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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Koshiro gaped at Sharl and glared at Corbin, but kept his mouth shut as the talking monkey came up and escorted them down the hill. An alternate dimension, seriously? Why the hell were they practicing for that kind of fantasy crap? Who went to alternate dimensions, anyhow? His brow furrowed as he took in the living conditions, which ranged from the rich asshole monkeys on horses to the dirty, skinny monkey in the stocks off in the corner. Glancing at the others to make sure they were keeping the attention of the horsemonkey, he slipped off towards the servant's quarters, where the prisoner was lolling in his wooden bonds. "What're you in for?" he asked the chimp, keeping his voice low.
  2. Electra

    Good Stock (IC)

    Erin gave him a half smile at that. "I'd noticed that about your family." She slid her arm comfortably through his, relaxing perceptibly as they left the building behind. The streets were busy, but that didn't bother her the way it used to, and there was plenty to look at. Business was over, Trevor wasn't unhappy or unnerved about the way the meeting with his dad had gone, and now she could go back to pretending all that money didn't exist so she didn't have to feel strange about it. "I guess as meetings with a boyfriend's parents go, that wasn't so bad," she decided. "But I really need to start remembering what my first name is. You hungry?"
  3. In the interest of not drinking and power stunting, and to keep the fight moving, I'm going to use the crane blast one more time, this time sending the bloody and battered crane swarm towards Bastion. He gets a 21. Apparently that hits, so it's a DC 23 + Autofire toughness save, which should do approximately bupkis.
  4. Erin grimaced a little as the show began, but ignored the contents of the music in favor of concentrating on the surroundings. The crowd was nothing but riff-raff and that was problematic, since it was hard to know where to start looking for trouble. But she'd had plenty of training in crowd surveillance, thanks to her teachers at Claremont, so she wasn't terribly intimidated. If something bad started to happen, she'd see it coming. As she looked, she kept an eye out for her teammates, but wasn't too surprised not to see anyone but Cannonade. Trevor was never seen unless he wanted to be, and Mark was playing it low key tonight. As the music played, Erin leaned against a support pillar and relaxed a little, settling into the routine of watchfulness.
  5. "If we need anyone else, I'll send you back for help," Miss A told Sharl, "but for now, time is of the essence. If we can catch up with that beetle before it makes it to any of Terra-King's strongholds, we have a better chance of recovering the doctor without significant danger. They obviously want her alive, but if we send an army down there, she becomes a hostage. That's a complication we certainly don't need." She looked to Gaian Knight, then over to the torn up and disrupted ground. "If you'll do the honors?" she asked.
  6. "Hold a moment, Bishop," Miss Americana instructed, looking intently at the robots outside. She circled her wrist with her fingers and made a twisting motion, then repeated the gesture with the other wrist. "I suspect that Arleen may be an integral part of solving this little encounter." Extending her hands towards the robots, she shot a blast of white light that blew the automatons back, sparking and jittering and falling over. She took a moment to admire her work, then looked to Arleen. "We'll protect you," she told the 'civilian' woman. "Your child is safe, and we'll send you away if you want. But if you keep running, you'll never stop being afraid."
  7. Miss A is going to play with fire and use an EMP burst to disrupt the clowns. Using the construction for EMP that Shaen built, and spending an HP to stunt this: Corrosion 15 (Extras: Area [General, Burst], Flaws: Limited 2 [Electronics]) [23PP] Since it's an area effect, I don't think I need a roll, so you just need to tell me if it takes out the robots.
  8. "She a superhero?" Erin asked curiously, relaxing more now that Trevor wasn't so obviously worked up. She dug into the cupboard and found half a sleeve of crackers behind some empty baking canisters. She folded the cheese into squares and began making cracker sandwiches with the absent finesse of someone who ate them often. "Is she like our age? How'd you meet her?" Erin hopped up on the edge of the counter with the ease of someone who felt quite at home, eating while she watched Eve for answers.
  9. "Yeah, can't go too close to Halloween," Koshiro agreed. "Police presence goes up, and there are more general assholes just running around wrecking things. We don't want to run into any of them, or end up getting blamed for any vandalism. I can probably get together the stuff I'll need this week, do a Saturday night mission." He thought guiltily for a moment of his limited supply of cash, and how he shouldn't be spending anything that could be sent home, but pushed that aside. All this stuff was stuff he could use again and again, so it was more like an investment than a splurge. "You guys free?"
  10. Miss A gave Gaian Knight a genuine smile, despite the grimness of the situation. "I think you're just the man we need for the job," she told him. "We're very likely looking at a subterranean threat, either preternatural creature or some kind of tunneling villain. Dr. Rao's latest project was deep-bore laser tunneling. We could make a mock-up of her prototype design, but having someone who can take us underground right away would be much faster. Do you know anything about giant underground insects, natural or otherwise? "
  11. Erin looked to Trevor, but since he didn't seem inclined to pick up the conversational ball, she fielded it instead, idly picking at the plastic film on her second piece of cheese. "Well, assuming nobody else tries to kill everything before fall, I've got to try and get another job, and maybe we'll relax a little bit. Been kind of a long time for that. Who's this girl you're thinking about going on a date with?" Her tone was more curious than Trevor's faintly suspicious inquiry, hoping girl talk would reroute the conversation.
  12. Koshiro didn't seem to have too much snark in him for once, he was much too busy staring in consternation and disbelief at the scene surrounding them. "What the hell?" he demanded, just managing to keep from shouting. "Earth Ape? Where are the people?" It looked like some kind of elaborate prank, or a live-action cartoon show. He stared into the distance, taking a few steps down the hill as though expecting the mirage to disappear. "Is this some kind of joke? How are we supposed to learn ethics from a bunch of monkeys?"
  13. Erin's eyes widened a bit in surprise at Trevor's reaction, watching silently for a moment as he paced. She suspected he didn't want her to tell Eve any of the stuff she'd worked her own way through while she was in the shower, and she wasn't a hundred percent certain what conversation she'd interrupted. Trevor rarely got so worked up about anything, though. Deciding that cowardice was occasionally the better part of valor, she shoved the entire piece of cheese into her mouth and shrugged a little, indicating her helplessness.
  14. Erin wasn't entirely sure what the topic was of the conversation she was interrupting, but from what she could hear, it seemed personal enough that she didn't want to stand around eavesdropping, even without meaning to. She walked into the kitchen with her hair still wet, dressed now in her typical well-worn civilian clothes. Even a quick shower had given her time to pull herself together after the difficult afternoon, at least enough that she could maintain a pleasantly neutral expression and a passable mental shield as she headed for the fridge. "You never have anything to eat in here," she commented to Trevor as she rummaged around, finally emerging with a couple of slices of processed cheese. She leaned one hip against the counter and pulled the film off a slice of cheese, apparently determined to act like nothing had happened.
  15. Electra

    Good Stock (IC)

    Erin turned to him as they stepped into the elevator, disbelief in her face and voice. "That was much better than you expected?" she asked. "He totally blew you off. He didn't even say he was sorry that he didn't make it out to see you graduate. He didn't even," she waved a hand in the air, "ask you to come over for dinner while you're in the country, or even to go out to lunch or something. We came halfway around the world to see him, he could at least have given you a cup of coffee." She sighed and raked a hand through her hair, realizing that she probably wasn't helping anything. "Sorry. I know you expected him to be this way. At least it's done with, right? Now we can have fun."
  16. Erin stood backstage with a walkie-talkie hung from her belt, trying to blend in with the stage crew without getting pulled into doing actual work. She had work of her own to do, which consisted mainly of keeping an eye on everything and making sure no villains attacked. Maybe the chick on the stage was one step up from a villain herself, but she was also a civilian and not technically breaking any laws. Unless and until she started actually doing Nazi things, she was entitled to protection from those who protected the innocent. Honestly, despite the moral ambiguity, Erin didn't mind this current job. She was happy for an assignment that mostly required standing around and blending in, watching for trouble. It was what she was doing for a living these days, and one thing she was still fairly good at. Plus it was time spent with Trevor, even if it was hardly romantic. Between the start of her job and the endless hours of solo training she was putting in, it felt like she barely saw him lately. She was training more these days than she had since her first weeks at Claremont, on her own and sometimes through the night. She had to be able to use what she had left if she was going to continue doing hero work. And she had to be able to use it really well if she didn't want to raise awkward questions. So far she'd been able to dodge around Trevor's knowledge that something was not right, but that couldn't last. ' She shifted position as the stage crew moved towards where she was, heading to a spot where she could see the stage and the first rows of the audience, her black clothes making her inconspicuous, all but invisible. Maybe this was all just some ploy by a girl who had a crush on Cannonade, she thought wryly. Wouldn't that be something?
  17. And yes, Papercut made a big deal of that, but he's never been shot or injured in combat before, so yeah. Anyway, Blast attack on Orion. Yaaaaay, critical hit! That's a 32. DC 28 toughness save, plus Autofire.
  18. The whole thing was like a movie, Koshiro had just enough time to think as Orion pointed the rifle at him. He'd lived in rough neighborhoods all his life, but he'd never been on the business end of a real loaded gun before. He went to dodge, but the movement was a half-second too late. The bullet slammed into his shoulder, sending him backwards and nearly knocking him off his flying plane. He staggered from the shock and pain, feeling nauseous as he raised his hand to the wound and brought it away bloody. They weren't supposed to get hurt doing this! He barely registered the things his teammates were yelling, but it was impossible not to notice when the pain was abruptly walled off inside his head. Was that what shock was like, he wondered even as he wrestled the paper airplane back under control. The cranes were wheeling around crazily, crashing into each other and into the plane, flying beneath it and trying to lift it, or trying to land on Koshiro himself. He grabbed hold of one, smearing its white wings with blood, and hurled it towards Orion and the gun. The flock of cranes, galvanized with a direction, followed the bloody one, all of them bearing down on Orion once again.
  19. "Locks aren't going to stop looters," Koshiro said flatly. "Crackheads have already gotten all the copper off that place, they've probably stripped the wiring too. Nobody's got any respect anymore. But it's a cool-looking building still. You got any idea what sort of security they've got? I didn't see any easy ways in, but with you and Wraith running interference, we should be able to find something. But I haven't got my kit or anything like that. All my stuff got confiscated, and I've only started replacing it. Bet you guys don't have ropes, flashlights, cameras, stuff like that."
  20. As they were talking, Koshiro came up, dressed in his blue and gold training uniform, more or less. He'd tossed a black hoodie on over top to deal with the chilly day and shed the gloves entirely, but it was close enough. He dropped his backpack against the wall and looked at the others. "So do either of you know exactly what we're supposed to be doing here? All I hear is the Doom Room is where you go to get monsters and fake supervillains and stuff thrown at you by the gym teacher. We aren't getting enough of that in real life?"
  21. Miss Americana immediately flew Sharl a little bit away from the group, well out of hearing range. "A Curator drone?" she repeated. "Are you certain?" When he confirmed, she was silent for a moment, chewing on her perfect lower lip. "The intel we have," she said finally, "suggests that the Gorgon and the Curator are related in function and purpose. It could be that the Gorgon has a few drones working for it in various capacities. Hopefully, you were able to destroy it before it could upload any new information about you. We'd better take a look at it." She looked around, checking to make sure that the Interceptors had things in hand, then nodded to Sharl to lead the way.
  22. "Ethnocultural thing?" Koshiro asked Sharl flatly. "You know Zen isn't even Japanese, right?" He snorted, then turned his attention to Indira. "Urban exploration," he told her. "Freedom City's got a bunch of cool old abandoned buildings, mostly like down in the Fens where the gentrification assholes haven't gotten their hooks in yet. We're gonna go look around, see what's in them, how it looks and if people left stuff behind. Take pictures and stuff. Figured you'd be good because you can get into tight places."
  23. Miss A was out of her seat an instant after the transmission cut out. "That's not good at all," she said mildly, even as she raced to a bank of monitors that would give her satellite images of Star Island and its environs. "Turn on the police scanners, would you, Sharl? I think we may have to go out there, but damned if I'm going out blind. We can't let any villains get their hands on this sort of tunneling technology, to say nothing of all the other stuff they've got out at Star Island."
  24. Okay, first saving throw is a 9. Since I would rather have Koshiro conscious for the start of part 2, I'm gonna blow an HP for a reroll. Reroll is 21, so he is bruised and dazed.
  25. Papercut watched with satisfaction as the whirring wings and cutting beaks of the crane swarm cut their way through the foliage blocking the street in front of the parade. Within moments, they'd cut a passageway wide enough to accommodate the parade floats, which began hastily moving out of the path of danger. The way cleared, he turned to help his teammates in the actual fight. The sniper seemed like the most obvious threat, so he whipped his airplane around and surfed through the sky and up to the rooftops, the cranes a white contrail behind him. Sparing only a quick glance towards the ground to see if anyone was watching the show, he gestured toward Orion with a sweeping wave of his arm. The cranes enveloped the hapless villain, pecking at his exposed skin with their thousand tiny beaks.
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