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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Okay, Papercut is going to do an Aid Attack for Cobalt Templar, but try to mask it as an attack for the moment. Here's the Aid roll: And for the masking, here is a bluff roll: Down another HP, but that's a DC 33 or 37. The thousand paper cranes are going to swirl around CT's body in a very impressive and sort of scary way, but they will not block his motion or line of sight. When he makes his next attack the cranes will follow and strike along with it.
  2. Koshiro tensed up immediately when the lights went off, blind for a few moments before his eyes adjusted to the dimness. He automatically reached for his mission kit, only to remember that he hadn't brought it along, because this wasn't that kind of mission. That was going to have to change in the future. Instead he reached for the LED penlight, its thin beam creating a small but comforting light in the darkness. "Yeah, okay," he called to Cobalt Templar, heading off in the direction where Sage had last been. As he walked, he clenched his penlight between his teeth and began folding paper.
  3. Papercut curled his lip at Cobalt Templar at the latter's taunting offer. "Easy for you to say when your people are here," he sneered. "Very brave words. But we're already here." With a few deft flicks of his hands, he turned a piece of paper into a shirt, which grew in size until he could slide it on like a bulletproof vest. He put waiting to work, checking his supplies, rummaging through his box of cranes to make sure all were in fighting trim. He'd never had to wait for a fight like this. It was nervewracking. He thought about taking another poke at the big guy just to release some adrenaline, but that didn't seem wise. Instead, he paced through the corridors of Freedom Hall, looking for trouble but at the same time drinking in the sights of a place he'd only ever seen on television and in books.
  4. "Lot of old families in North Bay," Wander offered, her voice slightly strained. "People owning the land their great grandparents had and stuff. Maybe somebody messed with them or got in their way a long time ago and they want some payback. Maybe we should like look at the family whose house actually got burned down, see if they fought in World War Two or anything like that. But if the Pact is getting weak, you know, weak enough for things to come through, we could be in more trouble... or maybe he got summoned," she guessed suddenly. "People are probably calling on lots of gods right now, right? Maybe somebody in North Bay is trying to get his attention."
  5. "Thank you," Fleur said, mustering a tired smile for the young heroes. "She needs a meal and her bed, then she'll be much more pleasant. And I absolutely welcome all the help we can get. We've got more than five thousand refugees on Sanctuary already, many of them the families of superheroes or people the League considers to have irreplaceable skills. Did you know they had a plan for this?" she asked with a short, humorless laugh. "That's so strange, but it does make sense. Who do you take along in case the world is ending?" She paused and seemed to shake herself. "In any case, yes, by all means. Gaian Knight and Dark Star will meet us on the other side of the portal. Are you both ready now?"
  6. "Tired," Stesha admitted, closing the portal with a wave of her hand and bouncing on her heels to soothe an increasingly cranky baby. "But I imagine we'll be working through most of the evening to get everyone settled in and fed, then see if Gaian Knight can whip together some more shelters in the new acre I cleared yesterday. If we get some shelter, can get some of the bees to carry water while the stream is filtering through the earth wall, we could take an extra few hundred tomorrow..." She trailed off, looking at Freedom Angel with eyes that held little of their customary good cheer. "Heyzel, what are we even doing here?" she asked. "We've worked so hard, but there are so many people, we aren't even making a dent. It feels so hopeless." Her voice caught for a moment as she rubbed her daughter's tiny back.
  7. "Yes, send them in," Fleur called from the garden. She already had a portal open, a massive sunflower the size of an above-ground pool turned sideways, through which the civilian staging area on Sanctuary was visible. All hands were on deck for this emergency, with the Sanctuary natives guiding groups of refugees to where they needed to go, and the bees giving rides or pulling carts to get everyone where they needed to go. It was chaotic, but so far the chaos was organized, and that was all she could hope for. The past month had been a busy whirl of preparations as Sanctuary's usable land was quintupled in size, but even then, it wouldn't safely hold more than a few thousand people. Stesha knew she'd done the best she could, but it was still a pang in her heart. She'd refused to have any say in choosing the refugee population, beyond her own family members who were already on the other side and helping out. There was no way she could make the choice. As usual, Amaryllis was snug in her sling against her mother's chest, sucking a pacifier and watching the show.
  8. "Yeah, I do," Koshiro told the living icon, his chin up belligerently. He didn't even have a proper costume yet, was decked out in a stupid school uniform that make him look like an exercise instructor, and he was scared out of his mind, but he wasn't going to show anyone that. "Why are we all in Freedom City guarding this junk? Why don't you just put it on your space station and we could be out helping people? Freedom City's not the only place in the world that matters."
  9. Okay, making one roll for the Reflex Save: Nat 20, yay! So that's a 27. And making another roll for the other thing And that's an 18. I think that's good?
  10. Almost as if the words were a cue, a red, blue and gold figure descended from the sky in a graceful arc. "We all care," came the dulcet voice of Miss Americana as she touched down lightly on the crossbar of an awning. She gave the crowd a smile that was both tired and brave, then nodded a greeting and acknowledgment to the Interceptors. "Every hero on Earth is working hard, and a number are working off Earth as well, to end this threat. The heroes of Freedom City are not going to let you down," she promised, her voice ringing with simple conviction as it carried across the hushed crowd.
  11. Wander sat in one of the chairs and folded her hands in her lap, the black and purple of her uniform and mask in high contrast to the paleness of her face. There'd been more than enough to keep anyone busy for the past few days, and she and her friends hadn't seen much of each other since she moved into her new place. And if she looked more ill-at-ease than usual today, there were certainly enough reasons. "Maybe it's something to do with the currents and the ocean," she hazarded. "I mean, something as big as the Gorgon is probably going to mess up gravity and stuff like that, make weird weather patterns? Someplace with a lot of beachfront and not so many houses might see it first."
  12. Wander League Rebirth (9) Nanofibers (30) Unraveling the Gordian Knot (25) A Cat May Look Upon A King (16) Bring in the Noise (9) Fleur de Joie Welcoming Committee Miss Americana Papercut World Tour: In A Detroit Minute
  13. Introduction Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence. I'm a kid from Detroit with a really weird superpower, trying to get by, get trained, and get back home where I belong. Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? My "hero name," whatever you want to call it, is Papercut. People mostly call me K.G. if I like them. My mom calls me Koko, but anyone else who does that is asking for a beatdown. What is your full birth name? Koshiro George McMillan Where do you live? For now I'm doing time at Claremont, but my home is in Detroit. How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)? I'm seventeen, I was born June 15, 1994. Physical Traits What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain. Male. Dude, can't you just tell? How would you describe your heritage? I'm fifth generation Japanese-American. That makes me Gosei if you're keeping track of that sort of thing. My great-grandfather was an immigrant and married the daughter of immigrants. And I have one Scottish grandpa, which is where the name comes from. I had my dad's last name for awhile, but screw him. How tall are you? 5'11, pretty tall for my heritage. What is your body type? Lanky, but strong enough, I guess. More built for speed and agility. I can climb and tunnel-crawl real well. Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities? Nah, allergies are for rich kids. How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence? You gotta keep your head up when you walk, or guys will put on you. Doesn't mean you have to look for a fight, but keep your eyes off your shoes. Describe your skin, eye, and hair color. My skin color's pretty typical Japanese, which is pretty good cause I didn't get many pimples. Black hair, but I got Granddad's lighter brown eyes. How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair? I keep it short and usually spike it if I have time. Otherwise the bangs flop into my face. Can't grow facial hair worth a damn. Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others? Put it this way, I haven't had a hard time finding a girlfriend when I want one, even though there aren't a lot of Japanese kids in Detroit. Keeping one happy's a different story, but yeah. Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks? Yeah, I got a scar on my left leg from a few years back when I gashed myself on the edge of a pipe on a mission. I probably should've got it stitched, but I convinced Takeshi not to tell Mom and it healed up on its own. Do you resemble anyone famous? Not really. Maybe some famous person resembles me. Do you have a dominant hand? ... Heh. Yeah, nevermind. Right-handed. What kind of clothing do you wear? Mostly old cheap goodwill garbage. There's not much of a clothes budget, and Suzu and Michelle care so much more. I don't give a damn, and these days looking ratty is in anyhow. Do you wear makeup? Oh yeah, a little foundation, bit of mascara to bring out my eyes... Yeah, no. No makeup. What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way? Tenor, and not a bad range. I was in choir one year, but it took a lot of time and I didn't need another reason to get picked on. Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people? I mess with paper when I'm bored or nervous or pretty much any time. That's sort of how I got into all this in the first place. The more nervous I am, the more I try to hide it with aggressiveness or stubbornness. History Where do you come from? I come from Detroit. My family comes from Japan, by way of California and the resettlement camps in Wyoming. Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown? I still live in the house my mom grew up in. We don't wander far these days. Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country? Man, screw America. That probably just got me put on a watch list or something, but seriously. My great-grandpa lived here his whole life and never got to be a citizen. America said he couldn't bring a wife from home or marry a white woman, then when he got around that, they stole his land he worked for all his life and sent him to a concentration camp. America looted and gutted Detroit and left it to die with us still in it. They made the stupid laws that got me tossed in juvie. When America does something good for me, somebody leave me a note or something. How do you feel about the place you come from? My grandpa tells me stories of how Detroit used to be. I wish I could've seen it like that. Right now it's like a big tempting treasurebox full of abandoned buildings to explore. Where is your home town? What was/is it like? How the hell many times are you gonna ask this question? It's a craphole. Well, not entirely. I mean, there are good parts, and some cool people, and lots of people who work hard. But it's really messed up. Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you? There are not a lot of Japanese people in Detroit these days, or ever. Every time another plant closed, I got bullied by someone whose dad lost their job. What the hell do I look like, Koshiro-Runs-the-Freaking-Honda-Corporation? Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life? I'm a good explorer, climber, crawler, whatever needs done. And I'm pretty good at art. Not just the origami, but drawing, too. It was really good when we were exploring, but not so useful where I've been. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? My dad left us when I was like four years old. He was a f---stick though, so who cares, right? The child support would've come in handy, but like I said. The girls don't even remember him. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. I was like barely twelve years old when Takeshi took me on my first mission. We went through this old abandoned school out on the west side, closed probably twenty years. It was weird as hell, some rooms empty, some rooms looking as though they'd been thinking they were gonna come back in the fall. The library was seriously messed up, like all the books were still there, but the shelves were falling down and books covered with moss were all over the floor. I had to see more. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? I've been doing stupid things all my life. It lets you know you're alive. I never should've let Takeshi go out to a site alone, not even to take pictures. Maybe if I had been there, I could've helped. Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it? I was in the Detroit public school system, which is sort of like a holding pen where they count it a win if you come out of it able to read and with no more than three babies. I hated it, cut when I could, but I will say that it beats the hell out of juvie. Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not? Yeah, I've got some junk, presents from my family, old posters and books and stuff. Why not keep them? They're still good. When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision? It beats the hell out of juvie, right? I figure if I can get some training in, I can come back to Detroit and maybe do something to make things better. Not much, cause these powers aren't exactly Centurion stuff, but something. Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why? I don't really want people to know about the going back to Detroit thing. If it doesn't work out and I stay a screwup, might as well not have people throwing it back in my face. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? Not really, it's all right there in my record. Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why? Never let them see you sweat, or you're dead meat. You gotta act confident and like you don't give a damn. Even if I'm scared as hell about this Claremont thing, I don't want the to know it. If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets? It's not really a secret, more a persona. And I won't let them find out. Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge? Uh, yes, and yes. Family What are your biological parents' names? Kameyo McMillan and George Hamada Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you. My mom and my grandparents raised me, because my dad is a worthless asshole who wanted to screw but couldn't handle being a father. He took the family checking account and the family car, bailed out one day without saying goodbye. I don't know where he is now, but I hope it's hell. What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living? My dad was a professional f---stick and my mom was a stay at home till he left. She works retail jobs now, because she quit college to marry him. We all keep to ourselves, friendly sort-of with the neighbors but not sticking our heads out. Where are your parents now? Mom's in Detroit still, with the girls. I gotta get back there so I can help out. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? We always stayed in one place. Takes money to move. How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable). I love my mom, even if she treats me like an especially stupid baby. She works so hard. I wish I could be there to help out. Getting in trouble was stupid of me for a lot of reasons, but mostly for that. I think I've said enough about Dear Old Dad. How do your parents view you now, or how would they? My mom is disappointed in me, and worried about me. My dad couldn't care less if you paid him to. But he'd take the money anyway. Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them. I have an older brother, Takeshi, who is almost 22 now. Is, because he's still alive somewhere, I know it. Then the twins, Suzu and Michelle, are almost 15. I miss Takeshi so much. He was my hero and sort of my mentor. The girls are kind of annoying and silly and loud, but I do love them. What was your birth order in the family? Second of four. Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do? I wish to God I knew. The girls are in Detroit with Mom and Grandma still. Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged? I try to keep in touch, but not too often. I get distracted, you know? Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? Ha, if you have to ask that, you haven't been paying attention. Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? Takeshi. He was more of a dad than my dad ever was. I wish I were more like him. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain. I guess I am, right now. I made them all ashamed of me. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life. I celebrate my ancestors and everything they endured. It doesn't matter if nobody else does. Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them. Hell no. I know how to use a condom. If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind? Maybe, I haven't really decided yet. Maybe in a long time, when I'm done screwing around. There'd have to be somebody really special, and I'd have to make sure I do a better job than my own dad. What type of person would be your ideal mate? Let's see... she's going to be smoking hot, like, supermodel hot. And tall and stacked but not with boobs so big that she can't get through an access hatch if we're out exploring. She'd need to be adventurous, and she'd have to not put up with my crap. My mom put up with so much crap, and it made me crazy. I never want to make some poor woman do that with me. It would also be a plus if she has superpowers and wears one of those skintight costumes. Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them. Nah, there were guys at school I hung around with, and girls too, if you know what I mean, but I didn't get too close. Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend? Takeshi was my best friend. He is my best friend. When he comes back, I'm going to be someone he's proud of. If you were to go missing, who would worry about you? My mom would be... it would be really bad. She almost didn't make it through when Takeshi disappeared. I didn't know what we were going to do if she couldn't hold it together, but she did somehow. I don't think she could do it twice. Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do? What kind of romance novel bulls--- is that? Oooh, my lost love is sooo lost. Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you. Not exactly bitter. There are people I hate, but in a sort of general way because they're bullies and jerks. If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future? Heh, they aren't going anywhere. Screw 'em. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? Did I mention that thing my dad did? That. Where do your loyalties lie? In what order? Family always comes first. First, last, and always. If these guys at Claremont turn out not to be total assclowns, they might make the list somewhere too. Who or what do you trust the most? Why? I trust myself. I'm all I've got out here in Freedom City, so I'd better trust myself most. You can't really trust much of anything else. Who or what do you despise? Why? Oh, let's see. The government, the police, the rich bastards who run the auto companies and the unions, my dad, people who vandalize abandoned buildings, the superintendant at the juvie facility, there are lots more but it would take all day. What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess? I admire courage and respect. Takeshi taught me that. You can't be afraid, but you can't be so bold that you start crapping all over everything to show how brave you are. What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities? I hate people who think they're the most important thing to ever happen. I hate people who are users and leeches. I hate people who are bigots. I try to avoid all that stuff. Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why? Yeah, sort of. Nobody knows me here, so Papercut's secret ID is safe. Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower? If I trust the leader and the team, I'm the best team player you'll find. But you'd damn well better earn it if you expect me to be on your team. I don't lead, but I either follow fanatically or go my own way. Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them? Sort of. I mean, I joined at the same time as a bunch of other students and we do stuff together. But not, you know, like the Freedom League or anything. Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that? Nah, screw politics. All politicians are bought and paid for. I'm still working the religion thing out, but I like to sleep late on Sundays. Personality & Beliefs Who are your heroes? My brother is my hero. He taught me everything. My great-grandfather is my hero. He didn't let the bastards get him down. My Grandfather is my hero. He opened his house to us when we had nowhere to go and never made any of us feel like less because of it, and he was like the strongest human guy I've ever met. Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? For a couple years there I was sure my dad was going to come back, that it was a big mistake and he was just on a trip. Yeah. Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it? I dunno, haven't done it enough to have an opinion yet. I like having powers though, it's cool. Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides? I do what's best for me and for my family. If that stops being hero work, then I'll stop being a hero. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? I want to get these powers under control and maybe learn some origami for kicking asses. I want to do something big, something to make my family proud again. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? I don't know, maybe shacked up with that superhero hottie and sending paper 747s flying across the country. What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear? I don't want people stepping on me because I'm the little guy. If you let one person step on you, you get flattened down and anyone can do it to you. You gotta stay on your feet. Is there anything you would give you life for? Yeah, like if my family were in trouble, or a big group of innocent people maybe and I could save them. How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it a mark of success, or a means to an end? If somebody wants to give me a pile of money, I'm not going to turn them down. Money means opportunity, that's what it means. Opportunities to get a better house with more room, to go on vacation someplace, maybe even college for the girls and me. My mom should be able to retire someday, my grandma should be able to rest. But they can't, because money. How do you generally treat others? I try to live and let live, most of the time. If someone isn't messing with me, I won't mess with them. Unless they're a bully, picking on somebody smaller than them, and then I'll get in there. Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused? If you don't trust anyone, they can't abuse your trust. I trust my family, and that's enough. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence? I'm not much of a joiner. I'm not that interested in most peoples' stories and I don't like to talk on and on. But I've got self-confidence, in areas where I deserve it. How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex? Hey, I mentioned I have self-confidence when I deserve it, right? A lot of girls don't care if I don't talk much, so long as I pretend to listen. What are your most annoying habits? The paper-folding thing bothers some people, and sometimes I talk in my sleep. Not deep secrets, usually just random crap. Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why? Politicians, how about that? You could toss the whole bunch into the ocean, but there's not a trench deep enough. What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can? People are always asking me if I eat sushi for like every meal, but we hardly ever have it. What I really like is red meat on the grill, steaks and hamburgers and stuff. Don't get that often either, but it's way better than fish and rice. What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? When I was little, my granddad used to take me to this little diner trailer out by where he used to work. They had chocolate malt shakes there that I can't even describe, they were so good. They were big too, and I was real small, so we'd split one, but he let me have the cherry and the whipped cream on top. What is your favorite treat (dessert)? I like those fruit pies that come individually wrapped at the convenience store, with the brittle sugar outside and gooshy inside. So good, and they fit right into a backpack for missions. Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? If you're hungry enough, you'll eat anything. Even spinach, even though it's just totally gross in every way. What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike? I like, like, camo colors, muted greens and browns and stuff. They're restful, and make good disguises. What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate? I like most music. I'll listen to pretty much anything, but if no one else is around, I actually like orchestral music, like with the full strings and winds and drums and everything. If you have a favorite scent, what is it? Old paper, that kind of musty, dusty smell of a book that hasn't been opened in a long time, or a room full of old books. Do you have a favorite animal? Not really. Not too fond of rats, that's for sure. What is your most treasured possession? Why? I'm holding onto Takeshi's backpack and kit for him till he comes back. He's going to want it when we're going out on missions again. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? I don't mind roughing it, but there's something nice about running water and a shower and a bed. Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do? Yeah, probably. There's a lot of really messed up stuff out there. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life?How important is it to you? I don't know, I guess. My family is sort of spiritual, but I don't really know what I believe. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? Not really, I'm still working on it. If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization? I like to sleep in on Sunday mornings. That's the problem with church, isn't it? Could you kill? Have you killed? I don't know, it's never come up. I think killing changes people in a way that they don't come back from. I pretty much hope I never have to find out. What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action? There are some pretty rough guys in juvie. You can tell who's had it really hard, and who is really hard. Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they? Some people are like rabid animals. They aren't going to stop unless they're stopped. If the only way to do that is to put them down, then you have to do it. How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours? I dunno, I've never seen anyone killed. I don't know if I'd be able to do anything. It would have to be a really messed up situation. How would you react if something important was stolen from you? You can't let anyone step on you. If someone wrongs you, you make it right and then you do back to them. How would you react to public humiliation? Same deal. If you let them get you down on the ground, you're dead. How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you? It hasn't happened, but if it did, whoever did it would pay for the rest of their miserable lives. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? Oh, I dunno, maybe theft. Like really big theft, like stealing the land and the property and the citizenship and the self-respect of a hundred thousand innocent people, just because they've got a certain heritage? Stealing things they'll never get back, ruining their lives, starving them to death, and then getting f---ing statues put up in your honor? F---ing Roosevelt was a sack of s--- who should've been tried for war crimes. If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours? I'd try and spend it with my family, I guess. After I got a really big insurance policy on me. Career & Training Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it? Nope, that's why I'm at Claremont, so they can teach me how to turn living origami into hero tools Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person? Nobody, yet. I'm pretty much self-taught. Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them? Takeshi taught me the origami. He learned it from Great-Grandfather. Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to? I don't have a job yet or anything. Once I get trained and graduate high school, I dunno. I'll get work somewhere, doing something. What is your preferred combat style? Throw a s---ton of cranes at it. Have you ever received any awards or honours? Nope. That was Takeshi's gig, not mine. What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could? I want to be able to fight better. I want to get really good at it. How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn? Maybe a little jealous, but envy helps you learn. It keeps you sharp and motivated. Lifestyle & Hobbies What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine? I haven't had a lot of normal days lately. But in juvie, anything that interrupts the routine is either awesome or really bad. Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up? I like to draw, but mostly I like to do urban archeology, getting into abandoned buildings and exploring them. What do you do for fun? Trespassing, chasing girls, playing with paper. You know. Do you have a costume? What does it look like? Not yet, but to judge from these other guys, I'm gonna have to get one. I expect it will probably be paper-themed. How do you normally dress when not in costume? We already covered this one. Old, comfortable. What do you wear to bed most nights? Whatever I wore that day. Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like? Nope. Jewelry is for women. Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables? If I've got something valuable, it's staying on me. You can't trust anywhere else. What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance? Walking, busing, or giant paper airplane. Still working the kinks out of the airplane thing. Miscellaneous Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make? I haven't got any stuff, making a will would be pretty dumb. Besides, I'm not going to die anytime soon. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? What the f---, man? What kind of question is that? What would you like to be remembered for after your death? Being super rich and having more success with women than any man ever. Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not? The state of Michigan obviously thinks so, but they're a bunch of drippy turds on the ass of humanity. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? I'm very determined and pretty creative. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... K.G., you're on the right track. You want to make people proud and you will, so long as you don't let pride and bitterness and attitude get you in big trouble first. Try to learn everything you can, and try to get along, please.
  14. Papercut is bluffing for all he's worth, and using a little smolder on Black Goat just for the attractive bonus. First roll is no good, HP reroll Second roll: 1d20+13(+17)=27(31) I am assuming that anyone who wants to roll Sense Motive can?
  15. Koshiro wasted precious seconds at the beginning of the fight gaping in astonishment at the villains. He knew about the Champions of Crime, obviously. They made headlines pretty regularly in the city, even if they weren't exactly bigtime themselves. But he'd never actually seen a supervilain in the flesh, and now to see five of them all together, all of them focused right on him, with his family right there- His family. Koshiro whipped around to see the big guy, Corbin, trying to muscle the McMillans away from the fight. He was doing a pretty good job, but that wouldn't matter if the Champions decided to take down one of the walls looking for them! The smartass guy, Sharl, took off bravely into the sky, with a little uniform on and everything, but he didn't seem to be doing too well. That made sense, they were all just kids. The Champions of Crime would probably make mincemeat of them if something didn't happen soon. Something did happen, but it wasn't what he'd expected. His own skin started going wavy as the short girl's eyes glowed, and the cute Indian girl suddenly turned into some kind of monster! He didn't know if it was an attack or what, but everything was way, way, way out of control. He took a deep breath and pulled away from the girls, stepping forward. "Hey, yeah!" he called, fixing a smile on his face and hoping his heart wasn't going to burst out of his chest. "I know who you guys are. These jokers are trying to take me to reform school or some crap like that, but I know where I want to be. And I want to have some fun." He focused on the woman who'd been smiling at him, gave her his special attention. "Just let me get my people out of here so the do-gooders don't try and go after them when I'm gone, then I'm all yours." Even as he spoke his hands were busy, fiddling with a bit of paper he'd pulled from his pocket.
  16. Erin unconsciously mimicked Trevor's gesture, massaging the bridge of her nose with finger and thumb while she throttled back on the adrenaline-fueled anger. "I pretty much figured that if you knew things were okay you'd tell me and not string me along like it's some kind of game," she replied, her voice tight. Still not quite calm enough, she realized, and gave it another moment and a couple deep breaths. "I appreciate you doing the scan for me, Eve. It's good to know he didn't get into my head." There, that was polite and not mean, and Trevor could deal with it if he wanted Eve to stick around longer. For her own part, she wanted a meal, a shower, and some quality downtime, not necessarily in that order.
  17. Wander hesitated, cupping her elbows with her hands as she scanned the wreckage. "I don't know," she admitted. "It's... I know this is what she's used to by now, but I feel kind of bad just leaving her here in this. It doesn't look like anything has changed." Wander didn't really know what more she'd been hoping to accomplish, and it really was progress that they hadn't just triggered a screaming fit, but the whole place was so unnerving. "Does one of those... door, things, whatever, open into here?" she asked.
  18. Erin pursed her lips as Eve began the scan, holding still and trying to open up her mind to being invaded. She sucked in a quick breath at Eve's words, her eyes going wide as alarm blossomed through her consciousness. What could Archeville have done to her, hidden in her head, even made her forget? Confusion seeped in along with the alarm when the telepath suddenly smiled and started talking about dresses. It took her a moment to catch up. "You were joking?" she demanded, color rising in her pale face.
  19. Erin assembled a plate of snacks, heavy on the fruit, and chose water instead of wine to carry with her to the chair nearest Trevor's vantage point. "I don't know exactly what the plan is, or how to behave at one of these parties," she admitted. "But I'm ready to look the part, and, you know, hit anything that needs to be hit." She was perhaps a bit less uncomfortable than Trevor around the luminaries from the past, but it was obvious that the two veterans had far more experience with this sort of operation than the rest of them. "What's the layout inside?"
  20. Despite the discomforts and annoyances of her day thus far, Erin smiled a little at Eve's description. "That never hurts," she told Eve. "Just remember to feint with an arm, then go for the leg sweep. They never see it coming." She took a deep breath, looked from Eve to Trevor and back again. "So I guess you already explained to Eve what we're trying to find out? I just want to make sure that there's nothing nasty lurking in my brain that could be dangerous down the line. I mean, I don't think there is, but I don't want to have to worry, you know?" She laced her fingers together in her lap before she started fidgeting.
  21. Kameyo took the card from Eve and looked at it quickly before tucking it into her purse. "Thank you," she murmured to Eve. "We will certainly come and visit soon." The girls brightened up visibly at this news too, before they began goggling at Indira as she picked up all the heavy luggage at once. "She must be a superhero," one whispered to the other. "With like, super arms. Do you think they're all superheroes?" They watched with great interest even as the traveling party began to filter towards the door. Koshiro waited until people weren't looking at him so much before he went over to his family. He exchanged a few quiet words with them before kissing his mother on the forehead and giving his grandmother a brief bow. He looked briefly pained at the hugs from his sisters, but tolerated it, ruffling their hair quickly with his hands. Stepping away, he called to the departing group, "Hey, you guys are on an expense account, right? My people here need a cab home."
  22. "Come in," Erin called from inside. The door was unlocked and opened soundlessly to let them into Erin's bedroom. The room was large and nicely apportioned, dominated by a old-fashioned queen sized four-poster bed. It looked like a guest room, without any real personalizing features, but it was a very nice guest room. Erin had rolled up to a sitting position on the bed, but didn't bother getting all the way up. She was in a new uniform, the same body-hugging cut of her Claremont suit, but this one in deep purple and black. She gave Eve a faint smile. "Hey, thanks for coming over."
  23. Player Name:Â Electra Character Name:Â Wander Power Level: 10 (184/250pp) [329] Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 66 Progress To Orichalcum Status: 179/180 Older Version In Brief: A survivor of plague and apocalypse in her home universe, Wander is a dimensional refugee working to make a place for herself both on Earth Prime and among the heroes of Freedom City. Alternate Identity: Keeley Erin White, Erin Keeley White (her original name, legally changed to distinguish her from her Prime-native counterpart) Identity: Secret, though she does little to protect it. Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, Earth EZO1(e) Occupation: Security Guard Affiliations: Liberty League, Young Freedom (alumnus) Family: Father: Roger White (1962-2007), Mother: Clarissa (Anderson) White (1967-2007), Sister: Megan White (1999-2007), Paternal Grandparents: Martin and Cecily White (1937-2007)(1942-2002) Maternal Grandparents: Donald and Eileen Anderson (1942-2007, 1945-2007) Description: Age: 18 (DoB: November 11, 1992 Apparent Age: 18 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'8 Weight: 175 Eyes: Brown Hair: Auburn Tall and solidly built, Erin's average appearance allows her to blend into the background more easily than many superheroes. Her eyes are medium brown, her hair auburn and cut short to keep it out of the way while she works. Her physical invulnerability gives her the pale, smooth skin of someone who's never gone out in the sun or worked with her hands, but it also means she never gets acne or freckles anymore. Most people would say Erin looks and moves like an athlete, but anyone who's been in a theater of combat would say she moves like a special-forces veteran, a somewhat dissonant description for a girl still on the cusp of adulthood. Erin's wardrobe is quite limited, though slightly less so now than when she was in school. She prefers subdued colors and styles, rarely choosing anything that will make her stand out. Her uniform is a purple and black bodysuit with a partial face mask to conceal her identity. Power Descriptions: Wander's powers are decidedly unspectacular, for all she's made the most of what she has. She is strong and resilient, healing quickly from injuries and with a metabolism that allows her to do a lot with very little. She is a superlatively trained fighter, either barehand or with her specialized bat, and is able to leap from rooftop to rooftop and across short distances. History: Erin was born in an Earth-variant universe that would eventually be classified Earth-EZO1(e). Her universe split off from Prime in 2006 when a contagious and fast-acting disease arose that began wiping out huge swaths of the world population. A vaccine was quickly developed and widely distributed, but instead of curing victims, it destroyed the higher brain functions of all vaccinated individuals and rendered them superpowered and homicidal zombies. Erin, who at the time time vaccine was distributed was sequestered on the ranch of her eccentric genius uncle, was protected from its ravages. Instead she received a vaccine her uncle devised, one that gave her enhanced immunities and superpowered strength, speed, and endurance. It was enough to keep her alive, even as the rest of her family and her world died. Eventually she reached Freedom City and was able to contact Prime, with the help of Doctor Atom, and was brought over as a refugee. Once on Prime, Erin was placed into quarantine for several months, then spent more months trying to acclimate to the world. She was introduced to the Prime counterparts of herself and her family, but although they are on cordial terms, the decision was made that she should not live with them permanently. Instead, she was given a place at the Claremont Academy, where she worked very hard to catch up on a year and a half of missed schooling, as well as training her powers for a world where survival usually didn't require lethal force. She made friends at school and joined Young Freedom, the second Claremont superteam, where she has had many adventures. At the climax of her career with Young Freedom, Wander was part of a mission that required them to face off with Omega, Lord of the Terminus. Wander went toe to toe with him and, against all the odds, not only survived but came away triumphant. In the aftermath of the battle, her cat Oliver revealed his true nature as a sorcerer and a guardian of the multiverse, who had chosen and empowered her as a champion specifically for the battle she had just fought. With the battle won, he offered her the choice to go with him to fight battles throughout the multiverse against the powers of the Terminus, or to stay and take advantage of the life she had earned for herself, but without the powers he had granted her. Erin chose to stay, but is afraid to reveal how much she lost in order to do so. Personality & Motivation: Erin is a serious young woman with a strong tendency towards singlemindedness, though she shows occasional flashes of an offbeat sense of humor, especially around her friends. Her reputation as a vicious fighter is well-earned, though it brings with it an unflattering characterization as a loose cannon. In reality, she is extremely concerned with not hurting anyone who doesn't deserve it, thought that's a lot less of a problem lately. A long string of failures and setbacks, great and small, have somewhat mitigated her few great successes, leaving her with the constant nagging feeling of not being quite good enough. She beats the feeling back with constant training and exercise, but the recent revelation that most of her prowess was bestowed on her from outside and is now gone has shaken her deeply. She wants to continue to be a hero, but questions whether she is good enough to do so anymore. Powers & Tactics: Up until recently, Wander's overwhelming speed and power allowed her to take the lead in combat and attack the most dangerous villain in the hopes of scoring a quick disablement. These days she is more likely to hang back and even avoid combat if there is a choice, afraid of compromising a fight or revealing her weaknesses. When pushed, though, she will fight like she always has, with uncompromising ferocity and a disregard of personal safety. Complications: Double Trouble:Â Erin is an extra copy on Prime, there is already one perfectly serviceable Erin Keeley White going about her non-powered business in Seattle. Legally, Erin has new papers as Keeley Erin White, but there's still tons of room for confusion. Overprotective:Â After one miserable failure to protect someone she cared about, Erin isn't about to let it happen again. She will step in front of a teammate or a civilian whenever possible, even if it would be objectively unwise or unnecessary. She may also underestimate peoples' abilities to take care of themselves, something that can cause friction when working with her peers. Post Traumatic Stress:Â Violence and death in Erin's past has resulted in PTSD that tends to express itself mostly in combat situations. Therapy has allowed her to overcome the worst of her instinctive reactions, but when her life or the life of a friend is threatened, or when she is very afraid, she may lose the ability to modulate her attacks or correctly read situations. Double Secret Identity Wander has a secret identity as Keeley Erin White, one that's gotten more important now that she needs it to do grownup things like pay rent and bills. Her deeper, darker secret, the fact that she's lost most of her powers permanently, is one that she keeps even from her friends, and is much more difficult. Love and Loyalty There is virtually nothing that Erin would not do for her boyfriend Trevor, Midnight II. She also has deep and abiding loyalty to her friends from Young Freedom, and growing feelings for her colleagues on the Liberty League. Abilities: 6 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 20PP Strength: 30 [16] (+10/+3) Dexterity: 20 [14] (+5/+2) Constitution: 30 [16] (+10/+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP Initiative: +9 Attack: +10 Melee, +10 Ranged Grapple: +20/+13, +23 Super-Strength Defense: +10 (+10 Base), +5 Flat-Footed Knockback: -9/-1 Saving Throws: 0 + 4 + 6 = 10PP Toughness: +10 (+10 Con) (8 Impervious) (+3 if nullified) Fortitude: +10 (+10 Con) (+3 if nullified) Reflex: +9 (+5 Dex, +4) (+6 if nullified) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +6) Skills: 76R = 19PP Acrobatics 12 (+17) Craft (Electronic) 4 (+5) Craft (Mechanical) 2 (+3) Drive 2 (+7) Knowledge (Tactics) 2 (+3) Intimidate 10 (+10) Notice 14 (+15) Perform (Dance) 2 (+2) Sense Motive 13 (+14) Stealth 6 (+11) Survival 9 (+10) Feats: 19PP Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Challenge (Fast Task) 1 (Acrobatic Feint) Defensive Attack Equipment 2 (10 EP) Evasion 2 Improved Initiative Interpose Luck 2 Move-by Action Power Attack Quick Draw Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Notice, Survival) Takedown Attack 2 Uncanny Dodge (Audio) Powers: 4 + 3 + 14 + 6 + 14 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 2+6 = 76PP Device 1 (Wander's Bat; 5PP, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose 2, Feats: Subtle [Collapsible]) [4PP] Strike 0 (Feats: Extended Reach 2 [15ft], Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Throw, Stunning Attack, Drawbacks: Non-Lethal) [5PP] Device 1 (Sunglasses and Earrings from Midnight; 5DP, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose) [3PP] Immunity 2 (Auditory Effects) [2DP] Super Senses 3 (Infravision, Visual Counters Obscure [fog/mist]) [3DP] Enhanced Constitution 14 (to 30/+10) [14PP] Enhanced Dexterity 6 (to 20/+5) [6PP] Enhanced Strength 14 (to 30/+10) [14PP] Features 1 (Temporal Inertia) [1PP] Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison) [2PP] Immunity 2 (Need For Sleep, Starvation/Thirst, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [1PP] Impervious Toughness 8 [8PP] Movement Array 2 (4 points; PF: Alternate Power) [5PP] BE: Speed 4 (100MPH / 1,000ft per Move Action) {4/4} AP: Leaping 4 (x25, Running Long Jump: 625ft, Standing Long Jump: 312ft, High Jump: 156ft) {4/4} Quickness 4 (x25, Flaws: Limited [Physical Tasks]) [2PP] Regeneration 6 (Recovery Rate: Bruised 3 [1/round/no action], Injured 3 [1/minute]) [6PP] Super-Senses 2 (Normal Hearing, Extras: Accurate 2) [2PP] Super Movement 1 (Safe Fall) [2PP] Super-Strength 3 (effective Str 45; Heavy Load: around 6 tons) [6 pp] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP None DC BLOCK Attack --- Range --- DC ---------------------- Effect Unarmed - Melee --- 25 Toughness (Staged) --- Damage Abilities (20) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (19) + Feats (19) + Powers (76) - Drawbacks (0) = 184/250 Power Points
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