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Everything posted by Electra

  1. "What you're telling us," Fleur spoke up, her face creased in a frown, "still isn't acceptable. You still haven't told us the nature of this threat, much less why there's no other option but for us to surrender and give way before it, as though that were even possible! Freedom City is a very important place, not just for the people who live here but for everyone in this dimension. It's vital that this area remain populated and defended. There must be another way to deal with this threat or seal it off, and if you just tell us more of what you know about what it is and how it's imprisoned, I'm sure we can help you find it!"
  2. Skill Mastery for Notice, which is a 25. And a Survival check to attempt CPR. First roll is painfully bad. Spending an HP to reroll, just in case we can save this guy. Second roll is a 24.
  3. Wander picked herself up out of the sand with some care, wincing at the various hurts all over her body. Even the death throes of that creature had been enough to fling her free of its metal shell and halfway down the beach. Between the dips in the ocean and the header into the sand, she looked rather like she'd been rolled in breadcrumbs as she stood up and looked around for her friends. Her shoulder was definitely dislocated, she realized, and pulled it back into place with a hiss of pain before walking back to the others. "You guys okay?" She addressed the question to all of them, but it was Midnight she focused on, looking him up and down for signs of injury. It had been a tough fight, and they were all battered and exhausted. "I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready to go home and have..." Her words were cut off by the sudden commotion in the sky. Wander watched as the strange vessels collided and fell to earth, then muttered a profanity. "Stay back," she told her teammates, drawing her bat. "I'll check it out."
  4. "Jesus," Koshiro muttered as he arrived in the control room, looking at the chaos unfolding around them. Even seeing Ms. Harcourt's injuries from a distance made him feel vaguely nauseous, and while he'd have forced himself to help if there'd been more he could do, or if no one else was around, he lost no time in heading over to where Sharl was working with the computer system. "Wait a minute, what?" he asked the sentient program. "Who's in? In where?" The security footage was creepy as hell, but did nothing to enlighten him. "Is there some other ghost here?"
  5. That's quite a save! First roll fails miserably. Burning an HP! That's a 28! He's bruised, but not down, sportsfans!
  6. "Think that ship's sailed," Papercut replied, but Citizen was already gone. He deposited the lump of sodden cranes behind a tree, then reached into his bag for another sheet of paper. With a few quick folds, he fashioned a paper airplane, but instead of throwing it, he held it in his cupped palms and blew on the tail. The little plane immediately took flight with none of the loops and wobbles of normal paper flight. It came to rest in the center of the circle, just behind Collins, and unfolded itself into a much larger piece of paper than it had been when it started. The moment Collins stepped onto the paper, it seemed to explode back into life, twisting and folding itself into a dizzying array of folds and tucks. Within moments, the shapeshifter was encased in a square box of paper, the diamond-shaped seams all folded neatly into one another so as to prevent any easy escape. "Go for her!" Papercut encouraged. "Hurry!"
  7. Papercut is going to attempt to fold a six-walled origami box around Collins, one that will hopefully not be so easy to shapeshift out of. Because he has Indirect 3, the idea is that he gets a piece of flat paper into her path so that she steps onto it and the box forms around her with Move Object. Let me know if that's not legal. Attack roll is: a 23. If that should happen to hit, the grapple check is a 37.
  8. Miss Americana rose with a courteous smile, even as she continued the wireless conversation with one hand resting on a keyboard. Most of the ones who follow her are metahuman bigots who think New Freedom is a staging ground towards bigger and better things. The rest haven't got much choice in the matter. Roosevelt here can't defect, for instance, because his family is there. It's a difficult situation. Aloud, she said "Dragonfly, allow me to introduce Dr. Washington Roosevelt, lately of New Freedom. Dr. Roosevelt is here with a tricky problem for us to work on." She laid out the information in broad strokes, letting the doctor chime in where he pleased to add details. "Citizen and I can go in and do some reconnaissance work, but I need another skilled tech to cover all our bases. I'm willing to bet that the culprit behind this is small in size and very mobile, maybe just a handful of people. We can take them down with a small team, but the problem is finding them." She gave her colleague an expectant look.
  9. Wander jumped from the plane with one arm snugly around Midnight's waist, a well-practiced maneuver that had both of them reaching the ground with no more than a soft thud from her sneakers. She looked around to make sure the others had landed all right, then turned just in time to see Cannonade engage with the possessed hiker. Instinct had her nudging Midnight backwards as the hiker charged, even as she drew her bat. "On it!" she called in response to Edge's suggestion, leaping to close the distance between her and the stranger. "Sorry about this," she told the hiker before jumping on him. A quick tap with her bat had him on the ground, where judicious application of pressure on the bat across his chest kept him down for the moment.
  10. Wander will make a grapple attack to try and take the hiker down. She's going to use her bat, both because she's practiced with it and to try and minimize physical contact with Mr. Possessed. Attack roll, with inspire: 1d20+15=30 Assuming that's a hit, grapple check, also with inspire: 1d20+28=39
  11. Little of both, Miss A sent back, the fraction of her attention she was devoting to the texts as much brainpower as some people used all day. Archetech HQ seventh floor. High security protocol, dont let it weird you out. Because Dragonfly was a well-known hero, at least in ArcheTech circles, and because she was expected, there'd be fewer hoops to jump through, but more than if this were a normal day. Roosevelt himself seemed legit, but he could have been followed, or he could be unwitting bait for a trap. One could never be too cautious. Maybe some travel involved.
  12. "All right," Miss Americana finally said. "But you're going to have to help as well. Whatever contacts you have in the country, use them. Getting in undetected and doing an investigation would be impossible in the time we have available. I need a cover story, and I'm going to need you to spread it. A couple of metahuman mercenaries are flying in to check out the purported awesomeness of New Freedom. I'll get you more details later, but you can start with that." Even as she spoke and worked the digital recording analyzer with one hand, she sent a text with her other, to someone she thought could potentially be very helpful. Could use some help from Dragonfly on sensitive project of life and death importance. Busy? A.
  13. "Wow," Koshiro murmured, all feigned indifference and cynicism gone for the moment. "The Centurion's living room." He walked carefully and touched little as he walked around the library. He stopped in front of the fireplace and looked up at the painting. "I wonder if that was his mom," he mused aloud. "Nobody ever knew where the Centurion came from, he could've had just normal parents like anybody." Sitting in the chair seemed rude somehow, and Koshiro spent enough time in old places not even to question that sense of respect. He stood next to the chair instead, carefully lifting up the book and opening it to the marked page, where the English translation ran side by side with the Latin. Koshiro's lips moved as he read the first few lines, then he began reading aloud in a meditative tone. "The fleeting years are slipping by, and devotion will not delay wrinkles, the onslaught of old age, and unconquered death, not even, friend, if you try each day to please dry-eyed Pluto with three hundred bulls. He keeps Geryon and Tityos in check behind the gloomy stream, which must be crossed in very truth by all of us who feed on the bounty of the earth, whether we are kings or penniless sharecroppers. In vain will we flee bloody Mars, and the broken waves of the hoarse Adriatic sea, in vain each autumn will we avoid the south wind which harms bodies..." He stopped, looking over at Sharl. "That's heavy," he said after a moment of quiet. "I wonder if he was reading this before he went to face Omega. I wonder if he knew he wasn't going to come back."
  14. I'm just gonna do a little Sense Motive on my guy as he answers here, to the tune of a 29.
  15. Miss A pressed her fingertips together and studied him. "You understand that, of the American superheroes, I'm about as recognizably American as they come. And international law on superheroes is fairly elastic. If my identity were to be uncovered, it could be considered by your government to be an act of war, one they might see fit to meet with violence. I have no doubt that New Freedom's aggression would be met and put down, but there would certainly be casualties on both sides. Are you that confident that this situation is both real and grave enough to warrant response? Because I will tell you now that until today, DARKNESS and NIGHTMARE didn't exist as terrorists anywhere in the world."
  16. "Oh, that's such a shame," Fleur murmured sympathetically, looking at the picture of the little girl on the desk. "It's so hard to have a family member sick. Do you know what's wrong with her?" Even as she spoke, she was looking around at the layout of the office and the cubicles. If the caseworker were distracted or absent lately, it might not be too difficult for someone motivated to sneak in any get at his computer. "Has someone else picked up his caseload while he's gone? The matter we're dealing with is actually very urgent, so if we could speak to someone who knows about the case, it would be very helpful."
  17. If Miss A thought it strange or suspicious that a country with sufficient power and technology to make the Antarctic livable hadn't graduated yet to the 1990s in terms of computers, she gave no sign of it. "There's significant loss due to the compression from the storage media," she told him, "but I believe that background noise is an industrial waste-oil heater. Your malefactor is likely to be hanging around somewhere nearby, whether or not he can actually make good on his threat." She steepled her fingers and looked at Roosevelt. "What exactly are you hoping I can do for you?" she asked simply.
  18. Most of Koshiro's annoyance slipped away when he caught sight of the exhibits in the "zoo," which was sort of a lame name for what was basically any little kid's fantasyland. It was funny to see big hardass Corbin looking like a little kid himself, and though Koshiro didn't think it was probably a good idea to wrestle one, he agreed it would be cool to get a closer look. The murmur from his roommate distracted him from that thought. "You mean like where the Centurion actually lived and slept and stuff?" he murmured back. "Hell yes." He shot a half-guilty look at the others. "You think Indira would want to get a look too?" She'd come with them on their first excursion, that sort of made her part of the club. The others probably wouldn't be interested, at least not for the same reasons that he was. Koshiro knew the Centurion was a huge hero and by all accounts an amazing guy, but it was what people didn't see, the mundane details, that fascinated him. What would be left after all this time?
  19. A flicker of distaste crossed Miss A's perfect visage for just a moment before disappearing into professional coolness. "I see," she replied, working the computer with one hand to try and get a better sound sample. Getting a voice to match, or any background noise, might help provide a clue into the identity of this new danger. With the other hand, she sent a quick text message to Sharl. Start searching for references to DARKNESS or NIGHTMARE on terrorist watchlists, see if there's any chatter. "I can't help but notice the somewhat archaic storage medium you're using," she told the professor dryly. "A flash drive would've been much easier to pocket, I'd think. Any particular reason?"
  20. "What do you mean by "this development?" Fleur asked cautiously, keeping her seeds in her hand. Four billion years ago the earth had been little more than a ball of rock with big dreams. A lot had changed since then. "We can evacuate the school temporarily, get people to safety while we seal up or move whatever's causing the problem, but this is the middle of one of Earth's most important cities. It would be impossible to try and wall the area off indefinitely. What exactly is the threat we're dealing with?" she asked. "Some sort of alien life form, or a killer virus, or something else?"
  21. Miss Americana listened to the message as it played out, even as she copied the contents of the antique diskette to a file and began a distortion-cleaning routine. "Is this the first contact that New Freedom's had with this Darkness group? And do you know whether their allegations about New Freedom possessing nuclear and biological weapons are true?" She strongly suspected they were, as did most people who paid attention to the secretive micro-nation, but she was interested in his response. "Is the Colonel doing something about it?"
  22. Koshiro startled reflexively as Sharl put a hand through his torso, then jumped forward with a muttered curse as Kimber's hand suddenly appeared through his chest. He sidestepped to get away from both of the handsy apparitions, brushing his own hands reflexively over his torso as though checking for holes. Only the idea that Sharl might have something worthwhile to see kept him from a few especially choice words for his roommate, who knew he didn't appreciate being clipped through. "Yeah, if we're done with kindergarten playtime, let's see what you've got," he told the computerized teen.
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