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Everything posted by Electra

  1. As soon as they were through the portal, it was obvious that Erin wasn't going to catch the motorcycle gang on foot. She was fast, but not that fast. Instead, she looked up, gauging the speed of her teammates overhead. "Hey Redbird, catch!" With that she was aloft, launching herself through the air towards the flying motorcycle. Redbird had just enough time to extend a third seat onto the back of the bike before Erin caught hold of the rear fork and flipped herself on board. She landed just behind Wraith, nodding to her and Trevor as she settled in. "Thanks for the lift," she told Trevor, deadpan. "Do we know anything about these people?"
  2. While Trevor seemed to be trying to formulate a reply to that mental image, Erin reached up and plucked the phone from his hand. "Dinner, right," she said crisply. "We're in. Email Trevor the details, we'll meet up with you, see if anything crazy is going to happen. Now get some sleep or something. Bye now." She hung up the phone and tossed it back against the wall. "I believe the plan was that I get you to myself all night tonight, barring emergencies," she reminded Trevor with a grin. "For once, Mark's social life doesn't count as an emergency, yet. He can wait." She leaned up to lay kisses along his jawline up to his ear. "Unless you really want to call him back," she murmured, laughing.
  3. Wander glanced at Midnight and noticed him looking the same way she was. With a jerk of her head to indicate where she was going, she slipped through the crowd, dodging bodies and keeping her eye on the retreating stranger. Within moments, she'd cleared the crowd and was catching up to the man. Keeping her bat sheathed, she caught him by the arm and swung him around in one practiced movement, the same way she'd nab a civilian at HAX who'd wandered out of the public areas. "You seem pretty interested in everything that's going on," she noted, her voice neutral. "Is there anything you want to tell us about what's happening here?"
  4. Erin's blue HAX uniform was now looking even more raggedy than before from the flying shrapnel, but none of it had been going fast enough to pierce her super-tough skin. In a moment she was beside Ellie and Mara, helping support the wounded healer. "Time's in limited supply," she told Mara flatly, "but we can buy some extra if we have to. Fight them to a standstill in the tunnels, anyway." She took a look at Ellie's wound and frowned, hoping Jill o'Cure was a physician who could heal herself as easily as others. "I'll find a place for Ellie to stretch out, you get to work on the machine," she suggested. "Murdock, bring Samson over here and lay him down. How's he doing?"
  5. "Mmm, I guess so," Erin allowed, swiveling her upper body far enough to look back at him. "If nothing else, we should probably make sure that Mark doesn't go sneaking into any coat closets and cause an international incident or something. And I still haven't gotten a chance to wear that blue dress Frank put together for me. He promises it'll withstand anything up to and including tank bombardment without ripping, and I think it might also double as a floatation device or something. It's pretty." She reached down and scooped up the phone, handing it to him. "You talk to him this time. You know all that fancy party stuff." That settled, she snuggled back down against his shoulder, looking like she was ready to stay there awhile.
  6. Some time later, Erin lifted her head from Trevor's arm, blinking in the soft light coming from his bedroom lamp. She sat up and stretched lazily, then noticed the phone she'd tossed against the wall earlier. "Oh yeah," she told Trevor, "Mark called. He wants us to go to dinner with him at the Socotran embassy or something. I told him we'd call him back." She rested her elbows on her knees in a contemplative posture. "If he's a luck controller, do you think it's really a coincidence that he always calls or visits at really inconvenient times?" she mused.
  7. "No!" Erin shouted into the phone, loud enough to make static pop and crackle on the line, and Mark's ear ring a little. "No, we're fine, just stay where you are" And indeed, there didn't seem to be any noise of fighting from around her, so perhaps things were calming down. "You want to invite us to dinner?" she asked then, sounding incredulous. "With your girlfriend?" That was the obvious leap, seeing as how his girlfriend was part of the Socotran royal family. "Listen, I'll call you back. Little bit. Promise." She hung up the phone then, every bit as terse as Trevor would've been.
  8. There was no answer right away, in fact Mark counted five rings before the click that signaled a connection. It wasn't Trevor on the other end, though. It was Erin, and she sounded like she was in the middle of a fight. That wasn't terribly unusual, a lot of Mark's friends spent a lot of time in fights, but they aleways had time to talk to him. "Mark?" Erin was breathing faster than usual, and she sounded distracted by whatever was going on around her. "Swear to god, Mark, this had better be important," she said tersely.
  9. Papercut looked a little surprised at the compliment from Cobalt Templar, but he cleared his throat and tried to pass it off. "Wraith did most of the work," he said, "she's the one who's wrapped around the bomb, and who slapped that guy down. We gotta deal with the bomb, though, before anything bad happens." He looked up towards where the other fight had been taking place, largely obscured from their view. "Everybody else okay? I lost touch with everybody in my head, figured Sage was probably too busy with other stuff to keep it going."
  10. Thanks, AA, but I also had wiki pages to add! Wander: Hard Hand of Fate Gathering Like Clouds Faded Giant Spoiler Alert Greater Love Miss Americana: Fleur de Joie: Location Location Location Hot and Cold Papercut: Future Soon Wiki Pages Graduation Day T-Baby ArcheEvil (WIP) Wiki point to Wander, all spare posts/points to Fleur de Joie
  11. "Ah, crap." Erin was used to dealing with bad guys and monsters who were twice her size or more, but usually that meant eleven feet, not a hundred-eleven feet. She was starting to get an odd feeling of vertigo from the height, but nothing that couldn't be shrugged aside. "It's not usually this weird," she told Redbird, then extended her hand to let Trevor board the motorcycle. "You go for the smaller ones," she told him, "I'll handle the big one." Hoping she wouldn't prove herself a liar, she stepped forward, putting Midnight and the bike behind her as the monster charged. With no bat and no time for finesse, she drew back her arm and punched the giant lizard right in the abdomen, which seemed to knock the wind out of it at least. It was no pushover, though, and moments later returned a swipe at her that glanced off her shoulder and probably could've felled a building. "That's right," she told it, "keep looking this way." She resisted the urge to check how Midnight was doing with the others, trusting his skills to keep him safe, even on a night like this.
  12. HP Reroll lets her pass the save, 39.
  13. Wander took a moment to get her balance and recover from the momentary disorientation of dimensional transit. She'd been tossed in a dimensional pocket before, blind, deaf and out of her mind thanks to psychic attack, so this experience was definitely better, but the blank white void had been more than a little disconcerting. She shook it off and turned to the others, one eye on the security display. "How much time do we still need? Can we get everyone out and shut down the machine before they reach us?" If her teammates had been there, Trevor and Mark and Joe, she'd have suggested going out and fighting anyway, because any blow against the Terminus was a good one, but despite their formidable powers, Mara and Ellie weren't primarily fighters, and Murdock was having trouble holding himself together already. Fighting would be a last resort.
  14. Wander skill masters 25.
  15. Erin barely took a moment to sigh over the disruption to the party, even as the discussion between Max and Hard Mama began to heat up. A fight would just be par for the course pretty much anytime Young Freedom tried to have a fun outing. She did, however, snap to attention immediately when Hard Mama's interest turned to Mark. "Oh no you don't," she muttered, unsheathing her bat even as she crouched. Mark could almost certainly extricate himself from any sort of mortal danger, but situations with women were a significant area of weakness for him. They couldn't let him go alone. With barely a thought, she leapt into the air, clearing the rooftops with ease and arcing to soar neatly through the portal. Whatever was on the other side... well, you just didn't desert a teammate to something they couldn't handle.
  16. Since she doesn't have her bat, and acrobatics at this point seem ill-advised, let's try a punch on Mr. Lizard! He's bigger than she is, so no penalty to attack. Not going to power attack till I see what he's made of. And it's a nice roll, a 27. So... wow. DC 44 toughness check?
  17. With a wave of his hand, Koshiro dismissed the flock of cranes, speeding up the server time to something approaching normal. Whatever Wraith was doing with her... scorpion tentacle or whatever it was, it was creepy as hell and very effective as a deterrent. "Just stay where you are," he instructed the knife-monster, "Or things are going to get real slow, real fast." He craned his neck, trying to see how the others were doing, but couldn't tell much of anything from where he was. "You okay in there?" he asked Wraith. "Anything happening with the bomb?"
  18. Only years of exposure to people like Mark let Erin keep her composure as the world seemed to fall apart around them, and even so her eyes were a little wider than normal as she looked to Mara. "Yeah, I'd say we're ready to go back now. Harrier and I ran, but taking all these prisoners is going to be more of a problem. I could ferry everyone in groups, but there's no way we're going to have that kind of time before Mandragora gets here to see what happened to the forge." She pursed her lips, looked over the group. "Maybe you could shove some of them into another dimension until we can deal with them later? Even if it's not pleasant, at least they'll be alive." Even as she spoke, Erin scanned the skies, waiting for signs of Mandragora's response.
  19. "Unless you have something tactically relevant to say, shut up now," Wander advised the redhead curtly, sparing her a withering glance. "You can dish out all your excuses for murdering humans on behalf of the Terminus once you're in prison." She stayed close to Dragonfly as the genius engineer did her work, keeping one hand on her bat and an eye out for trouble that seemed inevitable. Honestly, despite her experience, Erin was just as glad that Murdock had taken over the job of arranging and dressing the selected corpses. "The evacuation's still going on, right?" she murmured to Mara, too quietly for any of the others to hear. "We're cutting it close with the two hours as it is, but this thing has to get shut down."
  20. Erin had stayed quiet through the appearance of the stranger, keeping her own counsel and keeping a very close eye on the Furion interloper. Redbird knew him and seemed to like him, which meant he probably wasn't a sinister imposter, but she wasn't ready to let her guard down yet. In her experience, strangers who showed up out of nowhere usually had a reason, and it was usually more self-serving than a present for the birthday girl. But until Max tipped his hand, she'd hold her peace. "Lunch sounds good," she told Eve. "It's been awhile since I've been on a boat, but I don't think it's going to be a problem." Remembering Young Freedom's last pool party by the water, she had to stifle a rueful grin, but surely this one would be just fine. Eddie wasn't around, and Mark hadn't brought his girlfriend. "Lead the way."
  21. "Hardly anything about the nanites themselves," Wander admitted, slightly abashed. "I've mostly been trying to keep a handle on the tactical situation. The techs here say that Mandragora was basically pressured into setting this place up, and his plan was to abandon it to the Doom Coil or whatever and say it didn't work. We're having them create some believable technician corpses here, so once we've slagged the place, Steelgrave will look at it and believe that the nanite forge was a failure. Once we're done, if you could shove these guys in a dimensional pocket or something, that would be great. They're..." Wander pursed her lips, studied the pathetic-looking and weedy nearly-nude techs. "They're reprehensible," she decided. "You can't look at them and not see thousands of screaming, begging, crying people they put into the forge. But we're better than that, and we have to take them with."
  22. Wander's head whipped around as she saw Midnight take a hit from one of the possessed corpses. He handled it, shook it off, but just the thought of one of those magical zombies trying to get at him was enough to have her charging heedlessly into the fray. Using her bat as a fulcrum, she flipped across the ground, the sudden strange movements more than enough to distract and disorient the not-terribly bright zombie. She all but tumbled straight into the horrid thing, but at the last moment pulled up and delivered a blow to the thing's neck that was enough to send it reeling. A normal zombie would've been decapitated, but these were even more aggravating than the usual run of animated corpses. She nodded in satisfaction when one of their Russian allies blew the thing to paste, then turned back to the rest of the fight.
  23. Wander is going to attack Color Host 1, to teach it a lesson in why it should not shoot at her boyfriend. She'll start off with an acrobatic bluff, skill mastery 27, and then Charge at it with her bat, using a +5 Power Attack to take advantage of the Inspire. So with the Inspire, Power Attack and Charge, she has +2 to attack, -2 to defense, and +5 to damage. Dammitall, why do I keep rolling 1s? Spending an HP. That comes out a 31. So it needs to make a DC 30 toughness save.
  24. "All right then." Erin nodded at the redheaded technician. "We'll work with that, then. Maybe we'll even be doing Mandragora a favor, not that he'll thank us for it. I've only run up against him a couple times, but Steelgrave seems like a thorough guy. If Mandragora says the thing failed, he'll want to have a look for himself. He'll be looking for a slagged forge and probably dead techs around it." She waved a hand before the techs could protest. "Not you all, so long as you behave," she told them. "Where's the nearest bunch of corpses? I know you probably know." The idea was distasteful, but putting a uniform on a dead body was better than creating a dead body in a uniform, and it wasn't as though they all hadn't done body disposal before. "All of you, start taking off your outfits," she ordered the technicians.
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