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Everything posted by Electra

  1. Erin shrugged gratefully into Trevor's jacket, even as her imaginary clothing gave a dangerous flicker. Corbin was really happy to see his girlfriend again! With Trevor's coat and fedora on, she looked like she was dressed up as Midnight for a costume party, though she didn't exactly have the taciturn hero's style. She rooted around in the backpack and handed the computer brain to Trevor, then took a moment to look again at the treasures she'd brought with her. They, and she, were truly all that was left of Earth-Z-Omega-1 now. She didn't know how to feel about that, but it wasn't a question for now. Now it was just good to be alive and back in her new home, with her friends alive and safe. Oliver looked over her shoulder into the bag and purred a little louder, rubbing his head against her arm. She sighed and scratched between his ears, then caught sight of Eve trying to get away. "Hey Sage!" she called, "we're not done here!"
  2. The plate moved easily at first, then posed more and more resistance until he couldn't budge it another centimeter. "Thank you, that's excellent," Miss A told him. "Go ahead and take a little break, get some water from the cooler in the southeast wall." Up in the control booth, Miss A's somnolent body didn't so much as twitch, but Sharl could hear her voice just the same. "We're almost done here. Would you go and get me a Lab promo packet from my office?" Lights blinked on and off on various consoles as the disembodied consciousness made adjustments and took readings. "All right, just a bit more now, Cole," Miss A told the boy in the testing room. "I'm going to shut down all the light and enable the soundproofing. I'd like to see how you navigate around various obstacles in the dark. Go as slow or fast as makes you comfortable." The testing room was suddenly plunged into completely silent darkness.
  3. Despite her initial shock at learning of the Gorgon threat, by the time the meeting rolled around, Miss Americana's composure was as perfect as the rest of her. "We'll find the answer," she assured Harrier serenely. "We've faced threats that have decimated other planets and come through unscathed many times. Science and courage will prevail. How are your charges faring at McMurdo base?" she asked him. She hadn't followed the progress of the young Omegadrones closely, too busy with preliminary studies of the worldwide threat.
  4. Erin took her cat back from Quo-Dis, freeing that notable up for hugs from Corbin, and held him up, looking into his calm green eyes. Oliver looked the same as always, gangly and orange, right down to the blue collar with its copper nametag. She studied him for a long moment while he purred smugly. "We are going to have a long talk later," she promised, then tucked him into the crook of her arm and continued hauling the giant chestplate alone to the debriefing. She hoped it wasn't going to take very long. She was starving and exhausted, she needed some aloe, and she wasn't entirely sure that her clothes weren't going to dissolve at any moment. She waited until Mark and his mom had gotten a few moments alone before going up to him. "Thank you for holding the bag for me," she told him, looking at the battered but intact knapsack he still carried. Erin hesitated for a minute, then said, "I'm really sorry about your dad, Mark. He did some bad things, but he was a hero when it really counted. People will remember that."
  5. "Good, thank you," Miss A's disembodied voice told him. Now I'd like you to demonstrate your range of motion. I'd like you to show me any movement powers you possess, then your flexibility and athletic ability. Don't worry if something isn't outside the normal human range, I'm just taking readings for the record at the moment. If you need more space for anything, just let me know, we'll save it for the end and take it outside." Cameras along the wall shifted their positions to focus on him, and small running lights in the floor lit to illuminate a marked track along the outside of the large room.
  6. Erin returned the kiss with enthusiastic disregard for her own scorched skin, which was already starting to heal. "We're alive!" she crowed. "Look, everyone is alive, it's so beautiful." She didn't seem to notice the few tears trickling down her face as she picked Trevor up around the waist and swung him exuberantly in a circle. "I can't believe we made it." She set Trevor down quickly before too many people could see them, but didn't let go entirely. Turning her head, she looked to where the portal had been. "And Mark will be here any minute..."
  7. Wander wasted a few precious seconds gawping at the spectacular demise of a living nightmare, then a few more seconds gawping at the sky where the air was boiling with drones and portals. By the time Rick Lucas suddenly popped into existence, it was almost anticlimactic. She opened her hand and let the energy sword dissolve away, then ran over to Sage. "Are you all right?" she demanded. "That was so stupid...." She gave Sage a hug, then turned the younger girl towards the portal that led back to Prime. "Let's go, come on!" she called to the others. She stopped outside the portal herself and looked back at Rick. "You've been a screwup," she called to him, "but this time pays for all of it. You better send Mark back alive." She waited by the portal till the others were through, but it was obvious that anyone who wasn't a world-class reality manipulator wouldn't be much help right now.
  8. "That was acceptable," Miss A told him, sounding a tiny bit skeptical. "But from what I've seen and read about your suit configurations, I rather doubt that was your best shot." Another target appeared on the far wall, this one bigger. "The point is not to destroy the target, but to calibrate our equipment for your powers. Go ahead and overkill the target, and don't worry about damaging the wall. Whenever you're ready."
  9. Toughness Save against Drones: 1d20+20=39 Man, Wander's on fire (and not literally this round!)
  10. Erin was back upright and ready to face the fire of Omega when she was suddenly knocked off-balance by a slim missile of light, safely out of the way of the blast. "Dammit, Sage!" she yelled, rolling instantly back to her feet. "You didn't have to do that!" She saw the hideous blast chasing the young telepath, and knew it wasn't going to stop unless somebody stopped it. Stopped Omega. Beyond fury now, beyond fear, Erin turned to face the destroyer. "That's enough," she told him. "You don't get another one." Quick as a thought, she vaulted towards the Lord of the Terminus, Corbin's glowing sword held high. At the last moment, she tumbled midair, turning what would've been a chest blow into one aimed squarely at Omega's head. Impossibly quick himself, the villain anticipated her move and dodged... but not far enough. The glowing sword bit deep into his armor with the scream of tearing metal and tortured souls.
  11. Wander is going to (wait for it) power attack again! With the +5 from Inspire and the +3 from Master Plan, she's rolling 1d20+17, which is nothing to scoff at. I hope. First, though, she is going to take all those fine bonuses and use them for a skill mastered Acrobatic Bluff. DC 36. Holy god, some days I love Invisible Castle. 1d20+17=37 That's a crit, so base 40 toughness plus autofire.
  12. "Good luck," Stesha told him, watching the familiar transformation of man to energy. "Come home tonight if you can." She knew this new threat had to mean the end of their halcyon babymoon. It had been wonderful to spend these few weeks wrapped up in each other and their family, but now the world was calling for help again, and they both had to answer. It didn't mean she was looking forward to lonely 2am feedings, but if it saved the world, at least it would be a good story to tell Ammy one day. "I love you!" She headed off herself then as well, popping across Sanctuary to Gaian Knight's stone castle in the sky.
  13. She managed a smile, mostly because it seemed like Derrick needed her to. "Oh, I imagine so. But we'll have advantages normal parents don't have. We'll be able to keep an eye on her wherever she goes, even deep into space or in other dimensions. We'll have to keep her away from those handsome villainous sidekicks too, before she starts thinking about reforming one." That drew an actual chuckle from her as she ran a hand over Ammy's downy green hair. "But maybe that's thinking too far ahead. I should go and see if Tarrant is at home, there's no sense in losing any time on this project."
  14. Stesha closed her eyes, turning so her back pressed against his chest and both their hands rested on the baby. "I know how much we've come through in the past," she murmured, "but somehow it all seems different now. I almost liked it better when I was just a glorified landscaper and I couldn't do anything big. Now I can, but it's still not enough right now. What if none of us have enough to give this time? I wanted Ammy to have a home on Sanctuary, but not like this."
  15. Wander rolls poorly on her first save. Spending an HP to reroll 1d20+15=29 Bruised and Stunned Spending another HP to shake the stun as a reaction.
  16. Erin felt her entire body go cold as the Lord of the Terminus himself flew out of the ruined sky and landed before them. Everything about him spoke of death, not the quiet relief of the natural end of life, but the maddening pain and meaningless suffering of senseless and untimely death. She felt like she was staring her own mortality in the face, and even with all she'd seen, it was all she could do to break the horrified thrall of it. She took one last look at Trevor, knowing that at least everything had already been said, then stepped forward, barehanded. "We don't have anything to say to you!" she called. The moment she was away from the group, she broke into a run. Nothing fancy, no flipping or diving to distract the eye. She wanted the attention of Omega and all the drones firmly focused on her. In the space of a second, she was in front of Omega. Raising an arm, she summoned up all her training, all her control, and deliberately threw it away. This was for keeps. She drove her arm forward, straight into the glowing logo emblazoned on his chest, hard enough to drive him back a step.
  17. All right, move action to approach Omega, who is hopefully flat-footed and waiting to monologue. Standard Action: Full Power Attack (Not All-Out) 1d20+10=27 DC 40 check, doing lethal damage
  18. Stesha took a deep breath, still reeling from the news but trying to find her feet again. "Gaian Knight will help, I'm sure. Maybe I'll ask those nice boys from the school, Edge and Midnight, if they can help put up more housing and generators. If you have some time available, it'd be easier to do an air surveillance, otherwise I'm sure I can get the bees to help out." She stopped and looked around, rubbing her arms with her hands. "Could you be solid for a minute, please?" she asked softly.
  19. "There's nothing wrong with telling people 'I don't want to talk about where I come from,'" Miss A told Sharl, not unkindly. "Twisting things up so you say things that are true but not the way the listener might suppose is only going to get you in trouble. The other students in the school are going to be smart kids too. If they have good manners they'll respect your privacy, but not when you make it sound like you're telling riddles." She gave him a quick smile of reassurance. "I'll keep an eye on Cole, just to be on the safe side." She sat down in the chair in front of the bank of monitors and made herself comfortable. "Watch the bioscanner readings," she told Sharl, "make sure they stay within acceptable parameters. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, letting the Miss A body go limp. A moment later, her dulcet voice came over the speakers in the testing room. "All right, Torque, go ahead and focus on the target on the far wall. Hit it with your best shot, whenever you're ready."
  20. "We could bring people here," Stesha suggested, a little dubiously. "Temporarily, at least. I would have to expand the scale of my operation here, try and get another florakinetic at the very least, but if it comes down to the last days and the Gorgon hasn't been stopped, it would at least be somewhere to go." It was difficult to even conceive of losing the entire Earth, especially to some strange spacegoing creature she'd never heard of. "What does the Freedom League say?" she asked anxiously. "Are we going to be mobilized?"
  21. Erin looked around after the last zombie was dispatched, assessing the area for further threats. Her bat was still sticking out of the skull of the unlamented Physician Friendly, but she didn't dare retrieve it and risk exposing herself or anyone else to the nanites. Her old companion would stay here, and hopefully be completely destroyed with the rest of this infected city. She'd spare a thought for it later, but now there were more important things to consider. "Let's get the hell out of here," she told the others. "It's only a matter of time before someone notices what' going on here and ports in reinforcements. We'd better be gone by then. Edge, you ready to do your thing?"
  22. Stesha rubbed a hand lightly over the sleeping baby's back, perhaps soothing herself more than Amaryllis. "But if whole armadas with your help haven't been able to turn it aside... Are we going to have to start evacuating Earth?" she asked him, her voice a mixture of dubiousness and consternation. "That would be a monumental job. Where would everyone go? Seven billion people, and we don't have space travel the way the Lor do." She looked around them at her pristine little island of a world.
  23. Stesha was speechless for a moment, trying to absorb that. She knew of the Grue, and of Omega, and all the other threats that could arise to menace the Earth. But she'd never seen a threat worry Derrick as much as this obviously did, and that made her more nervous than anything. "Well... what are we going to do?" she finally asked. "There must be a way to stop it, or destroy it if we must. We have so many heroes, with everyone working together..."
  24. Stesha was outside, as usual on nice sunny days, tending to the island of greenery she'd built on this world. Today she was near the human settlement, raising rows of snap beans and tomatoes in the garden while Ammy slept peacefully in a cloth sling on her chest. She was a bit startled to see Dark Star arrive so precipitously. Haste and terseness were not usually his style. "A Gorgon?" she repeated, blue eyes widening in consternation even as she placed a protective hand over the infant on her chest. "What' a Gorgon? I don't think I understand."
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