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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Wander sees that the guys are doing very well in the fight, so she's going to try and see if she can tell where Aryan Angel went. Be bad news to lose the girl right when we were supposed to be protecting her. Skill mastery Notice of 25. Anything?
  2. Electra

    The Lab

    I haven't done an edit in ages, I have tons of spare pp. Miss A could toss in to make up the extra points.
  3. Koshiro held up a hand to stop Corbin, even as he continued lookin throuh the window. "Hang on, cowboy. You reallly want to go down there and crush a slave revolution? This is probably their one chance to get free of those asshole gorillas. The guy I talked to today, he was arrested and thrown in the stocks for hiding a runaway slave, not for anything actually criminal." He looked away from the window, met Corbin's eyes. "This is do or die, man. If you stop the fighting now, let the gorillas rally, they are going to literally slaughter those chimps. That's how you crush slave rebellions, you murder them, murder their families, and burn everything they have to the ground. Maybe they'll wait till we're gone to keep on your good side, but you'd be as good as killing the chimps yourself."
  4. Koshiro frowned as he watched his teammates agree one by one to follow the headmaster out to Dunwich. It sounded like probably the least fun field trip ever, but he couldn't back out now without looking like a dweeb. He rubbed his hand once more over his injured shoulder and then forced himself to leave it alone, sticking his good hand in his pocket. "So long as nobody's going to be shooing at us at this place," he said, disguising reluctance behind simple sullenness.
  5. Miss A smiled in satisfaction as Caradoc disassembled the robots and Bishop took care of their controller. "It's amazing," she said conversationally to Arlene, "how brave a coward can get if he feels protected by the distance of a computer. Clown Constructor will be learning the error of his ways right about now. We're going to need you to fill out a police report detailing what sort of trouble he's given you, but after that we should be able to tuck him away without internet access for quite awhile. And in the meantime, move you and Melvin to a more secure location. How are you feeling?" she asked the ex-villainess.
  6. Bluff! 1d20+13=24. Please god don't let his Attractive bonus work here.
  7. Koshiro gave the gorilla his best dismissive frown. "He didn't really say anything," he told the guard with a bored roll of his eyes. "Just sort of smacked his lips and grunted. I didn't really expect him to do more, he's a chimp, you know? I thought you were going to keep him locked up in that wooden thing." Inwardly he was cheering for the serf's escape, but he wasn't about to get involved with that political discussion with a gorilla four times his weight. "Have you tried looking in the trees?"
  8. Koshiro put the cap back on his water and tucked it away, frowning as he listened to the captive chimp's words. "Sucks," he agreed, and even if the prisoner didn't know the word, he could probably guess from the tone. "Our world used to be sort of like that, but eventually that whole system broke up. Still hard," he admitted, "but better." He glanced to where he was about to lose track of his comrades entirely. "Good luck," he told the chimp, then jogged off to catch up before he was left outside.
  9. "You have to make time," Erin opined, taking her coffee and dumping three spoonsful of sugar into it. "There's always something that comes up, between school and hero work and training and everything else. So you have to, like, make an appointment and make it the most important thing. She sounds pretty cool, so hopefully she'll be worth the time and effort it takes to do the whole dating thing." She sipped her coffee, then added another teaspoon of sugar, since there was no milk. "I don't think I remember anyone named Etain," she admitted, "but I didn't get a chance to meet many people towards the end of the school year."
  10. Wander Hotsy Totsy Nazi (3) Nanofibers (5) Good Stock (9) Fleur de Joie The World Laughs in Flowers (4) Miss Americana Vanity Project(4) Box of Peas (4) Just in for a Checkup (7) Gorgon: Queen of Heaven (4) Papercut Change is Necessary for Growth (8) The Space Between (17) Ethical Dilemmas (4) And I'd like to give six Wander posts to Miss A and 11 to Fleur.
  11. Koshiro glanced to where the others were going into the keep, but elected to linger just a few moments longer. "So are the serfs like slaves?" he asked in a low voice, alert for anyone paying them too much attention. "Do the gorillas just boss everybody around?" His face clouded at that idea, rule of the strong over the weak was certainly a familiar concept, but not one he liked to see. He turned a little so his body shielded his activities from prying eyes, then pulled his water bottle from his knapsack. "You thirsty?" he asked the captive ape.
  12. "We're at a tactical disadvantage down here on their turf," Miss A murmured with concern. "But the doctor looks like she's injured or unconscious, so there's little time to waste." She looked to Gaian Knight. "You have much more experience with functioning underground than Citizen or I do. Do you have any ideas? Perhaps we could burrow beneath them and come up from below to surprise them? Their ears might be sensitive enough to hear us coming, though, and we can't afford to give them time to hurt her."
  13. Koshiro arrived a few minutes later, dressed all in black with a hoodie drawn up around his face, his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Had a hard time getting out of the dorm, he reported, "no one ever sleeps in this damn place." Despite his difficulties, he was grinning, and looked happier than he had since he'd come to Claremont. Being out after curfew, being back on a mission made him feel alive in a way that going on school-sanctioned civilian protection gigs never really did. They were going to go see something maybe nobody had seen in a long time, they were going to find out what was in that old building. "Everybody ready?"
  14. Koshiro looked more comfortable after having the gunshot wound bound up by the paramedics, for all he was still a bit disappointed he hadn't made it back to the parade. Maybe he'd find out when the Sierra Club was having its next meeting and hit it up. He rubbed his arm as he watched the giant kid slowly shrinking. "Summers is like connected with everyone in hero work," he pointed out. "If Summers doesn't know about it, it's because someone's specifically trying to hide it. So maybe it's a school for supervillains," he suggested with a shrug that turned into a wince. "They've got schools for heroes, obviously, so why not? Maybe Bastion was trying to rebel."
  15. Erin watched the situation develop with the troublemakers on stage, a frown on her face, but half her attention was elsewhere. She'd been keeping an eye on Aryan Angel at the end of her set, and something about the singer's departure didn't ring true. The young woman had opened the door and entered the trailer, from the look of it, but the trailer hadn't so much as shifted or settled on its shocks. Angel wasn't exactly heavy, but it was as though no one was there at all, and if nothing else, the speed of her entrance should've caused some motion. She was just about to report what she'd seen when the fight broke out in earnest. Drawing her bat, she raised her free hand to her earpiece. "Got that, Edge." Taking a few running steps, she tore off the black top that concealed her uniform just as she vaulted across the open stage area. Without so much as a pause, she whacked Unifier in the head with her bat, then kept going to land in front of the trailer. A moment to open the door and look inside confirmed her suspicions. "Aryan Angel has disappeared," she told the others. "She never made it into the trailer."
  16. All righty, Wander is going to make use of Move-By Action and Power Attack, and bean Unifier with her bat as she leaps across the stage to see what's going on with that trailer. Attack: First attack is a miserable fail! Spending an HP to reroll. 1d20+10=15, which on a reroll is 25, so it should hit. That's a DC 30 toughness check for Unifier. At the end of her move action, she's going to be landing in front of the trailer to try and get a better look at what happened to Aryan Angel.
  17. Miss Americana looked at the construct and laughed, even her derisive peal of laughter oddly compelling. "Oh, honey," she told the projection, shaking her head. "You did not just tell us to come at you. The fact that you're old enough to have phreaked pay phones doesn't make you a legend, it makes you old and busted. Bee are bee," she told the others, locking her knees and closing her eyes for a moment on a long exhale. It wasn't more than a few seconds before she opened them again with a beautiful and feral smile for the villainous clown. "Ronald McDonald here is in unit 1501 of the Shady Pines Trailer Court, about fifteen miles west of here. I'm sure you'll be able to recognize him, he'll be the one in dirty boxer shorts and an Atari t-shirt, with orange Cheeto-fingers permanently curled up from-" She coughed suddenly. "Anyway, go teach him a lesson," she instructed Bishop.
  18. Erin can make 25 with Skill Mastery.
  19. Papercut watched as the giant fell to the ground, glad that the civilians had prudently gotten well out of the way already. Now that the massive youth had been felled, though, the crowd was getting curious, and brave. Dropping to just above the fallen Bastion, Koshiro folded a piece of paper with movements that were made clumsy by his injured arm, then dropped it to the ground. The paper grew as it fell, tumbling to land as a six foot tall cube of stiff paper with accordion pleats on each end. When it was on the ground, the pleats began to expand, stretching and multiplying quickly so that in moments the barrier stretched all the way around the body. With that done, Koshiro allowed himself to land inside the barrier, grimacing and gingerly poking at the bloody wound in his shoulder.
  20. AA is in Vermont for the next few days, at a charming and rustic little hostel that has no internet access. I wouldn't look for him until Thursday or so.
  21. "All right," Koshiro said with a curt nod. "Saturday, same time, same place. Look for good ways to get off campus, and think of something to tell Kimber," he instructed. "Don't tell anybody what we're doing, not to explain, not to brag, nothing. I'll look around and see if I can find more info on the building that might help us find a way in, or where the cool stuff to look at is going to be." He looked around a moment, obviously not expecting questions. "Good stuff." With that, he turned and walked away, back into the shadows heading toward the dormitories.
  22. "All right," Miss A told him, her voice gentling a little. "We can do that. I have some tests I can run that should give us a little better idea where your powers come from and how they're progressing. Every metahuman is a little bit different, but thanks to Dr. Archeville and some other talented researchers, we can often make very informed speculations about how a particular power set is going to develop and progress. Go on down the hall to the men's room and put a gown on, and come back out when you're ready. Don't worry," she added with a quick smile, "the gowns here have back and everything." True to Miss A's words, the hospital gown Brian had to don, while drafty, at least covered him in a comprehensive fashion. The tests Miss A and her team of assistants ran on him involved plenty of bright lights and beeping machines, plus an uncomfortable trip through an MRI machine, but no actual injections or real pain. When the half-hour exam was completed, a couple of orderlies helped him up from the table and sent him off to dress and wait for results.
  23. Yes, not frying my allies would be a good choice. I will gladly take that edit to the power. Can I use my ESP to get into the thing that Clowny Devil Dude is inhabiting and try and trace him through it? He's got to be projecting from somewhere, and she wants to find him. It'll shut down the Miss A robot for a moment, but that's okay.
  24. Koshiro yelled a couple of uncouth taunts that were soaked with relief towards Orion as the swordsman went down to his own stun grenades. Still holding his wounded shoulder, he wheeled the plane around and jerked his head towards the gigantic teenager rampaging through the streets. The crane swarm, battered and bloody but still game, got right up into Bastion's face, flying up his nose and into his ears to peck at him,. The pecks were harmless to the huge expanses of flesh, but the way Bastion buffeted himself with his hands and fists to get them out was enough to do some damage.
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