm not going to do anything that will risk harming or hurting you," Miss A assured the ghostly teen. "We'll make sure to avoid any incendiary devices. But other than fire, you can be affected by certain types of telekinesis, as well as some magical energy. That's good information, that makes it easier to home in on where on the spectrum your particular energy signature exists." Her fingers played over the keys like a finely tuned instrument, making the machine hum with renewed effort. "It sounds like you have some information or memory about your corporeal death. What do you remember about that?" Her voice was still politely professional, but with an underlying delicacy that said she understood the question might be difficult.
  25. "All right, Tiamat," Fleur said with a nod towards the dragon lady, "go ahead and do your thing. Get as many of them as you can away from the jail and out past the parking lot where they won't hurt anybody. Incapacitate them, but try not to do any permanent damage. Vector, can you help her with that? Gaian Knight, you and I can sweep whoever is still at the jail and get the doors open. If the tourists and such aren't being mind-controlled, I can move them to Sanctuary." Even as she spoke, vines were twisting around her arms like strange bracelets, ready for deployment against whatever awaited them in the building.
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