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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Computers Check: 1d20+32=43 Booo. Using Extra Effort for the extra +2 to bring me to DC, spending HP to clear the fatigue. Initiative is 30.
  2. "Sounds good," Erin told Travis, letting the slip in name pass by unremarked. Her own grandma hadn't been nearly Travis' age and she was still apt to run through all her children's names before remembering Erin or Megan's name. Just something about getting older, she guessed. She'd have liked to ask more about Margery, whose touch was everywhere in the house for all she was rarely ever mentioned, but it seemed like it might be a painful topic. She was the last person on earth to pry. "There's a big fruit salad, and I think that might be gazpacho there, or Trevor forgot to put noodles in his spaghetti. I made the jello salad, that's pretty good." She pulled out the chair at the head of the table for him, then waved to the others who were still lingering by the grill. "Come on, we've got enough food for like twenty people. We'd better get started on it." With that, Erin sat down and began loading her plate with food, determined to do her part.
  3. "I don't appreciate being lied to, Ms. Danson," Miss Americana said coldly, the lack of rank as obvious as a slap. "It's worse when the lies are poor and obvious. Something very strange is going on here, and it centers around you. Cover her," she instructed Wail and Glow. "Don't let her try anything in here. I'm going to get to the bottom of this." she instructed Sharl. Resting one hand against the nearest console, Miss Americana closed her eyes. She swayed for a moment before her knees locked, leaving her motionless but for the slight rise and fall of her breathing. Freedom from her synthetic body, Cyberknife unfolded herself inside the network, stretching phantom limbs and peering around for the source of all this trouble.
  4. "Of course," Fleur called, relaxing slightly now that the drones were all taken care of. The occupant of the little ship was still an unknown quantity, but there were worse vouchers for one's goodness than being chased out of the Terminus by a squad of Omegadrones. And honestly, he had a nice voice and decent manners, which were something most bad guys didn't bother to cultivate. "I just wanted to get you out of reach of those pikes. Are you injured? Where do you come from?" With a wave of her arm, the ship descended to the ground, the vines settling loosely over it and making it look like a long-lost relic found in the deep jungle.
  5. "That was what I needed to know," Fleur agreed. "I'm ready whenever everyone else is." She automatically reached a hand towards the flowers in her hair, only to stop with her hand halfway up. If they were going to their best-guess location of where the twin bioweapons might have been contained, her teleportation powers would be as useless there as they had been coming here. No plants meant no end portal. "If you'd do us the honors again?" she asked Gaian Knight, even as she walked towards the hatch of the ship.
  6. Fleur winced slightly as the Omegadrone pack was ripped to shreds, but even someone as softhearted as she knew that the drones were beyond their help or pity. Omegadrones existed only to destroy. "Get the last few," she told Bowman, even as she raised her arms in a commanding gesture. All around the ship, the ground began to shift and move, shoots erupting from the earth and growing into vines the width of a man's arm. They wrapped themselves securely around the little ship and lifted it like a toy, holding it out of reach of the drones and their deadly pikes. There were no plants inside the ship itself, leaving it a mysterious blank to the plant controller's senses.
  7. Fleur quickly tugged her hood up to cover her green braids, then fished her mask from her pocket and donned it. "Yes, there should be plenty of plants out that way," she assured Bowman, "it won't be a problem." She looked to her friends, grinning when she saw they were both already dressed and ready to go. "You guys are quick! Stand close, now." A touch of her fingers to the crown of tea roses in her hair had them all rocketing out of Freedom Hall, through a world of soft green light and the smell of freshly-cut grass. Seconds later, they popped back into reality on the other side of the city. Fleur immediately began extending her senses through the plants, looking around to try and see the source of the alarm. "We don't know if there's anything hostile here," she reminded the others, "the League's alarms are simply an early warning of an unknown dimensional traveler."
  8. Koshiro slid into the nearest booth and picked up a menu, but found he had no taste for any of the food mentioned on it. Indira never ate food, so apparently he didn't need to either. He waited until the others got settled in as well, then passed Indira the menu. "Try the breakfast sampler," he suggested. "It's got all kinds of different stuff, so you can see what you like." He picked up his fork and looked at it for a second, turning it over in his fingers while the others perused the menus. He put the tines in his mouth, as though taking a bite of imaginary food, then pushed the rest of the fork into his mouth and swallowed. It took a moment for him to realize what he'd done, then he simply looked nonplussed.
  9. "Yeah, I guess that's true," Erin allowed, sliding her arm comfortably through Trevor's. She walked with him to the door, and wasn't surprised when their ring of the bell was answered within a fraction of a second. "Hey Corbin, it's nice to see you," she told her friend with a smile. "Quo Dis..." Erin took a good look at Corbin's girlfriend and noticed that one of them had read the invitation entirely wrong. She sure hoped it wasn't her, because she wasn't about to put on evening wear on a Saturday morning when it was already ninety degrees outside. "Good to see you again too," she finished, trying to pass off the momentary oddness. "What side project is that?" she asked Corbin.
  10. "This is an interstellar base?" Koshiro asked, what enthusiasm he'd managed to drum up for this project waning even further. "It's got to be underground or something," he reasoned. "Maybe that nasty-ass trailer is parked on top of the elevator." He headed in that direction as well, letting his airplane collapse and fold away to nothing. "It's not actually the trailer," he explained to Kimber with a faint air of superiority. "Nobody would make an HQ inside one of these rust buckets. Anyway, even with a driver's license, it wouldn't go far on four pancaked tires and a battery that's gotta be totally shot." He began poking around the outside of the trailer, looking beneath for signs of a much more promising base.
  11. Erin was a bit skeptical of the Gruyere suggestion, but Trevor had gone to a lot of work researching breads and cheeses for this party, so she took his word for it. It wasn't bad, she decided after sampling a bite while she walked over to the table, especially when it was loaded with condiments and veggies. Travis was still standing in the shade of the porch, watching the gathering in his usual inscrutable way. "Let me grab a plate for you," she offered, setting her own meal down next to her drink. "What do you want on your burger? The Gruyere cheese is good."
  12. Right on time, a familiar blue pickup swung into the driveway, parking neatly behind Corbin's own vehicle. Though she'd been up all night on an overnight shift at HAX, Erin's relentless metabolism meant that she was still perfectly awake and would be for another day or so. She'd taken the time to shower and change into jeans and a nice blouse before picking Trevor up and heading out to Corbin's for what was sure to be an... interesting afternoon. "I still don't know Quo-Dis very well," Erin admitted as she stopped the car, glancing over at Trevor in the passenger seat. "I mean, I knew her at school, sort of, but not very well. She and Corbin must be pretty serious by now."
  13. Stesha smiled broadly at her friends. "I'm so glad you're going to join the team! We've been shorthanded for months, and you never know when something is going to crop up. I can't think of anyone better suited for the League than the two of you." Impulsively, she stood up and hugged them both. "As for the communications issue, I have a comm beacon on Sanctuary that allows the League to contact me there," she told her friends. "You'll both get receivers too, patched into the same beacon, so they can reach us from Prime whenever there's need. I'm not quite as sure about underground," she admitted to Gaian Knight, "but I bet that it's something the League has dealt with in the past."
  14. "Screw this," Miss Americana said, the sudden obscenity rather at odds with her squeaky-clean public image. She hit the remote control and deactivated Chimera, letting the robot slump down inside the shielded cage. "We'll deal with you later, when you might be a little more cooperative." With the villain incapacitated for a moment, she turned her full attention to D-Gray. "Voltage and Citizen are right," she said, using all of her formidable skill to project soothing trustworthiness. "Whatever the Foundry may have done, however this happened, you are more than just an aberrant piece of computer code. Not having an organic body doesn't make you less a person." She sat down at the terminal underneath the screen D-Gray was projected on. "The first thing we need to do, though, is to decouple you from the virus program that they tied into you. Until that happens, you're too dangerous to allow off this shielded computer. Try not to worry, though," she added. "I know you aren't up to date on Freedom City personalities, but my name is Miss Americana, and there are no better programmers than me anywhere." Perhaps it was a boastful claim, but it was one that stood a decent chance of being true.
  15. Fleur nodded in agreement with Gabriel and GK. "You obviously have a plan already in mind for how we're going to deal with the threat posed by the bioweapons," she pointed out to the Captain, "and the plan obviously involves Penny. We want to help you, we want to end this with minimal injury to anyone, but we can't go in blindly. We've got some information on where likely holding facilities might have been, but it would be folly to go to any of them without as much information as we can get." As she spoke, Fleur reached a hand up under her hood, pulling a few pins from her hair and rubbing at her scalp. The gesture was automatic, reflexive to the point where she hardly seemed to notice herself doing it. Apparently her hair was still bothering her.
  16. "All the way out in Wharton? You're definitely the guy who can pop instantly out of any computer without worrying about traffic," Koshiro groused, even as he accepted the trophy from the cat. "Hey, you caught that one pretty fast, huh?" he addressed Avro. "Next time I'll use rice paper so you aren't eating too much of the regular stuff." He stuffed the half-eaten paper mouse in his pocket. "I guess Ditko Street is probably the best option. Let's go there first, if you can get us in." He'd been to Ditko Street at least once in his travels, and he'd never seen a clearly marked elevator to an interstellar base there.
  17. "Okay, great, take what you need and let's get out of here," Koshiro whispered to Tulink. Digging into his back pocket, he pulled out his wallet and found the single twenty he kept in there. Ignoring the sharp twinge at spending that kind of cash, he tucked it halfway under the register so that someone would probably find it and think it had missed the drawer during a transaction. He honestly didn't know if he was overpaying or underpaying, but it was all he could afford anyway. Koshiro took a curious look at the money his counterpart laid down, then followed him towards the exit. "Why are you bothering to pay for that?" he asked in a whisper. "They won't notice anything missing in this disaster. Anyway, aren't you a city guardian here? They owe you." "That's not how it works here," Koshiro whispered back. "People don't feel like they owe heroes anything. We have to pay for what we use. And I'm already in enough legal trouble without getting busted for stealing. At least this way I've got some kind of cover/" Both Koshiros shook their heads in unison as they snuck out of the store, the Koshiro from Prime holding the door open for the computer construct behind them.
  18. Wander had glanced up in surprise as the mysterious character revealed himself as a potential ally, rather than a hidden threat. She didn't necessarily trust her first impressions, but the beating he was dishing out to Devil Ray did speak well for him. With Orion flattened under her feet, she allowed herself the luxury of watching the fight for a moment, satisfied that her teammates were doing their usual efficient work in smiting the villains. Mark seemed a little more, hmm, intense than usual, but some of these exhibits had probably belonged to his family.He had a personal stake in this one. As for herself, well, she had work to do. The moment Orion started to get up, she was after him again. There was no way she was going to let him get his hands on that gun. Raising her bat, she didn't strike with it this time, but instead anchored it atop two display cases on opposite sides of the aisle, then pulled herself up on it as smoothly as a gymnast on the uneven bars. Two quick flips around the bat let her build up momentum, which she then put to use by slamming her feet, heels first, directly into Orion's chest. "Surrendering is always an option," she agreed with Edge. "Or the STAR Squad can carry you out, either way." Orion seemed to be ready to take the second choice.
  19. Koshiro took a glance at Indira, but only one, before turning again and leading the way towards the bay. She was his teammate, after all, and it wasn't polite to stare. And god only knew what physiological responses this stupid metal body might have waiting to surprise him. He concentrated on folding paper as they walked, handing Kimber an assortment of boxes and creatures and gadgets that could come in handy in a fight, one at a time as he finished them. It was somewhat unnerving the way that his paper creations didn't come alive anymore, but at least he still remembered how to do the folds. "Just remember not to let any of these things get in the water," he reminded Kimber. "Even if they seem alive, they're just paper and they'll dissolve right away."
  20. All right, Wander's already in melee range with Orion, so that makes things much simpler. Move action for acrobatic bluff, DC 32 to resist since she's inspired. Standard action to beat him about the head and torso with the bat. That's an Inspired Power Attack, which zeroes out on the attack and adds +5 to damage. Roll is a 20, which is enough since he's flat-footed. Toughness DC 30.
  21. Stesha greeted her friends and neighbors with a warm smile, just as she would've if they'd met up on Sanctuary. She was in uniform today, as was appropriate for Fleur de Joie while she was working for the Freedom League, but she'd taken off her domino mask and pushed back her cowl, leaving her head uncovered. "I'm so glad both of you could make it," she told Quentin and Carson, then chuckled. "It seems almost weird to see both of you on Prime these days. But Fletcher and I thought that for something like this, Freedom Hall was a more appropriate venue than Sanctuary. I just wish the others could have made it." She looked to Fletcher expectantly, folding her hands on the table in front of her.
  22. Koshiro drew his hand back, quickly but carefully, when the talk turned to spines and biting. It looked like a regular cat! With a sigh, he folded a little trapezoidal mouse shape and twisted a long tail at the back, then sent it skittering and squeaking across the floor for the cat. Technically it was a breach of the rules, but it just looked like a toy. If Kimber could have her not-a-cat and Sharl could cart around an imaginary dog, he should be able to make a few paper things even when out of uniform, right? "This shouldn't take too long," he told Kimber. "It's just sort of looking around at places."
  23. Erin wandered back to the grill, resting her chin on Trevor's shoulder as she looked at the selection of food. "We're gonna be eating leftover burgers for a week," she observed, not sounding particularly concerned about the possibility. "If you've got some Swiss, I'll take that." Moving to the other side of the grilling apparatus, she took out the wire cage full of grilled vegetables, ladling them into a serving bowl. "I heard they're going to be doing something special with the fireworks tonight," she commented. "Since last year everyone was cleaning up after the thing with Dr. Archeville and there wasn't much of a celebration. I wonder if the Freedom League will turn out for it."
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