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Everything posted by Electra

  1. After taking a moment to brush her hair and don her shoes and a stylish black peacoat, Erin Prime was more than willing to take Mark's hand for the whirlwind ride. Despite knowing what he'd planned, her mouth still fell open as they arrived in the crowded streets of Paris as sunset painted the sky overhead. People nearby gave them odd looks, but it was impossible to be sure that the young couple had just appeared out of nowhere. "It's just like I imagined," Erin breathed, taking Mark's arm. "It's hard to believe it's even real!" She craned her head around, trying to take in everything at once. Far away, back at breakfast, Clarissa nodded at Trevor's insistence. "Yes, I can see how loyalty would be very important there," she agreed. "It's almost like you see with New Yorkers, that strong identification with one city. Roger and I have wanted to come out and visit for years," she admitted, "but things never seem to work out, right down to Erin and Erin Keeley graduating the very same weekend." Her smile was rueful and a bit regretful. "That's the nice thing about being young, you can just travel at the drop of a hat."
  2. "It's my birthday," Erin-Prime reminded Mark with a grin. "I should get to do something fun, and they won't mind if I'm gone for a few minutes." She frowned for just a moment. "They're pretty busy with the other Erin right now anyway, so they probably won't even notice I'm not here. Can you really just take us to Paris right this second?" she asked, smile returning as quickly as it had disappeared. "Do you see a lot of people moving out of Freedom City due to the supervillains and disasters?" Roger asked Trevor again, not seeming to notice the lapse. With Trevor's eyes shaded by sunglasses, it was hard to tell when he wasn't paying attention to the conversation. Roger was such an inoffensive, harmless-looking man, a nearly stereotypical example of the middle-aged tech worker with a nice home and a nice family. He liked tinkering as a hobby, and had spent several minutes talking about the remodeling they were doing on the upstairs bathroom. It was hard to imagine a man like him standing at the sink a few feet away and putting a gun to his temple. "Not too much," Erin said, eating her yucky eggs without complaint. "Insurance premiums are pretty high, but some people really like all the action."
  3. "Sports medicine," Erin-Prime told Mark, her eyes warm as she leaned in slightly towards him. Their knees nearly touched as they sat amidst the many items Mark had conjured around them. "I want to be a physical therapist and work in rehabilitation someday. I like helping people." She looked around at her suddenly-full room. "It's really amazing that you can do all of this," she told him. "I always thought superheroes spent most of their time beating people up. Do you get to visit many exotic places?" she asked curiously. Downstairs, the talk had turned slightly away from Trevor and into a discussion of the latest troubles in Freedom City. Trevor and Erin could both talk about that, since they'd participated in stopping most of it, but Erin Keeley was having a hard time concentrating on the conversation. Her distraction was such that she poured maple syrup on her eggs without noticing until she took the first bite, but although Clarissa gave her an odd look, no one said anything. They were used to Erin being a little off most of the time.
  4. Electra

    HAX (IC)

    Erin nodded, then took a second look at the reporter in question and relaxed fractionally. "It's okay," she told Murdock. "I know her. We can still toss her out if she asks too many obnoxious questions, but she's not going to start a fight or pull a gun." Erin worked herself around enough to get a good look at the byplay between Collier and Mara. Maybe Erin was sort-of friends with Joan, after the incident with the super-sharks last year, but she still had a reputation for being a tough reporter who didn't tend to look for the best in any situation. It was Mara's first day as a media figure, and Erin didn't intend to see her bullied.
  5. Winter was not Stesha's favorite time of year. Oh, it had its good points, like the holidays and the way the frost painted snowflakes on windows, and the chance to indulge in extra coffee, tea, and cocoa. Not to mention the break from her groundskeeping routines while the parks and gardens of Freedom City slept for a season. In fact, winter might have been one of her favorite seasons if it weren't so doggone cold and dark and cold! As it was, she'd added another sweatshirt and some leggings underneath her costume, which did nothing for the heroic figure she was supposed to be cutting, but did keep her warm. Ammy couldn't come out for long in this weather at all, so she was safely tucked away with a babysitter on Sanctuary, snug as a bee in a honeycomb. Really all Stesha was hoping to do was handle her Auxillary Leage patrol shift, then go home with a bag of pastries from the bakery near her old apartment. Even so, when the call came in about the trapped residents, Fleur de Joie didn't hesitate to answer. She arrived near the buildings and took a moment to goggle at the sight. It looked like a Christmas ornament, all done up and sparkling in the sunlight, but the ice dome looked pervasive enough that breathing was going to become a problem for the people trapped inside if something wasn't done soon. This might be a situation beyond her own abilities. Looking around, Fleur was grateful to spot a familiar face. "Rene!" she called, jogging over to her friend and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It's so nice to see you again! Any ideas for how we solve this one?"
  6. Wander HAX (3) Can I Borrow a Cup of Adventure? (17) Hotsy-Totsy Nazi (6) Fleur de Joie River Monster (7) When a Problem Comes Along (18) Miss Americana Rusty Shell (14) Box of Peas (5) Vanity Project (2) Papercut Ethical Dilemmas (10) Change is Necessary for Growth (4) The Space Between (1) Gina (NPC for Miss Americana) Rusty Shell (3)(1) Gina's post to Miss A, plus three posts from Wander will bring Miss A to 25. The rest of Wander's posts to Koshiro to take him above 25 as well. If my math is off anywhere for Fleur, toss leftovers to her to bring her to 25 as well. 3pp for everyone!
  7. "Earth-Apeknight?" Koshiro repeated, his face set in derisive disbelief. "That place was actually real, and they named it that?." He shook his head. "Anyway, it was a crap situation, like it was supposed to be. We'd probably have been better off and completed our objective faster if we'd just gotten the ship and got out, but it probably wouldn't have been very heroic." He glanced at Corbin, shrugged. "Personally, I think they're screwed in the long run no matter what, because the chimps won't stop rebelling and the gorillas from the neighboring kingdoms or whatever can't let the chimps be in charge anywhere. But maybe for today we managed to save some lives, at least."
  8. "It does seem strange," Fleur agreed. "From what little I know, Deep Ones live many miles out to see and head to deeper waters when it gets cold, just like many aquatic species. In New Jersey in the winter, the water is still warmer than the air temperatures, so these little reptiles would be entirely out of luck. What do you plan on doing with them?" she asked Carlson curiously. "I have dozens of them captured, as well as Devil Ray himself. He can go to jail easily enough, but I'm not sure about the spawn."
  9. When Kimber had announced her intention to go haring off, Koshiro was about to speak up, but by the time his mouth was open, it was already too late. He frowned as the news got worse and worse, then jumped when all the power went. "What are we supposed to do?" he asked everyone and no one. Even if they could find her, they could hardly just pick her up and carry her out of the building or whatever. Maybe if something or someone was threatening her they could beat it up, but that was about it. He was relieved (for all he'd never show it) when Corbin jumped to his feet. At least somebody seemed to know what to do. Shoving aside his tray, Koshiro got up and followed the big glowing guy towards the exit.
  10. "No, no, I'm fine," Fleur assured him, approaching the bound villain. Around them, flowers were still opening up and picking up the few Deep One spawns still cowering in corners, while the trees she had raised began to wither and collapse into piles of mulch and ruined concrete. "How about you, are you all right? I saw him hit you with one of those spears. Do you need any patching up?" Devil Ray groaned from within his plant cocoon, and Fleur spared him a single glance. "Later for you," she promised portentiously, waving a hand. Just like that, the cylinder of vines collapsed into a flat pile, empty.
  11. "Any sufficiently advanced technology, right?" Roger chimed in with a chuckle, making Clarissa roll her eyes affectionately. "He'll be quite an asset to UNISON, then. They can probably use some magic every once in awhile." Though Mark's powers were an interesting curiosity, the White parents didn't seem inclined to be too concerned about their elder daughter spending time with a nice young superhero. "I suppose with your grandfather in town, you plan on staying in Freedom City for awhile, then?" Next to Trevor, Erin massaged her temples and looked towards the stairs, obviously torn about whether she should intervene or not. If it were any other girl, she'd be up there just to keep Mark from starting anything he didn't mean, but these were special circumstances. By unspoken agreement, the two Erins kept out of each others' lives and business as much as humanly possible. It was the only way to get by and stay sane. Present moment excepted.
  12. A brief look of sympathy passed over Clarissa's face when Trevor talked about his living situations, but she was sensitive enough to realize that was probably not going to be a welcome reaction. "A chemist and an engineer," she said instead, sipping her coffee. "That must lead to plenty of interesting discussion around the house. Do you work together on many projects?" Before Trevor could answer, Megan clattered down the stairs and appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. "Look what Mark made for me!" she crowed, holding up a pink and neon green skateboard. "I'm going to go try it out in the driveway!" "Wear your helmet and pads!" Clarissa called automatically before giving Erin and Trevor a quizzical look. "He made a skateboard?"
  13. Koshiro listened to the chimp, then nodded, looking around at the massed gorillas. "All right then, if that's how you're sure you've got to settle things. If the king surrenders or is killed, you win and the gorilla army stands down, but you have to let them and their families leave in peace, or settle terms with them. If the king wins, you go and tell the rebels it's over, and you all leave. Either way, nobody's slaughtering anybody, at least not today." He looked around for agreement, then with a flick of his wrist unfolded the paper prison. "Somebody get the king a weapon."
  14. Fleur gave the new hero a look of concern as the spears found their mark, but he didn't seem to be hurt too grievously. She seized the opportunity, stepping towards the prone villain and throwing a handful of seeds from her belt pouch at him. The seeds sprouted in the air, turning into writhing vines that rooted into the ground as they landed, wrapping around Devil Ray until he was cocooned in a green and leafy prison, blind, deaf and helpless. "Are you all right?" she called to the red man.
  15. Fleur's going to drop a snare on Devil Ray. 1d20+7=25 Yay, a good roll!
  16. "We need to get experts in to look at the body right away," Wander spoke up, sparing a single look of pity for the deceased young woman. "Better equipment and expertise might be able to tell us more about how long she was frozen, what kind of timeline we're working with. If this is Greta-Prime, the switch could've taken place years ago. If she's from somewhere else and they're using an old stored body, or if her timeline moves slower, it could be a whole different ball game." She tapped her finger against her lips thoughtfully. "Daedelus and Dr. Atom could probably find out for us," she suggested. "Then we could check out the teleporter lead, and maybe they could smooth things out with the police, too. We're sort of short on manpower to be doing everything ourselves."
  17. Despite herself, Fleur tensed at the mention of her husband and daughter. She wasn't much good at keeping a secret identity, but it was still a little terrifying to hear villians say things about her private life. "You leave my family out of this!" she shouted back, and in doing so nearly fell victim to another hail of spears. At the last moment, the nearest tree reached down its branches and wrapped them around her, absorbing the rain of weapons itself before they could impact flesh and bone. As the fight went on, flowers began springing up underneath the trees full of drugged fruit. One by one they opened up and closed around groups of sleeping Deep One infants, then disappeared entirely into the ground.
  18. Fleur is going to begin shoving the sleeping deeplets into her dimensional pocket by the handsful and deal with Devil Ray next round, assuming Pyre doesn't take him out.
  19. Fleur fails the Startle check, so the attack will hit her flat-footed. First toughness save fails, spending an HP. Second save is a 34, which means she is startled, but entirely unharmed.
  20. Fleur tensed as Devil Ray raised his spear gun, then flinched when he shot it at the stranger hero. While no Atlas, the big red man was obviously made of strong stuff, since the spears bounced right off him. Relieved, Fleur spread her hands in a gesture that encompassed all her trees, even as she called to the villain. "Don't be inane, Ray! We can handle these creatures without slaughtering them, you're just doing it because you like to hurt things." Indeed, even as she spoke, the creatures who were frantically eating the fruit from the trees began to collapse one by one, settling to the ground and going to sleep.
  21. All right, spending an HP to stunt Stun 15 (Extras: Area: Burst, Flaw: Action (full), Feats: Indirect 3, Sedation, Triggered (eat the fruit) (35pp). That should make all the little goonies eating the fruit fall asleep, as well as any humans stupid enough to join in. Hopefully the humans will resist the fruity temptation.
  22. "Devil Ray!" Fleur called, raising her gloved hands as though she were about to begin conducting an orchestra. "You and your fellows aren't welcome here. Leave now and you can just walk away from this." With that warning, she turned her hands palms up, and things began to grow. All along the pier, seedings sprouted up, going in moments from spindly stalks to thin trunks, then large trees with spreading branches. Fruit began to grow on the trees, branches bowing nearly to the ground with ripe pears and peaches as the delicious aroma filled the air. As she supervised the growing process, Fleur caught a glimpse of the other player in the fight. "Atlas?" she asked in momentary surprise, before realizing this was another giant red man. "Who are you?" she called.
  23. It felt strange to have a totally baby-free afternoon, but Stesha decided it was nice as well. It had been a melancholy decision not to go back to the florist shop after Amaryllis' birth, but between the baby, her hero work, and developing Sanctuary, she had no time to arrange a vase of flowers, much less plan and prep an entire wedding or party. She was lucky that Derrick brought in enough, even with his rather bizarre and very time consuming line of work, that her income was expendable. She'd rather have him around, but at least one of them could be there all the time. As much as Stesha enjoyed being a work-from-home mother, sometimes grown-up interactions were necessary. With Ammy tucked up neatly in Chicago with her grandma, Stesha had time to hit all the adorable shops along the river and start her long, long Christmas list. She was just perusing a case of beautiful little blown-glass superheroes when she heard the screaming from outside. Hastening to the window, she saw the little green creatures racing over the pier. "Never a dull moment," she murmured regretfully, then opened a flower from a seed in the palm of her hand. Reaching into it, she drew out her cowl and mask. In moments, she was racing out the door as Fleur de Joie, hero of Freedom!
  24. Downstairs, the Whites had several more questions to ask of their almost-daughter's suitor. They had a smooth rhythm together, one that spoke of people who'd moved in harmony for many years. Clarissa tended to be more assertive, taking control of the conversation in a very friendly way, while Roger was more laid back, but focused on nuance and detail. The only time that rhythm seemed to falter was when they dealt directly with the dimensionally-displaced version of their daughter. She wasn't exactly a guest like Trevor, but she wasn't part of the family rhythm, either. As the pair questioned Trevor conversationally about his interests and his classes, Clarissa dished breakfast onto the table and poured coffee into a carafe for the table. "So what do your parents do?" she asked him as she took her seat again and spread butter on her pancakes. Erin Keeley alternated between trying not to look embarrassed about the polite interrogation and trying not to run upstairs to see what Mark was doing.
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