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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Raina slid back in on the end of the booth, giving Riley's flask a skeptical look. "I know what you make is strong, buddy, but I'm not drinking it if you still brew it in the toilet tank. Have you actually got some kind of setup going these days?" Merlin hopped off the table and to his usual perch on her shoulder to free up space on the table, despite her skeptical glare. "I swear if you get fruit in my hair, you're walking home." When her drink arrived, Raina slid it down the table to Fred. "Here, try the rebujito; see if you like it. It's basically sherry and sprite with a mint sprig, but it's good." With drinks arriving and guests greeted, Raina was free to concentrate on the envelope in front of her. "This is fancy," she observed, running her fingers over the heavy bond paper consideringly. A quick extra-warm breath softened the glue enough that she could flip open the envelope flap and pull out the contents.
  2. Paige's eyes widened as she listened to the story, not quite able to envision what the young woman was describing, but with no doubt in her mind that it had been a hell of a thing to see. "That was incredibly brave of her. It must have been terrifying to see the extent of the Curator's powers on the ringworld. Where did you go from there? How did you manage to make your way off the surface?"
  3. Electra

    The Best Offence

    Danica's shell poofed back into place as quickly as it had disappeared, the better for her to scrunch up inside of it. "It's not really about changing anything, it's just weird," she explained over the top edge of her shell. "I'm almost thirty-five years old, but I don't feel- I don't even know how old I feel!" she exclaimed. "I'm supposed to be, like, seventeen now, but I don't want to date anybody and I usually don't want to yell at my parents and I definitely want to learn to drive but I probably can't because my reflexes suck, like, a lot. Sometimes I feel like I should be back at Nicholson and sometimes I feel like I've been in school foreeeeeeeever, and all my friends keep growing up and leaving." She smiled ruefully. "Grownups are always telling me that when I get older I'll appreciate slow aging a lot more, but if I could change anything, I'd change that. It's hard for the other kids to treat me normal when I saw them come in as freshmen and I'll watch them go as seniors but I'm still just here."
  4. "No, but a focused EMP pulse would do the trick," Devin began, only to be cut off by his wife. "Which we cannot do because some robots are real heroes," she reminded him pointedly. "Or cyborgs, or artificial intelligences, and they don't have an obligation to disclose that." "Come on, you can't say it's right for somebody to be piloting a zord body for years and pretending it's their human body, that's just so weird!" Devin countered, in the tone of someone rehashing a well-worn argument. "It's not weird, it's heroic!" Kinsley shot back, "but that's incredibly beside the point and we are getting off track. The point is," she went on, turning back to Richard, "there is a possibility. Do you know how much follow-up was done to chase down rogue robots after the Curator's attack?" She seemed to be waiting for Richard to guess, but Devin didn't get that cue. "None!" he practically shouted, jumping up to put a posterboard on a tripod. It appeared to be a timeline of events, but it was hard to see from this distance. Devin smacked a hand against the bottom of the board. "The abductees were brought back from the ringworld, the ones kept on planet were fished out of their basement, and everybody tried to forget it all happened! Nobody checked!"
  5. "Well, everybody was looking at the Curator," Kinsley replied, sounding as though she almost couldn't believe he didn't know that. "Superheroes were replaced with _robots_ and nobody even noticed! Some of them were, like, heroes with families, and even they didn't get made, not for months!" She moved over to the laptop and flipped it open, showing pictures of the abductees obviously taken by amateur hero-spotters. "Just think about it. The Curator is so good, so smooth and so sneaky, that a person's own family doesn't know them. It's like, who couldn't be a robot, right?"
  6. "Of course you are, pumpkin," Paige assured Bryant, kissing him on the forehead. No matter how weird it was when she sat down to think about it, she'd long since gotten used to a third child in their family. In all the ways that mattered, the newborn who'd been placed in her arms five years ago was her son now and they were just going to be extra careful that he got the benefits of a healthy and sane family to grow up in. "You're a very good Bryant who needs to eat his yummy casserole." She turned her attention to Will. "We'll hope for the best, then," Paige told her elder son. "Hopefully she's a sensible girl who can tolerate a little of the fun sort of weirdness in her life." Eyes twinkling, she added, "Would you like a swag bag to give her? That always impressed the girls in elementary school, as I recall." "Nope, he has to write her letters," Holly countered, finding her feet in the conversation again after her misstep. "It's the only way to woo an Eliiiiiizaaaaa." "You should be eating your casserole too," Paige pointed out mildly. "And maybe watching Hamilton a little less often." "Not possible," Holly assured her, but took a dutiful bite of casserole. The teasing died down a little bit then, but Paige wanted to know more about both Will's new job and his new girl, so he spent most of the time until dessert being quizzed on every little detail. It was a nice distraction for everyone from the uncertanties of the future.
  7. "I don't think I have anything to add to the interview," Miss A told him with a smile, "but I would like to take a second to congratulate you on the fifteen year run of your show, and to thank you for everything you and Hologram have meant to the hero community. I personally have been a devoted fan for many years, and I've gotten the answers to questions I'd have never even thought to ask! I'm definitely going to miss SuperCrime!, but I can't wait to see what you're going to do next."
  8. Sparkler fails both saves, so she is stunned and will spend the round trying to clear it.
  9. "Judy, you look gorgeous! I love your dress!" Danica hugged her friend back, careful not to dislodge any of her decorations. "Micah's jaw is gonna be on the floor," she predicted confidently. "And that's even before the special surprise starts!" She hugged herself excitedly, then turned to see Elena walk in. "Elena! Welcome to the party!" she called enthusiastically. "I'm so glad you could come! This is Judy," she went on, gesturing to her friend, "she's a senior and she's so fun, and she's also the President's daughter which is pretty cool. Judy, this is Elena, she's brand new to Earth Prime and she has a totally radical car. We fought Omegadrones together the other day, and now she's going to go to school here!"
  10. "Secret identities are tough with kids," Stesha agreed with a laugh. She could see the other hero's reticence, but wasn't offended by it. Caution kept people alive in this business, and not everybody had a safe little alternate dimension to escape to. "They are the absolute worst at keeping secrets. Mine is at Nicholson and that makes it easier; everybody there is in the know and she doesn't have to think about it too much. One day I'm sure she'll be proud of you." The little patch of flowers was spreading now, surrounding the garbage can opposite the bench. It moved a little oddly, even for a patch of super-fast flowers, and a closer look revealed that as they went, the plants were dipping their blossoms and swallowing up cigarette butts, gum wrappers, all the bits of litter that hadn't made it into the can. "Anything exciting going down in the city tonight?"
  11. "The Devil's Advocates? What are you, crappy biker lawyers?" Raina couldn't help but say, even though she was supposed to be hiding. It didn't much matter, since she was up in the air and things were very loud on the ground. Abandoning Beardy to the tender mercies of the stranger hero, she turned her attention to Baldy. That guy was really starting to bug her. Raina raised her lighter, gave it a flick. "I hope that you... burn..." she sang softly, her lips nearly touching the flame. A massive gout of fire rushed out like water from a firehose, momentarily enveloping the luckless villain until he couldn't see or hear or do anything but try and put himself out. Letting the little flicker die, Raina quickly relocated to a safer corner of the sky.
  12. Sparkler will try for Cueball this time, another fire blast. Somebody's gonna get on fire eventually! And it looks like it's going to be now! A nat 20 gives a result of 30, and she does have Autofire on that. She'll take the shot and then fly away to a different area, slightly higher up.
  13. Raina jolted and tried to get out of the way as Beardo spat out a cloud of... something, something nasty, but couldn't quite manage to dodge in time. For a minute she felt absolutely, revoltingly awful, but then it passed just as quickly as it came. She got the idea that she'd just had a whiff of whatever it was, and she would not like to get the whole treatment. Firing off another absent shot at Beardy (another miss, dammit, and Erik was going to laugh himself sick if he heard about this), she leapt into the air and stayed there, floating upwards and hopefully out of reach of whatever was being spewed down there.
  14. Doktor'd! I'd like to use one of Sparkler's unspent pp to add a new power to her "The Sun" array. Damage 10 (disco inferno, Extras: Area [Burst], Selective) [30/30]
  15. Raina fails the reflex save, but she succeeds on even the higher fort save! Phew! Her action will be another blast attack against Buddy. That is another failure because of course it is, and she will use her move action to take flight and try to get above everyone and out of range of that pathogen attack. She is still invisible.
  16. "Because it was a hero who caused the whole thing!" Kinsley explained portentously, dropping her voice and leaning towards him. "Some kid hero, though we're not sure quite who it was, opened up a portal to hell and brought it all raining down on our heads. The story is that a bunch of other kid heroes stopped him or talked him down or something..." "The story was pretty weird," Devin admitted. "It said it was the power of friendship, but I'm kind of assuming, based on other stories, that it means they kicked his ass." "Something like that," Kinsley agreed. "The League doesn't like having to admit when a hero screws up, especially if it's a screwup that gets a lot of people hurt. Nobody wants to go back to the Moore years, right? So when people forgot about all of it, why would they bring it up and cause trouble? They probably didn't even look at the statistics."
  17. Miss A gave him a look that said she wasn't terribly pleased to be asked a question so close to one she'd gone off-camera for, but this time she did answer for the audience. "I certainly wouldn't say that the Curator's threat is completely gone," she said carefully, "but I do believe that it is much less than it was. It's certainly a threat that we have been thinking about and making plans for, just in case. What Citizen did to the Curator changed it in a fundamental way. We don't know exactly how that change would have manifested itself, but I am hopeful that it will be a change for the better. We are keeping in touch with our Lor allies and other spacefaring races, so that if the Curator ever turns its attention towards Earth again, we will be ready."
  18. "Well," Paige asked puckishly, looking down at the sullenly unresponsive camera, "have we tried hitting it with something yet? That usually works." Fred gave her a look of unutterable weariness. "Paige, my dearest darling, I know you are a psychic, but that doesn't mean you need to channel Richard for us when he's not here." "Oh no!" Paige took two steps back, laughing, both hands over her heart as though mortally wounded. "Why would you say such a hurtful thing to me? Now I'm going to have to redo my makeup before I can go on camera." "That's probably okay, it's looking like we're going to have some time," Dave predicted glumly. "Damn thing was fine yesterday." "Are you sure you didn't drop it?" Eamon asked, mock-solicitously. "Cause mine's still working just fine, and the only difference there is operator skill..." Dave gave Eamon an eloquent reply by way of finger, though his heart clearly wasn't in it. "Can we do the interview with just one camera?" Vivi asked anxiously, hugging their elbows and looking from person to person. The youngest member of the team by a couple of decades, Vivi was not quite used to the on-set byplay. Paige took pity on the intern. "It'll be tougher, but we'll do all right," she said reassuringly. "We'll set the camera up over my shoulder to focus on the guest, and just cut the final together so we don't need any footage from me in this one. If we absolutely have to, we can cheat and edit in a shot or two of me from another interview we did in here, since I'm asking a lot of the same questions anyway. We just can't afford to waste time getting the camera fixed today, and Cobalt Templar is presumably well on his way here already. Everyone ready to go?" "Wait, wait!" Dave called, "I think it's starting up! The red light- no, it's gone again." He sat down at the offstage table with a defeated look. "How's your camera phone?" Eamon suggested. "You could always try filming with that." Dave's response was just as eloquent as before.
  19. Hey Claremonters! Time to socialize and party! Come hang out with your fellow students, get to know some people, try your hand at the DJ booth, maybe even ask someone for a dance! Fun times and no planned combat. https://www.freedomplaybypost.com/topic/13193-how-a-young-heart-really-feels/
  20. Danica Holmes loved Valentine's Day. It was one of her favorite holidays, behind Christmas, Easter, Arbor Day, and Labor Day, so when it came up, she got very excited. A holiday all about love and friends and candy and giving gifts, what could be better? And with several decades worth of saved up extra cartoon Valentines cards, she had lots to give away! When she found out that the school was sponsoring a party this year after several years without one, well, that was just the icing on the cake. A week before the big day, she could be found riding up and down the halls of the dormitories on her Segway, red and pink paper hearts dotting her black and gold shell. On every single doorway, she hung a bright pink flyer and two mini-bags of Skittles. Valentines Party! Saturday Night, Feb 13, 7pm, Gym Food, Games, Music, Prizes! And a big (good!) surprise! School Rules are in effect The night of the party, the gym was festively decorated with pink and white helium balloons, streamers, even an ice sculpture of a heart thanks to a particularly industrious ice-controlling student. A DJ setup was currently unoccupied but playing peppy music, and three whole tables of snacks and punch had been set up along the wall. Danica arrived early, along with several other students who had helped set things up, and was busy assembling a little plate of snacks. Her shell had even more hearts plastered on it now, and was edged with a fanciful lace ruffle, making her look rather like a Valentine herself.
  21. The pair regarded one another for a moment. "Probably the demons," Kinsley decided, turning back to Richard. "Definitely the demons." Devin agreed. "It's not every day the entire city gets completely wiped out by the forces of hell, and then suddenly nobody even remembers it happened! Or they do, but then they're like, going to therapy because everybody around them says 'you're crazy, your mom never got eviscerated by a gibbering thirty-foot tall monster from hell right in front of you, she's right over there!'" "It was way messed up," Kinsley added. "If you look at the statistics, the whole end of 2009 and beginning of 2010 there was a huge increase in suicide hotline calls, psychiatric holds, crimes against the person, 911 calls where there turned out to be no threat. The psychology department at FCU started a study to try and understand a sudden rash of patients with symptoms of acute post-traumatic stress disorder but no apparent trauma to point back to." "We had to dig really deep to get any answers at all." Devin took up the story, leaning in conspiratorially towards Richard. "The superheroes knew something, but they weren't telling. The trail was cold for months, until I found an account on AO3 that posted thinly fictionalized accounts of real Freedom City superbattles. That's not exactly earthshaking, I know, especially since she was clearly posting them as backdrops for really lurid romance RPFs, but these were different. These stories were full of real details, you know? The sort of thing you'd only know if you were there, or you knew people who were there. The author was either a superhero herself, or personally knew somebody who was. And that's how we learned that on Halloween 2009, demons overran Freedom City and killed nearly everybody."
  22. "Well you'd think," Stesha replied, a wry grin on her face, "but just try telling my daughter that. 'Mom,' she tells me, 'all your stories end up the same way. A plant eats the bad guys or there's a last minute reality warp, or time rewinds and it all unhappens!' And I ask what she wants from me, and all she wants to hear are juicy details about the love lives of people I know." She laughed softly. "She's ten, so I can't tell if it's a phase she's going to grow out of, or if it's just teenagerhood showing up early."
  23. "I would snap you in half, Grandpa," Raina told Buddy contemptuously, "but there is not enough alcohol in the multiverse." She clapped politely for Ghost's magic trick, then waved her own hand and hummed a cheerful tune. Fire roared from her fingertips and raced towards "Cueball," falling only inches short of his front tire. By the time the light died down, Sparkler had disappeared! Ten yards away, an invisible Raina found a hiding spot behind a parked delivery van to keep an eye on the fight.
  24. All right, Raina's going to do a little sassing-is-a-free-action, then use her fire blast from the sun array on Baldy. Orokos continues to Be That Way, so she will likely not hit with a 12. She will activate her Concealment then and use her move action to circle around to cover so she is no longer in the place where the fire blast came from. Her Concealment is selective, so the bikers cannot see her, but Ghost can.
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