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Everything posted by Electra

  1. My thought was that even if the attack takes place far away, it's basically a ranged touch that starts at the bad guy and could be interrupted. But I'll go with whatever the plot needs. Grapple check is 14, he's well and truly got without an interpose.
  2. Just to check, is the elongation attack the sort of thing that Wraith would be able to use her declared Interpose on, should she so desire?
  3. Koshiro had been slow to react to all the fighting, or rather, his ingrained first response to breaking glass and screaming was to duck, not to run willy-nilly into whatever was causing the commotion. He watched as the Factor Four landed to menace the group, noting in particular the fire controller and, worse yet, the man made of water. They obviously wanted the Quantum Bauble, and even though it seemed like a totally useless novelty, he'd picked up enough knowledge in hero history to know that if a villain wants something really badly, it's rarely wise to let them have it. He formed up his armor just in time to see the waterman approaching him, looking like he'd have no trouble giving Papercut a really unpleasant bath on his way to the Bauble. "Screw this," Papercut muttered. Digging into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a handful of cranes, which instantly took wing and multiplied as they headed towards the glass display case. Forming into a perfect wedge formation, they crashed headlong into the glass, shattering it with their tiny beaks and bodies. A few were rather the more crumpled for wear, but that was the good thing about paper creatures, they could be bent back into shape. Stretching his sleeve over his hand to protect himself from shards, Papercut reached into the broken case and grabbed the Bauble, which crinkled and rustled like paper despite the weird ticking. Tucking the paper dragon under his arm, he whistled at the cranes, some of which broke away to create a flat paper platform under his feet, speeding him into the air and away from the action.
  4. Koshiro gets an HP for being menaced by the deadly dihydrogen monoxide! Free Action: Force Field Standard Action: Thousand Crane Attack versus the glass Move Action: Retrieve Bauble Spend that HP for a surge! Move Action: Flight 3, 500ft further into the museum, away from the Four
  5. Wander ducked under the monster's attack, then weaved to avoid being hit by some light aircraft flying by. It was so fast she couldn't tell if it was a person or some sort of flying machine, but tonight anything was possible. She just didn't want it hitting her or getting stuck in her hair or something unpleasant like that. With a grunt of effort, she gave the kaiju another short-armed punch, trying to put it down without knocking it back into buildings or sending it toppling over. It roared, obviously hurt, but not enough. For the first time, Wander began to wonder what was going to happen when this monster went down. She had to lure it away from the heavily populated area around the zoo. She looked around, trying to figure out the best way to lead it, and caught sight of Midnight handily dispatching most of the giant crocodiles. He was good. "How do I put this thing down without taking out a neighborhood?" she asked him quietly in a voice that boomed down to him.
  6. Wander Faded Giant(2) Gathering Like Clouds (4) The Hard Hand of Fate (7) Greater Love (1) Fleur de Joie Forge Works (6) Pollinated Flowers (5) Miss Americana Unfair Science Fair (3) Pepper's Ghost (5) Papercut Mile in My Shoes (3) It's Gonna Be The Future Soon (2) NPC But What You Make It (worth 7) All NPC and Miss A posts to Wander, but then since she's maxed out, all posts to Fleur.
  7. Erin made a noise very much like a growl as she circled with the snake-Meaghan, dodging those terrible teeth and looking for her angle. The previous miss had made her more circumspect, and this time she didn't go charging in blindly to attack. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another snakeman approaching the royal family, but she couldn't do anything about it now, not with another snake keen to rip her throat out, or however snakes liked to kill human-size victims. Deciding that was a mental road better not taken, Erin braced herself, then dove under the nearest table, rolled twice, and came up swinging, putting all the power of her momentum into a blow to Snake-Meaghan's hideous, hissing head!
  8. Okay, going to go with the Skill Mastered Sense motive again, since I can't afford to lose more HP on a bad roll. DC 27 to avoid flat-footedness. Full power attack, no need for a charge since they're already in melee. With the inspire, she has her regular bonus. She rolls a 21.
  9. Miss Americana shook the vice-principle's hand warmly, and then LaMarr's as well. "I'm happy to be here," she assured them both. "I don't think there's anything more important than encouraging young people to pursue excellence and innovation in science. The science fair winner today could be my most promising new researcher in a few years." She took a step back, gesturing to the kids. "This is my student assistant, Citizen, and this is Glow. They're going to walk around with me and help hand out the awards, if that's all right with you." For all Sharl was quite fond of it, Miss Americana rarely used the term "sidekick" except in jest. "It looks like the fair is well underway already. For the moment, I'd like to just walk through and look at the exhibits without any big announcement. Once the judging is completed, I'll be on hand to distribute the awards and certificates, of course." Miss A's smile was warm and genuine, and only deep inside and far away did Gina squirm from the never-changing sights and smells of high school, and all the unpleasant memories it carried with it. Things were very different now, and it wasn't as though anything bad would happen today. High school was quite a different thing when you were one of the popular girls.
  10. "Well then," Stesha said, seemingly reassured enough by this, "I don't think there's any reason you shouldn't get a look at the place, if you like, to get an idea of what we're doing with the place. I can show you the river and introduce you to some of the townspeople. The monks haven't moved in yet and we'll steer clear of the bees. Unless you're too busy today?" She blithely shoved aside her own schedule for the moment, hoping that this could be the start of another major asset for Sanctuary, as well as perhaps a rapprochement with someone who had been a friend. And if she didn't take him to her cottage where Ammy was today, well, there would be future visits.
  11. Sorry to be late to the party, but my initiative is only 11.
  12. "I'm not sure," Fleur admitted. "I know it's a soil filtration system that's keeping the South River as clean as it is, and that he had a hand in shoring it up when we were preparing for the Gorgon invasion, but I was so busy with all the refugees that I barely had time to take a breath, much less watch what others were doing! But he and a couple of students did excellent work there, and the water tests as healthy, for now anyway. Since he keeps a headquarters on Sanctuary as well, I'm sure he'll be interested in helping out with a few improvements. I'll get in touch with him later and see. Can you... are you allowed to travel freely between dimensions?" she asked as delicately as she could. Stesha knew the doctor had spent little time in the psychiatric hospital, but she'd never actually asked what constraints had been placed upon him when he returned to the community.
  13. "I'll never say no to a quiet night," Fleur agreed. "But on the unquiet nights, it's always nice to have backup available. Here." She reached into a pocket and withdrew a business card, cream-colored cardstock that smelled slightly of flowers. "Here's my card, it's got my cell phone and email address on it." Fleur passed the card to her new associate, even as Amaryllis began to squirm impatiently. She didn't seem like the sort of child to sit still for more than a moment. "If you ever run into trouble, or you need help with anything, you give me a call," she instructed. "If I can't help you myself, I'll find somebody who can. We all look out for each other in Freedom City."
  14. Erin's eyes widened with surprise as Indira melted off the motorcycle, but since the girl reformed... well, after a fashion, anyway, seemingly unharmed on the ground, she figured it was probably intentional. She took Trevor's belt herself, tucking it into one of Redbird's reinforced saddlebags, then leaned close to his ear. " If we can hold off the hounds till the Overriders regroup, we might have a chance of getting out of here, breaking the barrier somehow." Right now the outlaw space-cyclists didn't seem to be up for much of anything, but they were tough customers. "Whoever's running this, they'll have studied our tactics," she murmured. "Expect us to go for the announcer probably, then use that as the cue to start the fight. Given our reputations, I'll probably be under heavy fire right off. If you swing wide and drop me off over on the edge of the forest, it'll draw attention away from Mark and the others. I'll fight defensively, you and Mark can work to clear the field. Try and protect the kids," she added.
  15. "Try and make contact with D-Gray," Miss A instructed Sharl. "Whatever he is, whatever created him, if he breaks loose into a network, it'll be the problem we had with you all over again. I'm going to go deal with the robots." Bold words, and she meant them too. She'd tangled with the Foundry before, though rarely in the flesh, and thought she knew most of their tricks. Miss A didn't bother to conceal herself as she arced into the sky, wanting to draw attention to herself and away from the crowd of civilians. There was at least one other hero on the ground, not a big surprise at an event this size in Freedom City. She nodded in his direction before addressing the gathering. "You should know better than to start trouble around here," she called derisively. "Your machine brain must be missing a few logic circuits." She opened fire then, raining precision laser bolts onto Chimera that should've weakened joints and muddled processes. Instead, they seemed to merely bounce off. Miss A frowned, wondering if this might just be a much tougher battle than she'd anticipated.
  16. Miss A will use her move action to take to the skies! Standard action will be to blast Chimera with her patriotic laser beams. It's a 27. DC 29 toughness save if it hits.
  17. Another 1? Seriously, Invisible Castle? Spending another HP. 24, no damage
  18. Erin's eyes widened at the sudden transformation; though she had assumed Meaghan was a cold-blooded snake, she hadn't thought it to be quite so literally true. Reaching for her handbag, she grabbed the bat from it and spun it into shape, even as she started cutting through the crowd. A quick leap and tumble with the aid of a chandelier took her over most of the crowd and got her where she was going, right between Meaghan and the retreating guests. The shoes, though... the damned high-heeled shoes that Frank had insisted on! One wobbly ankle was enough to telegraph the direction of her charge to the beady-eyed snake woman, and when Erin's bat flashed out, Meaghan was no longer there. Erin swore under her breath and looked for another chance.
  19. Erin is going to attack Meaghan first, of course. She's only human(ish). With her quick draw, she pulls the bat from her pretty beaded purse as a free action. Acrobatic bluff for the move action, skill mastered at DC 27. Standard action is a charging power attack. All told, that makes her -2 to defense, -3 to Attack, and +5 to damage. Terrible roll! Spending an HP. Another terrible roll! Hopefully an 18 will hit flat-footed Snake Meaghan. If it does, that's a DC 30 toughness save.
  20. "That sound good," she told him, her voice coming through a hidden speaker in the bathroom now rather than traveling through the air. "If you get a chance to talk to them today, make a list of things they might need and I'll see what I can do to put something together. I have to get to work now, but I'll talk to you later. Feel free to have Emerson pack a lunch for you if you want, there's stuff in the fridge." As soon as Steve was out of the room, Gina gulped down the rest of her breakfast and escaped for her basement lair. She didn't lock it, it seemed too rude, but Steve knew not to come down here unless it was an emergency. The moment she was alone with her machines, she breathed a sigh of relief as her lungs seemed to open fully for the first time all day. This relationship thing was not at all easy.
  21. "That won't be a problem," Stesha told him, stepping forward to take a closer look at the simulation. "The Wading River is still in very bad shape pollutionwise, but it does flow still. The South River is much better off, we've been using that as a potable water source, with some extra filtration. Ta- ah, Gaian Knight has done amazing work there. Having him around means we don't lack for building materials and won't need to crush up many rocks, and paper is simple to import, but power and food production are high on my list. Wind and solar power are nice, but water power is just more reliable. What would you need to get started?" Enthusiasm for a new project swept her concerns, both for her schedule and about the reliability of her colleague, off to one side for the moment.
  22. Erin leaned in to brush her cheek against his, her soft laugh a warm breath in his ear. "Night's still young," she pointed out, effortlessly turning with him to avoid other couples on the floor. "But I figure now you owe me for my iron self-control. I'll get it out of you later, once I can get out of this stupid dress." She ran her fingers lightly through his hair, disordering it just a little bit. "Or we could find a coat closet," she added, sotto voce, "but with our luck, Mark will already be in it." She snuck a glance at the other end of the floor, then turned back with a satisfied look. "Anyway," she decided, "no matter what that bitch says, I win. She had you, but she lost you because she's stupid and shallow and mean. Now I've got you, and she's dancing with that creeper. And it looks like he's stomping on her toes."
  23. Erin was a bit surprised by the speed and force of Trevor's egress towards the dance floor, but she followed willingly enough. Putting her hand in his, she set the other on his shoulder, high enough that she could massage the back of his neck lightly. For the moment, anyway, the woman with the shapeshifter ring was the furthest thing from her mind. "You okay?" she murmured, her words pitched for his ears only. "We can still cut out if you want, go get some coffee. Nobody started anything at the big reveal, so maybe we're in the clear for the night anyway."
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