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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Sorry about the delay, Christmas is sucking my brains out my ears! Fleur is going to take advantage of Madame Zero's predicament to shove her into her dimensional pocket. With the villain bound, blind, and demoralized, there's not much she can do to stop it, so poof!
  2. Erin Prime was still nearly as pale as her sun-proof counterpart, but she managed a brave smile for Mark and the others. "I don't think I'm going to forget it anytime soon," she said with great feeling. Even though her knuckles were white where she was holding onto Mark's arm, the civilian girl did seem to have some spine. "My folks are going to want me back home, I think. They're not used to so much excitement first thing in the morning." She turned her smile back to Mark, her eyes regaining a bit of their sparkle as she looked at him from under the beret he'd found while searching for her. "You'll have to give me a rain check. We didn't finish our walk." Beside Trevor, Erin Keeley sighed almost imperceptibly, but didn't say anything. She guessed this was better than having the other Erin hysterical and never wanting anything to do with any of them, but it was a close-run thing. At least none of it had to be dealt with immediately.
  3. "I guess," Erin said reluctantly, shrugging into the jacket and gathering it around her. She didn't suffer unduly from the cold, even with her reduced powers, but she still appreciated the way it was still warm from his body. "But not today. Definitely not when he's hanging around with her." She sighed at that, then slid her hand into his as they turned to walk towards the streets where Erin Prime had fled. "If he's going to do something crazy when I tell him, I'd rather we be back in Freedom City and well-rested. You don't think he's taken her somewhere else now, do you?" She looked around, trying to catch sight of Mark or an even more familiar face.
  4. Relief was plain on Erin's face as she realized Trevor was letting her off the hook. She relaxed a little, her shoulders loosening, and gave him the faintest of smiles. "I think I've had enough excitement for the day, and the Seattle people have probably had enough too. Maybe we could round up Charlie and go to your place. You keep telling me you're going to give me a look at that flying saucer down in your garage." It wasn't an answer to her problems, but knowing that she still had Trevor was like a weight off her chest. "I... we better round up Mark, too, but I don't want to tell him any of this yet."
  5. Erin squeezed her eyes shut against a burning that wanted to become tears. "I didn't keep it to myself because I don't trust you," she told him in a voice that was tight and careful, even as her body vibrated with tension under his hands. "I just needed to work it out first. I needed to make it so it didn't matter so much. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me," she said firmly. If nothing else,that had been a constant in her life for a long time. She opened her eyes, locked gazes with Trevor. "You're the reason I didn't go with him," she said, voice picking up more strength. "You goddamn well better not be going anywhere. I need you more than I needed the powers."
  6. "Don't you get it?" Erin demanded, spreading her hands before hugging her arms back against her chest. "It's not about raw power, or whether I can be a street brawler with what I have left. Being a good fighter, the best fighter, it's all I've got to build on. Everything I've made myself comes from that. And I worked so hard, I thought that was the reason I was getting stronger and faster and better, but it wasn't. Oliver knew he was going to use me to fight Omega, so he dumped all this power, magic, whatever the hell it was onto me. So being part of Young Freedom, getting my job, being your partner, all of that came because of something that wasn't even me. I'm not the person I thought I was. I'm not the person you thought I was. All I wanted was to get some of that back."
  7. Despite her determination to keep her cool, Erin couldn't help but respond to Trevor's distress. "No, it's not like that," she said hastily, putting out a hand and then taking it back again. She raked her hands through her hair, making it stand on end as she turned to face him. "I don't have most of my powers anymore," she blurted out, her face coloring pink. "They weren't really my powers. Oliver gave them to me, all the stuff that let me hit so hard and so fast, and jump so like it was almost flying. I didn't know until he left, and he took them back. All I have left is what I started with when I was fourteen." Her voice caught for a second, but now that she'd started she was determined to spill it. "It's not enough to let me keep up anymore, even though I've been training like never before. But I have to try. Hero work is the only thing I know how to do."
  8. Erin glanced at him for a moment before looking away, crossing her arms and leaning against the nearest sculpture. Even in costume, the figure she cut wasn't remarkable enough to draw a lot of attention, tucked away as they were. She was quiet for a long time, more than a minute, letting the silence stretch heavily between them as she tried so formulate some kind of response. "I do trust you," she finally said. "I trust you more that I trust anyone else. I just... some problems I have to deal with on my own. If I'm not on top of my game, that's my problem and I have to get through it or get around it or do whatever it takes." The hands she'd tucked under her arms clenched into fists, even as she watched the distant pedestrians like they were the most fascinating things she'd seen all day.
  9. Erin's face went still as she sized up Trevor's posture and attitude. Her ineffectiveness during the fight had been too obvious to go unnoticed, especially by a hero whose stock-in-trade was combat tactics. Pursing her lips, she watched Mark leave, then went to pick up and stow away her baton. Standing out in front of the tower in costume was drawing more attention than she liked, so until their ride came back she led the way behind a collection of sculptures that offered a little privacy. "We should probably get in contact with Roger and Clarissa," she suggested, "make sure they know the real Erin is okay. They're probably really worried."
  10. Wander was there in an instant, tossing her bat aside and catching Mark in her outstretched arms before he could hit the ground. He was no skinny guy, but the weight and speed didn't seem to faze her in the least. She set him down as soon as she was certain he could stand on his own, then looked over towards the robot. It was obviously not planning on getting up anytime soon, and its small minions were down for the count as well. "So what was that all about?" she asked, directing the question first at Edge, then at Midnight. "Who sends giant robot mimes to destroy Paris?"
  11. As soon as her comrades dropped down to join the fight, Wander abandoned thoughts of getting the giant mime to chase her and turned back to the fight. Racing towards the huge robot, she took a brief and useless moment to remember a time when this wouldn't have given her so much as a pause, then dismissed the thought and focused. "Get away from it!" she called to Edge, her glasses letting her see through the midnight haze. Mark was already hurt, he was the last one who should be trying to grapple with the thing. She smashed the robot across the legs again and leapt away, not standing and trading blows like she would have once, but instead worrying it like a terrier. It wasn't until she was well out of reach that she realized the blow hadn't done a damn thing. This could be an uphill battle.
  12. Wander is going to slip on her ruby glasses and have another go at the robot. Same deal as before, move to get in, power attack with the bat, move-by to get away. 1d20+5=16 DC 30 Toughness Save
  13. "There's something below the university," Fleur agreed, rubbing her hands up and down her own arms as though to dispel a chill. "We have to do something about it, quickly. It's... it's hard to describe, it feels as though it's somehow inimical to life, that just by being here it's disrupting and destroying all the plants here. I don't even want to know what it might do to us, or to unprotected humans. We should try and find out if there are access tunnels or basements lower than fifty feet underground, and if this man was working in any of them. He might have run into whatever it is underground."
  14. As Erin Prime ran for safety, Wander turned her attention to the tower, just in time to see Midnight's, it had to be Midnight's, highly effective attack against the robots. He did good work, she decided, and even managed a small smile when what was obviously an invisible box smote the rest of the automatons. Her smile disappeared abruptly as the new danger made itself plain, this one much bigger and more menacing, this one down on the surface where she had just tried to safeguard her counterpart. Nothing to be done about it now, she decided, and steeled herself to the new fight. With a shout of defiance intended to grab the thing's attention, she raced up and smashed the robot directly in its knee joints with her bat, then raced off again, exactly opposite the direction she'd sent Erin Prime.
  15. Wander is going to go ahead and do a full Power Attack on MegaMime, nothing terribly fancy, just using the bat. For her move action, she will use Move-By action to rush up to the mime, then Move-By to race away in a direction away from Erin Prime and most of the civilians, towards whatever that big water feature near the tower is. 1d20+5=CRITICAL HIT! 25 Yaaaaaaaaay! I believe that is a DC 35 toughness save.
  16. Without a second's thought, Wander was in motion, her bat a spinning blur as she smashed into the robots nearest to her. If they could do the damage they were inflicting on Edge, a civilian onlooker would have no chance. There were civilians around, most of them crowding as fast as they could back into the champagne bar and the little museum atop the tower, but Erin was only concerned with one right now. Her family here on Prime was intact, it was happy, and it was going to stay that way. She wasn't going to fail again. As robots fell in a pile at her feet, she looked to Midnight's blank mask. "I'll be right back," she promised. Grabbing Erin Prime up unceremoniously in a fireman's carry, she raced to the hole in the safety netting. "Close your eyes," she advised her counterpart. "What?" Erin Prime squeaked, hysteria edging her voice. "What are you-" The rest was cut off by an earsplitting shriek as Wander leapt off the observation deck and away from the building, her legs pinwheeling in the air as she angled first for distance, then for a safe landing. Erin Prime, who had apparently not closed her eyes, screamed all the way down, right up until they landed with a gentle thud on the cobblestones a few hundred feet from the base of the tower. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmy-" "Shut up," Wander told her counterpart curtly, already looking back up the tower. "The robots are going up, so you go away. Run and find the closest police station. I'll find you when it's safe. Go!" With no more prodding, but with legs that shook visibly, Erin Prime began running away from the tower, back towards the thick of city buildings.
  17. Wander will start by attacking the mime nearest Erin Prime, whichever one it is. She is inspired, so that's a +5 to the bat attack. Not bad, a 28. DC 25 toughness save, Takedown Attack 2. I have been informed that Wander could take this wave out, but she is only going to take out the half of the group nearer to her because for her move action she is going to grab Erin Prime and get her to safety the fastest way she knows how, by using Extra Effort to surge and jump out of the building and away. Slow fall should land them on the ground several hundred feet away from the base of the tower. I'm going to pay off the fatigue from the surge with the HP I got from AA simultaneously invoking all of Erin's complications.
  18. Not a great roll, but Wander goes on 18. Erin Prime is going almost as quickly, which is embarrassing. She goes on 16.
  19. Clarissa already looked startled by the news from the telephone, but that changed to a look of pure shock as she took the glasses. "Your eyes!" she exclaimed. "Are they-" "Clarissa," Roger broke in, looking uncomfortable himself but determined to handle it. He put a hand on her shoulder, then looked at Trevor and Erin Keeley. "I don't know what my daughter is doing in Paris with your friend, but I expect you to bring her back safely and quickly," he told them, his voice firm. "We will," Erin Keeley promised quietly. She rose from the table and stood next to Trevor, nearly at attention. "We're ready, Mark," she called in the direction of the phone.
  20. Listening to Ratner made Erin's skin crawl, both with annoyance at the attitude and just from the general ickiness of everything about her. She'd actually met very few people on her two trips to Erde, and had never really gotten a chance to examine the attitudes of the people who toed the party line. It was unpleasant, to say the least. One part of the diatribe got her attention, though. "What do you mean, skin grafts?" she asked. If this wasn't actually Greta Ratner EJN1, and the Nazis of Erde were performing plastic surgery to send doppelgangers through, that could change the game once again.
  21. Back in Seattle, Roger rose to refill the coffee carafe as Erin and Trevor puzzled over what to do about their wayward friend. "You should make sure to get copies of your lease and your renter's insurance and put them somewhere safe besides your apartment," he advised Erin Keeley. "You never know when something might happen, especially in Freedom City." "That's a good idea," Erin Keeley replied, trying to not look distracted. The idea of Mark in Paris with her counterpart was so unnerving on so many levels. Erin couldn't help but get a quick mental flash of Clara, the woman they'd met on their tour of universes whose existence testified to some latent attraction. "Maybe I can keep a copy at Trevor's house." "A safety deposit box mighht... one second." Since Roger was already up, he walked over and picked up the phone. "That's odd, that looks international." Thumbing it on, he set it on the speaker so everyone could hear. "Morning, this is the White house."
  22. Downstairs, Papercut stared in fascinated horror as the tree-monster broke free from its prison. Normally he'd figure that anything imprisoned in the basement of a villain school might actually be good, but this particular creature looked like it had just stepped out of a bad nightmare and he wasn't going to wait around to see what its intentions were. Crouching down behind a piece of machinery, he opened his bag and let the cranes free from their cardboard prison. With a soft rustle of paper wings, they rose in a cloud and crossed the room, surrounding the trunk of the monster right where those big, creepy eyes were staring. "Get it now!" he hissed urgently to the others.
  23. Spending an HP to stunt Dazzle 8 (Extra: Autofire) off Papercut's array. 1d20+12=19 That's a... DC 18 reflex save. Let's hope roots don't move too quickly on tile floors!
  24. "He's just sleeping," Fleur assured Nick, "it's a plant-based sedative, he'll wake up in just a little bit with no harm done. At least not by us..." She knelt down next to the fallen man and looked him over. "I've seen villains use illusions before, but this seemed different. I know it was different, whatever that energy was had Amaryllis crying from halfway across town." Settling back on her heels, she closed her eyes and extended her senses once more, trying to feel the strange and sickening energy that had radiated through the plants.
  25. Fleur wasted a few moments staring at the monster, trying to decide what it even was. It was wrong in so many ways, that even a mind that had been opened by many new experiences found it impossible to comprehend. Nothing was where it seemed to belong, nothing moved as it should. It was only when the others began moving to contain it that she was able to shake herself free of the thrall. Darting behind a bank of advertising signs, she waited a second longer for a clear moment with no one else too close to the creature. Small flowers began to spring from the dead earth, cheerful yellow things shaped like trumpet bells and with long stamens. As they opened, they released soft clouds of pollen into the air, surrounding the monster in a yellow miasma that quickly overcame its biological resources. "What is it?" Fleur asked as it fell. "Where did it come from?"
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